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Návrh trajektorie koncového bodu robotického ramene metodou virtuálních bodů / Design of the endpoint trajectory of the robotic arm using the virtual point methodBubeník, Ľubomír January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a new approach to create a robotic arm trajectory. The first part descibes existing methods of trajectory planning. The second part shows virtual point method, implementation of the trajectory planning into the web environment and trajectory generation. Third part descibes the virtual robot model and designed comunnication protocols. The fourth part shows grafical user interface and his posibilities. The last part presents implemention of web aplication into industrial visualization.
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Optimalizace zpracování dat o síti Tor pomocí OLAP / Tor Network Consensus Data Stored in OLAP DatabaseChomo, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Tor is a distributed network providing privacy and anonymity on the Internet. Information about Tor is publicly available in a form of consensus documents. Existing tools that are able to display this information do not provide both historical and detailed view of it. A tool named Consensus Parser that provides a detailed, historical view of this information and extends it with geolocation and DNS information, was created as a part of TARZAN research project at Brno University of Technology. It stores the information in regular files on disk and makes it accessible via REST API. This thesis extends Consensus Parser with MariaDB ColumnStore database with a schema designed to conform to OLAP needs. The searching capabilities of Consensus Parser were enhanced by adding 109 new endpoints to 12 existing ones and adding the ability to limit the retrieved information to certain fields only. Disk space needed for storing the information was reduced by a factor of five.
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Analýza lokálních struktur DNA / Analysis of local DNA structuresKratochvíl, Jaromír January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the description and implementation of the user interface for the analysis of local DNA structures as a web application in the Vue.js framework. The local structure can be described as an alternative DNA structure which arises in a specific DNA sequence that occurs in important regions of the genome. The first part of the thesis is theoretical and examines the field of DNA research and a description of selected technologies. The second part deals with the implementation and testing of the user interface on specific DNA sequences.
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After steep declines due to overharvest and habitat loss, North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) populations have been increasing in most of the U.S. Radiotelemetry is an essential tool for understanding river otter habitat use, survival rates, and sources of mortality, which is important for successfully managing these growing populations. Surgically implanting radiotransmitters is standard for river otters, but strict requirements for the handling and transport of DEA-scheduled drugs for sedation, and the lack of accessible surgery suites, can limit researchers. My objectives were to: (1) develop a non-scheduled drug combination to sedate river otters and surgically implant intra-abdominal transmitters in a field setting, (2) determine survival rates and causes of mortality for river otters, and (3) quantify fourth order habitat selection at river otter daytime resting sites. During 2018-2020, I surgically implanted 24 river otters with transmitters in southern Illinois and monitored them via radiotelemetry to determine survival and causes of mortality. The effectiveness of the drug combination of Dexmedetomidine and Nalbuphine for chemically immobilizing river otters was tested to determine the appropriate dosage. I used homing to track river otters to 132 daytime resting sites where I described the structure used, closest water type, and distance to water; for 51 of these resting sites I also measured understory cover, overstory cover, distance to water, and presence of river otter and beaver sign. These 51 sites were paired with 1-4 random riparian locations, where I measured the same habitat variables. I then modeled habitat selection of daytime resting sites using conditional logistic regression. A combination of 0.06 mg dexmedetomidine/kg and 1.2 mg nalbuphine/kg injected intramuscularly followed by a 10-15 min induction period was sufficient to chemically immobilize river otters enough for further sedation with 1-4% isoflurane gas. Surgery in the field was successful, with only 2 sedation-related mortalities recorded. Estimated river otter survival was 0.84 ± 0.09 with no difference between males (0.83 ± 0.11) and females (0.86 ± 0.13) ( = 0, P = 0.900) and or between protected areas (0.80 ± 0.10) and harvested areas (0.83 ± 0.15) ( = 0.3, P = 0.600). Four river otters died (2 harvest, 2 unknown causes) during my study. Daytime rest sites were located in non-enclosed vegetation (n = 54) as well as enclosed sites, such as bank dens (n = 39), beaver lodges (n = 33), and wood piles (n = 6). River otters selected for greater understory cover at all sites, though enclosed sites had less understory cover than non-enclosed sites (all P ≤ 0.001). The top habitat selection model included the parameters understory cover and the beaver sign but did not include canopy cover. My study offers a novel way to sedate river otters without DEA-scheduled drugs, updates information about river otter survival, and provides new information on fourth order habitat selection at daytime resting sites.
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Propojení sítí IEEE 802.15.4 a Ethernet / Interconnection of IEEE 802.15.4 and Ethernet networksPavlata, Karel January 2011 (has links)
Táto práca sa venuje probému prepojovania rôznych typov sietí, konkrétne sietí typu IEEE 802.15.4 a Ethernetu. Motivácia vychádza zo stále sa rozširujúceho využitia bezdrátových senzorických sietí, potreby zberu dát z nich a ich integrácie. To vyžaduje aby sieť obsahovala prvky schopné preniesť dáta z bezdrátovej siete do okolitého sveta a prípadne poskytnúť konfiguračné a riadiace informácie do vnútra siete. Z hľadiska protokolov a programového vybavenia sa prepojenie uskutočňuje na rôznej úrovni, od sieťovej až po aplikačnú vrstvu komunikačného modelu ISO/OSI, s podporou hardvéru na fyzickej a linkovej vrstve.
