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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bond strength between corroded steel and recycled aggregate concrete incorporating nano silica

Alhawat, Musab M., Ashour, Ashraf 08 November 2019 (has links)
Yes / Limited information related to the application of nano silica in recycled aggregate concretes has been available in the literature. However, investigations on the effect of nano silica on the bond performance of reinforcement embedment length in recycled aggregate concrete have not been conducted yet. Therefore, the present study aimed at investigating the bond strength for recycled aggregate concretes incorporating nano silica under different levels of corrosive environments. The experimental work consisted of testing 180 pull-out specimens prepared from different mixtures. The main parameters studied were the amount of recycled aggregate (i.e. 0%, 25%, 50% and 100%), nano silica (1.5% and 3%), embedment length (5 and 13Ø) as well as reinforcement diameter (12 and 20mm). Different levels of corrosion were electrochemically induced by applying impressed voltage technique for 2, 5, 10 and 15 days. Finally, the experimental results were compared with the existing models. Experimental results showed that the bond performance between un-corroded steel and RCA concrete slightly reduced, while a significant degradation was observed after being exposed to corrosive conditions, in comparison to normal concrete. On the other hand, the use of a small quantity of NS (1.5%) showed between 8 and 21% bond enhancement with both normal and RCA concretes under normal conditions. However, much better influence was observed with the increase of corrosion periods, reflecting the improvement in corrosion resistance. NS particles showed a more effective role with RCA concretes rather than conventional concretes in terms of enhancing bond and corrosion resistance. Therefore, it was superbly effective in recovering the poor performance in bond for RCA concretes. By doubling the content of NS (3%), the bond resistance slightly enhanced for non-corroded samples, while its influence becomes more pronounced with increasing RCA content as well as exposure time to corrosion.

Shear behaviour of reinforced construction and demolition waste-based geopolymer concrete beams

Aldemir, A., Akduman, S., Ucak, S., Rafet, A., Sahmaran, M., Yildirim, Gurkan, Almahmood, Hanady A.A., Ashour, Ashraf 25 October 2022 (has links)
Yes / Geopolymer concrete is a promising candidate to replace conventional concrete as geopolymer concrete depends on alkali-activated binders instead of Portland cement. The elimination of cement from the mixture results in the reduction of the greenhouse gas release. From the literature, it is known that the micro-scale characteristics of the geopolymer concrete are similar to its counterparts. However, the structural performance of geopolymer elements should be investigated in detail. Therefore, in this study, the structural performance of reinforced geopolymer concrete beams is compared by conducting bending tests to determine the shear behavior of new generation geopolymer concrete produced from entirely construction and demolition wastes (CDW). In these tests, geopolymer concrete with recycled aggregates, geopolymer concrete with natural aggregates, conventional concrete with recycled aggregates, and conventional concrete with natural aggregates are used in order to study the possibility of reaching fully-recycled construction materials. Three different shear-span-to-depth ratios (a/d) are utilized to investigate the different modes of failure. Therefore, the structural performance of beams was, firstly, compared for mixtures without recycled aggregates to control the possible side effects of 100% recycled concrete construction. Load-deflection curves, moment-curvature curves, and crack patterns were utilized to conclude the performance of geopolymer concrete. Test results revealed that geopolymer concrete beams exhibited similar performance to the conventional concrete beams of the same grade. However, the inclusion of recycled aggregates caused a shift in the failure mechanism from shear-dominated to flexure-dominated, especially in specimens with larger a/d ratios. Finally, the capacity prediction performance of current codes, i.e., TS500 and ACI318, are also examined, and the calculations resulted that the current code equations have a percentage error of approximately 55% on average, although TS500 equations performed slightly better. / The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance of the Scientific and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK) of Turkey and the British Council provided under projects: 218M102 and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 869336, ICEBERG (Innovative Circular Economy Based solutions demonstrating the Efficient recovery of valuable material Resources from the Generation of representative End-of-Life building material).

