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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lomová houževnatost kompozitu s Al-matricí a uhlíkovými vlákny / Fracture Toughness of Composite with Al-matrix and Carbon Fibres

Michalička, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The objective of this study was a values evaluation of fracture toughness of fiber-metal laminates (FML) compounded from carbon fibers in epoxy matrix and aluminium plates of lay-up 6/5. Samples with unidirectional and bidirectional orientation were tested experimentally. In the case of unidirectionally oriented samples an effect of moisture absorption to epoxy matrix on the values of fracture toughness was reviewed. A fracture toughness calculation was realized by COD method firstly. A bigger pop-ins in F – COD diagram as critical moments for "delta"c evaluation were considered; it was determined by 5% tangential line. It was found out, that results of this measurement weren’t in agreement with plane deformation condition and for this the results couldn’t be rated as fracture toughness "delta"Ic. A method of J integral for fracture toughness evaluation was used consequently. A test of elastic compliance changes before J integral calculation by all of samples was performed. Beginning of stable grow of crack was determined by this method. A critical forces Fc from beginnings were established, which were used for calculation of Jc. A functional dependence of elastic compliance on crack opening had specific waved shape before its linear (up to exponential) grow. It was observed in all cases. The critical forces Fc from the end of “wave” preceding the continual grow of compliance were determined. Equations stated in standards for J integral calculation were used, which are for metal materials normally used. Despite this was found out all of results of Jc were in good agreement with plane deformation condition and could be rated as fracture toughness JIc. In this study were found out these pieces of knowledge about fracture toughness of FML CARE: Unidirectional CARE had fracture toughness JIc about 76 kJ/m^2 and the same type but with bigger amount of absorbed moisture had JIc about 4 % higher. In this case negative moisture influences on CARE weren’t found. Bidirectional CARE had fracture toughness JIc about 31 kJ/m^2; it was about 65 % less then in the case of unidirectional CARE

Testování lomové houževnatosti za vysokých teplot s využitím miniaturních CT těles / Fracture toughness testing at high temperature range using miniaturized CT specimens

Holas, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with the evaluation of fracture behavior of ODS steel MA956 at high temperature range. This behavior was tested by using miniaturized CT specimens, on which were performed experiments to measure of ductile crack growth resistance curves (J-R curves). The value of the fracture toughness was determined from these J-R curves. Fracture properties were consequently evaluated by using fractographic analysis of the fracture surfaces. Structural properties of material was identified by hardness measurement and analyzed by metallographic methods. Results of the measurements show drop of the fracture toughness with respect to the increasing temperature.

Testování lomové houževnatosti za vysokých teplot s využitím miniaturních CT těles / Fracture toughness testing at high temperature range using miniaturized CT specimens

Lokvenc, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with a high temperature testing of fracture toughness and studies the size effect on measured values using miniature size CT specimen. Two types of specimen geometry were manufactured from P91 steel, the standard size and the quarter size specimen. J-R curves were obtained in the temperature range from 23°C to 600°C. No specimen size effect was observed at room temperature tests. The realized experiments together with fractography analysis demonstrated the drop of toughness at 400°C caused by the effect of dynamic strain aging.

Nízkoteplotní zkoušky a lomová houževnatost vybraných keramických materiálů / Low temperature tests and fracture toughness of selected ceramic materials

Beck, Branislav January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the determination of fracture toughness values of sintered silicon carbide and casted basalt using both the Single Edge V-Notch Beam (SEVNB) and the Chevron Notched Beam (CNB) methods at room and cryogenic temperatures. The first part of this thesis offers general overview and categorization of ceramic materials. Fracture mechanics of the ceramic materials and available fracture toughness testing methods are discussed in following chapters. The last section in the theoretical part is aimed to the microstructure and properties of the silicon carbide. Experimental part of the work summarizes methods used for characterization of selected materials from the microstructural and fracture point of view. Preparation of samples for microstructural observation and samples for fracture toughness determination are described in details. The results of the fracture toughness data for sintered silicon carbide and cast-basalt obtained at room temperature and at -100 °C are displayed. Consideration of possible measurements errors and application of various fracture toughness testing methods are discussed in the next chapter of this work. The difference in the fracture toughness values with the decrease of testing temperature was found. The difference depends on both, the used method of fracture toughness determination and the material used for the tests. The most important results gained during the experimental work are summarized in the chapter “Conclusions”.

