Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ONLINE CONSUMER"" "subject:"[enn] ONLINE CONSUMER""
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Online and Smartphone Consumer Behaviour of Spanish Millennials / Online and Smartphone Consumer Behaviour of Spanish MillennialsPerez Montesa, Luis January 2015 (has links)
Conducts a deep research of the online and smartphone consumer behaviour with a focus on the Spanish Millennials. The main goal of the thesis is to identify a different online and smartphone pattern among Millennials in Spain, compared to the general population. At the same time, obtaining valuable and insightful information about the Spanish Millennials consumer behaviour and trends is another goal of the thesis. This thesis aims to provide key findings on the topic, adding valuable knowledge, based on the current situation and behaviour of this segment of the Spanish population.
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Understanding the factors that attract travellers to use airline websites for purchasing air ticketsBukhari, Saleh Mohammed Fadel January 2015 (has links)
In order for e-commerce businesses to attract customers and consequently increase revenue, it is essential to understand the behaviour of online consumers. This involves understanding how consumers react to website elements, and what could influence the adoption of online channels. Given the applied nature of this research area, a number of studies have been carried out by marketers and information systems experts in order to develop a better understanding of consumer behaviour and web elements impact on adoption of online services. However, as web services continue to expand, so does the need for further research concentrating on specific types of products or services. Many academic articles have been published to cater for specific web portals such as retailing, banking, governmental transactions, hotel booking, and many other areas. Whilst this is the case, there remains a lack of research examining customer behaviour when using airline websites. Given the specific nature of online consumers, and the amount of business surrounding e-ticketing, it is imperative that this gap in research is addressed. Multi-faceted limitations surrounding online consumer behaviour within the airlines industry emerge from the literature. For example, the majority of previous research has relied solely upon traditional theories and as such, other important perspectives related to travel warrant investigation. Additionally, apparent links between website qualities and website adoption remain under investigated in the context of the airline industry. Another gap in research relates to the investigation of the moderating role of travellers’ characteristics such as their demographics, internet experiences, and travel habits. Based on these limitations, this research aims to develop a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary (i.e. consumer behaviour, information systems, travel and tourism) theoretical model that is capable of examining the factors that influence travellers’ online satisfaction and intention to purchase air tickets from airline websites. In developing this model, this research adopts a positivist, deductive, and quantitative approach. Thus, based on the analysis and synthesis of literature, a conceptual model comprised of nine constructs is proposed. Inspired by the Information Systems Success Model, e-satisfaction is centralised in the model and suggested as the main predictor of intention to purchase airline tickets. Information web qualities and system web qualities are considered as antecedents of e-satisfaction. The two constructs from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use) are also integrated into the model. Other important factors such as e-trust, airline reputation, and price perception are also embedded. The suggested model has been validated using a measurement scale based on previously validated items. This research adopts an online survey that targets real travellers from Saudi Arabia who have used airline websites. Interviews, focus groups, and a pilot study were conducted to validate the survey items. Data collection procedures utilized the social media channels for the two operating airlines in Saudi Arabia as well as a snowball method. Data analysis techniques including exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modelling were used to validate the relationships and to test overarching research hypotheses. Additionally, group comparison techniques including invariance analysis were used to explore the moderation effect of demographic characteristics (i.e. gender, age, education level, monthly income, occupation, and location), internet experience, and travel habits (i.e. origin of the airline used, actual tickets purchase, travel frequency, motivation for travel, type of travel, and type of funding). The results from this research suggest that the most influential factors motivating travellers to purchase online are e-satisfaction followed by website trust. Furthermore, travellers’ perceptions of website quality also played an important role in influencing e-satisfaction. Price was the next influential factor. Several other factors appeared to have direct and indirect associations with intention to purchase and e-satisfaction. Additionally, findings emanating from group analysis suggest that some demographic factors and travel habits have a moderating influence over the research hypotheses. As such, this research makes several contributions to the consumer behaviour and web quality literature within the travel and tourism context. The findings from this research can assist airlines in shaping their web development priorities and enable them to focus on the most influential factors. This thesis concludes with a discussion of the application of these findings, an evaluation of the studies undertaken, and suggestions for future research.
