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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jak se liší druhové bohatství a početnost ptáků mezi vojenskými výcvikovými prostory a okolní krajinou? Případová studie z vojenského újezdu Hradiště / How do bird species richness and abundance differ between military training areas and surrounding landscape? A case study from the Hradiště military area

Bušek, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Since the beginning of the 20th century human land use changed drastically in Central Europe. These changes included: homogenization of the landscape mosaic, intensification of agriculture, urbanization and land abandonment. In turn, these changes affected bird species and perhaps most significantly manifested in population decline of open habitat birds. Therefore, it is important to investigate sites, which were not affected by the changes mentioned above, such as military training areas (MTAs) - places dedicated to training of armed forces. Previous studies have shown that MTAs seem to host remarkably high bird diversity and abundant populations of bird species of conservation concern. This may be caused by two major factors. First, closure of MTAs to all human activies besides military training spared them of the landscape changes mentioned above. Second, the military training itself produces a very heterogeneous habitat mosaic that allows coexistence of many species with different ecological requirements. To my knowledge, no study compared bird assemblages between MTAs and surrounding landscape directly. At the same time, such data are crucial to assess the value of MTAs for bird conservation reliably and, as a consequence, they enable to think more deeply about mechanism generating this value....

Forgotten Legacies: The U.S. Glider Pilot Training Program and Lamesa Field, Texas, During World War II

Garner, Christian A. 05 1900 (has links)
Rapidly initiated at the national, regional, and local levels, the American glider pilot training program came about due to a perceived need after successful German operations at the outset of World War II. Although the national program successfully produced the required number of pilots to facilitate combat operations, numerous changes and improvisation came to characterize the program. Like other American military initiatives in the twentieth century, the War Department applied massive amounts of effort, dollars, and time to a program that proved to be short-lived in duration because it was quickly discarded when new technologies appeared. At the local level, the real loser was Lamesa, Texas. Bearing the brunt of these changes by military decision makers, the citizens of Lamesa saw their hard-fought efforts to secure an airfield fall quickly by the wayside in the wake of changing national defense priorities. As generations continue to pass and memories gradually fade, it is important to document and understand the relationship between this military platform that saw limited action and a small Texas town that had a similarly short period of significance to train the pilots who flew the aircraft.

Uma história da formação dos oficiais da Força Pública paulista : Academia do Barro Branco (1953 - 2008) / A history of the Paulista Public Force military officers training : Barro Branco Academy (1953 - 2008)

Almeida, Enio Antonio de, 1972- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: José Luís Sanfelice / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T08:56:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Almeida_EnioAntoniode_D.pdf: 3725196 bytes, checksum: 6702ff36ea243f6bafd2e78bcafcd597 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: A presente tese estuda a História da Educação Brasileira de cunho militar, no tocante à instituição de ensino denominada Academia do Barro Branco, atual local de formação dos oficiais da Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo. A escola se localiza na Zona Norte da capital paulista e sua criação remonta ao ano de 1910. O curso de oficiais foi criado em 1913. Através da definição de categorias de análise ¿ tais como Estado Moderno, Estamento Burocrático, Ordem Pública, Militares, Polícia e Policiamento, Caráter Instrumental da Polícia, Estética Militar e Currículo ¿ procura-se verificar nos currículos de formação dos anos 1950 até os anos 2000 a hegemonia de tendências ideológicas que ali possam se manifestar. Conclui-se a análise com a tese de que na formação do oficialato paulista prevaleceu uma ótica eminentemente capitalista. Foi possível demonstrar também como a referida ótica instrumentaliza a Força Pública / Abstract: This thesis studies the history of the Brazilian Military Education, focusing on the educational institution called Barro Branco Academy, which is the current place of training for the military police officers from the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The school is located in the northern zone of São Paulo City and its creation dates back to 1910. The officers training course was created in 1913. Based on the definition of categories of analysis ¿ such as the Modern State, Bureaucratic Stament, Public Order/Policy, Military Officers, Police and Policing, Instrumental Character of the Police, Military Aesthetics and Curriculum ¿ the aim is to try to analyse, concerning the training curricula from the years 1950 to 2000, the hegemony of ideological tendencies which may possibly appear. The conclusion is that the Paulista Officers Training was mainly guided by the capitalism view. It was also possible to demonstrate in which terms the mentionated view instruments the Public Force / Doutorado / Filosofia e História da Educação / Doutor em Educação

