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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preliminary investigation for underground storage of pipeline gas in the Bruer and Flora pools, Mist gas field, Columbia County, Oregon

Townley, Paul Joseph 01 January 1985 (has links)
Northwest Natural Gas Canpany has proposed to convert the Bruer and Flora pools of the Mist Gas Field in west-central Columbia County, Northwestern Oregon, to pipeline gas storage reservoirs. Conversion to underground storage of pipeline gas in these depleted gas reservoirs would be the first in the Pacific Northwest. The Bruer and Flora Pools are fault trapped within the Cowlitz Formation. The shales overlying the Cowlitz Formation create a local seal for these gas reservoirs. X-ray diffraction and density log measurements suggest that the clay in these shales is primarily composed of smectite, which provides an excellent caprock seal. The reservoir rock of the Bruer and Flora Pools is the arkosic Cl ark and Wilson Sand. An average weighted grain density for the sand is 2.65 g/cm3. The abundance of potassium feldspar in the sand, hence K40, creates a background gamma radiation for the sand roughly equal to that of the shale, making the sand and shale virtually indistinguishable on the gamma ray log. Bottan Hole Temperatures (BHT), which were recorded on open hole logs, indicate the Bruer Pool is 7°C (20°F) wanner than the Flora Pool, even though the Flora Pool is deeper. This temperature anomaly may be the result of equipment variation. A calibrated temperature survey would remove any discrepancies. A comparison of the thermal gradient determined in a previous study of the Oregon Coast Range and a gradient determined using BHT, suggest that BHT provide a good approximation of formation temperature. Utilizing the formation water analysis determined from four different wells in the Mist Gas Field, average total dissolved solids was found to be 24, 444 mg/l. Of the four analyses, the sample from Well CC#6 R/D2 is considered to be the most representative of the Bruer and Flora fools formation waters. Analysis of the four samples using the Palmer System suggests that the formation water of the Cowlitz Formation is in the early stages of sea water diagenasis. Formation water resistivity (Rw) was determined using a chemical and spontaneous potential analysis. Rw derived using chemical analysis averaged 0.175 ohm-meters and is considered the ITDst precise. Water saturation determined using the Archie saturation equation averaged 47.5% and ranged from 26.4 to 80.0% for the zone 814-836 meters (2670-2742 feet) in CC#10. These results are similar to those determined by the Thermal Time Decay (TDT) log.

The economic impacts of alternative underground storage tank regulations on the vulnerable segments of the retail motor fuel market in Virginia

Thompson, Paul S. January 1987 (has links)
The passage of the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA) and the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) amended subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). RCRA now requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to promulgate regulations applicable to all owners and operators of underground storage tanks (USTs) containing petroleum products, and substances listed as hazardous in the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act, but not regulated as hazardous waste under RCRA subtitle C. On 17 April 1987, EPA issued proposed regulations for leak detection, leak prevention, financial responsibility and corrective action for USTs containing regulated substances. Concern over potential adverse economic impacts caused by UST regulation has centered on the retail motor fuel market, due primarily to its large size and relatively large number of small businesses. While public and private studies have been conducted concerning the economic impact of UST regulation on the retail motor fuel market, a need for additional research is indicated. This thesis presents the findings to date of a study examining the economic impacts that alternative UST regulatory programs would have on the retail motor fuel market in the United States, with emphasis, where possible, on this market in Virginia. The market is broken into five segments based on similar economic and management characteristics. The segment most likely to contain significant numbers of firms that could be forced out of business due to UST regulation is identified. Proposed minimum federal UST regulations are described and relevant regulatory costs are presented. Three additional UST regulatory programs are developed representing varying degrees of stringency relative to the proposed minimum federal regulations. Case studies of firms located in the vulnerable segment of the retail motor fuel market identified earlier are analyzed in terms of the effect that alternative UST regulations would have on yearly owner remuneration (which is defined to include both the return to the owner as a factor of production and the profit remaining after all returns to land, capital, and labor have been paid). Hypothetical firms with profit levels determined by EPA as average for two segments of the regulated community are analyzed in a similar fashion to reflect the effect of alternative UST regulations on profits. / Master of Urban and Regional Planning

A Mixed Integer Linear Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch Model for Thermo-Electric and Variable Renewable Energy Generators With Compressed Air Energy Storage

