Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] X-RAY"" "subject:"[enn] X-RAY""
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Machine vision image quality measurement in cardiac x-ray imagingKengyelics, S.M., Gislason-Lee, Amber J., Keeble, C., Magee, D., Davies, A.G. 16 March 2015 (has links)
Yes / The purpose of this work is to report on a machine vision approach for the automated measurement of x-ray
image contrast of coronary arteries lled with iodine contrast media during interventional cardiac procedures.
A machine vision algorithm was developed that creates a binary mask of the principal vessels of the coronary
artery tree by thresholding a standard deviation map of the direction image of the cardiac scene derived using a
Frangi lter. Using the mask, average contrast is calculated by tting a Gaussian model to the greyscale pro le
orthogonal to the vessel centre line at a number of points along the vessel. The algorithm was applied to sections
of single image frames from 30 left and 30 right coronary artery image sequences from di erent patients. Manual
measurements of average contrast were also performed on the same images. A Bland-Altman analysis indicates
good agreement between the two methods with 95% con dence intervals -0.046 to +0.048 with a mean bias of
0.001. The machine vision algorithm has the potential of providing real-time context sensitive information so
that radiographic imaging control parameters could be adjusted on the basis of clinically relevant image content. / Project PANORAMA, funded by grants from Belgium, Italy, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, and the ENIAC Joint Undertaking.
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Variation in pelvic radiography practice: Why can we not standardise image acquisition techniques?Snaith, Beverly, Field, L., Lewis, E.F., Flintham, K. 05 July 2019 (has links)
Yes / Pelvic radiographs remain an essential investigation in orthopaedic practice. Although it is recognised that acquisition techniques can affect image appearances and measurement accuracy, it remains unclear what variation in practice exists and what impact this could have on decision making.
This was a cross sectional survey of UK radiology departments utilising an electronic tool. An introductory letter and link was distributed. Responses were received from 69 unique hospital sites within the specified timeframe, a response rate of 37.9%.
There was no consistent technique for the positioning of patients for pelvic radiographs. The distance varied between 90 and 115 cm and 10 different centering points were described. In relation to leg position, the feet are usually internally rotated (65 of 69 [94.2%]). Only 1 teaching hospital (1 of 69 [1.4%]) uses a weight-bearing position as standard.
Orthopaedic calibration devices were not in routine use, with only 21 using on pelvic x-rays (30.4%). Further, the type of device and application criteria were inconsistent.
To our knowledge this is the first study to directly compare radiographic positioning across hospital sites. Our data demonstrated marked variation in technique for pelvis radiographs with associated implications for clinical decision making. Research is required to determine the standard technique and quality outcome measures to provide confidence in diagnostic interpretation particularly for serial radiographs. / College of Radiographers Industry Partnership Scheme (CoRIPS).
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Nanoparticles prepared from reactive metal surfactantsWarne, Barnaby January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Timing studies of Seyfert galaxies with the Rossi X-ray Timing ExplorerUttley, Philip January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Spectroscopy of few-electron highly charged ionsTarbutt, Michael Roy January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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X-ray scattering and spectroscopy of supercooled water and iceSellberg, Jonas A. