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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The doctrine of God in African Christian thought : an assessment of African inculturation theology from a trinitarian perspective

Kombo, James Henry Owino 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2000 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Christian faith knows and worships one God known in the Son and in the Holy Spirit. In his revelation, the Father is depicted as being from Himself, the Son as eternally begotten from the Father and the Holy Spirit as eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son. This is what Christian thought means by the doctrine of the Trinity. Although Christian orthodoxy holds the doctrine of the Trinity, the intellectual tools used to capture and convey it vary depending on the epoch, cultural context as well as availability of alternative intellectual images. This point is demonstrated well in Western Christianity. Western theologies exhibit three models of the doctrine of the Trinity: 'God as Essence', 'God as an absolute Subject', and 'God as Community in Unity'. These models can be explained by the influence of specific philosophical presuppositions preferred in certain contexts and at certain times. 'God as Essence' is constructed from the point of view of neo-Platonism, 'God as an absolute Subject' uses the infrastructure of German Idealism, while 'God as Community in Unity' recovers and applies the conceptual tools of the second-century Greeks. Taking note of the theological methodology of Western Christianity and recognising the intellectual resources in the African heritage, African inculturation theology has argued for the use of the conceptual framework of African peoples in the development of theology for African audiences. In an attempt to make a statement to the effect that African Negroes are not neo-Platonists, German Idealists or the Greeks of the second century, and to demonstrate that the African Negroes do have a different ontology that can be deciphered, interpreted, and systematized in one common way, African inculturation theology has posited a simple identity between the African notions of God and God known in the Christian faith. This research assesses and finds inadequate the notion of a simple identity between the African concepts of God and the Christian understanding of God. In view of this it appeals to African inculturation theology to critically and creatively deal with the African Christians' understanding of God. This call means at least two things. Firstly, Nyasaye, Mulungu, Modimo and so on are to function as the conceptual gates for the Christian view of God. This calls for 'Christianisation' of the African notions of God. Secondly, a 'Christianised' Nyasaye, for example, must for the Luo people mean God known in the Son and the Holy Spirit. The 'Christianised' Nyasaye must then make use of native metaphysics for the purpose of indigenising or grounding it in the cultural milieu of the situation of reception. To achieve this goal, this research has located and proposed the NTU metaphysics, which is used widely by African Negroes. According to this metaphysics, God is not just a static 'substance', an authoritarian 'absolute Subject', or a mere relationship; God is 'Great Muntu'. The Son is God because he derives wholly from the whole NTU of the only 'Great Muntu'. The Holy Spirit is God because he has the NTU shared by both the 'Great Muntu' and the Son. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are persons because the 'genuine muntu' in them is the 'Great Muntu', who alone is the ultimate person. Thus the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are persons in the ultimate sense. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Christelike geloof ken en aanbid een God in die Seun deur die Heilige Gees. In sy openbaring leer ons die Vader ken as synde uit Homself, die Seun as van ewigheidheid verwek deur Vader, en die Heilige Gees as van ewigheid uitgaande van die Vader en die Seun. Dit is wat die Christelike geloof bedoel met die leer van die Triniteit. Alhoewel die Christlike ortodoksie gekenmerk word deur die leer van die Triniteit, varieer die intellectuele vorm wat dit aanneem en waarin dit oorgedra word afhangende van die tydperk, kulturele konteks sowel as die beskikbaarheid van altematiewe intellektuele aparatuur. Laasgenoemde kom duidelik na vore in die geskiedenis van die Westerse Christenheid. In die geskiedenis van die Westerse teologie vertoon die leer van die Triniteit drie gestaltes nl. 'God as Essensie', 'God as absolute Subjek', en 'God as Gemeenskaap in Eenheid'. Dit hou verband met die voorkeur vir spesifieke filisofiese voorverondersellings in sekere kontekste en tye. 'God as Essensie' is die resultaat van neo-Platoniese voorveronderstellings, 'God as absolute Subjek' dra die kenmerke van die Duitse Idealisme, terwyl 'God as Gemeenskap in Eenheid' terggryp op en gebruikmaak van die konseptuele aparatuur uit die Griekse denke van tweede eeu. Na aanleiding van die teologiese metode van die Westerse Christendom en met erkenning van die intellectuele moontlikhede van die Afrika erfenis, argurnenteer die Afrika inkulturasie teologie ten gunste van die gebruik van Afrika konsepte vir die ontwikkeling van 'n teologie vir Afrika. In 'n poging om die eie en gemeenskaplike aard van die ontologie van Afrika in onderskeid van die neo-Platoniste, Duitse Idealiste en Griekse filosofie van die tweede eeu, aan te toon, het die Afrika inkulturasie teologie op 'n simplistiese wyse 'n identeit tussen Afrika Godsbeelde en die God van die Christelike geloof geponeer. In hierde navorsing word hierde identifikasie beoordeel en van die hand gewys. Derhalwe word 'n appel gemaak op die Afrika inkulturasie teologie om krities-kreatief om te gaan met die Afrika Christene se verstaan van God. Hierde oproep het ten minste twee implikasies. In die eerste plek moet Nyasaye, Mulungu, Modimo, ens. dien as konseptuele poorte vir die Christlike Godsverstaan. Dit impliseer 'n 'Christianisering' van die Afrika Godsbeelde. Tweedens bring dit mee dat 'n 'gechristianiseerde' Nyasaye by voorbeeld, vir Luo volk impliseer dat God geken word in die Seun en die Heilige Gees. Vervolgens moet gebruik gemaak word van inheemse metafisika met die oop op die verinheemsing of fundering van hierdie 'gechristianiseerde' Nyasaye in die kulturele milieu van die resepsie gemeenskap. Om hierdie doel te bereik, word in hierde studie gebruik gemaak van die NTU metafisika, wat algemen in Afrika voorkom. Volgens hierde metafisika is God nie net 'n statiese 'substansie', n' outoritere 'absolute Subject' of 'n blote relasie nie, maar God is die 'Groot Muntu'. Die Seun is God omdat Hy volkome uitgaan uit die totale NTU van die enigste 'Groot Muntu'. Die Heilige Gees is God omdat Hy die NTU het wat die 'Groot Muntu' en die Seun gemeenskaplik besit. Die Vader, die Seun en die Heilige Gees is persone omdat die 'egte muntu' in hulle die 'Groot Muntu' is, wat allen die absolute persoon is. Derhalwe is Vader, Seun en Heilige Gees persone in absolute sin.