Tepelné zpracování nástrojových ocelí / Heat treatment of tool steels

Tobolík, Stanislav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the properties of ledeburitic chrome-vanadium tool steel after heat treatment. Theoretical part contains charakterization of ledeburitic steels, the posibility of manufacturing and heat treatment. There are also briefly describes the principles of the test methods, which were used. The practical part is focused on describing the results of 12 sample groups, with different heat treatment. The results are compared in the final discussion.

Fracture Behaviour of Steels and Their Welds for Power Industry / Fracture Behaviour of Steels and Their Welds for Power Industry

Al Khaddour, Samer January 2017 (has links)
Práce byla zaměřena na ověření platnosti koncepce master křivky pro hodnocení heterogenních svarových spojů, resp. teplotně stárnutých svarů. Současně bylo cílem disertace vyvinout kvantitativní model pro predikci referenční teploty lokalizující tranzitní oblast na teplotní ose za použití dat získaných z tahové zkoušky, a to za použití metody umělých neuronových sítí. Studie je současně zaměřena na heterogenní svarový spoj připravený tavným svařováním. Je zacílena na hodnocení lomového chování v tranzitní oblasti nejméně odolné části svaru, tj. tepelně ovlivněné zóny ferritické oceli v blízkosti zóny natavení s vysokolegovaným materiálem. Pro predikci referenční teploty master křivky je použita zmíněná metoda neuronových sítí, a to za použití dat z tahových zkoušek a měření tvrdosti. Predikovaná referenční teplota byla ověřována na základě výsledku experimentálních měření. Vytvoření modelu za použití neuronových sítí vyžaduje dostatečné množství dat a není vždy snadno tuto podmínku splnit. V případě sledovaného problému to znamenalo použití dat z dostatečně věrohodných zdrojů (skupiny Křehký lom ÚFM AVČR) a se známou metalurgickou historií. Smysl práce je tak možno spatřovat ve vývoji modelu neuronové sítě, která bude dostatečně přesně predikovat referenční teplotu. Celkově byla pro tyto účely použita data z 29 nízkolegovaných ocelí. Pro účely vývoje byly použity kromě hladkých zkušebních tyčí, rovněž tahové zkoušky s obvodovým vrubem testované při kritické teplotě křehkosti (mez makroplastických deformací) a při teplotě pokojové. Při tvorbě modelu byla postupně v různých kombinacích využita všechna data z uvedených zkoušek. Studie ukázala, že referenční teplota charakterizující tranzitní chování lomové houževnatosti oceli s převažující feritickou strukturou je jedinečným parametrem predikovatelným na základě vybraných charakteristik tahových zkoušek.

Rupture des composites tissés 3D : de la caractérisation expérimentale à la simulation robuste des effets d’échelle / Failure of 3D woven composites : from experimental characterization to robust simulation of scale effects

