Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SAND"" "subject:"[enn] SAND""
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Undrained, monotonic shear strength of loose, saturated sand treated with a thixotropic bentonite suspension for soil improvementRugg, Dennis A. 21 December 2010 (has links)
Liquefaction is a phenomenon that occurs in loose saturated sand deposits that are subjected to earthquake loading. This phenomenon can cause massive displacements and significant destruction. Many methods for mitigating liquefaction have been proposed and investigated including compaction, drainage, and grouting. One such liquefaction mitigation technique involves the addition of bentonite fines to the pore spaces of a loose, saturated sand via permeation of an engineered clay suspension. This method of soil improvement has provided the basis and motivation for this research. Also, the effect of plastic and non-plastic fines on the static and cyclic response of sands is somewhat contradictory throughout the literature. Thus, the primary objective of this study was to characterize the affect of an engineered bentonite pore fluid on the undrained monotonic response of loose, saturated Ottawa sand in order to determine its feasibility for use as an effective method for liquefaction mitigation.
The permeation of engineered bentonite suspensions is proposed as a passive site remediation technique. Thus, the suspensions were delivered to loose Ottawa sand specimens in the laboratory by permeation in a newly designed three-way split mold. This split mold was used to create easily tested specimens that would have an initial soil fabric similar to that expected after permeation in the field. The bentonite suspensions were treated with sodium pyrophosphate to reduce the initial yield stress and viscosity in order to allow for permeation. Three different bentonite suspensions were utilized throughout this study each having different properties and delivering slightly different amounts of bentonite to the loose, saturated sand.
The affect of this engineered pore fluid on the undrained shear response of loose, saturated Ottawa sand was compared to the undrained shear response of clean sand and dry-mixed sand and bentonite. The specimen preparation method (dry-mixed or permeated) was shown to have a significant effect on the response of the sand specimens. While the dry-mixed specimens produced larger and more sustained positive pore water pressures than the clean sand (resulting in an increased tendency to flow), the permeated specimens showed a marked decrease in the generation of excess pore water pressures, displayed a more dilative response, and thus resulted in a soil structure that was less likely to flow. Finally, the results of tests on specimens permeated with engineered bentonite suspensions show that there is little to no change in the effective friction angle at critical state.
A method for effectively testing permeated soil specimens was developed in this study. This method has laid the framework for further investigations into the use of engineered bentonite suspensions for liquefaction mitigation by permeation grouting. / text
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A predictive model for sand production in poorly consolidated sandsKim, Sung Hyun, 1983- 17 February 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a model for the process of sand production that allows us to predict the stability of wellbores and perforation tunnels as well as mass of sand produced.
Past analytical, numerical, and empirical models on material failure and erosion mechanisms were analyzed. The sand production model incorporates shear and tensile failure mechanisms. A criterion for sand erosion in failed sand was proposed based on a force balance calculation on the sand face. It is shown that failure, post failure sand mechanics and flow-dominated erosion mechanisms are important in the sand production process. The model has a small number of required input parameters that can be directly measured in the lab and does not require the use of empirical correlations for determining sand erosion. The model was implemented in a numerical simulator.