Nikolakakis, Thomas January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this PhD thesis is to create a Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch (UCED) modelling tool that can used to simulate the deterministic performance of a power system with thermal and renewable generators and energy storage technologies. The model was formulated using mixed integer programing (MIP) on GAMS interface. A robust commercial solver by IBM (CPLEX) is used as solver. Emphasis on the development of the tool has been given on the following aspects. a) Technical impacts of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) integration. The UCED model developed in this thesis is a high resolution short-term dispatch model. It captures the variability of VRE power on the intra-hour level. In addition the model considers a large number of important real world, system, unit and policy constraints. Detailed representation of a power system allows for a realistic estimation of maximum penetration levels of VRE and the related technical impacts like cycling of generators (part-loading and number of start-ups). b) CO2 emissions. High levels of VRE penetration can potentially increase consumption of fuel in thermal units per unit of electricity produced due to increased thermal cycling. The dispatch of units in the UCED model is based on minimizing system wide operational costs the most important of those being fuel, start-up costs and the cost of carbon. Fuel consumption is calculated using technical data from Input/Output curves of individual generators. The start-up cost is calculated based on times the generator units have been off and the energy requirement to bring the unit back to hot state. Thus dynamic changes on fuel consumption can be captured and reported. c) Technical solutions to facilitate VRE integration. VRE penetration can be facilitated if appropriate solutions are implemented. Energy storage is an effective way to reduce the impact of RE variability. The UCED model includes an integrated Mixed Integer Linear (MILP) compressed air energy storage (CAES) simulation sub-model. Unlike existing CAES models, the new “Thermo-Economic” (TE) CAES model developed in this thesis uses technical data from major CAES manufacturers to model the dynamic effect of cavern pressure on both the compression and expansion sides during CAES operation. More specifically the TE model takes into account that a) a compressor discharges at a pressure equal to the back-pressure developed in the cavern at each moment, b) the speed of charging can be regulated through inlet guide vanes; higher charging speed can take place at the expense of additional power consumption, c) the maximum power output during expansion can be limited by the levels of cavern pressure; there is a threshold pressure level below which the maximum output decreases linearly with pressure. Since it uses actual power curves to simulate CAES operation, the TE model can be assumed to be more accurate than conventional Fixed Parameter (FP) models that don’t model dynamic effects of cavern pressure on CAES operation. The TE model in this thesis is compared with conventional FP models using historical market prices from the Irish electricity market. The comparison was based on the ability of a CAES unit to arbitrage energy for making profit in the Irish electricity market. More specifically a “Base” scenario was created that included the operation of a 270MW CAES unit with technical characteristics obtained from a major CAES manufacturer and assumed discharge time of 13hr. Various sensitivities on discharge time, natural gas prices and system marginal prices (SMPs) were modeled. An additional scenario was created to show the benefit on CAES profitability if the unit participated in both the energy and ancillary services markets. All scenarios were modeled using both the TE and FP CAES models. The results showed that the most realistic TE model returns around 15% less profitability across more scenarios. The reduction in profitability grows to around 30% when the cavern volume (discharge time) is reduced to half (6 hours). The latter is related to the sensitivity of the TE model on cavern pressure that is being built faster when the volume is reduced. A CAES unit won’t get a positive net present value (NPV) in Ireland under any scenario unless SMPs are greatly increased. Thus, it was shown that that existing FP CAES models overestimate CAES profitability. More accurate models need to be used to estimate CAES profitability in deregulated markets. Additionally, it might deem necessary to create additional markets for energy storage units and increase the possible revenue sources and magnitude to facilitate an increase of storage capacity worldwide. The second step of analysis involved the integration of the CAES and UCED models. The UCED model developed in this thesis was validated and applied using data from the Irish grid, a power system with more than 50 thermal generators. A vast of existent data was used to create a mathematical model of the Irish system. Such data include technical specifications and variables of thermal generators, maintenance schedules and historical solar, wind and demand data. The validation exercise was deemed successful since the UCED model simulated utilization factors of 45 out of 52 generators with an absolute difference between modeled and actual results on utilization factors of less than 6% (the absolute differences are called Delta in this thesis). In addition the results of validation exercise were compared with the results of a similar exercise where PLEXOS was the modelling tool and it was found that the results of the two models were similar for the vast majority of generators. More specifically, the PLEXOS model results showed higher deltas for the coal-fired generators compared to the UCED model. On the other hand the UCED model, reported higher delta values for peat-fired generators. The results of the PLEXOS model were slightly better for the gas-fired generators while both models reported deltas nearly zero for all oil and distillate-fired generators. Finally the model was applied to study the benefits of energy storage in Ireland in 2020 when wind penetration is expected to reach 37% of total demand. The analysis involved the development of two groups of 3 scenarios each. In the first group the main scenario also called the “Reference” was used to simulate the short-term unit (30 min step) commitment within the Irish system without storage. The results of the reference scenario were compared with two additional scenarios that assumed the existence of one 270MW CAES unit in Northern Ireland by 2020 (again the first scenario involved the TE and the second the FP CAES model). The results showed –when using the TE model- that the inclusion of one 270MW CAES unit in AI can help reduce wind curtailment by 88GWh, CO2 emissions by 150,000 tonnes and system costs by € 6 million per year. If an FP model had been used instead the reductions would be: wind curtailment by 108GWh, CO2 emissions by 270,000 tonnes and annual system costs by €13 million. Two main conclusions can be obtained from the specific set of results. The first conclusion is that storage units have a financial benefit over the whole system. Thus, when a CAES unit operates to minimize the costs of the whole system can incur substantially more benefits compared to if the CAES unit operated to maximize the individual unit’s profits as in the case presented earlier. The benefits of storage over the whole system should be accounted to make policy decisions and create incentives for investors to increase energy storage capacity in national grids. The second important conclusion is that existing CAES FP models overestimate the ability of a CAES unit to facilitate VRE penetration. More accurate TE models should be used to assess a unit’s capability to increase system flexibility. A second group of scenarios was created to simulate the benefit of CAES at even higher VRE penetration levels. In the second group the “Reference” scenario again, assumed no storage however, wind production was increased by 25%. Again the “Reference” was compared with two additional scenarios that assumed integration of 3x270MW=810MW of storage capacity in AI (one scenario used the TE model and the other the FP). The results for the TE model show that each of the 3 CAES units reduces wind curtailment by 188,000MWh, total system costs by €29 million and CO2 emissions by 180,000 tonnes. The same reductions for the FP model are 217,000MWh of wind curtailment, €25.6 million on total system costs and 180,000 tonnes of CO2. Thus, the results of the second group of scenarios show that as the installed capacity of both CAES and wind increases in Ireland a) the system-wide benefits of CAES increase and b) the differences on results between the TE and FP models become much smaller.