Kerk en onderwys : 'n kerkregtelike studie van artikel 67 van die Kerkorde van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk (1998)

Swart, Francois Johannes,1957- 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to determine if the current church order (section 67, 1998) of the Dutch Reformed Church meet the needs of the changing multireligious society in South Africa. Education has always been an instrument to guide and teach people. The Bible is clear about the important role of teaching and education of young people. It is therefore imperative for the Church to have clear guidelines about its role in providing Christian education and religious studies in schools. From the earliest days the Reformed Churches have been involved in education and had described the relationship between the Church and Education in its church orders. The comparatives research is reflected in this study. The implications of the constitutional principles dealing with "Freedom of Religion" within a multi-religious society are explored. A model for religious education is recommended. Within the constitutional provision for "freedom of association" parents have the right to choose in which religion their children be educated. It is suggested that the State should only provide the infrastructure for the education, whereas the different religious communities should have the freedom to determine the content of religious studies. No religious community should have preference/advantage over the other. There are four main roleplayers in the education arena, namely the State as infrastructure provider, the teachers as facilitators of the educational process, the Church as the proclaimer of the Word, and the parents as the primary decisionmakers and educators. In accordance with the new Constitution each roleplayer should have the freedom to express their unique input in the educational process. For the Dutch Reformed Church the ultimate authority lies in the Word of God. Therefore the implications of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be tested in the light of the Word of God. If there is not sufficient opportunity to proclaim the Word of God in public. schools, the Church will be obliged to assist their members to establish independent Christian schools. In the light of the changing multi-cultured and relious society, suggestions for the reformulation of church order section 67, 1998, are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op die vraag of die huidige Kerkordelike bewoording wat die verhouding tussen Kerk en Onderwys beskryf (Kerkorde artikel 67, 1998) aan die vereistes van die tyd voldoen. Die onderwys was nog altyd 'n instrument waarmee menselewens grootliks beinvloed is. 'n Kerk wat nie daarmee rekening hou nie, bewys 'n onguns aan die samelewing, en aan die Koninkryk van God. Daar word heelwat in die Skrif gepraat oor die verantwoordelikheid van opvoeding en onderwys teenoor jongmense. 'n Kerkordelike vergestalting van Skriftuurlike konfessionele en teologiese uitgangspunte aangaande die jeug se opvoeding kan 'n bate wees in die debat oor die verhouding tussen die Kerk en Onderwys. Vir die Kerk as draer van die Woord, bepaalde waardes, etos en norme is dit belangrik om 'n spesifieke kerkorde artikel te he wat riglyne vir godsdiensonderrig en Christelike onderwys in skole bied. In die studie word aangetoon dat die Gereformeerde kerke van die vroegste tye af sterk uitsprake oor die onderwys gemaak het, en dit ook kerkordelik verwoord het. Die grondwetlike beginsel van "Vryheid van Godsdiens" binne 'n multigodsdienstige samelewing soos Suid-Afrika word ook ondersoek. Die slotsom waartoe gekom word, is dat daar in 'n diverse samelewing soos Suid-Afrika 'n veelkantige model van godsdiensonderrig ingestel behoort te word. Die grondwet maak voorsiening vir religieuse studies, maar ook vir die dogmatiese bestudering en beoefening van godsdiens in staatsondersteunde opvoedingsinstansies. Binne die "reg van vrye assosiasie" kan ouers self kies in watter godsdiens sy kind onderrig mag ontvang. Die staat behoort alleenlik die ruimte/geleentheid in staatskole te skep vir sy burgers om in vryheid godsdiens te mag beoefen. Die inhoud en wyse van aanbieding behoort aan die verskillende godsdienstige gemeenskappe oorgelaat te word. Omdat dit die Kerk se taak is om die Woord te verkondig, behoort die kerk te bepaal wat die kurrikulum van godsdiensonderrig is, en watter dogmas/waarheid verkondig moet word. In 'n sekere sin is dit 'n terugkeer na die ou gereformeerde tradisie van die sestiende eeu toe die kategetiese dogmatiese beginsels van die kerk in dagskole geleer is. Die verskil h§ egter daarin dat een godsdiens nie vandag bevoordeel word bo die ander nie, maar dat daar ruimte gemaak word vir aile godsdienste onder die "Vryheid van Godsdiens" beginsel in die grandwet van Suid-Afrika. Die rol van die Staat as ruimte-skepper vir die onderwys, die opvoedkundiges as die fasiliteerders van die onderwysgebeure, die kerk as Woordverkondiger en die ouers as prirnere opvoeders en besluitnemers lewer elkeen In unieke bydrae om die leerder op te voed in sy totale menswees. Die interpretasie van "Vryheid van Godsdiens" in die grondwet mag nie daartoe lei dat bogenoemde vier rolspelers se bydrae op enige manier aan bande gele word nie, maar moet juis aan hulle oorgelaat word. Die insette van elke ralspeler in die onderwysgebeure moet erken en gerespekteer word. Die uitdaging Ie in die hantering en bestuur van In diverse samelewing in een gemeenskaplike opvoedings- of skoolstelsel. As elkeen se rol en bydrae gesamentlik en afsonderlik helder qedefineer word, kan dit net tot voordeel van die religieuse ontwikkeling van die leerders wees. Die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk buig aileen onder die gesag van Jesus Christus as die Hoof van die Kerk en Koninkryk. Die Bybel is deurslaggewend in sy lewens- en wereldsbeskouinq. Daaram behoort die implikasies van die "Grandwet van Suid-Afrika" en die "Handves van Menseregte" altyd getoets en geweeg te word in die lig van die Woord. Indien dit sou blyk dat daar nie voldoende ruimte vir Christelike opvoeding en onderwys by staatskole bestaan nie, sal dit die kerk noodsaak om sy lidmate by te staan om eie "Christelike skole" op te rig. Op hierdie wyse bly die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk getrau aan sy tradisie om In belydende standpunt jeens opvoeding en onderwys te handhaaf. Riglyne word gegee vir die daarstelling van In moontlike hergeformuleerde kerkorde. Sodoende word die kerk en skool se verhouding binne die multireligieuse samelewing nuut beskryf in die lig van die Woord.

