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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekonomická analýza optimalizace budov / Economic analysis of building optimization

Pospíchalová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with the energy savings of a prefabricated house. In the theoretical part, the issue of investment and risk management are first dealt with. Afterwards, the thesis deals with large panel construction in the Czech Republic, energy performance of buildings, heat losses, and especially methods for invesment appraisal. The main objective of the thesis is the economic analysis and the life-cycle analysis. The case study deals with the calculation of saving on heating the prefabricated house after its refurbishment and calculation of economic indicators.

Optimální využití energie a vody v aquaponické farmě / Resource optimisation in the indoor aquaponic farm

Ondruška, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
Energetická náročnost a ekonomická životaschopnost jsou často skloňované pojmy spojené s aquaponickým způsobem produkce potravin. Tato práce si klade za cíl nalézt opatření, která by zvýšila ziskovost podnikání v oblasti aquaponie a zároveň by snížila energetickou náročnost procesu a spotřebu dalších zdrojů. Součástí práce je následné ověření vybraných opatření na zkušební aquaponické farmě. K vyřešení otázky úspory energie a vody byly použity optimalizační metody vycházející z procesního inženýrství. Pro účely automatického monitoringu růstu rostlin, jakožto hlavního zdroje příjmů v aquaponii, byla využita technologie počítačového vidění. Za využití optimalizační metody zvané P-graph, integrace procesů a hledání procesních alternativ bylo nalezeno nejlepší možné uspořádání procesní sítě, které vykazovalo více než devítinásobný čistý roční příjem ve srovnání se současným uspořádáním procesních zařízení v aquaponické farmě. Dalších úspor energie a vody bylo dosaženo instalací reflexních fólií na okraje pěstebních boxů a dalším využitím odpadní vody z aquaponické části farmy v hydroponické sekci určené k pěstování sazenic. Tato opatření mohou napomoci aquaponickým farmám zvýšit konkurenceschopnost a snížit jejich dopad na životní prostředí.

Pokles životní úrovně preseniorské (55-65 let) a seniorské (65+) generace a faktory, které je ovlivňují / The Decline in the Standard of Living in Presenior (55-65 years) and Senior (65+) Generation and the Factors that Influence Them

Durkáč, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
Senior policy of the state is largely focused on the active life of seniors (eg national strategy to support positive aging for the period 2013-2017 ). From this pont of view is generally expected to stay seniors longer in their natural environment and any subsequent use of social and health services, residential care homes for the elderly. Another phenomenon is the senior policy burden on the state budget in raising funds for the payment of pensions. One means of this policy mainly at regional level is to support seniors through discounts and other advantages Senior Pas project. The author draws a comparison of the consumer basket of the general population in the age structure from 55 years and above users Pas Senior Discount Network , which is primarily intended to support active living. The theoretical part focuses on the description and benefits, deficiencies discount networks in general and the discount network designed primarily for seniors. Thesis will also undertake an excursion to the neighboring countries, especially Austria and Germany, this excursion could give a number of inspiring suggestions in monitoring the functioning of these networks. In the practical part, thesis will devote particular network Senior Discount waist and through a questionnaire survey of members of the network. Thesis will be noticing all the available factors affecting the selection and use of discount networks in relation to age, place of residence, gender and other attributes/parameters. Thesis will help to answer the question whether discount network tends to increase the active life of seniors primarily or secondarily through capital cost savings for common services and goods. Author of acquired knowledge and experience will provide recommendations for fulfilling the mission and good functionality of discount network Senior Pas.

Optimalizace spotřeb energie v administrativní budově / Optimization of energy consumption in an office building

Horká, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is optimization of energy demands in a new administrative high-rise building Vienna Point II located in Brno. Experimental part of the thesis deals with determination of real energy consumption during winter season and preparation of a set of climate data for theoretical simulations. Theoretical part is based on data obtained by experimental methods and is aimed on optimization of energy demands. The effect of suggested solution is analysed by software solutions which simulate building operation. Resulting energy demands obtained by simulations are compared with real energy consumption.

Racionalizace manipulační dílny / Rationalisation of manipulation shop

Vičar, Miroslav January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to reach a distinctive rationalization of the production and assembling plant of Cargo Van Brno company. In the project of new lay-out of the production area were all restrictions given by management of the company and by owner of the property strictly met. Technological changes of the process plan and investments suggestions are determined by the company's strategic plan.