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Odpočinková zóna v krajině / Outdoor Relaxation ZoneVašina, David Unknown Date (has links)
Master´s thesis tries to show the aspect of the rest areas in the landscapes in Czech republic and design the resolution, how to deal with this situation. Design of set for unique location shows one of the possibilities how to work with furniture to a rest areas. Main elements of the collection are benches, bike holder and information panels designed just for one area - CHKO Pálava.
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Rozhraní systému pro analýzu dokumentů s JavaScriptovým klientem / Interface for a Document Analysis System with a JavaScript ClientMarcelyová, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of existing frameworks for creating client-side applications, the Java platform, FITLayout software and software architecture design with a web interface, implementation of a web application, testing and comparing the functionality of desktop software with web application. Existing frameworks for the development of client-side applications in JavaScript programming language are described as well as the Java platform focused on creating a web application server component, FITLayout software for segmentation and analysis of documents. Software architecture design providing similar functionality such as existing graphical tools available in FITLayout and important aspects of implementation follows. At the end of the thesis testing of web application is described as well as comparison of desktop FITLayout software and web application that was implemented.
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Staging Sleep: Labor, Care, and Rest in Contemporary PerformanceDrees, Danielle Nicole January 2021 (has links)
Staging Sleep: Labor, Care, and Rest in Contemporary Performance examines an archive of plays and performances from the past forty years—which I term sleep theatre—including dramatic literature that foregrounds sleep and sleeplessness and performance art in which the artist sleeps in front of an audience. Contemporary theatre about sleep exposes the roots of sleep loss in overwork, healthcare disparities, and housing insecurity and imagines alternative social possibilities for sustainable rest. I understand the concerns and possibilities raised by sleep theatre through the framework of social reproduction theory, a feminist analysis of the vital forms of labor antecedent to commodity production, including housework and dependent care, that keep us all alive. I reorient theatre scholarship on sleep away from psychoanalytic readings of staged dreams and toward an understanding of sleep as a political act shaped by social and material contexts. In Staging Sleep, I argue that studying sleep in theatre and performance art offers new insights into social relations of care and interdependence among performers and spectators, and that sleep onstage not only critiques inhumane economic arrangements but also imagines myriad new social configurations that value rest over work.
Staging Sleep begins in 1980, in the immediate aftermath of two decades of international Marxist feminist organizing that saw politicized housewives agitating for recognition of the value of both their work and their leisure. I demonstrate how sleep theatre expands and complicates this political legacy, beginning with the continuing global assault on welfare and unions in the 1980s. In my first chapter, I track how pioneering socialist feminist playwright Caryl Churchill develops the sleepless housewife as a character type, bringing sleep to the stage in a new way as a linchpin of her critique of the family. I then track sleep in theatre as a site of experimentation informed by feminist, queer, and disability studies through the 2010s. Chapter 2 explores sleep in plays by Sarah Kane, Maria Irene Fornes, and Peggy Shaw at the nexus of illness, friendship, and a fraying welfare state. Chapter 3 examines how directors stage homeless sleep in four recent adaptations of Cymbeline from the UK and South Sudan. My final chapter asks how performance itself creates the care and attention necessary to sustain sleep in the globe-touring, iterative performance artworks Best Place to Sleep and Black Power Naps.
Sleep performances imagine, enact, and test the limits of very different configurations of labor and rest: ways of life in which caretaking labor is redistributed, and resilience and health become collective concerns rather than individual responsibilities. I suggest that sleep performance is a nascent theatrical phenomenon that will continue to reappear as politically-minded artists work through the theatrical possibilities of spectatorship, site, and immersion in the context of deep questions of everyday justice and equity. Staging Sleep shows how theatre can exploit and transform the weirdness of watching someone sleep, or of falling asleep in the audience, into a restructuring of our practices of work and rest, space and shelter, toward ensuring safe and restorative sleep as a universal right.
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Performanceanalyse von SOAP- und REST- basierten Services in einer Linguistic Resources UmgebungSander, Sebastian 13 April 2018 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden zunächst die Grundlagen, die Unterschiede und die Features der beiden Service Technologien, SOAP und REST, erarbeitet. Anschließend werden die Web Service Frameworks Apache Axis 1, Apache Axis 2 und Metro 2.0 genauer betrachtet. Der letzte Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Verarbeitung von XML-Dokumenten. Hier spielen die verschiedenen Techniken, XML-Dokumente mittels DOM und StAX zu erstellen eine primäre Rolle. Dabei werden verschiedene Referenzimplementierungen der Standards sowie Frameworks betrachtet. Zusätzlich wird untersucht wie sich die Generierung von XML im Inline- und Stand Off-Markup auf die Performance auswirkt. Dazu werden die Standards der Text Encoding Initiative zur Textkodierung und -formatierung hinzugezogen. Am Schluß jedes Kapitels werden die Details zu den Durchführungen der Tests, deren Resultate und die daraus gewonnenen Schlussfolgerungen präsentiert. Dabei wird der Fokus
auf die Linguistik gelegt.
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Tvorba interaktívnej vzdelávacej webovej aplikácieAlmásiová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the implementation of the interactive educational application based on gamification which allows students to acquire new knowledge using new and modern way of learning. The thesis deals with analysis of mobile and web educational applications focused on gamification. Based on the analysis outcome, the functionality of the application is designed and implemented. This thesis also describes functionality for student and admin interfaces and further focuses on REST API. The implemented application expands teaching methods of the Institute of Informatics at the Mendel University in Brno. Further development of the web application is proposed within the conclusion part of this diploma thesis.
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