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Modifikace, nebo polemika? Parnasistní satira Svatopluka Čecha. / Modification, or controversy? Svatopluk Čech's Parnassian satire.ŽAK, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The work aims to analyse and interpret the Czech satirical output of the second half of the 19th century considering the so called Parnassianism. Following the work Concepts of Satire in the National Revival Literature, the first part introduces the genre of satire, its origination and forming during the literary history, then the concept of Parnassianism is worked out together with its current state of research. In the second part, the initial premises are confronted with the results of the studies of the particular works in which the poetics and the literary genre are implemented. The attention is paid to the pieces written by S. Čech: poems Evropa, Hanuman and Šotek and three prosaic texts with the main character called Matěj Brouček - Pravý výlet pana Broučka do Měsíce, Nový epochální výlet pana Broučka, tentokráte do XV. století and Matěj Brouček na výstavě.
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Vývoj kartografických vyjadřovacích prostředků pro znázorňování hradů a zámků na starých mapách Čech / Development cartographic means of expression for representing castles on old maps of the BohemiaNeckář, Petr January 2011 (has links)
Development cartographic means of expression for representing castles on old maps of the Bohemia Abstract This thesis examines the development of cartographic means of expression that are used for the display of castles, palaces, strongholds and ruins on the old maps of Bohemia in the period from the early 16th century to early 18th century. The work evaluates the positional inaccuracies of location of interest sites through cartometric analysis. The first part is theoretical, in which the issues outlined cartographic semiotics and cartographic expression. Next two parts deal with the oldest cartographic references of the Bohemia, or the description of the analyzed maps. Further, the thesis illustrated the method by which the analysis are extracted. The chapter summarizes contains results of findings. Keywords: old maps of Bohemia, signs for castles, cartographic semiotics, cartometric.
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Symmetric Squaring in Homology and Bordism / Symmetrisches Quadrieren in Homologie und BordismusKrempasky, Seyide Denise 25 August 2011 (has links)
Betrachtet man das kartesische Produkt X × X eines topologischen Raumes X mit sich selbst, so kann auf diesem Objekt insbesondere die Involution betrachtet werden, die die Koordinaten vertauscht, die also (x,y) auf (y,x) abbildet. Das sogenannte 'Symmetrische Quadrieren' in Čech-Homologie mit Z/2-coefficients wurde von Schick et al. 2007 als Abbildung von der k-ten Čech-Homologiegruppe eines Raumes X in die 2k-te Čech-Homologiegruppe von X × X modulu der oben genannten Involution definiert. Es stellt sich heraus, dass diese Konstruktion entscheidend ist für den Beweis eines parametrisierten Borsuk-Ulam-Theorems.Das Symmetrische Quadrieren kann zu einer Abbildung in Bordismus verallgemeinert werden, was der Hauptgegenstand dieser Dissertation ist. Genauer gesagt werden wir zeigen, dass es eine wohldefinierte, natürliche Abbildung von der k-ten singulären Bordismusgruppe von X in die 2k-te Bordismusgruppe von X × X modulu der obigen Involution gibt.Insbesondere ist dieses Quadrieren wirklich eine Verallgemeinerung der Konstruktion in Čech-Homologie, denn es ist vertauschbar mit dem Übergang von Bordismus zu Homologie via dem Fundamentalklassenhomomorphismus. Auf dem Weg zu diesem Resultat wird das Konzept des Čech-Bordismus als Kombination aus Bordismus und Čech-Homologie zunächst definiert und dann mit Čech-Homologie verglichen.
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Setkání s pravěkem (projekt "Výprava za lovci mamutů") / Meeting the prehistory (project "Expedition after the mammoth hunters")HAVLÍKOVÁ, Renata January 2008 (has links)
This Diploma Paper is outlined in order to show the reader one of the possible ways of how to introduce the antiquity to children. Our journey will take us to the oldest times of human history which left us almighty heritage not only in the field of art. In the theoretical part we will meet the prehistoric art together with the evolution of human kind and we will look into the expositions of prehistoric settlement that took place in the territory of our state. Nowadays these expositions can be find in collections of our museums. The hinge part of Diploma Paper is focused on methodology. The relevant questions about prehistorical mammoth hunters, which is introduced in all its width, is carried over to artwork and projects that are the samples of work of pupils from primary schools. Particularly thanks to them it was possible for the exhibition {\clqq}Expedition after the mammoth hunters`` to start up. I would be pleased if my Diploma Paper became interesting inspiration for my collegues {--} teachers and pedagogues in their work with children as well as the exhibition The mammoth hunters in the National Museum was for me.
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Otázky struktury osídlení severovýchodní části středních Čech ve starší době bronzové na příkladu opevněné lokality Brandýs nad Labem-Vrábí / Settlement structure of the Early Bronze Age in the northeast part of central Bohemia - the case study of fortified settlement in Brandýs nad Labem-VrábíLangová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
Between 2007 and 2016, there was a rescue archeological research done by the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS in the locality of Brandýs nad Labem-Vrábí at the site "U Vodojemu", where, above other, a large settlement from the Early Bronze Age was uncovered. Based on the ceramics, it is possible to classify it chronologically as the early period of the Únětice culture, typologically then, it is possible to associate the ceramics found with the post-classical phase of the Únětice culture. The discovery of the U-shaped ditch adjacent to the ground edge of the Hrušovský stream indicates that the settlement was fortified for a certain time, approximately at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. Based on the nature of the ditch filling, of the ceramic findings with analogies in the beginning of the tumulus culture, as well as of the carbon dating, it is obvious that the settlement served further on after the downfall of this fortification, too, and thus for another 100 years at least. In the context of another very numerous, contemporaneous findings in the cadaster of Brandýs nad Labem, it is visible that the site "U Vodojemu" used to be a part of a large settlement agglomeration. A detailed mapping of the Early Bronze Age findings from the district of the north-east part of Central Bohemia has...
