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Vliv ročního období na behaviorální projevy krav plemene Aberdeen Angus ve vybraném chovuSvobodová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the influence of the season on the behavioral symptoms of aberdeen angus cows. Ethological monitoring was carried out on an ecological farm Chadimův mlýn, which is located in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. Monitoring was carried out from April to December 2013. It has been analyzed following behavioral symptoms: feed intake, water intake, stall, physical activity, lying, urination/defecation, sucking and comfortable behavior. By ethological monitoring, graphical and statistical evaluation it was found highly significant effect of the season on feed intake, stall, physical activity, lying and sucking. Inconclusive effect of the season has been detected in water intake, comfortable behavior and urination/defecation. In comparison with behavioral symptoms within days with the highest and lowest average air temperature, there wwas found high difference in the symptoms between standing and lying. Animals devoted most of time to feed intake (47,76 %), lying (22,02 %), stall (20,55 %) and physical activity (6,11 %).
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Faktory ovlivňující životní úroveň Vysegrádské čtyřkyVeselý, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with monitoring the development and analysis of selected indicators affecting living standards in the Visegrad group. The Visegrad group includes country in Central Europe: Czech republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. The diploma thesis analyzes a selected indicators, which determing living standards. The thesis also analyzes their development and mutual comparisons between selected countries from entering countries into the European Union in 2005 to 2013. The main data source for this work is provided by Eurostat especially EU-SILC. The next part is a principal component analysis of the monitored indicators and the results are interpreted in mutual comparison of the countries of the Visegrad group.
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Automobilová doprava a znečištění ovzdušíVaverková, Alice January 2014 (has links)
VAVERKOVÁ, Alice. Vehicular Traffic and Air Pollution. Brno, 2014. Disertation. Mendel University in Brno. Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, 2014. Head of disertation prof. Ing. Ilja Vyskot, CSc. This disertation deals with vehicular traffic and air pollution in the Czech Republic. First I studied professional literature and internet sources describing this problem. The first part of my work is focused on definition of basic terms regarding vehicular traffic and air pollution. Definitions are completed by relevant charts, maps and diagrams. In the second part methodology was described and research on the basis of an anonymous questionnaire was done. Results from the primary data collection presented opinions of population sample owning driving licences and cars. Then final data were converted to a graphic and table format. Recommendations leading to improvement of state of air are formulated at the end of my disertation.
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Analýza ecolabellingu v České republice / Analysis of ecolabelling in the Czech RepublicKubátová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
Ecolabelling is concept that means eco-labeling, and even here in the Czech Republic, with it becoming more and more. The main task of eco-labeling is to draw attention to the products or services that are environmentally friendly to the environment. This is done mainly through certified brands. In the Czech Republic there is a large number, the most famous is Environmentally friendly product. Thesis acquaints with selected ecological brands. Recently, there is a large development of environmental labeling react to that company and try to regulate their production in the right direction. Ecolabelling is a green marketing tool, whose main objective is to achieve efficiency organic way. Therefore, companies create green strategy that attracted customers and build such an ecological image. The main objective is to introduce ecolabelling, a comparison of selected Czech, European and global eco-label. It is also important to highlight the abuse of so-called eco-labeling. Greenwashing.
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Ukázkové faktory redukce diabetes mellitus v závislosti na výživě / Selected factors reduction of diabetes mellitus depending on the nutritionKřížová, Radka January 2016 (has links)
This thesis mainly deals with the description and interpretation of individual sections of diabetic diet. There are listed consequences when patient don´t care his disease. The thesis contains theory about the diabetic diet and practical analyzing the importance of adhering to proper diet by diabetic patients.
Initially the thesis focuses on the general classification of the disease, which is mainly the distinction between diabetes first and second type following are described in other types of diseases such as so-called secondary diabetes and gestational diabetes mellitus.
The following chapter is concerned with the correct nutrition for diabetes and describes the basic components of the diet and their appropriate inclusion in the diet of the patient. Diploma thesis build on the bachelor thesis about the same topic, so there are not various basic components of a diabetic diet completely described in detail. More emphasis was put on a more detailed description of the functions of individual vitamins in connection with diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, the work was focused on dietary supplements that could affect the course of disease.