Three different experiments using different materials were simulated and the results were compared to test the model. The model-generated results successfully matched the sand production profiles in experiments. When the post-failure behavior of materials was well-known, the match between the simulation and experiment was excellent. Sensitivity studies on the effect of mechanical stresses, flow rates, cohesion, and permeability show qualitative agreement with experimental observations. In addition, the effect of two-phase flow was presented to emphasize the importance of the water-weakening of the sand. These results show that catastrophic sand production can occur following water breakthrough. Finally the impact of increasing sand cohesion by the use of sand consolidation chemicals was shown to be an effective strategy for preventing sand production. / text
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The primary objective of this study is to investigate the suitability of utilizing dune sand as a paving construction material in hot desert-like areas of the world, where regions of sand dunes exist. The high availability, low cost, and excellent physical properties of the current surplus of elemental sulfur and the benefits given to asphaltic binders by sulfur raises the possibility of using sulfur in asphalt mixes to produce stable mixtures with locally obtainable dune sand. Characterization of various sulfur-asphalt-dune sand mixtures for highway construction were made. The materials used in this investigation were elemental sulfur, AR-4000 (60-70 pen.) asphalt, and dune sand from Yuma, Arizona. The main variables include (a)proportion of sulfur and asphalt in the binder, (b)amount of binder in the mixture, (c)curing temperature, (d)test temperature, and (e)mixing techniques. The various mixtures were prepared by the one-wet mixing cycle technique. Similar dune sand mixtures with asphalt only were evaluated for comparison purposes. The different mixes were evaluated by the Marshall method, tensile strength tests (double punch), compression tests (standard and immersion), flexural tests (standard), dynamic modulus tests (double punch), and microscopic examinations of sulfur-asphalt binders and sulfur-asphalt-dune sand mixtures (thin sections). Preliminary characterizations of the various mixes were made on the basis of their Marshall stability, flow, density, and air void contents. Other engineering properties such as tensile strength, compressive strength, modulus of rupture, dynamic modulus, and microscopic studies were determined for selected mixes. The results consistently indicated that the sulfur-asphalt-dune sand mixes exhibited superior engineering characteristics and performance as compared to similar mixes without sulfur. The overall conclusion drawn from this study is that the dune sand which is not normally accepted for use as aggregate in asphaltic mixtures, can be used with the utilization of sulfur-asphalt binder systems to produce paving mixtures with compatible or better engineering properties in comparison to conventional asphaltic concretes.
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Management of the Schmutzdecke Layer of a Slow Sand FilterLivingston, Peter January 2013 (has links)
Slow sand filters (SSF) have been used to treat surface water to drinking water standards for over a century. Today many cities, including London still treat surface waters to drinking water standards, however because there are viruses that are not efficiently removed by a slow sand filter and are not killed by chlorine, communities have turned to the use of micro filtration and/or reverse osmosis to provide safe drinking water. These technologies are much more efficient if organics are removed and turbidity reduced to less than 1 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). The greenhouse industry is another potential user of slow sand filters. They are not able to recycle irrigation drainage water without it being treated to reduce bacteria, virus, and fungi. The objective of this research was to develop management strategies for SSF that specifically meet the needs of entities using SSF for pretreatment of potable water or use in a greenhouse. This data was used to test a scour system that resulted in scouring 80 percent of the organic layer in the filter and suspending the solids for 40 minutes. A conceptual design was done for a full scale SSF that took advantage of the scour and suspension data to clean the SSF at the end of a run cycle. SSF were able to consistently produce water with a turbidity less than 1 (NTU) and with the infiltration capacity of 0.27 m³m⁻². For greenhouse effluent a 1,000 square meter greenhouse that is discharging 3,600 L d⁻¹ of drainage water would require a 12.6 m² SSF, and the SSF for the community requiring treatment of 4.7 million liters per day of raw water was 730 m². The innovative cleaning system based on an air/water jet was developed to clean the SSF. Experiments were run to determine the amount of time that the solids were suspended and a scour system developed to exceed these times. The entire time for cleaning and recovery of the SSF was an average of 118 minutes for the greenhouse system and 170 minutes for the SSF serving a small community.
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The geotechnical characterisation of Christchurch sands for advanced soil modelling.Taylor, Merrick Leonard January 2015 (has links)
In 2010 and 2011 Christchurch, New Zealand experienced a series of earthquakes that caused extensive damage across the city, but primarily to the Central Business District (CBD) and eastern suburbs. A major feature of the observed damage was extensive and severe soil liquefaction and associated ground damage, affecting buildings and infrastructure. The behaviour of soil during earthquake loading is a complex phenomena that can be most comprehensively analysed through advanced numerical simulations to aid engineers in the design of important buildings and critical facilities. These numerical simulations are highly dependent on the capabilities of the constitutive soil model to replicate the salient features of sand behaviour during cyclic loading, including liquefaction and cyclic mobility, such as the Stress-Density model. For robust analyses advanced soil models require extensive testing to derive engineering parameters under varying loading conditions for calibration. Prior to this research project little testing on Christchurch sands had been completed, and none from natural samples containing important features such as fabric and structure of the sand that may be influenced by the unique stress-history of the deposit.