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Flow in internet shopping: a validity study and an examination of a model specifying antecedents and consequences of flowGuo, Yi 17 February 2005 (has links)
This dissertation studies the antecedents and consequences of the flow
experience in online retailing environments. Flow is the enjoyable and engrossing
experience that people feel when acting with total involvement. A review of previous
studies suggests that applying the notion of flow to understand the online consumer
experience is a promising but underdeveloped field with several conceptual and
methodological issues.
This dissertation attempts to contribute to our understanding of flow in online
shopping in three ways. First, a three-part validity study was carried out using different
approaches to construct validity and involving two sets of two flow measures: the Flow
State Scale (FSS, Jackson and Marsh 1996) and the Internet Flow Scale (IFS). The first
study related flow to behavioral criteria in online shopping. The second conducted a
traditional construct validity study in which we developed and tested a nomological
network of relationships between flow measures and other logically-related constructs.
This study also included a Multitrait-Multimethod validity study. The third was a
factorial validity study of the flow construct. These studies provided evidence of
construct validity for flow and suggested that the FSS had advantages over the IFS in
terms of validity.
Second, this dissertation tested a comprehensive model of flow that included the
underlying dimensions of flow, the mediating effects of perceived challenge and skill on
flow, and antecedents and consequences of flow. Consequences of flow include
perceived usefulness, affective responses to the site, and intentions to revisit and
purchase. Overall, results based on data collected by a controlled experiment supported
our model, suggesting that flow is a second-order construct and positively related to
outcome variables.
Thirdly, we studied the effect of Web site complexity on flow. Perceived site
complexity was found to effect flow negatively. Investigating the effects of it on
inducing flow in online shopping may eventually lead us to guidelines for improving the
shopping experience by designing more capable Web sites.
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The use of advergames in creating online consumer engagement : A case study of LEGOShliapnikov, Maksym, Meijer, Tamara January 2014 (has links)
The title of the study is “The use of advergames in creating online consumer engagement. A casestudy of LEGO.” In this study the concept of using advergames in creation of online consumerengagement will be explored. In order to narrow the scope of the study two research questionswere established: What are the elements of advergames that drive online consumer engagement?;How are advergames currently used by the market leading company in its marketing campaignsin order to create online consumer engagement? The outcome of the research can help deepenthe current knowledge of scholars and practitioners in their communication and brand buildingevolving advergames and the creation of customer engagement in this area.In order to gain more knowledge of online consumer engagement and advergames, numerousliterary sources were used such as: papers, articles, books, and annual reports of LEGO. Thecollected data is supported by a vary of interviews with employees of LEGO from differentdepartments.After analysis of the collected data and linking it to the theoretical framework numerousconclusions can be drawn to answer the initial research questions. First, the attributes thatstimulate advergames in creating online consumer engagement are the Unique SellingProposition (technical features such as: the technical platform, game type, dimensions, genre,prominence of advertising and congruity of brand and game) and the Emotional SellingProposition (representation elements such as audiovisual style, narration, procedural rhetoric).Currently, LEGO integrates digital games in their integrated marketing approach, linking themtightly connected to certain real life products. On the other hand, the importance of advergamesis growing as the study has identified that more and more company’s target customers (children)are moving towards digital entertainment specifically related to mobile technologies. For this, thecompany tries to create engagement and awareness by using advergames. The company tries toreach the light user group through storytelling and the middle to heavy user group throughadvanced technical elements of the games.The limitations of the study is in particular the fact that the cases were taken from one company,one product market and one target consumer group means that the results of the study should beconsidered carefully when applying for other companies, product markets and consumer groups.Secondly, the qualitative method of research means that it is heavily dependent on the individualskills of the researchers and more easily influenced by the researchers’ personal biases andpeculiarity.