Study on interfacial bond behavior of recycled aggregate concrete filled stainless steel tubes (RAC-FSST)

Zhao, H., Li, J., Wang, R., Lam, Dennis, Zhang, Y. 18 March 2022 (has links)
yes / In this work, the interfacial bond performance of recycled aggregate concrete filled stainless steel tube (RAC-FSST) members was investigated through the repeated push-out tests. Three coarse recycled aggregate (CRA) replacements (0, 50% and 100%) and two cross-sectional dimensions were considered in the experimental program. The failure pattern, bond stress-slip response and strain development of stainless steel tube were obtained, and the bond mechanisms under different loading stages were analyzed. Test results showed that the ultimate bond stress increases with the increasing CRA content and decreasing cross-sectional dimensions. Compared with CFST members having carbon steel, RAC-FSST members present lower bond stress. The macro-interlocking effect is obvious in the later loading stage, resulting in a significant increase in the post-peak bond slip curves. Finally, the ultimate bond strength and idealized bond stress-slip models for the RAC-FSST members were suggested on the basis of the test results.

Estudo laboratorial de agregado reciclado de resíduo sólido da construção civil para aplicação em pavimentação de baixo volume de tráfego. / Laboratory study of recycled aggregate from construction and demolition waste to be used as a pavement material in a low volume road.

Motta, Rosângela dos Santos 29 August 2005 (has links)
A crescente quantidade de resíduos sólidos da construção civil gerada em cidades de médio e grande portes tem sido fonte de preocupação em todo o mundo em função de questões ambientais, econômicas e até sociais. Desta forma, a reciclagem dos resíduos de construção para a produção de agregados torna-se uma alternativa interessante, principalmente em função de normas e pesquisas já existentes que podem garantir sua aplicação. A pavimentação com agregados reciclados já vem sendo amplamente realizada em alguns países onde, inclusive, já existe conhecimento consolidado sobre o assunto. No Brasil, as primeiras experiências que remetem ao uso de agregados reciclados em pavimentação datam de meados da década de 80. Desde então, poucas pesquisas sobre o tema vem sendo realizadas, embora haja a necessidade de se procurar novas técnicas e materiais no setor de infra-estrutura rodoviária, uma vez que o país possui somente cerca de 10% de suas vias, muitas vezes urbanas, em condição pavimentada. Este trabalho analisa laboratorialmente aspectos físicos e de comportamento mecânico do agregado reciclado da cidade de São Paulo, a ser utilizado em camadas de base, sub-base ou reforço do subleito de pavimento, em substituição aos materiais convencionais, com enfoque em vias urbanas de baixo volume de tráfego. O estudo envolveu a análise do agregado reciclado in natura, além de sua mistura com 4% de cal ou 4% de cimento Portland, como forma de promover um aumento da resistência do material. Além disso, foram realizados alguns ensaios com brita graduada (material comumente empregado em pavimentos), a fim de comparar resultados. Concluiu-se que o agregado reciclado analisado é de uso promissor em pavimentação, dadas suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas satisfatórias, comparáveis a tradicionais materiais estabilizados granulometricamente ou mesmo a brita graduada simples. Ademais, a adição de cal ou cimento Portland apresenta-se como excelente alternativa quanto ao requisito de aumento de resistência do material reciclado. / The increasing amount of construction and demolition waste generated in medium-sized and large cities has become a source of concern all over the world due to environmental, economic and even social issues. Thus, the recycling of construction and demolition waste to produce aggregates becomes an interesting alternative mainly because of existing specifications and researches that can guarantee its application. Paving with recycled aggregates has already been largely done in some countries where there is even a consolidated knowledge about the subject. In Brazil, preliminary experiences that refer to the use of recycled aggregates in pavement layers date from the mid 80s. Since then, few researches on the subject have been conducted, although it is necessary to look for new techniques and materials in the road infra-structure sector, since the country has only about 10% of its roads, many times urban ones, in paved condition. This work analyses recycled aggregates from São Paulo City as a material to be used in base, subbase or subgrade reinforcement courses in urban roads of low-volume traffic, to replace conventional materials. So, physical and mechanical behaviour aspects of the material were observed by means of laboratory tests. This study involved the analysis of recycled aggregate in natura, as well as its mix with 4% of lime or 4% of Portland cement, to promote a gain in strength. Moreover, some tests were made using graded crushed rock (that is commonly used as a pavement material) so as to compare the results. It was concluded that recycled aggregate is promising for paving, given its satisfactory physical and mechanical properties, comparable to traditional granulometrically stabilized materials or even to simple graded crushed rock. The addition of lime or Portland cement is an excellent alternative concerning the increase in strength of those recycled materials.