This research programme is focussed on the characterisation of Christchurch sands, as typically found in the CBD, to facilitate advanced soil modelling in both res earch and engineering practice - to simulate earthquake loading on proposed foundation design solutions including expensive ground improvement treatments. This has involved the use of a new Gel Push (GP) sampler to obtain undisturbed samples from below the ground-water table. Due to the variable nature of fluvial deposition, samples with a wide range of soil gradations, and accordingly soil index properties, were obtained from the sampling sites. The quality of the samples is comprehensively examined using available data from the ground investigation and laboratory testing. A meta-quality assessment was considered whereby a each method of evaluation contributed to the final quality index assigned to the specimen.
The sampling sites were characterised with available geotechnical field-based test data, primarily the Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT), supported by borehole sampling and shear-wave velocity testing. This characterisation provides a geo- logical context to the sampling sites and samples obtained for element testing. It
also facilitated the evaluation of sample quality. The sampling sites were evaluated for liquefaction hazard using the industry standard empirical procedures, and showed good correlation to observations made following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. However, the empirical method over-predicted liquefaction occurrence during the preceding 4 September 2010 event, and under-predicted for the subsequent 13 June 2011 event. The reasons for these discrepancies are discussed.
The response of the GP samples to monotonic and cyclic loading was measured in the laboratory through triaxial testing at the University of Canterbury geomechanics laboratory. The undisturbed samples were compared to reconstituted specimens formed in the lab in an attempt to quantify the effect of fabric and structure in the Christchurch sands. Further testing of moist tamped re- constituted specimens (MT) was conducted to define important state parameters and state-dependent properties including the Critical State Line (CSL), and the stress-strain curve for varying state index. To account for the wide-ranging soil gradations, selected representative specimens were used to define four distinct CSL. The input parameters for the Stress-Density Model (S-D) were derived from a suite of tests performed on each representative soil, and with reference to available GP sample data.
The results of testing were scrutinised by comparing the data against expected trends. The influence of fabric and structure of the GP samples was observed to result in similar cyclic strength curves at 5 % Double Amplitude (DA) strain criteria, however on close inspection of the test data, clear differences emerged. The natural samples exhibited higher compressibility during initial loading cycles, but thereafter typically exhibited steady growth of plastic strain and excess pore water pressure towards and beyond the strain criteria and initial liquefaction, and no flow was observed. By contrast the reconstituted specimens exhibited a stiffer response during initial loading cycles, but exponential growth in strains and associated excess pore water pressure beyond phase-transformation, and particularly after initial liquefaction where large strains were mobilised in subsequent cycles. These behavioural differences were not well characterised by the cyclic strength curve at 5 % DA strain level, which showed a similar strength for both GP samples and MT specimens.
A preliminary calibration of the S-D model for a range of soil gradations is derived from the suite of laboratory test data. Issues encountered include the
influence of natural structure on the peak-strength–state index relationship, resulting in much higher peak strengths than typically observed for sands in the literature. For the S-D model this resulted in excessive stiffness to be modelled during cyclic mobility, when the state index becomes large momentarily, causing strain development to halt. This behaviour prevented modelling the observed re- sponse of silty sands to large strains, synonymous with “liquefaction”. Efforts to reduce this effect within the current formulation are proposed as well as future research to address this issue.
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Numerical and analytical modeling of sanding onset predictionYi, Xianjie 30 September 2004 (has links)
To provide technical support for sand control decision-making, it is necessary to predict the production condition at which sand production occurs. Sanding onset prediction involves simulating the stress state on the surface of an oil/gas producing cavity (e.g. borehole, perforation tunnel) and applying appropriate sand production criterion to predict the fluid pressure or pressure gradient at which sand production occurs. In this work, we present numerical and analytical poroelastoplastic stress models describing stress around producing cavity and verify those models against each other. Using those models, we evaluate the stress state on the cavity surface and derive sanding onset prediction models in terms of fluid pressure or pressure gradient based on the given sand production criterion. We then run field case studies and validate the sanding onset prediction models.