Verbi divini minister : 'n teologiese analise en evaluering van die diens van die predikant soos verwoord in die Kerkorde (1998) van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Dicks, Nico Samuel,1957- 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The problem investigated in this thesis entails ordinance articles of the Dutch Reformed Church (1998) pertaining to the relevance of offices in the church in the modern world, and more specifically the office of the minister of the Gospel. During the past 30 years several authors doubted and questioned the authenticity of these offices as far as relevance, origin and content are concerned. Questions concerning the offices and especially the office of the minister of the Gospel, are posed because the Dutch Reformed Church ordinance is, allegedly, not based on the Scriptures and the ordinance also is accused of not providing explicit answers to these problems. The literature review clearly reveals that this questioning of the offices and more specifically the office of the minister of the Gospel, is not new in overseas literature.This tendency is also lately encountered in South Africa. The literature review also reveals that these questions are mainly driven by the authority crisis and ideologies such as pragmatism, functionalism, secularism, and post-modernism that leads to secularisation and democratisation. This fact emphasises the urgent need for the Church offices to be accounted for and investigated afresh in order to measure (test) its relation to the Biblical principles as found in the Scriptures, in the articles of faith and as they are formulated in the Dutch Reformed Church Ordinance. A large part of the study is dedicated to the investigation of the principles underlying the Church Ordinance and in chapter two an account is also given of the Scripture readings that are relevant to and justify the institution of the church offices according to the New and Old Testament. The ordinance articles pertaining to church offices, are analysed and evaluated in historical context to establish validity and to account for the natural historical development of the ordinance articles. The articles of faith to which the Dutch Reformed Church subscribes, are also scrutunized for evidence of basic Biblical principles in order to determine the extent to which these articles of faith support and are reflected in the rulings contained in the Church Ordinance. A critical, analytical, theological and historical investigation of the ordinance articles and the articles of faith reveals that they abundantly account for Christian principles and that the Dutch Reformed Church ordinance is based solidly on the Scriptures. in accepting and declaring that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Master of his church on earth, that He instituted and still maintains the church offices as instruments through which he, himself rules. Attention is also given to the need for reformulation of redundant or ambiguous articles on the order in the church regarding the clergymen preaching the Word of God. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsingsprobleem van hierdie proefskrif is die vraag na die Skrifmatige, belydenismatige en historiese agtergronde van daardie artikels in die Kerl<orde(1998) van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk wat handel oor die bedienaar van die Woord. Die probleem het aanleiding gegee daartoe dat tersaaklike kerkorde artikels in die verband Skrifmatig, belydenismatig en histories nagegaan en geevalueer is. In die afgelope meer as dertig jaar het daar verskeie werke verskyn wat vrae vra oor die ampte in die algemeen en in die besonder oor die van bedienaar van die Woord. In die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk het ook vrae ontstaan as gevolg van die Kerkorde wat sogenaamd nie voldoende uitsluitsel oor die amp van bedienaar van die Woord gee nie. Uit die literatuur oor die saak is dit duidelik dat die bevraagtekening van die ampte nie 'n nuwe tendens in die teologiese wereld is nie. Hierdie tendens het ook na Suid-Afrika versprei. Die literatuurstudie wat in hoofstuk een gedoen word, toon verder dat die vrae met betrekking tot die ampte nie geIsoleerd staan van die gesagskrisis en van ideoloqiee SOOS, pragmatisme, funksionalisme, sekularisme, sekularisering, demokratisering, en postmodernisme nie. Dit het dus noodsaaklik g8\Nord dat die ampte en in besonder die amp van bedienaar van die Woord, teen In historiese agtergrond opnuut vanuit die beginsels van die Skrif, belydenis en Kerl<ordebekyk en beoordeel word om sodoende ook rekening te hou met natuurlike historiese ontwikkeling. In hoofstuk twee word aan Skrifduidinge oor ampte in die kerk vanuit teologiese en kerl<regtelike vertrekpunte aandag gegee. In Eksegetiese studie van die Skrifgedeeltes wat betrekking het op die amp van bedienaar van die Woord, word onder meer in hoofstuk twee gedoen. Veral qeqewens uit die Nuwe Testament word bestudeer. Die Ou Testament word egter nie buite rekening gelaat nie. Die belydenisskrifte, veral die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis, word in hoofstuk drie ondersoek om te bepaal wat die belydenisskrifte oor die oorsprong en inhoud van die amp van bedienaar van die Woord, en ook oor die amp in die algemeen 58. In hoofstuk vier word 'n beskrywing gegee van hoe die amp histories in Gereformeerde Kerkordes verwoord is en ontwikkel het. In hoofstuk vyf volg dan 'n kritiese evaluering van die voorafgaande werk ten einde te kan beoordeel of dit wat tans in die Kerkorde van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk staan voldoen aan Skrif en belydenis, en in Iyn is met die historiese ontwikkeling van gereformeerde kerl<regeringen of dit voldoende is om antwoorde te kan bied op kontekstuele vrae. Voorts word aandag gegee aan herformulering van artikels in die Kerkorde (1998) wat betrekking het op die bedienaar van die Woord. Aspekte vir verdere navorsing word ge'identifiseeren 'n samevatting word gegee.