Médeau, Victor 23 September 2019 (has links)
Ces travaux s’attachent à décrire et quantifier les mécanismes de ruptures des compositestissés 3D sous chargement de traction quasi-statique et à mettre en place une méthode de simulationnumérique adaptée et robuste, pouvant à terme être appliquée en bureau d’études.Dans cette optique, une étude expérimentale a été menée afin de quantifier la propagation defissures dans ces matériaux. Celle-ci a permis de mettre en place un scenario de rupture, entirant parti de la multi-instrumentation des essais. L’étude a également été effectuée sur deséprouvettes de géométries et de tailles variées et a mis en évidence d’importantes variations dutaux de restitution d’énergie avec les conditions d’essai. Un formalisme d’analyse et de modélisationintroduisant des longueurs internes a ensuite été présenté et adapté aux mécanismes derupture des composites tissés 3D. Ce formalisme est étayé par la recherche des mécanismes àl’aide de l’analyse des faciès de rupture. Les longueurs introduites ont ainsi été mises en relationavec les paramètres du tissage. Une méthode d’identification des paramètres a été proposée etles conséquences de ce comportement sur le dimensionnement de pièces composites discutées.Enfin, le transfert de ces résultats a été effectué vers des simulations numériques robustes. Desméthodes de régularisation des modèles d’endommagement continu ont été présentées et évaluéesà l’aune de leur capacité à assurer, d’une part, la robustesse des résultats et, d’autre part,la bonne retranscription des effets d’échelle expérimentaux. La prise en compte de ces considérationsnumériques et physiques nous a amené à proposé un modèle d’endommagement Non-Local.Une méthode d’identification des paramètres et de la longueur interne à partir des données expérimentalesa été proposée. / This work aims to describe and quantify the failure mechanisms of 3D woven composites underquasi-static tensile loading and to implement an adapted and robust numerical simulationmethod, that can be applied in industry. To this end, an experimental study was carried out toquantify the propagation of cracks in these materials. Thus, a crack propagation scenario wasestablished, thanks to the multi-instrumentation used during the tests. The experimental campaignwas carried out on specimens of various geometries and sizes and highlighted significantvariations in the fracture toughness with the test conditions. A modelisation framework introducinginternal lengths was then presented and adapted to 3D woven composites. This frameworkis supported by the identification of the failure mechanisms subsequent to the analysis of thecrack profile. The introduced lengths were thus related to the weaving parameters. A method foridentifying the parameters was proposed and the consequences of this behaviour on the designof the composite parts discussed. Finally, these results were transferred to robust numerical simulations.Regularisation methods of continuous damage models were presented and evaluatedin terms of their ability to ensure, on the one hand, the robustness of the results and, on theother hand, the correct transcription of experimental size effects. Taking into account these numericaland physical considerations led us to propose a Non-Local damage model. A method foridentifying the parameters and the internal length on experimental data was proposed.

Two Phenomena in Contemporary Music Education: Mental Toughness and the Law

Sivill, Jason R. 05 July 2019 (has links)
This collection of works involved examinations of two phenomena that currently impact music education in the United States and constitute challenges for both pre-service and in-service music educators. Article one is an exploration of college aged musicians, their experiences with critical commentary and stressful scenarios encountered in and through applied music studies, and the role that mental toughness might play in these experiences. This study examined the perceptions of college level studio teachers and their students. Results of the study indicated that significant differences in mental toughness scores existed between the studio teacher group and the students (as a whole) and between the studio teacher group and 5 of the 6 student groups. Significant negative correlations were found between students’ mental toughness scores and answers to three questions related to teacher criticism, student anxiety in lessons, and students’ frequency of hurt feelings following feedback about their performing. Article 2 examined the perceptions of in-service music educators regarding aspects of education law. Participants included music educators (N = 152; Mage = 41.7) from each of the 50 states whose teaching assignments occur primarily at the high school (grades 9 – 12) levels. Results indicated that these participants viewed their undergraduate teacher training programs, and graduate studies, as having included very low levels of legal content. Few of the participants indicated receiving additional education and training from a legal specialist, and taking part in sessions on legal topics offered by their school districts and professional associations. The legal issues receiving the greatest numbers of selections as having been experienced by the participants included 5 aspects of copyright law, religious music/lyrics in educational and performance material, and protection of student health (i.e., medical) information. The total number of legal issues selected was significantly correlated with the number of traveling groups (ensembles) with which the teachers were associated. Teachers of marching band indicated a greater number of total legal issues having been dealt with in their professional experience. And teachers of orchestra demonstrated fewer total numbers of legal issues experienced. In spite of the significant correlations, total expressions of relevant legal issues were largely unassociated with teachers of specific ensemble types.