Oliveira, Rosana Prado 14 July 2016 (has links)
The expansion of the construction is of great importance for the economic development of the country, due to the prominent position the sector takes in economy, creating jobs, enabling housing, income and infrastructure. However, it is also responsible for serious environmental problems related to the construction processes. Given the current concern about sustainability, recycling of waste from construction and demolition (WCD), it is very important because it reduces environmental impacts such as the extraction of raw natural material and pollution caused by improper disposal of these materials. The recycled waste may be applied in various uses in the construction and the use of recycled sand mortar coating is one of the most viable, since they are not subject to structural efforts. In this study, the research was carried out against the influence of fines content of recycled aggregates in coating mortars. Therefore, mixtures containing 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% of natural aggregate replaced by crushed and sieved recycled aggregate (without fines), had their performance compared to mixtures containing crushed and unsieved recycled aggregate (with fines) and to the reference mixture, which contains as aggregate the natural sand. The WCD, provided by company of Santa Maria, are a mixed of bricks, ceramic blocks, tiles, mortars, concrete waste, rocks and ceramic floors. The materials ratio used was 1: 2: 8 (cement: lime: dry fine aggregate) by volume and the recycled aggregate substitutions for natural aggregate were made by volume. To evaluate the influence of the fines content in mortars with recycled aggregates, were analyzed the main properties of mortars in the fresh state and hardened state and the performance of some of these mortars in a coating system. The study concludes that, mortars with recycled and sieved aggregate showed better properties and lower susceptibility to cracking, relative to mortars with unsieved aggregate. Among they, the mortar with a 30% replacement of natural aggregate by crushed and sieved recycled aggregate, presented the best set of properties. / A expansão da construção civil é de grande importância para o desenvolvimento econômico do país, devido à posição de destaque que o setor ocupa na economia, com geração de empregos, viabilização de moradias, renda e infraestrutura. No entanto, é também responsável por graves problemas ambientais relacionados aos processos construtivos. Diante da atual preocupação com sustentabilidade, a reciclagem dos resíduos de construção e demolição (RCD), é muito importante, pois reduz impactos ambientais como a extração de matéria prima natural e a poluição, causada pela destinação inadequada desses materiais. Os resíduos reciclados podem ser aplicados em diversos usos na construção civil e a utilização de areia reciclada em argamassas de revestimento, é uma das mais viáveis, visto que não estão sujeitas a esforços estruturais. Neste trabalho, foi realizada a investigação, frente à influência do teor de finos dos agregados reciclados nas argamassas de revestimento. Para isso, misturas, com 20%, 30%, 40%, e 50% de substituição de agregado natural por agregado reciclado britado e peneirado (sem finos), tiveram seu desempenho comparado ao das misturas contendo agregado reciclado britado não peneirado (com finos) e à mistura de referência, contendo como agregado areia natural. Os RCD, fornecidos pela usina de reciclagem de Santa Maria são mistos, provenientes de tijolos e blocos cerâmicos, telhas, argamassas, resíduos de concreto, rochas e pisos cerâmicos. O traço utilizado foi 1:2:8 (cimento: cal: agregado miúdo) em volume, com o agregado miúdo seco e as substituições de agregado reciclado por agregado natural foram feitas em massa. Para avaliar a influência do teor de finos nas argamassas com agregados reciclados, foram analisadas as principais propriedades das argamassas no estado fresco e endurecido e o desempenho de algumas dessas argamassas em um sistema de revestimento. No estudo concluiu-se que as argamassas com agregado reciclado peneirado apresentaram melhores propriedades e menor susceptibilidade à fissuração, em relação às argamassas com agregado não peneirado. Entre elas, a argamassa com 30% de substituição de agregado natural por agregado reciclado britado e peneirado, foi a que apresentou melhor conjunto de propriedades.