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents experimental studies of water and ice at near-atmospheric pressures using intense x-rays only accessible at synchrotrons and free-electron lasers. In particular, it focuses on the deeply supercooled, metastable state and its implications on ice nucleation. The local structure of the liquid phase was studied by x-ray scattering over a wide temperature range extending from 339 K down to 227 K. In order to be able to study the deeply supercooled liquid, micron-sized water droplets were evaporatively cooled in vacuum and probed by ultrashort x-ray pulses. This is to date the lowest temperature at which measurements of the structure have been performed on bulk liquid water cooled from room temperature. Upon deep supercooling, the structure evolved toward that of a low-density liquid with local tetrahedral coordination. At ~230 K, where the low-density liquid structure started to dominate, the number of droplets containing ice nuclei increased rapidly. The estimated nucleation rate suggests that there is a “fragile-to-strong” transition in the dynamics of the liquid below 230 K, and its implications on water structure are discussed. Similarly, the electronic structure of deeply supercooled water was studied by x-ray emission spectroscopy down to 222 K, but the spectral changes expected from the structural transformation remained absent and explanations are discussed. At high fluence, the non-linear dependence of the x-ray emission yield indicated that there were high valence hole densities created during the x-ray pulse length due to Auger cascades, resulting in reabsorption of the x-ray emission. Finally, the hydrogen-bonded network in water was studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy and compared to various ices. It was found that the pre-edge absorption cross-section, which is associated with distorted hydrogen bonds, could be minimized for crystalline ice grown on a hydrophobic BaF2(111) surface with low concentration of nucleation centers. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript. Paper 6: Manuscript.</p>
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Chemical Structure and Physical Properties of Organic-Inorganic Metal Halide Materials for Solid State Solar CellsSafdari, Majid January 2017 (has links)
Abstract Methylammonium lead (II) iodide has recently attracted considerable interest which may lead to substantial developments of efficient and inexpensive industrial photovoltaics. The application of this material as a light-absorbing layer in solid-state solar cells leads to impressive efficiency of over 22% in laboratory devices. However, for industrial applications, fundamental issues regarding their thermal and moisture stability need to be addressed. MAPbI3 belongs to the perovskite family of materials with the general formula ABX3 ,where is the organic cation (methylammonium) which is reported to be a major source of instability. In this work, a variety of alkyammonium lead (II) iodide materials have been synthesized by changing the organic cation, to study the relationship between the structural and physical properties of these materials. [(A)PbI3] and (A)PbI4 series were studied. Three dimensional (3D) networks (MAPbI3,MAPbBr3), two dimensional (2D) layered systems (BdAPbI4, HdAPbI4, OdAPbI4), and one dimensional (1D) columns (EAPbI3, PAPbI3, EAPb2I6) were found for the materials. [PbI6] octahedral structural units were repeated through the material network depending on the dimensionality and connectivity of the materials. Where a bulkier cation was introduced, the crystallographic unit cell increased in size which resulted in lower symmetry crystals. The connectivity of the unit cells along the material networks was found to be based on corner-sharing and face-sharing. Lower dimensionality resulted in larger bandgaps and lower photoconductivity, and hence a lower light conversion efficiency for the related solar cells. The thermal and moisture stability was greater in the 1D and 2D materials with bulkier organic cations than with methylammonium. In total, an overview is provided of the relationship between the chemical dimensionality and physical properties of the organic-inorganic lead halide materials with focus on the solar cell application. / Svenska sammandrag: Metylammoniumbly(II)jodid har under de senaste åren genererat ett stort intresse som ett möjligt material for utveckling av effektiva och på industriell skala billiga solceller. Detta material har använts som ljusabsorberande skikt i fasta solceller med imponerande omvandlingseffektiviteter på över 22% för solceller i laboratorieskala. För att denna nya typ av solceller ska bli intressanta för produktion på industriell skala, så behöver grundläggande frågeställningar kring materialens stabilitet avseende högre temperaturer och fukt klargöras. MAPbI3 har formellt perovskitstruktur med den allmänna formel ABX3, där A utgörs av den organiska katjonen (metyammoniumjonen) och som kan kopplas till materialets instabilitet. I denna avhandling har olika alkylammoniumbly(II)jodidmaterial syntetiserats där den organiska katjonen modifierats med syftet att studera växelverkan mellan struktur och fysikaliska egenskaper hos de resulterande materialen. Material av olika dimensionalitet erhölls; tredimensionella (3D) nätverk (MAPbI3, MAPbBr3), tvådimensionella (2D) skiktade strukturer (BdAPbI4, HdAPbI4, OdAPbI4), och endimensionella (1D) kedjestrukturer (EAPbI3, PAPbI3, EAPb2I6). Flera nya lågdimensionella material (2D och 1D) tillverkats och karaktäriserats för första gången. Enkristalldiffraktometri har använts för att erhålla materialens atomära struktur. Strukturen hos material tillverkade i större mängder konfirmerades genom jämförelse mellan resultat från pulverdiffraktion och enkristalldiffraktion. Den oktaedriska strukturenheten [PbI6] utgör ett återkommande tema i materialen sammankopplade till olika dimensioner. Då större organiska katjoner används karaktäriseras i regel strukturerna av större enhetsceller och lägre symmetri. De lågdimensionella materialen ger typiskt störe elektroniskt bandgap, lägre fotoinducerad ledningsförmåga och därför sämre omvandlingseffektiviteter då de används i solceller. De lågdimensionella materialen (1D och 2D) som baseras på de större organiska katjonerna uppvisar bättre stabilitet med avseende på högre tempereratur och fukt. De tvådimensionella materialens elektroniska struktur har karaktäriserats med hjälp av röntegenfotoelektronspektroskopi, liksom röntgenabsorptions- och emissionsspektroskopi. Resultat från teoretiska beräkningar stämmer väl överens med de experimentella resultaten, och de visar att materialens valensband huvudsakligen består av bidrag från atomorbitaler hos jod, medan atomorbitaler från bly främst bidrar till edningsbandet. Sammantaget erbjuder avhandlingen en översikt av sambandet mellan kemisk dimensionalitet och fysikaliska egenskaper hos ett antal organiska/oorganiska blyhalogenidmaterial med fokus på tillämpning i solceller. / <p>QC 20170123</p>
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Síntese, caracterizaçãi elétrica e estructural de cerâicas ferroelétricas de composição Ba0,90R0,10Ti1-xZrxO3 (R=Ca, Sr) / Synthesis and structural characterization of Ba0,9R(0,1y)Ti(1-x)ZrxO3 (R=Ca, Bi) ferroelectric ceramic system / Synthèse et propriétés structurales de céramiques ferroélectriques de composition Ba0,9R(0,1y)Ti(1-x)ZrxO3 (R= Ca, Bi)Favarim, Higor 20 October 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse vise à étudier les propriétés structurales et diélectriques des échantillons céramiques appartenant au système Ba1-xRxTi1-yZryO3 (R = Ca, Sr). Les échantillons sous forme de poudre, micro ou nano structurées, ont été respectivement obtenus par la méthode des mélanges d'oxydes et la méthode du précurseur polymèrique. À partir des échantillons sous forme de poudre micro ou nano-structurés, les échantillons céramiques ont été obtenus grâce à un procédé de frittage à haute température. Les échantillons sous forme de céramiques en poudres micrométriques ont été obtenus par la méthode traditionnelle de frittage à haute température alors que céramiques constituées de particules de taille nanométrique ont été obtenus en utilisant la technique de Spark Plasma (ou Spark Plasma Sintering, SPS). Les propriétés structurales et électriques de ces deux séries d'échantillons ont été caractérisées par diffraction des rayons X à haute résolution (XRD), spectroscopie d'impédance complexe, spectroscopie d'absorption des rayons X et la spectroscopie Raman. Grâce aux données de diffraction des rayons X il a été possible de suivre le processus de transition de phase dû à la substitution des atomes de titane par du zirconium. Les mesures électriques montrent que lorsque la quantité de Zr augmente, l'échantillon passe d'u n état ferroelectrique normal à un état ferroélectrique relaxeur. Les mesures du spectre d'absorption et le spectre Raman ont été utilisées pour établir une relation entre la structure locale et des propriétés électriques de ces matériaux. Enfin, l'analyse des résultats obtenus avec des céramiques nanostructurés montrent que la réduction de la taille des particules entraîne une diminution de la température maximale et un petit élargissement de la courbe de la permittivité diélectrique. Toutefois, il n'y avait aucun changement de l'état ferroélectrique, normal ou relaxeur, de ces échantillons / The aims of this work is to study the structural and electrical properties of ceramic samples belonging to the Ba1-xRxTi1-yZryO3 (R = Ca, Sr) system. The powder samples presenting a micro or nanosize were respectively obtained by using a mixture of oxides and by the modified polymeric precursor methods. From the samples in a powder form, micro or nanosize, sintered ceramic samples were obtained through a sintering process at high temperature. Micrometer scale ceramic samples were obtained through the traditional method of sintering at high temperature while nano-sized particles ceramics were obtained using the spark Spark Plasma Sintering