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A purchase decision-making process model of online consumers and its influential factor : a cross sector analysisKarimi, Sahar January 2013 (has links)
This research explores the online purchase decision-making behaviour of consumers by introducing a comprehensive approach that covers two different viewpoints: a) individual-level behaviour and b) market-level behaviour. Individual-level behaviour enhances our understanding of how purchase decision-making processes unfold and whether they differ for different individuals. Drawing from decision analysis and consumer behaviour literature, four segments of online consumers are introduced based on two individual factors: decision making style and knowledge of the product. Archetypal behaviour of each segment is identified addressing variations in the process and process outcome for different groups. In addition, market-level behaviour investigates the actual behaviour of consumers in relation with different retailers in the market; it is based on the aggregated behaviour of 60,000 individuals. Not only behaviour in a particular website but also cross-visiting behaviour of consumers comparing multiple retailers is examined. For this purpose, a multi-level mixed-method approach is designed. Video recording sessions, think-aloud method, interviews and questionnaires are used to capture the dynamic decision-making process, segment consumers and measure the outcome of the process at individual level. Business process modeling approach and an adaptation of path configuration method are selected for modelling the process. Data from an Internet panel data provider, comScore, is analyzed to explore the market-behaviour of consumers visiting multiple retailers. A set of measurement frameworks, that have been developed to fully exploit the research potential of Internet panel data, are designed for this research. Two sectors of banking and mobile network providers are selected; this research methodology enables a much more detailed evaluation of online behaviour and can be applied in other consumer markets.A conceptual model of online purchase decision making is proposed synthesizing theory from three disciplines: consumer behaviour, decision analysis and Information Systems. This model is able to explain the complexities and dynamic nature of real-life decision-making processes. The results of individual-level analysis show that the synthesized model has an enhanced descriptive power. Purchase decision-making processes in the two sectors appear to be highly complex with a large number of iterations, being more unstructured in banking sector. The process is found to be influenced by the both individual characteristics and each segment exhibits a certain typology of behaviour. Behaviour in terms of the way stages are performed is identical across the two sectors; whereas it differs in relation to intensity of decision-making cycles, duration of the process and the process outcome, being a function of product/ market characteristics.The findings of market-level analysis revealed that banking websites are preliminary visited for using online banking services; despite the high portion of visitors, the intensity of research in these websites is low. On the contrary, mobile network providers attract a higher portion of consumers with purchase intentions and enjoy more intensive research. Consumers have a small consideration set in both sectors; and consider certain banks/providers rather than using the accessibility of all alterative on the Internet. It is evident that comparison sites play an important role in both markets affecting the behaviour of online consumers. Finally, the research stresses the use of the Internet as a complementary channel offering specific benefits in each sector.
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E-handel av livsmedel : En kvalitativ studie som undersöker hur e-service quality påverkar kundens köpbeteende / E-commerce of groceryGränström, Danielle, Atterström, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: E-commerce has shown a large increase in the last years and constitutes a great portion of the market. This has led to a digital shift and more people choose to e-shop. This has affected the retail business, since there are new, more comfortable ways to buy your groceries. Furthermore, the food e-commerce differentiates from the general e-commence, since customers feel comfortable being able to smell, touch and see the groceries they are buying. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to achieve a higher and deeper knowledge of how the e-service quality affects the customers purchasing behavior in a digital food commence. Furthermore, the purpose is to identify notable factors within e-service quality which affects the customers purchasing behavior. Method: This is a qualitative study which has had an abductive approach. It is a combination between an inductive and a deductive attempt. The empirical material has been collected through six semi-structured interviews with Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Malhotra (2002) e-service quality dimensions for basis. Thereafter the empirical results were analyzed with the different steps of the buying process. Conclusion: Through this study, we noticed no significant difference between the interviewees which probably is a result of a high "internet habit". Thanks to the study, we were able to conclude that there are a number of distinct factors within the e-service quality dimensions that affects the customers purchasing behavior. Seeing that this is a subject going through constant development in contemporary with the digital evolution we find it useful to study, because the old barriers are replaced with new ones. / Bakgrund: E-handel växer drastiskt och utgör idag en större del av marknaden. Detta har lett till ett digitalt skifte och fler väljer att e-handla. Det har sin påverkan på dagligvaruhandeln eftersom det finns nya och bekväma sätt att e-handla mat på. Vidare skiljer sig e-handel av livsmedel från den generella e-handeln, vilket kan förklaras genom att livsmedel blir problematiskt att uppfatta i onlinemiljö eftersom beröring, syn och lukt ofta krävs. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få en ökad och djupare förståelse hur e-service quality påverkar kundernas köpbeteende inom digital mathandel. Vidare är syftet att identifiera märkbara faktorer inom e-service quality som påverkar kundens köpbeteende. Metod: Detta är en kvalitativ studie som har haft ett abduktivt angreppsätt, vilket är en kombination av en induktiv och deduktiv ansats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer med Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Malhotra (2002) e-service quality dimensioner som grund. Därefter analyserades det empiriska resultatet med köpprocessens olika steg. Slutsats: Genom studien kan vi se att det inte fanns några markanta skillnader bland de intervjuade personerna vilket vi tror kan bero på hög internetvana. Tack vare studien så kan vise att det finns ett flertal tydliga faktorer inom e-service quality dimensionerna som påverkar kundens köpprocess. Eftersom detta är ett ämne som ständigt uppdateras i samtid med den digitaliserade utvecklingen så är det nyttigt att studera just för att de gamla barriärerna ersätts av nya.
