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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization of the jet emanating from a self-exciting flexible membrane nozzle

Lakhamraju, Raghava Raju 05 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Gerador de indução isolado com tensão e freqüência reguladas por conversor matricial esparso / Stand alone induction generator with voltage and frequency regulated by a sparse matrix converter

Trapp, Jordan Gustavo 30 June 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The induction generator has characteristics making it interesting for alternative sources of energy, such as low cost, ruggedness, low maintenance, high availability and good dynamic behavior. So, it is very much applied in alternative energy systems, where low cost, low maintenance and easy availability are essential characteristics. Although this generator is very attractive, its operation presents problems related to a poor voltage regulation, load dependent variable frequency, and the need of large size self-excitation capacitors, for standalone induction generator systems. In order to minimize these problems, this study proposes a sparse matrix converter associated to an induction generator as a way to regulate the generated voltage, fix the frequency and increase the system reliability. Moreover, it allows the reduction of the self-excitation capacitors by draining out of the generator, mostly resistive current thus, reducing capacitor costs and of the whole system size. In this dissertation is presented some simulation and practical results of a sparse matrix converter connected to the induction generator prototype developed in CEEMA laboratories. These results confirm the here presented theory and validate this work. / O Gerador de Indução é atrativo para geração de energia elétrica com fontes alternativas por apresentar baixo custo, robustez, baixo índice de manutenção, grande disponibilidade e bom comportamento dinâmico. Por isso, ele é muito aplicado em sistemas alternativos de geração de energia onde o baixo custo, baixo índice de manutenção, disponibilidade e facilidade de substituição do gerador, são características bastante apreciadas. Particularmente, no caso dos geradores de indução auto-excitados por bancos de capacitores, apesar de também eles serem atrativos, sua operação isolada apresenta problemas relacionados à regulação de tensão insatisfatória e freqüência variável dependentes da carga, e pela necessidade de capacitores de auto-excitação de tamanho e custo elevados. Os custos elevados dos bancos de capacitores ainda limitam o uso isolado do gerador de indução a pequenas unidades apenas, com potência inferior à 50kW. Esta dissertação propõe o uso do Conversor Matricial Esparso como forma de regular a tensão no gerador de indução e fixar a freqüência na carga. Além disso, o uso deste conversor possibilita drenar uma corrente do gerador em fase com sua respectiva tensão, reduzindo assim o custo dos capacitores e do sistema como um todo. São apresentados resultados de simulação e resultados práticos de um protótipo do conversor matricial esparso, desenvolvido nos laboratórios do CEEMA-UFSM para conexão ao gerador de indução. Estes resultados servem de base para a comprovação e validação da teoria desenvolvida para a integração do gerador de indução auto-excitado e do conversor matricial esparso apresentada nesta dissertação.

Asinchroninių generatorių tyrimas / Study of the induction generator

Ščerba, Andrius 02 June 2011 (has links)
Darbe atlikti trifazio asinchroninio generatoriaus, sujungto pagal nepriklausomo žadinimo ir pagal susižadinimo schemas, prie įvairių apkrovų eksperimentiniai tyrimai. Pateikti šių tyrimų bei skaičiavimų rezultatai, atlikta jų analizė. Asinchroninio generatoriaus, dirbančio pagal nepriklausomo žadinimo schemą, tyrimų rezultatai rodo, kad jo energetiniai rodikliai nedaug mažesni už nurodytuosius variklio rodiklius. Generatoriaus apvijomis tekant nurodytajai srovei In = 4,7 A, jo atiduodama į tinklą aktyvioji galia P2 = 2,6 kW yra 18,18 % didesnė už nurodytąją variklio galią Pn = 2,2 kW. Asinchroninio generatoriaus, dirbančio pagal susižadinimo schemą esant pastoviam jo sukimo greičiui (n = const) ir kondensatorių talpai (C = = const), tyrimai rodo, kad šio generatoriaus energetiniai rodikliai yra ženkliai mažesni už nurodytuosius variklio rodiklius. Didėjant generatoriaus apkrovai gana sparčiai mažėja jo fazinė įtampa. Generatoriaus didžiausia apkrovos srovė I1 = 2,68 A, kuri buvo išmatuota esant sukimo greičiui n = 2000 min-1 = const ir kondensatorių talpai C = 120 μF = const, yra 43 % mažesnė už nurodytąją variklio srovę. Todėl galima teigti, kad asinchroninis generatorius, dirbantis pagal susižadinimo schemą, nebus pilnai išnaudotas. Atlikti tyrimai rodo, kad asinchroninį generatorių, dirbantį pagal susižadinimo schemą, galima daugiau apkrauti didinant jo įtampą. Kad tai pasiekti, reikia, didinant generatoriaus apkrovą, atitinkamai didinti jo sukimo greitį arba (ir)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The present work presents an experimental research of a three-phase induction generator which was connected using separate excitation and self-excitation schemes under various loads. The results of the research and the calculations are provided and analyzed. The research results obtained from the separately excited induction generator show that its energetic indicators are not significantly lower than the provided motor indicators. When the rated current In = 4,7 A flows through the windings of the generator, its released active power P2 = 2,6 kW is greater than the rated motor power Pn = 2,2 kW by 18,18 %. The research on a self-excited induction generator with a constant revolution speed (n = const) and capacity of its capacitors (C = const) shows that the energetic indicators of this generator are of significantly lower values than the provided motor indicators. When the load of the generator is increased, its phase voltage decreases rather rapidly. The maximum load current I1 = 2,68 A of the generator was measured under the following conditions: the rotational speed n = 2000 min-1 = const and the capacity of the capacitors C = 120 μF = const. The results showed that it was 43 % less than the rated motor current. Therefore, it can be concluded that a self-excited induction generator will not be exploited to its full capacity. The carried out research shows that it is possible to increase the load of a self-excited induction generator by increasing its voltage. It is... [to full text]

