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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nuteistųjų meninės socialinės edukacijos kaip resocializacijos ypatumai ir galimybės / The peculiarities and possibilities of artistic social education as resocialization for prisoners

Petriešytė, Vilma 30 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tema - nuteistųjų meninės socialinės edukacijos kaip resocializacijos ypatumai. Tema aktuali, nes sėkmingas nuteistojo integravimasis į visuomenę didele dalimi priklauso nuo resocializacijos proceso, kuris vyksta per adaptacijos, pataisos ir integracijos etapus. Vienas alternatyvių nuteistų asmenų resocializacijos būdų – meninė socialinė edukacija. Šalies įkalinimo įstaigose užsiimama menine veikla, tačiau nepakankamai. Nesudaromos ar nepakankamai sudaromos sąlygos kalinių resocializacijai, trūksta specialistų, silpna materialinė bazė, mažas suinteresuotumas. Darbo tikslas - ištirti Lietuvos įkalinimo įstaigų meninės socialinės edukacijos kaip resocializacijos ypatumus. Darbe analizuojama nuteistųjų resocializacijos samprata, įkalinimo įstaigose vykstančios meninės socialinės edukacijos realijos. Temos aktualumui ir naujumui pagrįsti atlikti kiekybinio ir kokybinio tipo tyrimai. Apklausus 290 nuteistųjų, kalinčių Lukiškių kalėjime, Vilniaus 2–uosiuose pataisos namuose ir Panevėžio moterų kalėjime paaiškėjo, kad nors meninės veiklos užsiėmimai įkalinimo įstaigose vyksta, juos lanko ne visi. Apklausus 33 Vilniaus ir Panevėžio įkalinimo įstaigų vadovaujančio personalo darbuotojus bei meninės veiklos specialistus, dirbančius su nuteistaisiais, nustatyta, kad įstaigose vyksta meninės veiklos užsiėmimai (iš jų dažniausiai - dailės ir muzikos), tačiau ne visiems nuteistiesiems pasiūloma juose dalyvauti, be to, ne visi nuteistieji priima šį pasiūlymą ir noriai lanko užsiėmimus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topic of the work: the peculiarities of artistic social education as resocialization for prisoners. The topic is relevant because a successful integration of a prisoner into society depends a lot on resocialization process that takes place through adaptation, correction and integration stages. One of alternative resocialization means of convicts is artistic social education. In imprisonment institutions of the country people are engaged in artistic activities, but not sufficiently. There are no conditions or conditions are not satisfactory for resocialization of prisoners, there is a lack of specialists, weak material base and little interest. Aim of the work: to research the peculiarities of artistic social education as resocialization of imprisonment institutions. In the work one analyzes the conception of resocialization of prisoners, and realia of artistic social education that take place in imprisonment institution. To prove the relevance and novelty of the topic one performed qualitative and quantitative researches. 290 prisoners were questioned that are in Lukiskiu prison, in Vilnius 2nd correction institution and Panevezys women prison. It was found out that although artistic activities take place in imprisonment institutions, not all people attend them. When 33 leading personnel employees of Vilnius and Panevezys imprisonment institutions and specialists of artistic activities that work with prisoners were questioned, it was found out that artistic activities took... [to full text]

Moterų, nuteistų daugiau nei 2 metus,mokymosi įkalinimo sąlygomis patirtis ir galimybių analizė / The experience of learning under the conditions of imprisonment of women sentenced to more that 2 years and the analysis of their opportunities

Bytautienė, Ingrida 07 June 2005 (has links)
Nowadays more emphasis is made on providing learning possibilities. Every person is an equal member of society irrespective of where he/she lives or what he/she is doing. At present the re-socialisation and probation work done by the penitentiary institutions is exceptionally important. The study of this comparatively new sphere confirms that the issue of teaching/learning of women serving sentence has been hardly analysed. The study is urgent in the sense that the people have to be stimulated to seek knowledge, conditions for learning have to be created and supported irrespective where such people live at given time. It is necessary to induce women serving sentence to make best use of the learning possibilities so that they could successfully use such knowledge when they are released. The reason I chose this theme was that it had not been considered especially as far as women in penitentiary institutions were concerned. It was interesting for me to study the need of the sentenced women for learning and take a closer look at the possibilities provided at the penitentiary institution.

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