Enabling Utility-Scale Electrical Energy Storage through Underground Hydrogen-Natural Gas Co-Storage

Peng, Dan 11 September 2013 (has links)
Energy storage technology is needed for the storage of surplus baseload generation and the storage of intermittent wind power, because it can increase the flexibility of power grid operations. Underground storage of hydrogen with natural gas (UHNG) is proposed as a new energy storage technology, to be considered for utility-scale energy storage applications. UHNG is a composite technology: using electrolyzers to convert electrical energy to chemical energy in the form of hydrogen. The latter is then injected along with natural gas into existing gas distribution and storage facilities. The energy stored as hydrogen is recovered as needed; as hydrogen for industrial and transportation applications, as electricity to serve power demand, or as hydrogen-enriched natural gas to serve gas demand. The storage of electrical energy in gaseous form is also termed “Power to Gas”. Such large scale electrical energy storage is desirable to baseload generators operators, renewable energy-based generator operators, independent system operators, and natural gas distribution utilities. Due to the low density of hydrogen, the hydrogen-natural gas mixture thus formed has lower volumetric energy content than conventional natural gas. But, compared to the combustion of conventional natural gas, to provide the same amount of energy, the hydrogen-enriched mixture emits less carbon dioxide. This thesis investigates the dynamic behaviour, financial and environmental performance of UHNG through scenario-based simulation. A proposed energy hub embodying the UHNG principle, located in Southwestern Ontario, is modeled in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. Then, the performance of UHNG for four different scenarios are assessed: injection of hydrogen for long term energy storage, surplus baseload generation load shifting, wind power integration and supplying large hydrogen demand. For each scenario, the configuration of the energy hub, its scale of operation and operating strategy are selected to match the application involved. All four scenarios are compared to the base case scenario, which simulates the operations of a conventional underground gas storage facility. For all scenarios in which hydrogen production and storage is not prioritized, the concentration of hydrogen in the storage reservoir is shown to remain lower than 7% for the first three years of operation. The simulation results also suggest that, of the five scenarios, hydrogen injection followed by recovery of hydrogen-enriched natural gas is the most likely energy recovery pathway in the near future. For this particular scenario, it was also found that it is not profitable to sell the hydrogen-enriched natural gas at the same price as regular natural gas. For the range of scenarios evaluated, a list of benchmark parameters has been established for the UHNG technology. With a roundtrip efficiency of 39%, rated capacity ranging from 25,000 MWh to 582,000 MWh and rated power from 1 to 100 MW, UHNG is an energy storage technology suitable for large storage capacity, low to medium power rating storage applications.