Application of the Master Curve approach to fracture mechanics characterisation of reactor pressure vessel steel

Viehrig, H.-W., Kalkhof, D. January 2010 (has links)
The paper presents results of a research project founded by the Swiss Federal Nuclear Inspectorate concerning the application of the Master Curve approach in nuclear reactor pressure vessels integrity assessment. The main focus is put on the applicability of pre-cracked 0.4T-SE(B) specimens with short cracks, the verification of transferability of MC reference temperatures T0 from 0.4T thick specimens to larger specimens, ascertaining the influence of the specimen type and the test temperature on T0, investigation of the applicability of specimens with electroerosive notches for the fracture toughness testing, and the quantification of the loading rate and specimen type on T0. The test material is a forged ring of steel 22 NiMoCr 3 7 of the uncommissioned German pressurized water reactor Biblis C. SE(B) specimens with different overall sizes (specimen thickness B=0.4T, 0.8T, 1.6T, 3T, fatigue pre-cracked to a/W=0.5 and 20% side-grooved) have comparable T0. T0 varies within the 1σ scatter band. The testing of C(T) specimens results in higher T0 compared to SE(B) specimens. It can be stated that except for the lowest test temperature allowed by ASTM E1921-09a, the T0 values evaluated with specimens tested at different test temperatures are consistent. The testing in the temperature range of T0 ± 20 K is recommended because it gave the highest accuracy. Specimens with a/W=0.3 and a/W=0.5 crack length ratios yield comparable T0. The T0 of EDM notched specimens lie 41 K up to 54 K below the T0 of fatigue pre-cracked specimens. A significant influence of the loading rate on the MC T0 was observed. The HSK AN 425 test procedure is a suitable method to evaluate dynamic MC tests. The reference temperature T0 is eligible to define a reference temperature RTTo for the ASME-KIC reference curve as recommended in the ASME Code Case N-629. An additional margin has to be defined for the specific type of transient to be considered in the RPV integrity assessment. This margin also takes into account the level of available information of the RPV to be assessed.

Characterization of thin laminate interface by using Double Cantilever Beam and End Notched Flexure tests

Majeed, Moiz, Venkata Teja Geesala, Rahitya January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is intended to identify the mode I and mode II fracture toughness to characterize the thin laminate interface by using the Double Cantilever Beam test (DCB) and End Notched Flexure test (ENF). This study’s thin laminate was Polyethylene Terephthalate and Low-Density Polyethylene (PET-LDPE), which is mostly used by packaging industries in the manufacturing of packages to store liquid food. As PET-LDPE film is very flexible and difficult to handle, DCB and ENF tests cannot be performed directly so, sheet metal (Aluminium) was used as carrier material. PET-LDPE film is placed between two aluminum plates to reduce the flexibility and perform the tests. Therefore, the Aluminium plate was also studied to find the constitutive parameters (young’s modulus (E) and mixed hardening parameters (Plastic properties)) under the tensile test and three-point bending test. From the test response, energy release rate calculation has been done for different Pre-crack lengths to validate the DCB and ENF experimental setup, study the different Pre-crack lengths, and characterize the laminate interface. Finite Element simulation (FE simulation) for those tests were carried out in AbaqusTM2020. When needed, the force versus displacement response from FE simulation was optimized against experimental response to find the required constitutive parameters (Young’s modulus, Hardening parameters, and PET-LDPE material properties). Implementing of optimization algorithm and automated simulation has been done with the help of MATLAB code. In contrast, MATLAB works as a server, and Abaqus works as a client and connected two interfaces to run the optimization. The results obtained from experiments and FE simulations were compared to the results found in the literature.

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