Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ROTATIONAL RHEOMETER"" "subject:"[enn] ROTATIONAL RHEOMETER""
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[pt] Na indústria de óleo e gás, a paralisação da produção e do transporte
nas linhas de fluxo causadas pela deposição de compostos orgânicos e
inorgânicos rendem enormes perdas financeiras e preocupações ambientais.
Um dos fatores mais comuns e críticos na deposição orgânica está
relacionado com a formação de hidratos de gás, que são sólidos cristalinos
de base aquosa, fisicamente semelhantes ao gelo, formados em condições
de alta pressão e baixas temperaturas. Devido a esses fatos preocupantes,
fenômenos relacionados aos hidratos, como formação, dissociação e formas
de mitigação, vêm sendo estudados há anos por pesquisadores. Neste
trabalho foram realizados experimentos para analisar a formação de hidrato
de gás de etano em emulsões água em óleo, através de uma análise reológica
baseada na variação de pressão, taxa de cisalhamento e fração de volume
de água, e usando as geometrias vane e de cilindros concêntricos. Testes de
varredura de tempo de alta pressão foram realizados, e os resultados foram
apresentados através de curvas de viscosidade e pressão. A quantidade de
água convertida em hidrato também foi estimada através da equação de
estado e relacionada com a viscosidade das pastas de hidratos formadas.
Os resultados obtidos mostram que o período de indução foi reduzido pelo
aumento do subresfriamento, corte de água e taxa de cisalhamento. Quanto
maior a fração de volume de água, maior o nível atingido pela viscosidade
quando identificada a formação de hidratos. A viscosidade relativa, após
a formação do hidrato, foi estudada. Esse conhecimento proporcionou
uma compreensão mais efetiva de algumas diferenças observadas entre
as duas geometrias. E para complementar o estudo, foram realizadas
rampas de taxa de cisalhamento mostrando semelhanças entre os três
resultados com cilindros concêntricos, mas diferenças entre os resultados
com geometria vane. Ambas as geometrias, vane e cilindros concêntricos,
foram consideradas adequadas para estudar a formação de hidratos e
resultados qualitativos semelhantes foram obtidos. / [en] In the oil and gas industry, the stoppage of the production and
transportation flowlines caused by the deposition of organic and inorganic
compounds yields huge financial losses and environmental concerns. One
of the most common and critical inorganic deposition is related with gas
hydrates, which are crystalline water-based solids, physically similar to ice,
formed in conditions of high pressure and low temperatures. Due to the
worrying facts, phenomena related to hydrates, as formation, dissociation,
and forms to its mitigation have been studied for years by researchers.
In this work, experiments were carried out to analyze ethane gas hydrate
formation in water-in-model oil emulsions, through a rheological analysis
based on the variation of pressure, shear rate and water volume fraction,
and using the vane and concentric cylinder geometries. High pressure time
sweep tests were performed, and the results were presented through viscosity
and pressure curves. The amount of water converted to hydrate was also
estimated through the equation of state and related to the viscosity of the
hydrate slurries formed. The results obtained showed that the induction
period was reduced by increasing the subcooling, water cut, and shear
rate. The higher the water volume fraction, the higher the level reached by
viscosity when hydrate formation is identified. The relative viscosity after
hydrate formation was studied. This knowledge provided a more effective
understanding of some differences observed between the two geometries.
And to complement the study, shear rate ramps were performed showing
similarities between results with concentric cylinders but differences with
vane. Both geometries, vane and concentric cylinders, seem to be adequate
to study hydrate formation and similar qualitative results were obtained.
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Method development for rheological characterization of microfibrillated cellulose / Utveckling av en metod för reologisk karakterisering av mikrofibrillerad cellulosaWahlkrantz, Elin January 2020 (has links)
This thesis contributes to a development of a method for rheological characterization of microfibrillated cellulose. The intended use of the method is to be able to distinguish between different grades of microfibrillated cellulose. The method that was developed had preparation procedure of suspensions, pH, dry content and conductivity as well as measuring geometry and measuring sequence in mind. The method resulted in using a propeller mixer for sample preparation and the most suitable properties of the samples for comparison of different qualities of microfibrillated cellulose was evaluated to be pH 8 with a dry content of 2.0 wt% and a conductivity of 110 µS/cm. The rheology of the microfibrillated cellulose suspensions was examined by using a dynamic rotational rheometer and a splined bob and cup (C25G/PC25G). The complex viscosity from amplitude sweeps is used as the parameter to distinguish between different grades of 2 wt% microfibrillated cellulose suspensions. At 1.0 wt% the pH of the suspensions appeared to have a very small impact on the results from rheological measurements while an increased conductivity of the suspensions resulted in an increased complex viscosity. The dry content dependency appeared to be exponential in the range of 0.5 to 3.0 wt% and it was thus easier to distinguish between different grades of microfibrillated cellulose when the dry content is 2.0 wt% compared to 1.0 or 1.5 wt%.