Enabling Utility-Scale Electrical Energy Storage through Underground Hydrogen-Natural Gas Co-Storage

Peng, Dan 11 September 2013 (has links)
Energy storage technology is needed for the storage of surplus baseload generation and the storage of intermittent wind power, because it can increase the flexibility of power grid operations. Underground storage of hydrogen with natural gas (UHNG) is proposed as a new energy storage technology, to be considered for utility-scale energy storage applications. UHNG is a composite technology: using electrolyzers to convert electrical energy to chemical energy in the form of hydrogen. The latter is then injected along with natural gas into existing gas distribution and storage facilities. The energy stored as hydrogen is recovered as needed; as hydrogen for industrial and transportation applications, as electricity to serve power demand, or as hydrogen-enriched natural gas to serve gas demand. The storage of electrical energy in gaseous form is also termed “Power to Gas”. Such large scale electrical energy storage is desirable to baseload generators operators, renewable energy-based generator operators, independent system operators, and natural gas distribution utilities. Due to the low density of hydrogen, the hydrogen-natural gas mixture thus formed has lower volumetric energy content than conventional natural gas. But, compared to the combustion of conventional natural gas, to provide the same amount of energy, the hydrogen-enriched mixture emits less carbon dioxide. This thesis investigates the dynamic behaviour, financial and environmental performance of UHNG through scenario-based simulation. A proposed energy hub embodying the UHNG principle, located in Southwestern Ontario, is modeled in the MATLAB/Simulink environment. Then, the performance of UHNG for four different scenarios are assessed: injection of hydrogen for long term energy storage, surplus baseload generation load shifting, wind power integration and supplying large hydrogen demand. For each scenario, the configuration of the energy hub, its scale of operation and operating strategy are selected to match the application involved. All four scenarios are compared to the base case scenario, which simulates the operations of a conventional underground gas storage facility. For all scenarios in which hydrogen production and storage is not prioritized, the concentration of hydrogen in the storage reservoir is shown to remain lower than 7% for the first three years of operation. The simulation results also suggest that, of the five scenarios, hydrogen injection followed by recovery of hydrogen-enriched natural gas is the most likely energy recovery pathway in the near future. For this particular scenario, it was also found that it is not profitable to sell the hydrogen-enriched natural gas at the same price as regular natural gas. For the range of scenarios evaluated, a list of benchmark parameters has been established for the UHNG technology. With a roundtrip efficiency of 39%, rated capacity ranging from 25,000 MWh to 582,000 MWh and rated power from 1 to 100 MW, UHNG is an energy storage technology suitable for large storage capacity, low to medium power rating storage applications.

Hydrogeologic conditions controlling contaminant migration from storage tanks overlying Mississippi River Alluvium a case study /

Santucci, Jay N. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.) -- Mississippi State University. Department of Geosciences. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.

Comportement thermomécanique du sel gemme : Application au dimensionnement des cavités / Thermomechanical behavior of rock salt : Application to cavern design

Labaune, Paule 09 October 2018 (has links)
Les cavités salines représentent une technique prometteuse de stockage massif d’énergie, notamment pour les énergies renouvelables dont la production est par nature intermittente et imprévisible. Historiquement utilisées pour le stockage saisonnier d’hydrocarbures (méthane, pétrole...), les cavités salines sont aujourd’hui sollicitées pour le stockage de nouveaux fluides (hydrogène, dioxyde de carbone...) avec des scenarii plus exigeants. Les méthodes de dimensionnement des cavités doivent être mises à jour pour répondre aux nouveaux défis de la transition énergétique.Cette thèse propose une nouvelle méthodologie de dimensionnement des cavités salines, basée sur le développement d’un nouveau modèle constitutif pour le sel gemme incluant des critères de dilatance et de traction. Ce nouveau modèle permet d’ajuster avec un unique jeu de paramètres de nombreux essais de laboratoire différents, en particulier courts et longs.Des simulations couplées thermo-mécaniques de cavités, remplies de méthane ou d’hydrogène, et du sel gemme environnant sont réalisées pour différents scenarii d’exploitation, classiques ou se rapprochant des nouveaux besoins liés à la transition énergétique. On étudie en particulier les effets de la durée et de l’amplitude des cycles, du débit d’injection ou de soutirage. Les résultats obtenus avec la nouvelle méthodologie sont comparés avec ceux de la méthodologie classique. / Salt caverns are a promising technique for massive energy storage, especially in the case of the intermittent and unpredictable renewable energy. Historically used for seasonal storage of hydrocarbons (methane, oil...), they are potentially operated with increasingly demanding scenarios for the storage of other fluids (hydrogen, carbon dioxide...). Design methods need to be updated to rise to the new challenges of the energy transition.This thesis proposes a new methodology for salt cavern design, based on the development of a new rheological model including a dilatancy and a tensile criteria. This new model allows to fit numerous different laboratory tests with a single parameter set, in particular short- and long-term tests.Thermo-mechanical numerical simulations of caverns, filled with either methane or hydrogen, and the surrounding rock salt are performed under various cycling scenarios which are classical or closer to the needs associated with the energy transition. Effects of cycle duration, amplitude and mass flow are especially investigated. Results obtained with the new and the classical methodologies are compared.