"Believe it or not, this is Afghanistan!" : la mise en scène "culturelle" de la guerre dans les entraînements militaires aux États-Unis

Martin, Alexandra 09 1900 (has links)
La thèse porte sur la mise en scène de la guerre dans les entraînements militaires aux États-Unis. Elle étudie des faux villages moyen-orientaux qui servent pour l’entraînement de pré-déploiement en Irak et en Afghanistan. On retrouve ces villages sur diverses bases militaires, comme au National Training Center (NTC) de Fort Irwin (Californie), où une douzaine de faux villages afghans et iraquiens ont été construits depuis 2007 dans le contexte de la contre-insurrection afin de préparer les troupes aux guerres de type urbaines et asymétriques. Dans ces environnements immersifs, l’armée américaine tente de reproduire les paysages socioculturel et religieux où se tiennent les missions : mosquées, salons de thé, marchés extérieurs, maisons traditionnelles forment le décor. Afin de préparer les soldats au terrain humain, une rencontre culturelle est simulée entre eux et la population locale à travers des jeux de rôle. Des acteurs, qui sont parfois d’origine afghane et iraquienne, sont embauchés pour jouer la population locale, ce qui servirait à prévenir un certain « choc culturel » anticipé sur le terrain et augmenter la sensibilité culturelle des soldats. Des experts de l’industrie du cinéma comme des pyrotechniciens et des artistes-maquilleurs participent également à ces simulations pour les rendre plus « réalistes » à travers leurs effets spéciaux. La thèse étudie les rationalités et les technologies à l'œuvre dans les faux villages et les manières dont elles soutiennent cette mise en scène « culturelle » de la guerre. Elle examine les pratiques matérielles et discursives des performances qui s’y déroulent. En quelles instances les exercices de simulation s’inscrivent-ils dans un régime de représentation racialisé? Comment l’orientalisme américain est-il articulé dans ces espaces? Quels mythes politiques et discours dominants circulent dans ces géographies fictives? La thèse problématise la représentation et la production de savoirs sur l’autre. Ce faisant, elle participe à la discussion sur l’altérité entamée par plusieurs courants théoriques et champs disciplinaires dont elle s'inspire, notamment les cultural studies, les critical race theories et la critique postcoloniale. L’analyse est basée sur une observation de courte durée au NTC. Le Centre offre des visites guidées de la base qui permettent au public d’assister à une journée d’entraînements dans les faux villages. J’ai participé à deux reprises à ces « NTC Box Tours ». J’ai également mené des entrevues semi-dirigées avec plus de vingt vétérans d’Iraq et d’Afghanistan afin de discuter avec eux de leur expérience d’entraînement de pré-déploiement et du rôle de la culture dans les simulations militaires. / The thesis looks at the performance of war in military training in the US. It studies the mock Middle Eastern villages that are used for Iraq and Afghanistan pre-deployment training. These villages are found on several military bases such as the National Training Center of Fort Irwin (California), where a dozen of oriental towns were implemented since 2007 in order to prepare the troops for urban and asymmetrical type of warfare in the context of counterinsurgency. In these immersive environments, the US military tries to reproduce overseas sociocultural and religious landscapes: mosques, tea rooms, street markets, traditional houses and so on form the set. To prepare the soldiers to the human terrain, a cultural encounter between them and the local population is simulated through role play. Actors, sometimes from Iraq and Afghanistan, are hired to enact the local population. This is said to prevent an anticipated “culture clash” on the ground and raise cultural awareness amongst the soldiers. Experts from the filmmaking industry such as pyrotechnics and makeup artists also take part in these simulations – working to make them more “realistic” through their special effects. The thesis examines the rationalities and technologies at stake in the mock villages, and the way they sustain the « cultural » mise en scène of war. The research interrogates the material and discursive practices of the performances taking place in the mock towns. In what instances are the simulation exercices anchored in a racialized system of representation; how is the American orientalism being rearticulated in these spaces; what political myths and hegemonic discourses are circulating in these fictive geographies? The thesis problematizes the ways of knowing and representing the other. Therefore, the research takes part to the discussion on otherness initiated by diverse theoritical accounts and academic fields, such as cultural studies, critical race theories, and postcolonial critique. The analysis is based on a short observation at NTC. The Center offers guided tours of the base, allowing the general public to attend to one day of training in the mock villages. I participated twice in these “NTC Box tours”. I also conducted semi-directed interviews with more than twenty Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, in which they share with me their experiences of pre-deployment training and their thoughts on the place of culture in military simulations.