Desempenho de argamassas de revestimentos produzidas com agregados reciclados oriundos do res?duo de constru??o e demoli??o da Grande Natal-RN / Performance of mortar coating produced with recycled aggregates derived from construction and demolition waste (CDW) produced in the Grande Natal-RN

Ara?jo, Neuber Nascimento de 28 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:48:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NeuberNA_DISSERT.pdf: 3614551 bytes, checksum: 214bf692c54f433fec3b97fdac3c0659 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The construction industry is responsible for generating a lot of waste because of their activities. Consequently, it is noticeable the occurrence of environmental problems in terms of its disposal in inappropriate places. Faced with this problem, some studies have been conducted with the aim of developing technologies and alternatives for recycling construction and demolition waste (CDW), motivated by the scarcity of natural resources and reduction of environmental problems generated. The research aims to characterize the recycled aggregates derived from construction and demolition waste (CDW) produced in the Greater Natal-RN and analyze the performance of mortar coating produced with recycled aggregates. The study includes the chemical , physical and microstructural characterization of recycled aggregates , as well as conducting microscopic analysis and laboratory tests in the fresh state (consistency index , water retention , bulk density and content of entrained air ) and in the hardened state ( compressive strength , tensile strength in bending , water absorption by immersion and capillary , mass density and void ratio ) for mortars produced from different levels of substitution of aggregates ( 0, 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, 80 % and 100 %). The results were satisfactory, providing mortars produced with recycled aggregates, smaller mass density and dynamic modulus values as well as an increase in the rates of absorption and porosity. The tensile strength in bending and compression for TP1 (1:2:8) trait were lower for mortars produced with recycled aggregates and the best result was 20% for replacement. For the TP2 (1:8) mapping, there was an increase in resistance to traction and compression and the best result was for 100% replacement of natural aggregates by recycled. The experiments led to the conclusion that the technical and economic point of view that the mortars produced with recycled aggregates can be used in construction, only if there is an effective control in production processes of recycled aggregate and at the dosage of mortars / A ind?stria da constru??o civil ? respons?vel por gerar uma grande quantidade de res?duos em fun??o de suas atividades, ocasionando problemas ambientais, econ?micos e sociais. Diante dessa problem?tica, alguns estudos v?m sendo realizados com o objetivo de desenvolver tecnologias e alternativas de reciclagem para os res?duos de constru??o e demoli??o (RCD), motivados pela escassez de recursos naturais e pela diminui??o dos problemas ambientais gerados. A pesquisa tem por objetivo caracterizar os agregados reciclados produzidos na Grande Natal-RN e analisar o desempenho de argamassas de revestimento produzidas com estes agregados. O estudo inclui a caracteriza??o qu?mica, f?sica e microestrutural dos agregados reciclados, assim como a realiza??o de an?lises microsc?picas e ensaios laboratoriais das argamassas no estado fresco (?ndice de consist?ncia, reten??o de ?gua, densidade de massa e teor de ar incorporado) e no estado endurecido (resist?ncia a compress?o, resist?ncia a tra??o na flex?o, absor??o de ?gua por imers?o e por capilaridade, densidade de massa e ?ndice de vazios), para argamassas produzidas a partir de diferentes teores de substitui??o de agregados (0, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% e 100%). Os resultados obtidos foram satisfat?rios, proporcionando ?s argamassas produzidas com agregados reciclados, valores menores de densidade de massa e m?dulo de elasticidade din?mico, assim como um incremento nos ?ndices de absor??o e porosidade. A resist?ncia ? tra??o na flex?o e ? compress?o para o tra?o TP1 (1:2:8) foram inferiores para as argamassas produzidas com agregados reciclados e o melhor resultado foi para 20% de substitui??o. Para o tra?o TP2 (1:8), ocorreu um incremento na resist?ncia ? tra??o e ? compress?o e o melhor resultado foi para 100% de substitui??o dos agregados naturais pelos reciclados. Os experimentos conduziram a concluir que do ponto de vista t?cnico, as argamassas produzidas com agregados reciclados podem ser utilizadas na constru??o civil, desde que haja um controle eficiente nos processos de produ??o do agregado reciclado e na dosagem das argamassas