The liability of carbon dioxide storage /

De Figueiredo, Mark A. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, Technology and Policy Program, 2007. / Title from document title page. Includes bibliographical references. Available in PDF format via the World Wide Web.


11 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] Atualmente, as termoelétricas abastecidas por Gás Natural (GN) são responsáveis por 11 porcento da geração de energia elétrica no Brasil, consumindo 40 porcento da demanda de gás do país. Esse consumo de GN é sazonal e inconstante, pois é utilizado como substituto para a energia hidrelétrica, que depende do nível pluviométrico dos locais onde estão suas usinas. Devido a essa peculiaridade da matriz energética brasileira e a dependência do país por gás importado gerou-se uma necessidade de estabelecer estoques flutuantes de Gás Natural, armazenados em estado liquefeito (GNL) em navios metaneiros. O principal objetivo desse estoque é que, na eventualidade da necessidade de despacho da geração das termoelétricas, o país tenha uma quantidade de gás suficiente para permitir uma produção de energia termoelétrica por 30 dias. Entretanto, esse modelo de estoque contingencial de GNL é ineficiente e tem custo muito elevado. Essa dissertação demonstra a viabilidade técnica e econômica da substituição dos estoques flutuantes de GNL em navios metaneiros pela utilização de espaços subterrâneos em cavernas abertas por dissolução de rocha salina em domos onshore, apresentando um dimensionamento anual do tamanho do estoque, ou quantidades de cavernas, para atender a crescente necessidade de estoque de GN ao longo do tempo. Como objetivo secundário, o trabalho apresenta uma análise da utilização desses estoques subterrâneos em ambiente offshore, como um pulmão contingencial para manutenção da produção de petróleo do pré-sal na eventualidade de uma ocorrência interromper o fluxo regular de escoamento do gás produzido nas plataformas. / [en] Currently, the power plants fueled by natural gas (NG) are responsible for 11 percent of the electric power generation in Brazil, consuming 40 percent of gas demand in the country. The gas consumption of power plants is seasonal and volatile, since it is directly related to the level of rainfall in locations where there are hydroelectric plants. Due to this peculiarity of the Brazilian energy matrix and the country s dependence on imported gas, there is a need to establish floating stocks of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in LNG carriers. The main objective of this stock is that, if it is necessary to dispatch the generation of the power plants fueled by Natural Gas, the country has a sufficient stock of NG to allow the production of the thermoelectric generation during 30 days of operation. However, this model of contingency stock of Natural Gas is inefficient and has a very high cost. This dissertation demonstrates the technical and economic feasibility of replacing the floating LNG carriers stocks by the use of open underground caves by dissolving rock salt domes onshore, presenting a prediction of the annual stock size and the necessary quantity of caves to meet the growing need for NG stock over time. As a secondary objective, the dissertation presents an analysis of the use of these stocks in underground offshore environment, as a contingency lung for the maintenance of the pre-salt oil reservoirs production in the event of an occurrence that causes the interruption of the regular flow of the runoff from the gas produced in the platforms.

Podzemní pneumatický akumulátor energie / The underground pneumatic energy storage

Pochylý, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the underground compressed air enery storage. Thesis can be divided into several parts. The first part focuses on the theoretical analysis which decribes reason of renewable resources implementation to the electric grid and how renewable resources affect electric grid. Second part describes compression and expansion stage. Last part deals with design of storage facility which is suitable for different energy supplies. Extracted coal mines of Rosicko-Oslavany area is used as suitable underground storage.

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