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Dobrovolní hasiči v České republice / Volunteer Firefighters in the Czech RepublicRossinski, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Volunteer firefighters are the only traditional interest organization in the Czech Republic with higher proportion of children and youth between the volunteers (members). The aim of the thesis is to clarify the reasons for the strong position of children and youth between volunteer firefighters. There has been a qualitative research conducted within this thesis. The method of embedded case study was use for it. It's a single-case study design that involves more than one unit of analysis. The main unit was the Firefighters Association of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, the embedded units were three specific voluntary fire brigades. The thesis also describes historical development of voluntary fire protection in the Czech Republic including the history of the organization of young firefighters.
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Role dvou profesorů drážďanské Akademie, Richarda Müllera a Emanuela Hegenbartha, ve vztazích mezi Prahou a Drážďany / The role of two professors of the Dresden Academy, Richard Müller and Emanuel Hegenbarth, in relations between Prague and DresdenKrülle Kotoučová, Veronika January 2022 (has links)
(in English): The presented PhD thesis deals with two artists, Emanuel Hegenbarth (1868-1923) and Richard Müller (1874-1954). Both were Czech Germans, i.e. of German nationality, using German as their vernacular language, born in the second half of the 19th century in Bohemia the territory of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire (nowday's Czech Republic) and later have been working for a long time in Dresden. This initial reality represented a different starting point for each of them and played a different role in their later life and artistic trajectory. Richard Müller did not lose contact with his bohemian homeland during his lifetime, but he did not have strong ties to it and considered Dresden his home and background. He was particularly influential as a professor at the Dresden Academy, a position he held for more than thirty years. His artistic principles and creative activity shaped the emerging generation of artists, which included representatives of German-speaking artists from Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia who passed through his studio. The thesis includes an excursus devoted to Herbert Seemann (1900-1945), in whose work Müller's influence is most evident. A different approach can be found in Emanuel Hegenbarth, who, despite his professorship at the Dresden Academy, maintained intensive and...
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Návraty volyňských Čechů a jejich asimilace, se zvláštním zřetelem k Vyškovsku / The returns of Volhynian Czechs and their assimilation, with special regard to the Vyškov regionMartinková, Dagmar January 2021 (has links)
In the mid and late-19th century, about 15,000 Czechs left for Russia in search of a new life. Most of them settled in the Volhynia Governorate. They bought land, established Czech villages, developed hop growing. In World War I they supported the foundation of the Czechoslovak legions, and many of them also joined the legions. After this war, several hundred Czechs returned to their homeland. In World War II, they rejoined the resistance and formed the foundation of the 1st Czechoslovak Army Corps. After the war, most of them claimed re-emigration. The Czechs in Volhynia experienced what Soviet communism was like, as well as persecution, collectivization, and also Ukrainian nationalism. However, returning to the homeland was not easy, and their repatriation was accompanied by many difficulties. Many of them disagreed with the incoming communist regime and warned the population of Czechoslovakia against it. A big number of Volhynian Czechs were kept under surveillance and imprisoned by the communist regime. Love for the country and hard work have always been significant in the history of Volhynian Czechs.
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Práce s mládeží ve Sboru dobrovolných hasičů / The working with young people in Volunteer Firefighters AssociationsTOMÁŠKOVÁ, Petra January 2011 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals issue of activities with children and youth in operation of Sdružení hasičů Čech, Moravy a Slezska.Introduction of this thesis describes past of operation of SH ČMS, especially its education activities in past. There is analysis of organizational structure of SH ČMS as well. Thesis describes all vertical levels of organization (headquarters, region, district, precinct and local level) and all parts of horizontal division of organization (mayor, executive committee, audit committee, other teams etc.). Conclusion of the first part of diploma thesis deals funding organization and educational activities. The second part of this work is focused on educational system in SH ČMS. It meets us with year-round activities of young firefighters, methods of working during whole year and describes ?PLAMEN? game as main point in year-round activities of young firefighters. Very important is think about children team leader as well. In the conclusion of diploma thesis I mention little information about documentation necessary for working with young firefighters and cooperation with other organizations.
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Mládežnické struktury při Dělnické straně sociální spravedlnosti a Komunistické straně Čech a Moravy / Youth Organizations of the Worker's party of Social Justice and the Communist Party of Bohemia and MoraviaDytrych, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The Diploma thesis focuses on youth structures that profess to the largest far-right and far-left parties representatives in the Czech Republic. In the far-right milieu it is the Worker's Party Youth, who are closely associated with the Worker's party of Social Justice. On the far-left side of the spektrum, there are formally two entities, that profess to the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia: the Communist Youth Union and the Union of Young Communists of Czechoslovakia. The aim of this thesis is to clarify the extent of real interdependence of these civic associations with a political party, and on the other side, to examine their political extremism level, both in theory and also in the terms of security forces. The thesis further explores to what extent, therefore, these entities are a real threat to the existing democratic system in the Czech Republic.
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