Caracterização e composição de agregados reciclados para obtenção de concreto autoadensável leve reciclado com fins estruturais / Characterization and composition of recycled aggregates to obtain recycled lightweight self-compacting concrete for structural purposes

Mendes, Everton Luiz da Silva 09 December 2016 (has links)
The use of recycled aggregate in the production of self-compactig concrete (SCC) is relatively recent. Few studies have been developed, but, there are numerous advantages in its application. The recycled lightweight self-compacting concrete (RLSCC) offers several advantages of SCC, due to the self-compacting properties, it absorbs construction residues, in the use as recycled aggregates, and the lightness due to the smaller specific mass of the recycled aggregates, it promotes the reduction of the loads due to the own weight . However, studies carried out in concrete with recycled aggregates (RA) have shown to be very complex due to the characteristics of these aggregates, such as: high porosity, high water absorption, irregular shape, rough surface, etc. These characteristics tend to lead to mixtures with less workable and lower mechanical strength. In this way, the study had as objective to obtaining the RLSCC, separate the process in two steps: aggregates and mortar. Where, the characterization of the RA is the way to understand its characteristics and the limitations that it will impose in the mixture of concrete. The study of mortars, to verify a composition with the best parameters of fluidity and rheological, since the difficulty faced by researchers in obtaining workable mixtures. Thus, it was verified that the standardized characterization methodologies, for natural aggregates, face some difficulties in their application in recycled aggregates, rendering them inefficient. The characteristics of the recycled aggregate could be attenuated with a composition study, reaching very workable mortars, with low yield stress and moderate viscosity. The SCC was obtained through a study of maximum content of recycled coarse aggregate, through concrete tests. The obtained concrete presented compression strength of 30 MPa and apparent specific mass of 2000 kg/m³, classifying it as concrete of structural application and light. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A utilização de agregado reciclado na produção de concreto autoadensável (CAA) é relativamente recente. Poucos estudos têm sido desenvolvidos, mas, observam-se inúmeras vantagens em sua aplicação. O concreto autoadensável leve reciclado (CAALR) oferece diversas vantagens do CAA, devido às propriedades de autoadensabilidade, absorve resíduos de construções, na utilização como agregados reciclados, e a leveza devido a menor massa específica dos agregados reciclados, promove a redução das cargas devido ao peso próprio. No entanto, estudos realizados em concreto com agregados reciclados (AGR), têm se mostrado muito complexos devido às características destes agregados, como: elevada porosidade, alto teor de absorção de água, forma irregular, superfície rugosa, etc. Características estas que tendem a conduzir a misturas pouco trabalháveis e de resistência mecânica inferior. Desta forma, o estudo teve como objetivo a obtenção CAALR, separando o processo em duas etapas: agregados e argamassa. Onde, a caracterização do AGR é o meio para o entendimento de suas características e das limitações que ele irá impor na mistura de concreto. Já o estudo de argamassa, o objetivo foi verificar uma composição com os melhores parâmetros de fluidez e reológicos, visto as dificuldades enfrentadas por pesquisadores em obter-se misturas trabalháveis. Assim, verificou-se que as metodologias de caracterização normatizadas, para agregados naturais, enfrentam algumas dificuldades na sua aplicação em agregados reciclados, tornando-as pouco eficientes. As características do agregado reciclado miúdo puderam ser atenuadas com um estudo de composição, chegando a argamassas muito trabalháveis, com baixa tensão de escoamento e viscosidade moderada. A obtenção do CAA foi possível, através de um estudo de teor máximo de agregado reciclado graúdo, através de ensaios em concreto. O concreto obtido apresentou resistência de 30 MPa e massa específica aparente de 2000 kg/m³, classificando-o como concreto de aplicação estrutural e leve.