Rock strength criterion plays important roles in sanding onset prediction. We investigate how the sanding onset prediction results vary with the selection of one or another rock strength criterion. In this work, we present four commonly used rock strength criteria in sanding onset prediction and wellbore stability studies: Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown, Drucker-Prager, and Modified Lade criteria. In each of the criterion, there are two or more parameters involved. In the literature, a two-step procedure is applied to determine the parameters in the rock strength criterion. First, the Mohr-Coulomb parameters like cohesion So and internal friction angle ff are regressed from the laboratory test data. Then, the parameters in other criteria are calculated using the regressed Mohr-Coulomb parameters. We propose that the best way to evaluate the parameters in a specific rock strength criterion is to perform direct regression of the laboratory test data using that criterion. Using this methodology, we demonstrate that the effect of various rock strength criteria on sanding onset prediction is less dramatic than using the commonly used method. With this methodology, the uncertainties of the effect of rock strength criterion on sanding onset prediction are also reduced.
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Dune Erosion and Beach Profile Evolution in Response to Bichromatic Wave GroupsBerard, Neville Anne 01 April 2014 (has links)
On sandy coastlines dunes provide a barrier of protection from strong environmental forces that can naturally occur during storm events including storm surges that expose the dunes to large waves. A set of laboratory experiments were used to investigate the morphological processes during the erosion of a steep dune face under bichromatic wave conditions for two different mean water level elevations, corresponding to storm surges and waves that collide with or overwash the dune. In the collision regime, episodic slumping due to the undercutting of the dune resulted in sudden erosional events followed by long periods of wave-driven reshaping at the dune toe. In the overwash regime, dune erosion was faster and occurred at a more consistent rate. Small scale bedforms (ripples) measured during the overwash test evolved in height faster and to greater overall heights than collision test while bedform lengths were not affected by the change in water level.
A numerical model, XBeach, was calibrated to examine the ability to predict erosion of the steep dune due to waves in the two water level regimes. XBeach was not able to recreate the spatial variability of the significant wave height profile from the laboratory measurements; however, mean velocities were in good agreement with observations suggesting that bed shear stress is well estimated. During mobile bed simulations of erosion in the two regimes, the model was in agreement with measured dune erosion after initial adjustment. XBeach was very sensitive to several parameters that control the rate of erosion including the critical avalanching slope under water, the threshold water depth and the sediment transport formulation. The model did not perform well at predicting erosion rates until these parameters had been modified. Overall, XBeach performed better when simulating dune erosion in the overwash regime than the collision regime. / Thesis (Master, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2014-04-01 14:54:35.257
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Natural gas recovery from hydrates in a silica sand matrixHaligva, Cef 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis studies methane hydrate crystal formation and decomposition at 1.0, 4.0 and 7.0°C in a new apparatus. Hydrate was formed in the interstitial space of a variable volume bed of silica sand particles with an average diameter equal to 329μm (150 to 630μm range). The initial pressure inside the reactor was 8.0MPa for all the formation experiments. Three bed sizes were employed in order to observe the effects of the silica sand bed size on the rate of methane consumption (formation) and release (decomposition). The temperature at various locations inside the silica sand bed was measured with thermocouples during formation and decomposition experiments. For the decomposition experiments, two different methods were employed to dissociate the hydrate: thermal stimulation and depressurization.
It was found that more than 74.0% of water conversion to hydrates was achieved in all hydrate formation experiments at 4.0°C and 1.0°C starting with a pressure of 8.0MPa. The dissociation of hydrate was found to occur in two stages when thermal stimulation was employed whereas three stages were found during depressurization. In both cases, the first stage was strongly affected by the changing bed size whereas it was not found to depend on the bed size afterwards.
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Development of an Experimental Apparatus for Studying the Effects of Acoustic Excitation on ViscosityEvans, Marc David Unknown Date
No description available.
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Molecular simulation of the wetting of selected solvents on sand and clay surfacesNi, Xiao Unknown Date
No description available.
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