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Vliv etherů celulózy na reologické vlastnosti vápna / Influence of cellulose ethers on rheological properties of limeHegrová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is a study of the influence of cellulose ethers on the rheological properties of lime. The theoretical part focuses on rheological parameters, techniques and test equipment used in rheology measurements. Various types of cellulose ethers and their influence on the rheological properties of fresh mortars are described. The practical part deals with the study of the influence of different types and quantities of cellulose ethers on the properties of fresh lime pastes and mortars. The results were obtained from measurements on a rotational rheometer with a special geometry for building materials. Measuring methods used were flow and oscillatory tests. Yield stress, viscosity and flow index were determined by the flow measurement. The stability and stiffness of fresh materials were determined during the oscillation measurements. The measured results are then evaluated and compared.
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Temperature dependency of rheological properites of different dispersions containing microfibrillated cellulose / Temperaturberoende av reologiska egenskaper för olika dispersioner innehållande mikrofibrillerad cellulosaSwanelius, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Today, the focus lies on the state of the environment and how we can choose more sustainable alternatives to oil based materials. One material of interest is microfibrillated cellulose (MFC).The microfibril exhibits interesting properties, which one is its excellent barrier properties, that is expected to come in good use for the conversion to a more sustainable society. It is believed that the use of biobased barriers will increase with these new materials and MFC is showing promising results. But in order to develop the material to its full potential, it is important to investigate how MFC behaves in different situations, which can be examined with rheological measurements. The aim of the thesis is to examine how the rheological properties of suspensions containing MFC are affected by temperature and time storing and how the learning from this work can be used for influencing dispersion properties. Four samples were investigated, containing different amounts of MFC and modified waxy maize starch. The samples were analyzed with a dynamic rotational rheometer (Kinexus Pro +) with a splined cup and bob. The following steps were included in the method development used in this work: sample preparation, the repeatability, rest time and statistical analysis. An oscillatory shear and steady shear measurement was performed on the samples, and selected samples were studied with microscopy. The results show that the temperature has affected the samples. The shear viscosity of all samples decreased with increasing temperature and the samples followed the temperature dependence of Arrhenius' equation. For samples containing MFC, the structure was affected, and the initial viscosity was not recovered. The complex viscosity did also decrease at the beginning to then suggestively increase, creating a stronger network at higher temperatures. With the raised temperature the bonding between the fibrils became weaker, which in turn made the dispersion less viscous. Then, depending on the applied force, the shear viscosity and complex viscosity acted differently. To conclude, both the shear viscosity and the complex viscosity in these dispersions containing MFC are dependent on the temperature and time storing. By the learnings from this work, a method has been developed to understand how to use temperature and storing time to lower the shear viscosity and lower, or increase, the complex viscosity. / Idag ligger det ett stort fokus på miljöns tillstånd och hur vi kan välja mer hållbara alternativjämfört med oljebaserade material. Ett material av intresse är mikrofibrillerad cellulosa (MFC).Denna mikrofibrill besitter intressanta egenskaper, varav en är enastående barriäregenskaper,som förväntas komma till god användning i omställningen till ett mer hållbart samhälle. Det tros att biobaserade barriärer kommer att användas mer i dessa nya material och här visar MFC lovande resultat. Men för att kunna utveckla materialet till sin fulla potential är det viktigt att undersöka hur MFC beter sig i olika situationer, som kan undersökas genom reologiska mätningar. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur de reologiska egenskaperna för suspensioner innehållande MFC påverkas av temperatur och lagringstid samt hur lärdomen från det här arbetet kan användas för att påverka dispersionsegenskaper. Fyra prover undersöktes,innehållande olika mängd MFC och modifierad majsstärkelse. Proverna analyserades med en dynamisk rotations reometer (Kinexus Pro +) med räfflad kopp och bob. Följande steg ingick i metodutvecklingen som användes i detta arbete: provberedning, repeterbarhet, vilotid och statistisk analys. En oscillerande skjuvning och jämn skjuvmätning utfördes på de olika proverna samt att utvalda prover studerades med mikroskopi. Resultatet visade att temperaturen hade påverkat proverna. Skjuvviskositeten för alla prover minskade med en ökande temperatur och proverna följde temperaturberoendet av Arrhenius ekvation. För prover innehållande MFC påverkades strukturen och startviskositeten återficks inte. Den komplexa viskositeten minskade också till en början för att sedan suggestivt öka, vilket skapade ett starkare nätverk vid högre temperaturer. Med en högre temperatur blev bindningarna mellan fibrillerna svagare, vilket bidrog att dispersionerna blev mindre viskösa. Beroende på den applicerade kraften, verkade skjuvviskositeten och den komplexa viskositeten olika. Slutsatsen var att både skjuvviskositeten och den komplexa viskositeten i dessa prover innehållande MFC beroende av temperaturen och lagringstid. Från lärdomen av arbetet har en metod tagits fram för att kunna använda temperatur och lagringstid för att sänka skjuvviskositeten och sänka, eller öka, den komplexa viskositeten.
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Werkstoffeinflüsse auf den Spritzgussprozess von hochgefüllten Phenol-Formaldehydharz-FormmassenScheffler, Thomas 11 January 2019 (has links)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden verschiedene duroplastische Formmassen laboranalytisch hinsichtlich der rheologischen und thermischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Es wurde u.a. gezielt die absolute Materialfeuchte gesteigert, um den Einfluss dieser auf das Fließ Härtungsverhalten zu charakterisieren. Anschließend wurden die Materialien auf einer hochinstrumentierten Spritzgussmaschine mit einem Fließspiralenwerkzeug untersucht. Dabei konnte ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen dem Rückfluss und dem Plastifizierdrehmoment in Abhängigkeit der Materialfeuchte und der Prozessparameter detektiert werden . Des Weiteren wurden über die Differenzdruckmessung im Fließspiralenwerkzeug die scheinbaren Viskositäten über den Fließweg ermittelt. Hierbei konnten unterschiedliche Aufschmelzeffekte über die Fließweglänge in Abhängigke it der duroplastischen Formmasse, der absoluten Materialfeuchte und der Prozessparameter detektiert werden . Durch Schererwärmung konnte die Formmassentemperatur teilweise die Werkzeugtemperatur übersteigen. Hinsichtlich der mechanischen Eigenschaften (Schlagzähigkeit, Biegefestigkeit) konnten keine signifikanten Einflussgrößen detektiert werden. Hinsichtlich des Tg konnten systematischen Unterschiede detektiert und begründet werden. Die beste Möglichkeit zur Ermittlung des Tg lieferte die TMA. Die thermischen Glasübergänge korrelieren mit den in der DSC ermittelten Aushärtegraden , wobei mit steigender Materialfeuchte ein geringer Aushärtegrad detektiert wird. / Within this paper, the rheologieal and thermie eharaeteristies of different thermosetting molding eompounds were investigated using lab analysis methods. Among others, the absolute moisture eontent was inereased purposefully to investigate its influenee on the flow-euring behavior. Subsequently, the materials were analyzed using a highly instrumented injeetion-molding maehine and a flow spiral tool. A direet link between the baekflow and the plastifieation torque dependent on the moisture eontent and proeess parameters was deteeted . Furthermore, a measurement of the differential pressure was eondueted within the flow spiral to deteet the apparent viseosity over the flow path. Within this proeess, different melting effeets over the flow eurve length depending on the molding eompound, the absolute moisture eontent and proeess parameters were deteeted. The shear heating lead to a material temperature inerease of the molding eompound, whieh was partly higher than the tool temperature . Coneerning the meehanieal eharaeteristies (impaet strength, flexural strength), no signifieant influeneing faetors eould be deteeted. In eontrast, systematie differenees of the glass transition temperature were deteeted and their eause eould be explained. The best way to determine the glass transition is the TMA. The glass transition temperatures eorrelate with the degree of eure determined with the DSC, whereas an inereasing moisture eontent is assoeiated with a lower degree of eure.
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