Ontology and the new being : the relationship between creation and redemption in the theology of Paul Tillich and A.A. van Ruler

Hodnett, Garth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation examines the relationship of ontology and soteriology - the classic problem of nature and grace. Paul Tillich and Arnold van Ruler have been chosen as the best representatives of the classical tradition of the reformation. It is seen that although there is a significant formal difference between the theologies of these two theologians, there is a material identity. The combination of these two perspectives, Tillich's philosophical theology with Van Ruler's more traditional Calvinistic theology, helps to shed more light on the subject. The first subject to be considered is the ontological background for understanding reality as a whole. This is discussed as the trinitarian-predestinarian-eschatological framework of ontology. Everything finds its possibility in the trinitarian being of God, its reality in the eternal decrees and its purpose in the eschatological will of God. Creation has become (morally, not ontologically) separated from God in the fall and therefore salvation is needed. Christology is a function of soteriology and is to be understood in terms of substitution. This salvation, gained in Christ, is expressed in us by the outpoured Holy Spirit according to the eschatological will of God. Pneumatology is to be related to, and distinguished from christology. We are not replaced by the Spirit, but taken into a relationship with God. This is to be understood in terms of the struggle of the Spirit with the flesh. The presence of the Spirit is kerygmatic, paradoxical, anticipatory and miraculous. There is an ambiguous and fragmentary realization of salvation in the Spirit. Proto logically and eschatologically there is an identity between culture (i.e. creation and history) and the kingdom of God. But in time and space there is a duality (not a dualism). This finds expression in the duality of church and state. The state is the kernel of culture and the church is the representative of the kingdom. The state is essentially the servant of God, and insofar as it orders life it is serving God. But it is separated from God and needs the church to call it back to its proper function. Where there is the duality of church and state in a nation, there is a theocratic situation. This leads to the Bible. That is a state where the Word is proclaimed and the state, because of its essential relationship to God, can understand this proclamation. In a theocracy there is a partial union of creation and salvation. Theocracy is a Spiritual reality. It is kerygmatic and paradoxical. It is not an ideal or an ethical system imposed on life. It has a conservative character as it stands in opposition to the demonic. As the document of God's struggle with the religious nationalism oflsrael, the Old Testament provides the paradigm for a theocracy. In this sense a christianized state is an incidental repetition - mutatis mutandis - of the nation ofIsrael. Eschatologically, the particularity of salvation is completely done away with. The incarnation and the outpouring are undone. Then there is only the triune God and the naked existence of creation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie proefskrif word ondersoek ingestel na die relasie tussen ontologie en soteriologie (respektiewelik: natuur en genade) met behulp van Paul Tillich en Arnold van Ruler as verteenwoordigers van die klassieke Reformatoriese tradisie. Dit blyk dat ten spyte van fonnele verskille tussen die teologiee van hierdie twee teolce, daar materieel groot ooreenstemming bestaan. 'n Kombinasie van Tillich se filosofiese teologie met Van Ruler se meer tradisioneel Calvinistiese benadering, werk verhelderend ten opsigte van die betrokke problematiek. Eers word die ontologiese agtergrond van die werklikheid as sodanig ondersoek. Dit word bestempel as die trinitaries-predestiaans-eskatologiese raamwerk van die ontologie. Die moontlikheid van alle bestaan rus in die trinitariese wese, die werklikheid daarvan in die ewige raad, en die doel daarvan in die eskatologiese wil van God. Die skepping het as gevolg van die val (moreel, nie ontologies nie) verwyder geraak van God en gevolglik is redding noodsaaklik. Christologie is 'n funksie van soteriologie en moet verstaan word in terme van plaasbekleding. Hierdie heil wat Christus bewerk het, kom tot gestalte in ons deur die uitstorting van die Heilige Gees in ooreenstemming met die eskatologiese wil van God. Pneumatologie staan in relasie tot christologie, maar moet terselfdertyd onderskei word van laasgenoemde. Ons word nie deur die Gees vervang nie, maar opgeneem in 'n verhouding met God. Dit moet verstaan word in terme van die stryd van die Gees teen die vlees. Die teenwoordigheid van die Gees is kerugmaties, paradoksaal, antisiperend en wonderbaar. Daar is 'n dubbelsinnige en fragmentariese realisering van die heil in die Gees. Hoewel protologies en eskatologies 'n identiteit bestaan tussen kultuur (d w s skepping en geskiedenis) en die koninkryk van God, vorm dit binne ruimte en tyd 'n dualiteit (nie dualisme nie). Dit kom tot uitdrukking in die dualiteit van kerk en staat. Die staat is die kern van die kultuur en die kerk die verteenwoordiger van die koninkryk. In wese is die staat die dienskneg van God en in soverre dit die lewe orden, staan dit in diens van God. Dit is egter vervreem van God en het die kerk nodig om dit terug te roep tot sy eintlike funksie. Waar daar 'n dualiteit bestaan van kerk en staat in 'n nasie, vind ons 'n teokratiese situasie. Dit is 'n staat met die Bybel, waar die Woord verkondig word en die staat a g v sy wesenlike verbouding tot God, die verkondiging kan verstaan. 'n Teokrasie is 'n Geestelike realiteit waarin daar reeds 'n gedeeltelike vereniging van skepping en heil plaasvind. Dit is kerugmaties en paradoksaal. Dit is nie 'n ideaal of 'n etiese sisteem wat die lewe opgele word nie. Dit het 'n konserverende karakter wat staan in opposisie tot die demoniese. Synde die dokument van God se worsteling met die religieuse nasionalisme van Israel, bied die Ou Testament die paradigma vir 'n teokrasie. In hierdie sin is die gekerstende staat 'n insidentele herhaling - mutatis mutandis - van Israel as nasie. Eskatologies verdwyn die besonderheid van die verlossing. Die inkamasie en die uitstorting van die Gees word ongedaan gemaak. Dan is daar aileen maar die drie-enige God en die naakte eksistensie.