SPS technique. The structural and electrical properties of these two sets of samples were characterized using High resolution X-ray diffraction (XRD), complex impedance spectroscopy and X-ray absorption and Raman spectroscopy's. Through the data of XRD it was possible to follow the processes of phase transition due to the substitution of Ti by Zr atoms. Electrical measurements showed that as the amount of Zr increases, the sample passes from a normal ferroelectric state to a relaxor state. Measurements of the absorption and Raman spectra were used to establish a relationship between local structure and electrical properties displayed by these materials. These properties were characterized by the shape of the dielectric permittivity curves versus temperatures. Two principal characteristics were analysed : the maximum Tm and the width ∆T. Finally, the analysis of results obtained with nanostructured ceramic samples showed that reducing the particle size leads to a decrease of Tm, and a small increase of ∆T. However, there was no change from normal to relaxor ferroelectric states
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K-, L-, and M-Shell X-Ray Production Cross Sections for Beryllium, Aluminum and Argon Ions Incident Upon Selected ElementsPrice, Jack Lewis 12 1900 (has links)
Incident 0.5 to 2.5 MeV charged particle beams were used to ionize the inner-shells of selected targets and study their subsequent emission of characteristic x-rays. ⁹Be⁺ ions were used to examine K-shell x-ray production from thin F, Na, Al, Si, P, Cl, and K targets, L-shell x-ray production from thin Cu, An, Ge, Br, Zr and Ag targets, and M-shell x-ray production from thin Pr, Nd, Eu, Dy, Ho, Hf, W, Au, Pb and Bi targets. L-shell x-ray production cross sections were also measured for ²⁷Al⁺ ions incident upon Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Zr, and Pd targets. M-shell x-ray production cross sections were measure for ²⁷Al⁺ and ⁴⁰Ar⁺ ions incident upon Pr, Nd, Gd, Dy, Lu, Hf, Au, Pb, Bi, and U targets. These measurements were performed using the 2.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator at North Texas State University. The x-rays were detected with a Si(Li) detector whose efficiency was determined by fitting a theoretical photon absorption curve to experimentally measure values. The x-ray yields were normalized to the simultaneously measured Rutherford backscattered (RBS) yields which resulted in an x-ray production cross section per incident ion. The RBS spectrum was obtained using a standard surface barrier detector calibrated for to account for the "pulse height defect." The experimental results are compared to the predictions of both the first Born and ECPSSR theories; each of which is composed of two parts, the direct ionization (DI) of the target electron to the continuum and the capture (EC) of the target electron to the projectile. The first Born describes DI by the Plane-Wave-Born-Approximation (PWBA) and EC by the Oppenheimer-Brinkman-Kramers treatment of Nikolaev (OBKN). ECPSSR expands upon the first Born by using perturbed (PSS) and relativistic (R) target electron wave functions in addition to considering the energy loss (E) of the projectile in the target and its deviation from straight line trajectory (Coulomb deflection (C)). The measurements presented show that the first Born theories overestimate the measured results rather significantly for all experiments using the ⁹Be beams to examine the inner shell x-rays, while the ECPSSR predictions fir the measured data much better. For incident ²⁷Al and ⁴⁰Ar ions, the measured results are not predicted by the theories. The first Born generally over-predicts the data for low target atomic numbers while under-predicting at high atomic numbers. The ECPSSR theory greatly under-predicts the results (factors of 10³ to 10²⁰). Reasons for this behavior are discussed as well as suggestions for future experiments.
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K-Shell Ionization Cross Sections of Selected Elements from Fe to As for Proton Bombardment from 0.5 to 2.0 MeVLear, Richard Dean 12 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this investigation is concerned is that of making experimental measurements of proton-induced K-shell x-ray production cross sections and to study the dependence of these cross sections upon the energy of the incident proton. The measurements were made by detection of the characteristic x-rays emitted as a consequence of the ionization of the K-shell of the atom. The method for relating this characteristic x-ray emission to the x-ray production cross section is discussed in this work.
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