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Subscription Services in the Fashion Industry : a Quantitative Approach on Consumers' PerspectiveSvensson, Kajsa, Hölder, Sabrina January 2016 (has links)
Individualisation and digitalisation are increasing in importance which leads to a change in the society, affecting consumers’ behaviour and needs. This change results in consumers desiring an individualised consumption experience with additional services that fashion companies should consider in order to stay relevant. This development opens up for new opportunities regarding business models such as the business model of subscription services. The identified gap in the academic literature of subscription services lies in the application of this business model to the fashion industry. Non-academic articles about fashion subscription services were found but often from the industries’ point of view rather than from the consumers’ point of view. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the consumers’ perspective on fashion subscription services and what underlying reasons there might be for these perspectives. The study is of quantitative nature with theories regarding subscription services, consumer behaviour and fashion forming the research questions and thus the research. Data was collected by an online questionnaire to gain insight on respondents’ perspectives on fashion subscription services which was used as descriptive empiricism, tested for correlations and discussed in line with the theories. The study shows that there are correlations between the theories and the respondents’ interest in fashion subscription services, but the interest cannot be explained by each of the theories separately. However, by looking into different affecting factors, suggestions of underlying reasons are offered by this study.
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[pt] Os blogs de moda atraem uma grande audiência de mulheres em busca de
inspirações sobre como se vestir. As leitoras procuram seguir as sugestões de
autoras de bom gosto, com características demográficas similares às suas, e em
que possam confiar. Este é o principal benefício oferecido pelo blog quando
comparado às mídias tradicionais: ao blog é atribuído maior confiança, visto que
as autoras estariam livres de vieses e representariam a consumidora comum. No
entanto, sabe-se que um número considerável de autoras de blogs recebem
presentes e recompensas financeiras para recomendar um produto em seu canal.
Este fenômeno ocorre de duas maneiras diferentes: ou a autora admite a existência
de uma parceria entre ela e a marca que recomenda, ou oculta esta parceria – fato
este que tem levantado importantes questões éticas. Este estudo buscou identificar
se a credibilidade do blog é afetada quando há indícios de que a autora omite seu
vínculo com a marca que recomenda. Através de um experimento conduzido
online com amostragem por conveniência, 350 questionários foram respondidos,
sendo 157 válidos. Foi criado um endereço eletrônico que, de acordo com a
determinação de algoritmos, apresentava ora blog e biografia de uma autora
favorável à prática de identificar publicações patrocinadas, ora de uma autora que
busca omitir seu vínculo com o produto que recomenda. O experimento comparou
as médias para os construtos Confiança, Atitude e Intenção de Seguir
Recomendação, onde apenas este último apresentou diferenças significativas entre
as médias. O construto Credibilidade da Fonte também foi medido, indicando que
os respondentes não são favoráveis à presença de propaganda nos blogs. / [en] Fashion blogs attract the interest of a large audience of women in search for
dressing inspiration. The readers look for suggestions from neatness bloggers with
demographic characteristics similar to their own, and who they can trust. The
main benefit offered by blogs when compared to the traditional media is the
reliability conferred to the blog, since the authors would be free of biases,
representing the common consumer. Nevertheless, it is known that a considerable
number of bloggers receive gifts and financial income to recommend products in
their websites. This phenomenon occurs in two different ways: either the author
recognizes the existence of a partnership with the recommended fashion brand, or
conceals this partnership. This occurrence has provoked important ethical
questions. This study focused on identify if the blog s credibility can be affected
when there is evidence that the authors are hiding their connection with the
recommended fashion brand. To answer this question, an online experiment with
convenience samples resulted in 350 answered questionnaires, from which 157
were valid. It was created a website that, in accord with determination of
algorithms, presented two types of blogs: one where the author is favorable to the
practice of identifying sponsored posts, and another where the author seeks to hide
a link with the brand that is recommended. The experiment compared the average
for the theoretical constructs Reliability; Attitude and Intention to Follow
Recommendation, which was the only one that presented substantial differences
between the averages. The theoretical construct Source Reliability was also
measured, indicating that the respondents are not favorable to the presence of
propaganda in fashion blogs.