Estudo laboratorial de agregado reciclado de resíduo sólido da construção civil para aplicação em pavimentação de baixo volume de tráfego. / Laboratory study of recycled aggregate from construction and demolition waste to be used as a pavement material in a low volume road.

Rosângela dos Santos Motta 29 August 2005 (has links)
A crescente quantidade de resíduos sólidos da construção civil gerada em cidades de médio e grande portes tem sido fonte de preocupação em todo o mundo em função de questões ambientais, econômicas e até sociais. Desta forma, a reciclagem dos resíduos de construção para a produção de agregados torna-se uma alternativa interessante, principalmente em função de normas e pesquisas já existentes que podem garantir sua aplicação. A pavimentação com agregados reciclados já vem sendo amplamente realizada em alguns países onde, inclusive, já existe conhecimento consolidado sobre o assunto. No Brasil, as primeiras experiências que remetem ao uso de agregados reciclados em pavimentação datam de meados da década de 80. Desde então, poucas pesquisas sobre o tema vem sendo realizadas, embora haja a necessidade de se procurar novas técnicas e materiais no setor de infra-estrutura rodoviária, uma vez que o país possui somente cerca de 10% de suas vias, muitas vezes urbanas, em condição pavimentada. Este trabalho analisa laboratorialmente aspectos físicos e de comportamento mecânico do agregado reciclado da cidade de São Paulo, a ser utilizado em camadas de base, sub-base ou reforço do subleito de pavimento, em substituição aos materiais convencionais, com enfoque em vias urbanas de baixo volume de tráfego. O estudo envolveu a análise do agregado reciclado in natura, além de sua mistura com 4% de cal ou 4% de cimento Portland, como forma de promover um aumento da resistência do material. Além disso, foram realizados alguns ensaios com brita graduada (material comumente empregado em pavimentos), a fim de comparar resultados. Concluiu-se que o agregado reciclado analisado é de uso promissor em pavimentação, dadas suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas satisfatórias, comparáveis a tradicionais materiais estabilizados granulometricamente ou mesmo a brita graduada simples. Ademais, a adição de cal ou cimento Portland apresenta-se como excelente alternativa quanto ao requisito de aumento de resistência do material reciclado. / The increasing amount of construction and demolition waste generated in medium-sized and large cities has become a source of concern all over the world due to environmental, economic and even social issues. Thus, the recycling of construction and demolition waste to produce aggregates becomes an interesting alternative mainly because of existing specifications and researches that can guarantee its application. Paving with recycled aggregates has already been largely done in some countries where there is even a consolidated knowledge about the subject. In Brazil, preliminary experiences that refer to the use of recycled aggregates in pavement layers date from the mid 80s. Since then, few researches on the subject have been conducted, although it is necessary to look for new techniques and materials in the road infra-structure sector, since the country has only about 10% of its roads, many times urban ones, in paved condition. This work analyses recycled aggregates from São Paulo City as a material to be used in base, subbase or subgrade reinforcement courses in urban roads of low-volume traffic, to replace conventional materials. So, physical and mechanical behaviour aspects of the material were observed by means of laboratory tests. This study involved the analysis of recycled aggregate in natura, as well as its mix with 4% of lime or 4% of Portland cement, to promote a gain in strength. Moreover, some tests were made using graded crushed rock (that is commonly used as a pavement material) so as to compare the results. It was concluded that recycled aggregate is promising for paving, given its satisfactory physical and mechanical properties, comparable to traditional granulometrically stabilized materials or even to simple graded crushed rock. The addition of lime or Portland cement is an excellent alternative concerning the increase in strength of those recycled materials.