Studium pasivní radiace povrchových úprav ve stavebnictví / The study of passive radiation finishes in construction

Kopkáně, Daniel Unknown Date (has links)
One of the key issues of our society is to decrease energy demand. About 40 % of energy consumption in Europe is related to building operation, mostly for heating. The required thermal comfort is related mainly to temperature of air and temperature of surrounding surfaces. Especially in older buildings with low level of thermal insulation the inner surface of perimeter wall can be several degrees colder than air. In such case the perception of thermal comfort will be lowered also depending on the layout of the room. Other issue can be related to thermal radiation asymmetry. The amount of energy that is eradiated from a surface is driven by material property called emissivity. A surface with sufficiently low emissivity will became “thermal mirror”. It is possible to elaborate about intelligent thermal management of the internal space with usage of low-emissive surfaces; where thermal radiation can be suppressed or can be enhanced. This depends on the surface emissivity and its real temperature. Recently, growing interest about the low-emissive surfaces can be seen. They can represent reasonable complement to conventional insulation, but they have certain limits. Potentially, even higher energy savings can be reached with so called retro reflection. If the thermal radiation of an object is reflected back, its thermal loss will be lower. In such case it can be expected that equivalent thermal comfort can be reached even with lower overall temperature of the room. The aim of the work is study of material combinations with potential for utilization as low-emissive interior surfaces. Research has been conducted on low-emissive paints and low-emissive foils. Another part of the work is related to retro reflection of thermal radiation as a potential way to influence thermal comfort. The work shows, that energy saving up to 20% can be obtained.

Architektonický výraz obytných staveb energeticky efektivní výstavby / Architectural expression of residential buildings in energy-efficient housing

Gerö, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
These days create an enormous pressure on energy savings because of their high prices. For future it is obvious that their prices will grow. Not only the representatives of European Union realize this fact, but basicaly common people who run their houses and pay the bills. For this reason low - energy houses respectively passive houses are in the limelight. Reasons of economy should not be the only criterion of quality, but its integral part, one of several components. Energy efficient housing is a response in architecture and building to turbulent global warming. The aim of the work is try to specify how to conceive an efficient building with respect to its architectural quality in the contect of directions coming from European Union and which should be implemented soon in the Czech republic. Will zero house become driving force of architecture in Europe in 21st century? The result of the work will be useful in orientation how to conceive an efficient house with respect to its aesthetical quality.

Development and Implementation of Energy Savings and Energy Management Methodology in an Industrial Enterprise / Development and Implementation of Energy Savings and Energy Management Methodology in an Industrial Enterprise

Dudarev, Ivan January 2015 (has links)
V současné době se problematika energetických úspor dostává do popředí zájmu jak na úrovni jednotlivých podniků, tak i na úrovni celého státu. Často bývá příčinou sporů ve vědeckých kruzích i mezi odborníky z praxe. Lidstvo tradičně začalo využívat energii z minerálních přírodních zdrojů, které však ve srovnání s obnovitelnými zdroji energie mají omezení. Výzkum a implementace moderních technologií jsou ztíženy otázkou investic a časově omezeny. Proto se evropská strategie energetické bezpečnosti zaměřuje na energetickou účinnost, která je jedním z nejefektivnějších způsobů zlepšení bezpečnosti spotřeby energie. Velké společnosti a podniky jsou jedním z hlavních spotřebitelů energie. Proto je tato vědecká práce zaměřena na problematiku úspor energie a zlepšování energetické účinnosti podniku. Těžiště práce spočívá ve vytvoření a zavedení metodiky pro úsporu energie a managementu hospodaření s energií ve výrobním procesu automobilového podniku. Dále je pro účely této práce vytvořen a popsán způsob vizualizace spotřeby energie v prostředí virtuální reality

CHUDOBA A PŘEDLUŽENOST ČESKÝCH DOMÁCNOSTÍ / Poverty and overdebtedness of Czech households

Mastná, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
The diploma work deals with the problem of poverty following from overdebtedness of Czech households. Poverty is defined as a strong social handicap leading up to a social exclusion. Overdebtedness means such a financial situation when households are not able to fulfill their financial obligations and thus it concerns especially households with low incomes. In the Czech Republic this fact has been distinguished since the year 2000. The topic of the diploma work points at the development of overdebtedness of Czech households and its evaluation, the size of this problem and the estimation of its further development. It analyses the threat to households leading to a debt trap. It deals with economic impact of state debtedness in connection with that of Czech households. Some attention is paid to the increasing unemployment as one of the strongest causes leading to a state of poverty and consequently to undesirable debtedness showing the evident link between unemployment and overdebtedness. At the same time, the emphasis is put onto individual responsibility and lifelong education as the prevention and solution to unemployment and doubtedness. The phenomenon of overdebtedness of Czech households is understood as a warning signal of the present.

Zhodnocení finanční náročnosti motivačního programu ve vybraném podniku / Evaluation of the financial demands of motivation program in a chosen company

VLASÁKOVÁ, Václava January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the financial demands of actual motivation program in a chosen company, to analyze it, compare and to describe the development of benefits provided by the company in the course of time in the terms of costs. Next was to find and identify linkages and connections between employee benefits and economic variables of the company and to describe their potential interactions. It was proved that the actual motivational program is very financially demanding for the company considering the deteriorating economic results in last years. It was suggested that if this economy trend continues, it would be better to lower the amount of provided benefits despite their undeniable stabilization effect. It was proved that the company is orientated to tax and insurance advantaged benefits. This can bring the savings in the field of labor costs, on the other hand the increase of additional costs which come from unclear tax system. It showed, that the benefits as well as the wages adapt to economic reality very slowly and also their structure changed according to economic results, from benefits orientated to consumption during economically successful years to the long term responsible benefits during the years of economic decline.

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