Sub-synchronous interactions in a wind integrated power system

Suriyaarachchi, Don Hiranya Ravipriya 05 September 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents a comprehensive procedure to study sub-synchronous interactions in wind integrated power systems effectively and efficiently. The proposed procedure involves a screening phase and a detailed analysis phase. The screening is performed using a frequency scan and the detailed analysis is performed using small signal stability analysis. To facilitate the small signal analysis, a detailed linearized model of a Type 3 wind power plant is presented in this thesis. The model presented includes the generator, a three-mass drive train model, rotor and grid side converter controller models, converter transformer model and the pitch controller model. To accurately capture the effects of sub-synchronous interactions, the ac network is modelled using dynamic phasors. It is shown that using the proposed procedure, the sub-synchronous interaction between a Type 3 wind power plant and a series compensated line is due to an electrical resonance between the wind power plant generator and the series capacitor. It is also shown that this interaction is highly controllable through the rotor side converter current controllers. This fact will be proven by studying the sub-synchronous interactions in a single machine power system as well as in multi machine power systems. This thesis also presents a sub-synchronous interaction mitigation method using network devices. The performance of an SVC and a STATCOM is evaluated in this thesis. A small signal stability analysis based method will be used to design a sub-synchronous damping controller. A method will be presented to estimate the damping controller parameters systematically to obtain the desired performance using small signal stability analysis results. Furthermore, it will be shown that by strongly controlling the voltage of the point of common coupling, the damping of the oscillations produced by the sub-synchronous interaction between the wind power plant and the series compensated line can be improved. Based on the findings of this research, the thesis proposes a number of recommendations to be adopted when studying the sub-synchronous interactions in wind integrated power systems. These recommendations will facilitate to do such studies effectively and pinpoint the root cause of the sub-synchronous interactions.

Constant Voltage, Constant Frequency Operation Of A Self-excited Induction Generator

Caliskan, Ahmet 01 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, control schemes for the self-excited induction generator are developed with Matlab/Simulink. Self-excited induction generator is considered as a constant voltage-constant frequency supply for an isolated load. A wind turbine is assumed to be the variable-speed drive of the induction generator. Control schemes aim to ensure a constant voltage-constant frequency operation of the induction generator in case of the variations in the wind speed and/or the load. From the general model of the self-excited induction generator, the characteristics of the system and the dynamic responses of the system in case of any disturbance are examined. Next, the control strategies are developed both for the squirrel-cage rotor induction generator and for the wound-rotor induction generator. Two control loops are necessary for constant voltage-constant frequency operation of a variable speed induction generator, one for the voltage regulation and the other for the frequency regulation. After developing the control loops, constant voltage-constant frequency operation of the self-excited induction generator is simulated with a cage type saturation adaptive induction generator, a fixed capacitor with thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) used for frequency regulation and switched external resistors connected to the stator terminals used for voltage regulation.

Etude analytique et expérimentale de l’usinage d’un tube mince / Analytical and experimental study of the machining of a thin tube