The "Decade to overcome violence" programme of the World Council of Churches and Peace in Nigeria : a theological assessment

Kajom, David Haji 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation has been motivated by the prevailing trends of violence in Nigeria and the detrimental effects on human dignity as understood from a theological perspective. The call for peace building by the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV) programme of the World Council of Churches (WCC) is an important attempt to address the issue of violence which should be taken seriously by the Christian church in Nigeria in its own efforts to address this problem. The increasing deteriorating relations and persistent inter-religious, socio-economic, political and cultural violent strife constitute primary contributing factors that threaten peace in Nigeria. For a long time, this concern has necessitated careful, honest and sincere revisiting. This research which is based on the DOV is motivated by the framework of the global human community which has been marked by numerous structures of violence, injustice, oppression and discrimination causing suffering to millions of men, women and children. Violence, whether physical, structural, psychological or in other forms, is shown to be a denial and abuse of life. Affirming human dignity, the basic rights of people and their integrity, shows that justice is vital to lasting peace and that the denial of the dignity of others serves as motivation for and usually also constitutes the first casualty of any form of violence. Violence, therefore, reaches beyond physical harm to the violation of the personhood of the other. Victims of violence referred to in this study are mostly the innocent and the powerless whose dignity is being violated by religious, social, economic and political structures. Nigerian history testifies to such denials of human dignity through the deplorable and persistent violence in the country. Furthermore, the world is responding to this situation, and similar situations elsewhere, with growing concern and determination. Since 2001, the World Council of Churches has been addressing violence in many different ways. It has generated significant alliances and measures to prevent violence and educate people on peacemaking, by declaring 2001-2010, the Decade to Overcome Violence. Through the DOV, the WCC has declared prevention of violence a public and organisational priority, thus, requesting all member states to establish violence prevention programmes within their ministries. One of the questions posed at the onset of the programme is whether it is possible to eradicate violence completely and establish world peace within a decade. However, the initiative does not actually claim that it would overcome all forms of violence. At the end of the Decade, violence might still be witnessed, but by participating in this global movement for peace, the churches would have become sensitised to situations of violence within and around them and would have been sufficiently motivated to participate in the task of healing the brokenness around them. The desire and aspiration to overcome the spirit, logic and practice of violence in a Christian and ecumenical spirit, however, is rooted in the gift and promise that Christ made to his disciples: “My peace I give you”, and “blessed are the peacemakers…” (Matthew 5:9). Against this background, engaging Hans Küng’s work becomes consequential, since a number of key implications for the Nigerian church and society have emerged in the attempt to consider Küng’s Christology of peace as a framework. Küng’s work is employed as the basic framework of this research as he provides us with a Christology of active non-violence and an ideology of peace. He presents us with a historical Jesus who demonstrated peace building and reconciliation in his ministry. Therefore, if the Christian tradition wants to contribute to peace in the contemporary world, then it needs to rediscover the radical non-violence of its founder and take seriously his disclosure of God. For Küng, peace can only have its root in the world (and that includes Nigeria), if it is established through radical humanism, transcendence, love and obedience. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die motivering vir hierdie tesis het ontstaan in die heersende tendens van geweld in Nigerië en die nadelige impak wat dit het op menswaardigheid, soos verstaan vanuit `n teologiese perspektief. Die oproep vir vrede deur die Dekade om Geweld te Oorkom (DGO) programme van die Wêreldraad van Kerke (WVK) is `n belangrike stap in die poging om die kwessie van geweld aan te spreek. Dit moet ernstig opgeneem word deur die Christelike Kerk in Nigerië en deel vorm van die kerk se pogings om hierdie probleem aan te spreek. Die toenemend verslegtende verhoudings en volgehoue inter-religieuse, sosio-ekonomiese, politiese en kulturele geweldadige worstelinge vorm deel uit van die bydraende faktore wat vrede in Nigerië bedreig. Hierdie bekommernis is al vir `n geruime tyd een wat versigtige, eerlike en opregte aandag nodig het. Hierdie navorsing is gebaseer op die DGO en is geinspireer deur die raamwerk van die globale menslike gemeenskap wat gekenmerk word deur verskeie strukture van geweld, onreg, onderdrukking en diskriminasie – wat lei tot die lyding van miljoene mans vroue en kinders. Geweld, of dit nou fisies, struktureel, sielkundig of in ander vorme gepleeg word, kan gereken word as `n miskenning en mishandeling van lewe. Deur menswaardigheid te bevestig, die basiese regte van mense en hulle integriteit, word daar gewys dat geregtigheid van kardinale belang is om volhoubare vrede te vestig. Die ontneming van hierdie waardigheid gewoonlik as `n motivering en eerste stap in die ontstaan van enige vorm van geweld beskou. Geweld strek daarom verder as fisiese skade en sluit ook in die skending van die menslikheid van ander. Slagoffers