Социально-психологические технологии формирования профессионализма студентов учебного военного центра УрФУ : магистерская диссертация / Socio-psychological technologies for the formation of professionalism among students of the military training centre of the Ural Federal University

Коробейников, А. Г., Korobeynikov, A. G. January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation was completed at 97 sheets of typewritten text (excluding attachments). Number of tables – 11 (excluding attachments). Number of drawings – 5 (excluding attachments). The introduction discusses the relevance, purpose, problems to be solved in the course of this dissertation research, object, subject of study and theoretical basis of the thesis. In Chapter 1, "Theoretical foundations of socio-psychological technologies of formation of professionalism MTC’s students" is a characteristic of professionalism of the students as a category of youth work, socio-psychological technologies is considered as a method of youth work, the peculiarities of students of the educational military centers as a special group of students, the formation of the professionalism of students is a process-driven socio-psychological technologies. In Chapter 2, "experimental work on the implementation of socio-psychological technologies of formation of professionalism of the students of MTC UFU" analyzes the activities of MTC under this University with students, the results of the research of professionalism of the students of MTC UFU and presented the project of formation of professionalism of MTC under this University. In conclusion, the conclusion about the state of preparation of students of military educational centers under this University and the level of development of their professionalism, the characteristic of the used measures, the conclusion about possibility of implementation of the developed set of measures in the educational process of MTC under this University. / Данная диссертация выполнена на 97 листах машинописного текста (без учета приложений). Количество таблиц – 11 (без учета приложений). Количество рисунков – 5 (без учета приложений). Во введении рассматриваются актуальность работы, цель, задач, решаемые в ходе выполнения диссертационного исследования, объект, предмет исследования и теоретический базис диссертации. В главе 1 «Теоретические основы социально-психологических технологий формирования профессионализма студентов УВЦ» дается характеристика профессионализма студентов как категории работы с молодежью, социально-психологические технологии рассмотрены в качестве метода работы с молодежью, рассмотрена специфика студентов учебных военных центров как особой группы студенческой молодежи, также формирование профессионализма студентов рассматривается как процесс, управляемый социально-психологическими технологиями. В главе 2 «Опытно-экспериментальная работа по внедрению социально-психологических технологий формирования профессионализма студентов УВЦ УрФУ» дается анализ деятельности УВЦ при УрФУ со студентами, приводятся результаты исследований профессионализма студентов УВЦ УрФУ, а также представлен проект формирования профессионализма УВЦ при УрФУ. В заключении сделан вывод о состоянии подготовки студентов УВЦ при УрФУ и уровне сформированности их профессионализма, дана характеристика использованному комплексу мероприятий, сделан вывод о возможности внедрения разработанного комплекса мероприятий в учебно-воспитательный процесс УВЦ при УрФУ.

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