The next chapter deals with obesity and metabolic syndrome. It is generally known that overweight with diabetes mellitus are closely associated. There are basic risks of the disease and limit values for its emergence.
The practical part is focused on adherence to diabetic diet connection with the reduction, a steady state of diabetes. The diploma thesis was focused on healthy lifestyle of patients who want to keep their disease under control. Results of 50 patients came from a specific diabetes clinic in Kralupy n./Vlt.. It was a roughly six-month interval measurement. The result are the values at the beginning and the end of the measurement. It was evaluated glycated hemoglobin, which saw improvement 14,1 % for men and 12,1 % for women. Furthermore, it was evaluated by weight loss. On average, the weight decreased by 2.56 kg for the entire measured sample. The last measured factor was blood pressure in which can not be significant progress because of such a small number of patients. Specifically, it was measured, systolic blood pressure decreased slightly for women and men. Diastolic pressure drops only to women, men, on the contrary increased.
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Možné konflikty vybraných aktivit s požadavky Vodní rámcové směrnice 2000/60/ES / Potential conflicts of selected activities with the requirements of Water Framework Directive 2000/60 / ECKulštrunková, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
Since the mid-20th century, water policy in European countries has gradually changed from the excessive use of natural resources to their protection. The last major change in water policy was putting most of directives into one - to the Water Framework Directive 2000/60 / EC, which introduced water planning and preparation of water programmes on a European scale. Despite its undeniable positives that brought into European water politics, there arise questions about its use in specific projects in practice, especially in hydroelectric power. In some cases, such as for instance case study of the Weser River in Germany shows that the interpretation of the Water Framework Directive is not entirely clear to everyone, so some cases due to ambiguities can get to the Court of Justice of the European Union.
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Principy EIA golfových hřišť / Principles of golf courses EIAJanků, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the principles of assessment impact of golf courses on the environment. The process of assessing the impact of project on the environment (EIA) is an integral part of the permission procedures for building permits. Each intention is different and must be assessed differently. Because of all the sports that have their sphere of activity on the free surface of the earth has golf probably the strongest interaction with the environment, the construction of golf courses is very hot topic among experts and the general public. This study aims to evaluate of EIA process at the two golf courses and the experience gained from the EIA process to formulate principles for the assessment of golf courses on the environment. An integral part of the work is an analysis of the EIA notification and control in unity of prediction in notification with the actual situation. On the based of achieved experience and the gained data it is possible to generalize the principles of EIA process for similar intention.
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Street dance - battly, eventy, životní styl / Street dance - battles, events, lifestyleStejskalová, Natálie January 2017 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I would like to focus on dance battles events and on the street dance life style as it's the topic of my diploma thesis. I have been very close of the street dance world, as a dancer and an observer, since I witnessed countless dance battles, concerts, camps, workshops and so on - which gave me the knowledge to express myself on this topic and gave my perspective in both ways: from up to the stage and audience.
I was always very curios and wanted to share with, such as: how does the street dance events looks like, what's happening there, what kind people attending it, what is the motivation for dancers, djs, choreographers, producers etc…? Where those events are happening and how often is them happening? My curiosity crossed the Czech Republic border, I wanted to know more from outside of my country. I believe that having the knowledge of what's going on abroad gives you power of discuss and compare things with confidence and comfortability.
Mainly my research methods were observing and interviewing, then field diaries, video documentation, collecting as much information as possible from people that lives in this world nonstop, which gave me so much knowledge from inside, how they behave, how they communicate, their attitude etc. This scenario always fascinated me and after attending to many events, battles, meetings and jam sessions (as a dancer and observer), I was able to collect different point of views from another dancers, choreographers and guests and compare it with my own thoughts regarding to it, using my countless notes and hours of recording interviews, those tools combined gave me so much information.
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Environmentální pojištění jako jeden z ekonomických nástrojů ochrany životního prostředíVávrová, Eva January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Projekt zlepšování potravní a krytové nabídky pro zvěř v honitbě Králova Lhota.Šolc, Josef January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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