van geweld in hierdie studie is meestal die onskuldiges en magteloses wie se waardigheid aangetas is deur religieuse, sosiale, ekonomiese en politieke strukture. Nigeriese geskiedenis wys dat hierdie ontneming van menswaardigheid uit in die betreurenswaardige en aanhoudende geweld in die land. Die wêreld reageer op hierdie situasie, en soortgelyke situasies in ander lande, met groeiende bekommernis en vasberadenheid. Die Wêreldraad van Kerke het sedert 2001 geweld op verskeie maniere aangespreek. Dit het betekenisvolle alliansies en maatstawwe in plek gesit om geweld te voorkom en om mense op te lei in die sluit van vrede, onder meer deur 2001 – 2010 as die Dekade om Geweld te Oorkom te verklaar. Deur die DGO het die Wêreldraad van Kerke die voorkoming van geweld as `n openbare en organisatoriese prioriteit verklaar, en daardeur alle lidstate versoek om voorkomingsprogramme vir geweld binne hulle bedienings in plek te stel. Een van die vrae wat aan die begin van die programme gevra word, is of dit moontlik is om binne `n dekade geweld geheel en al uit te wis en wêreldvrede te vestig, alhoewel die inisiatief nie aanspraak maak daarop dat dit alle vorme van geweld sal oorkom nie. Aan die einde van die dekade mag daar moontlik steeds’ geweld voorkom, maar deur deelname aan hierdie globale beweging vir vrede, word kerke gesensitiseer oor situasies van geweld binne en rondom hulle en word hulle genoegsaam gemotiveer om deel te neem aan die taak om die gebrokenes rondom hulle te genees. Die begeerte en aspirasies om die gees, logika en praktyk van geweld te oorkom in `n Christelike en ekumeniese gees, is gegrond op die gawe en belofte wat Christus aan sy dissipels gemaak het: “My vrede gee ek vir julle” en “geseend is die vredemakers....” (Matteus 5:9). Die bestudering van Hans Küng se werk, veral sy Christologie van vrede, is gevolglik belangrik, aangesien dit `n aantal sleutel implikasies inhou vir die Nigeriese kerk en samelewing en `n raamwerk bied vir vrede. Küng se werk word aangebied as die basiese raamwerk vir hierdie navorsing, aangesien hy `n Christologie bied van aktiewe nie-geweldadigheid en `n ideologie van vrede. Hy bied `n historiese Jesus aan wat vredemaking en versoening in sy bediening gedemonstreer het. Daarom, as die Christelike tradisie iets wil bydra tot die bereiking van vrede in die kontemporêre wêreld, dan moet dit die radikale nie-geweldadigheid van sy stigter herbesoek en sy openbarings van God ernstig opneem. Volgens Küng kan vrede slegs in die wêreld bewerkstellig word (en dit sluit Nigerie in) as dit gevestig word deur radikale humanisme, voortreflikheid, liefde en gehoorsaamheid.

Recovering the Calvin of "Two Kingdoms"? : a historical-theological inquiry in the light of church-state discourse in South Africa

Jooste, Simon Nicholas 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is a historical-theological inquiry into the social thought of John Calvin through the lens of the “Calvin” of the church struggle with the purpose of recovering his doctrines of two kingdoms and natural law for Christianity and culture discourse in South Africa today. This thesis enters into conversation with a body of scholarship in North America that has sought to recover and refine these early Reformed theological categories, which is suggestive of their promise in other contexts. Is there perhaps a compelling alternative to the apartheid and antiapartheid “transformationist” reading of Calvin, which might provide some resolution to his contested legacy as well as more adequately equip the church as it engages the challenges of life in South Africa’s young democracy? In order to answer such questions, this thesis sets out on the road back to Calvin through the lens of his appropriation in the church struggle, with the hope of gaining instruction in cultivating a more faithful historical hermeneutic. Once in sixteenth-century Geneva, both the theology and practice of Calvin’s social thought are examined for evidence of substantive doctrines of two kingdoms and natural law. The findings of this historical inquiry generate the claims of this thesis. Central among them is that Calvin did make constructive and meaningful use of the doctrines of two kingdoms and natural law in relating Christianity and culture, church and civil magistrate. Herein lies a different portrait of Calvin, which challenges his previous appropriations in the South African context and offers fresh theological resources for critical reflection in ongoing Christianity and culture discourse. To provide a sense of their ongoing promise, this thesis outlines the major contours of North American theologian and ethicist, David VanDrunen’s, development of the Calvin-informed and early Reformed two kingdoms and natural doctrines as a normative paradigm for Christians living in South Africa today. When considered against the backdrop of Calvin’s contested legacy and the challenges presented by South Africa’s young liberal democracy, this paradigm offers liberating trajectories for the Reformed churches today, and therefore potential for reformation and renewal by “goods” already constituting its broader historic tradition. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie is ’n histories-teologiese ondersoek na die sosiale denke van Johannes Calvyn deur die lens van die “Calvyn” van die strydende kerk, met die doel om sy twee doktrines van twee koninkryke en natuurwet vir die Christendom te herwin asook vir die kultuur-diskoers in Suid- Afrika, vandag. Hierdie tesis tree in gesprek met ’n groep vakkundiges in Noord-Amerika wat streef om hierdie vroeë Gereformeerde teologiese kategorieë te herwin en te verfyn, wat op sigself belowend is in ander kontekste. Is daar dalk ‘n aangrypende alternatief vir die apartheid en anti-apartheid “transformatoriese” lees van Calvyn, wat dalk ’n mate van oplossing vir sy betwiste nalatenskap kan bied, asook om die kerk meer doelmatig toe te rus waar dit betrokke raak by die uitdagings van die lewe in die jong demokrasie van Suid-Afrika? Om hierdie vrae te beantwoord, hebesoek die tesis Calvyn se erfenis deur die lens van sy resepsie tydens die kerklike strud teen apartheid, met die hoop om sodoende ‘n meer getroue historiese hermeneutiek te ontwikkel. Eens terug in sestiende eeuse Genève, word sowel Calvyn se teologie as die praktiese uitvoering van sy sosiale denke ondersoek vir bewyse van die substantiewe doktrines van twee koninkryke en natuurwet. Die bevindings van hierdie historiese ondersoek genereer die bewerings van hierdie tesis. Sentraal in hierdie bewerings is dat Calvyn konstruktief en betekenisvol gebruik gemaak het van die doktrines van twee koninkryke en natuurwet in sover dit relevant is tot die Christendom en kultuur, kerk en burgerlike wetgewing. Hierin lê ’n ander beeld van Calvyn, wat sy vorige toe-eiening in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks uitdaag, asook om vars teologiese middele vir kritiese refleksie in die voortdurende Christelike en kultuur diskoers aan te bied. Om ’n smakie van die volgehoue belofte te gee, bied hierdie tesis ’n oorsig van die hooflyne van die Noord-Amerikaanse teoloog en etikus, David VanDrunen se ontwikkeling van die Calvyn-invloed en vroeë Gereformeerde twee koninkryke en natuur doktrines as ’n normatiewe paradigma vir Christene wat vandag in Suid-Afrika woon. Wanneer hierdie paradigma teen die agtergrond van Calvyn se betwiste nalatenskap en die uitdagings wat Suid-Afrika se jong demokrasie bied, gestel word, dui dit ’n bevrydende rigting vir die Gereformeerde kerke van vandag aan en daarom potensiaal vir reformasie en hernuwing deur ‘goedere’ wat reeds die breë geskiedkundige tradisie onderskryf.

Selfloos en sosiaal? : 'n ontleding van Michael Welker se teologie van die gees

Van Der Westhuizen, Henco 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is undertaken in the wake of an increase in publications on the work of the Holy Spirit, on the one hand, and Analphabetisierung, an inability to think and talk about the Spirit on the other. The study endeavours to find a theologically-responsible way of reflecting on the Spirit by specifically focussing on the German systematic theologian Michael Welker’s theology of the Spirit and by offering an in-depth analysis of this theology. Chapter I shows that the relationship between the Spirit and the Word functions as the foundation of Welker’s theology of the Spirit. At the same time the relationship between Spirit and Word serves as vital background to Welker’s theology as this realistic theology best typifies Welker’s methodology. In Chapter II, Welker’s use of the concept of “Selbstlosigkeit” serves a key to understanding his theology of the Spirit: it is argued that the Spirit is selfless. The chapter offers a detailed description and analysis of Welker’s views on the relationship between the Spirit and Chirst. In Chapter III the theologically-significant concepts “sozial”, “soziale Sphäre”, and “öffentlich” are used to further explain Welker’s theology of the Spirit. It is the Spirit who establishes a social sphere in the world, which Welker also describes as the “public person” of the Spirit. Chapter IV investigates the unique nature of this selfless and social Spirit. While the interconnectedness between the Spirit and the Son and the Spirit and the Creator has been analysed in the previous chapters, this focus shifts to what Welker attributes to the Holy Spirit in particular. The Spirit is reflected upon in light of the confession of the church of all ages to show that the self in the sphere of the Spirit becomes known by social sensitivity and self- and social criticism. In conclusion the study indicates how Welker intentionally develops his theological frame of thought on the Spirit in the light of the relationship between the respective theological frames of thought of Schleiermacher and Barth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dié studie word onderneem in die gees van ‘n opbloei in die werke oor die Heilige Gees aan die een kant, en ‘n Analphabetisierung, ‘n gebrekkige vermoë om oor die Gees te dink en praat aan die ander kant, op soek na maniere om wél teologies verantwoordelik oor die Gees na te dink. Die studie fokus spesifiek op die Duitse sistematiese teoloog Michael Welker se Teologie van die Gees en wil die struktuur van dié Teologie ondersoek en in diepte ontleed. In hoofstuk I word getoon dat die verhouding tussen die Gees en die Woord as die saadbed van Welker se Teologie van die Gees gesien kan word. Hierdie agtergrond is onontbeerlik om Welker se teologie te verstaan, omdat hierdie realistiese teologie as beste tipering van sy metodologie dien. In hoofstuk II word die begrip van “Selbstlosigkeit” gebruik om hierdie Teologie van die Heilige Gees te ondersoek. Die Gees, volgens Welker, só word geargumenteer, is selfloos. In die hoofstuk word die verhouding tussen die Gees en Christus in diepte bestudeer. In hoofstuk III word die gelaaide begrippe, “sozial”, “soziale Sphäre”, en “öffentlich” gebruik om die struktuur van sy Teologie van die Heilige Gees verder te beskryf. Die Gees vestig ‘n sosiale sfeer in die wêreld, wat Welker ook beskryf as die “publieke persoon” van die Gees. In hoofstuk IV word die besondere aard van hierdie selflose en sosiale Gees dan ondersoek. Waar die interkonneksie tussen die Gees en die Seun en die Gees en die Skepper ontleed is, word in hierdie hoofstuk gefokus op dit wat Welker in besonder aan die Heilige Gees toeskryf. In die hoofstuk word die Gees in die lig van die belydenis van die kerk van alle tye en streke ondersoek, en word dit duidelik dat die self in die sfeer van die Gees geken word aan self-kritiek, sosiale sensitiwiteit, en sosiale kritiek. Ten slotte word aangedui dat en hoe Welker sy denkraamwerk oor die Gees doelbewus ontwikkel in die lig van die verhouding tussen die denkraamwerke van Schleiermacher en Barth.