Estudo da incorporação de resíduos de cerâmica vermelha na composição de concreto para uso em estacas moldadas in loco /

Wada, Patrycia Hanna. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Anderson da Silva Segantini / Banca: Adriano Souza / Banca: David de Carvalho / Resumo: A preocupação com o meio ambiente tem estimulado o interesse por pesquisas voltadas para o desenvolvimento sustentável. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar o reaproveitamento de resíduos de cerâmica vermelha (RCV) na composição de concreto, em substituição em massa ao agregado miúdo (areia), visando a sua utilização em estacas do tipo moldadas in loco. Foram confeccionados concretos com substituição de 20%, 40%, 60% e 80% de areia natural (em massa) pelo RCV. Realizaram-se ensaios de compressão simples e de módulo de elasticidade em todos os traços no estado endurecido e, no estado fresco, ensaios de incorporação de ar e de massa específica. Visando avaliar o seu comportamento em condições de campo, frente às ações de trabalho, foram confeccionadas três estacas de concreto com 40% de RCV, as quais foram submetidas à prova de carga por meio de ensaio rápido. Os resultados das provas de carga foram comparados com os de outros ensaios realizados no mesmo local, porém com estacas de concreto convencional. Concluiu-se que o reaproveitamento do RCV melhorou as características físicas e mecânicas do concreto e possibilitou a sua aplicação nas estacas em estudo. / Abstract: Concern for the environment has stimulated interest in research for sustainable development. The present work aimed investigated the reuse of red ceramic waste (RCW) in the concrete composition, replacing in weight to fine aggregate (sand) and proposing his application in cast-in-place piles foundations. Were made compositions with 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% of sand by RCW replacement. Compressive strength tests and modulus of elasticity were performed for all compositions of hardened concrete. Testing of air entraining and density were also made in the concrete in its fresh state. In order to evaluate his behavior under field conditions, on work load situation, three foundation piles were made, which were submitted the quick load test. The piles were made with 20.0 cm diameter and 4.50 m length using concrete with 40% replacement. The results obtained were compared with others load test carried at the same place, however with conventional concrete piles. It was concluded that reuse of RCW improved the physical characteristics and mechanics of concrete and its possible application in the piles foundation in study. / Mestre

Circular economy in the construction industry: An insight into the difficulties and possibilities with improving the concrete recycling rate for housing in Sweden

Sundlin, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
In accordance with the Paris Agreement and the national goal of climate neutrality by 2045, Sweden needs to lower its greenhouse gas emissions. The second-largest source of CO2 emissions in the country comes from the production of cement, one of the main ingredients of concrete. With concrete being an ideal construction material, and Sweden needing to build more urban housing, Sweden is now in a position where they need to combine a high rate of housing construction with emission cuts to reach the climate goals. Concrete from construction and demolition waste is recyclable and can be used as an aggregate in new concrete and as an input in cement production. This is, however, currently not being done in Sweden and concrete waste is instead used for low-grade purposes such as road construction, landfill infrastructure, and backfilling.  This study, therefore, aims to identify why recycled concrete is not being used to a larger extent in Swedish housing. An interview study has been conducted with actors along the concrete value chain to find out the extent to which housing projects use recycled concrete today, as well as what challenges and possibilities there are for increased use. The results show that recycled concrete within housing projects is currently only used for backfilling. Sweden does not have big enough volumes of high-quality concrete waste for it to be commercially viable to recycle it into recycled aggregate concrete. This recycling process is both costlier and more time-consuming than using conventional methods with raw materials, something Sweden has an abundance and easy access to. There is also a reluctance within the construction industry to use new and unproven methods and materials. Improved on-site sorting of waste materials, leading to higher quality aggregates, and construction standards adapted to the use of recycled materials, are actions to be taken to allow for an increased use of recycled aggregate concrete. All interviewed actors also mentioned the potential of recycled concrete for non-load-bearing walls in housing projects.

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