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Faktorer som påverkar konsumenters köpbeslut inom e-handel. : En studie om konsumenters uppfattningar vid köp av hemelektronik på internet.Ritzman, Kajsa, Hyttinen, Mattias January 2017 (has links)
Utvecklingen av e-handeln går snabbt och starkt framåt. E-handel kan bland annat innebära att företag säljer produkter via internet och är den definition som denna rapport utgår ifrån. Syftet med studien var att, utifrån faktorerna produkt, service, information, design, säkerhet, funktionalitet och enkelhet, ta reda på vilka av dessa som påverkar kundernas köpbeslut. Studiens syfte var också att ta reda på vilken av faktorerna som har störst inverkan på köpbeslutet vid köp av hemelektronik på internet samt om det finns skillnader baserat på kundegenskaper samt att studera kommunikationens påverkan på köpbeslutet. Studien har genomförts med en deduktiv ansats via kvantitativa metoder där det utgåtts från teorierna köpprocessen på internet, Dimension process quality, Online Consumer Behavior samt Media richness theory för att skapa en frågeställning. För att besvara frågeställningen skapades en enkät via Google formulär som skickades ut via sociala medier. Resultatet av enkäten sammanställdes i diagram som sedan analyserades. Resultatet visade att samtliga faktorer har en inverkan på köpbeslutet men den faktor som konsumenterna ansåg vara viktigast var säkerhet. Vidare analys av resultatet visar att män och kvinnor är i största mån eniga i vilka faktorer de anser vara viktigast. Resultatet visar även att vart konsumenten är bosatt påverkar köpbeslutet då de svarat olika. Studien visade även att kommunikation bör vara en egen faktor inom teorierna då kommunikationen har en stor inverkan på köpbeslutet.
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Influencer marketing from a sensory marketing perspective : Social Media Influencers’ impact on the lack of tangibility onlineHåkansson, Christoffer, Magnusson, Frida January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate the phenomenon of shopping-hauls from a consumer perspective. Along with exploring ifconsumers’ purchasing behavior is affected by shopping-hauls, the aim is to provide insights into the phenomenon and how it affects consumers. In particular, the study aspires to understand whether consumers perceive shopping-hauls as a possible substitute for the need for touch. If so, shopping-hauls could be used to decrease uncertainty online. This thesis was conducted using a qualitative research method, with semi-structured interviews. The respondents in the interviews were consumers living in Sweden with knowledge of shopping-hauls. Twenty-five consumers participated in the interviews for the thesis, and they are all anonymous. The thesis has followed an inductive research approach to gain deeper understanding of the phenomena of shopping-hauls and receive new insights based on the respondents’ experiences. The literature review in this thesis includes theories about influencer marketing, sensory marketing, and online consumer behavior. Furthermore, the conceptual framework demonstrates the relationship between the mentioned theories. The empirical results of the thesis highlights challenges and opportunities which might occur when consumers make purchases online, as well as provides insights into how shopping-hauls are perceived by consumers. Based on these results, we created a three-step model for developing a strategy where shopping-hauls are used to reduce the consumer’s uncertainty when shopping online. The three steps are: Selection of influencer, identify the consumer, and evaluation.
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