Gerasimenko, Artem 14 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse se concentre sur l’étude du comportement dynamique des tubes minces durant leur usinage par tournage et notamment sur la survenue du broutement régénératif. L’étude de l’usinage de ce type de pièce est pertinente car ces pièces font l’objet d’une large diffusion dans divers domaines industriels tels que la construction aéronautique (notamment moteurs), la construction navale, la production de fusées. Ces pièces ayant une faible rigidité, il est fréquent que des vibrations indésirables se produisent en cours d’usinage. Il est donc intéressant d’être à même de les prédire pour les éviter.L’approche proposée vise à permettre un choix rapide et efficace des conditions de coupe, et notamment des profondeurs de passe, pour cette opération d’usinage. Pour cela nous proposons de mettre en place un modèle mécanique analytique du tube (modèle de coque mince utilisant un nombre réduit de degrés de liberté) de manière à réduire les coûts numériques et à faciliter l’analyse du phénomène. L’impact de la taille du modèle sur les résultats est étudié (nombre de formes propres) ainsi que de la prise en compte de l’enlèvement de matière (évolution du comportement dynamique) et du déplacement de l’outil. Afin de valider l’approche une expérience a été mise en place et est également présentée dans ce mémoire. / This work focuses on the study of the dynamic behavior of thin tubes during their machining by turning and gives particular emphasis on the occurrence of regenerative chatter. The study of machining of this type of workpiece is relevant because they are widely used in various industrial fields such as aircraft construction (including engines), shipbuilding, rocket production. As these parts have low rigidity, it is common that undesirable vibrations occur during machining. It is therefore of interest to be able to predict them in order to avoid them.The proposed approach is designed to enable a fast and efficient selection of cutting conditions, including cutting depths for this machining operation. We thus propose to elaborated an analytical model for the dynamics of the tube (thin shell based model using a reduced number of degrees of freedom) to reduce the numerical costs and to facilitate the analysis of the phenomenon. The impact of the size of the model on the results is studied (number of shape functions), as well as the impact of material removal (evolution of the dynamic behavior) and of the motion of the tool. An experiment, presented in this thesis, was also set up in order to validate the approach.

Hydropower generator and power system interaction

Bladh, Johan January 2012 (has links)
After decades of routine operation, the hydropower industry faces new challenges. Large-scale integration of other renewable sources of generation in the power system accentuates the role of hydropower as a regulating resource. At the same time, an extensive reinvestment programme has commenced where many old components and apparatus are being refurbished or replaced. Introduction of new technical solutions in existing power plants requires good systems knowledge and careful consideration. Important tools for research, development and analysis are suitable mathematical models, numerical simulation methods and laboratory equipment. This doctoral thesis is devoted to studies of the electromechanical interaction between hydropower units and the power system. The work encompasses development of mathematical models, empirical methods for system identification, as well as numerical and experimental studies of hydropower generator and power system interaction. Two generator modelling approaches are explored: one based on electromagnetic field theory and the finite element method, and one based on equivalent electric circuits. The finite element model is adapted for single-machine infinite-bus simulations by the addition of a network equivalent, a mechanical equation and a voltage regulator. Transient simulations using both finite element and equivalent circuit models indicate that the finite element model typically overestimates the synchronising and damping properties of the machine. Identification of model parameters is performed both numerically and experimentally. A complete set of equivalent circuit parameters is identified through finite element simulation of standard empirical test methods. Another machine model is identified experimentally through frequency response analysis. An extension to the well-known standstill frequency response (SSFR) test is explored, which involves measurement and analysis of damper winding quantities. The test is found to produce models that are suitable for transient power system analysis. Both experimental and numerical studies show that low resistance of the damper winding interpole connections are vital to achieve high attenuation of rotor angle oscillations. Hydropower generator and power system interaction is also studied experimentally during a full-scale startup test of the Nordic power system, where multiple synchronised data acquisition devices are used for measurement of both electrical and mechanical quantities. Observation of a subsynchronous power oscillation leads to an investigation of the torsional stability of hydropower units. In accordance with previous studies, hydropower units are found to be mechanically resilient to subsynchronous power oscillations. However, like any other generating unit, they are dependent on sufficient electrical and mechanical damping. Two experimentally obtained hydraulic damping coefficients for a large Francis turbine runner are presented in the thesis.


IVO SERGIO BARAN 13 December 2002 (has links)
[pt] No novo modelo para o setor elétrico brasileiro a operação do sistema é de responsabilidade do Operador Independente do Sistema enquanto que a propriedade do equipamento e os gastos com a sua manutenção são de responsabilidade do agente prestador do serviço ancilar.Desta forma, o lucro do agente prestador do serviço ancilar de potência reativa será função do custo deste serviço uma vez que a sua remuneração é previamente definida pelo agente regulador. Dentro desta ótica os riscos operacionais dos equipamentos de compensação de potência reativa, se não forem convenientemente mitigados,poderão aumentar os gastos com a manutenção e o pagamento de multa pela indisponibilidade do equipamento.Riscos operacionais são situações de sistema que estão fora da responsabilidade do agente mas que poderão reduzir o seu faturamento.Esta dissertação descreve os riscos operacionais e faz algumas sugestões para proteger o agente da redução do seu faturamento. / [en] In the new brazilian deregulated electrical network, system operation is under Independent System Operator responsibility while the ancillary service agent is the owner of the reactive power equipment and, as a consequence, is responsible for its maintenance costs. In the new model, the profit of the agent is a function of the maintenance costs because his payment is previously defined by the authorities. The operational risks of the reactive power equipments, if not conveniently mitigated, may increase the maintenance frequency and may also result in the payment of a fee due to the equipment unavailability.Operational risks are events in the electrical transmission system that are not under the responsibility of the agent but may reduce his profits. This report describes these operational risks and makes some suggestions to protect the agent against the reduction in his profits.

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