'n Praktiese-teologiese besinning oor die betekenis van Artikel 4 van die belydenis van Belhar as grondslag vir die vestiging van 'n teologie van ontwikkeling in die Vereniging Gereformeerde Kerk in Suider-Afrika(VGKSA)

Beukes, Jacques Walter 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study, the researcher studied the Belhar Confession of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA), which gained shape following the social injustices that resulted from the policy of apartheid. The researcher argues that the Belhar Confession, especially Article 4 of the said confession, forces URCSA to establish a Theology of Development within their structures. While URCSA‟s role (Dutch Reformed Mission Church and the Dutch Reformed Church in Africa pre-1994) during the apartheid era was that of resistance, the church‟s role in a post-apartheid South African context was supposed to change to reconstruction and assistance. But was this the case? The researcher compared the South African socio-economic context before and after apartheid, and judged whether or not the ANC‟s “better life for all” campaign of 1994 made a significant difference in the post-apartheid South Africa. Did the new constitution make a difference in terms of the socio-economic situation of the country? Did the ANC campaign honour their word and did it result in a better life for all? Although the researcher argued that certain areas did change and differences were achieved, the researcher is convinced that poverty in South Africa is still a real problem – in the country and the rest of the world. Based upon this judgment, the researcher is of the opinion that given the current socio-economic situation of the country, the Belhar Confession is now more than ever relevant and exactly therefore should be the basis and motivation for the church to serve and be involved in the fight against poverty in South Africa. This motivation for the church to be involved is also justified according to the Bible. Through this justification and Biblical cry the church is challenged to not only rely on welfare projects in their role as poverty combaters. Here the researcher uses the generation theories of David Korten as support to make it clear that although welfare projects (generation one/two modes of engagement) address the immediate needs of the poor, they do not however address the root of the real poverty problem. The researcher also proposed a third/fourth generation mode of involvement from the church to combat poverty through systemic and asset-based systems and influence policies at various levels of government to address the poverty problem. Yet, even a third/fourth generation approach would not be sufficient on its own. The researcher suggests that the church should simultaneously implement generations 1 to 4 modes of engagement in order to be able to play an active role. Nonetheless, the intriguing questions are, is the church not already doing all of this? What role does Badisa play in all of this? Don‟t local churches, presumably, hide behind Badisa as an answer in their own involvement in the fight against poverty? Even if the church is involved in various modes of engagement, is it Belhar Confession driven? The researcher is convinced that the church is forced to stay involved in the fight against poverty at all levels. The Belhar Confession is an ecclesial theological response to the poverty and injustice context of South Africa because of the theological content of the confession as well as the context in which it originated. The confession originated in a context of racial segregation, religious apartheid and the theological justification of apartheid as well as large scale socio-political and socio-economical wrongdoing. Currently, there is still widespread poverty and socio-economic injustice in South Africa that make the Confession of Belhar relevant. Therefore, URCSA cannot help but to be involved because a church that belongs to God and confesses a confession like Belhar is called to stand where God stands, amongst the poor. This means that the church must witness and act against injustice and against all the powerful who selfishly seek only their own interests. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie bestudeer die navorser die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk in Suider-Afrika (VGKSA) se Belydenis van Belhar, wat beslag gekry het na aanleiding van die sosiale ongeregtighede wat die gevolg van die beleid van apartheid was. Die navorser argumenteer dat die Belydenis van Belhar, maar veral Artikel 4 van die genoemde belydenis, die VGKSA noop om ‟n Teologie van Ontwikkeling in die betrokke kerk te vestig. Waar die VGKSA in die apartheidsera (toe die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Sendingkerk en Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in Afrika, onderskeidelik) se rol tydens die apartheidsera dié van weerstand was, moes die kerk se rol in ‟n post-apartheid Suid-Afrikaanse konteks na een van rekonstruksie en bystand verander. Is dit egter die geval? Die navorser vergelyk die Suid-Afrikaanse sosio-ekonomiese konteks voor en na die apartheidsbestel en oordeel of daar na aanleiding van die ANC se “better life for all” veldtog van 1994 ʼn wesenlike verskil in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika is. Het die nuwe grondwet ʼn verskil gemaak in terme van die sosio-ekonomiese situasie van die land? Het die ANC-veldtog hulle woord gestand gedoen en ʼn beter lewe vir almal tot gevolg gehad? Alhoewel daar op sekere gebiede veranderinge en verskille bewerkstellig is, is die navorser oortuig dat armoede in Suid-Afrika steeds ʼn wesenlike probleem in die land, maar selfs ook in die wêreld is. Op grond hiervan oordeel die navorser dat, gegewe die huidige sosio-ekonomiese situasie van die land, die Belydenis van Belhar stééds relevant is en dit juis as grondslag en as beweegrede vir die kerk moet dien vir daadwerklike betrokkenheid in die stryd teen armoede in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie motivering word ook Bybels geregverdig en die kerk word uitgedaag om nie net op welsynsprojekte staat te maak in hulle rol as armoedebestryders nie. Hier gebruik die navorser die generasieteorieë van David Korten ter ondersteuning en maak dit duidelik dat alhoewel welsynsprojekte (generasie een/twee modusse van betrokkenheid) die onmiddellike nood van armes aanspreek, dit nie die wortel van die kwaad aanspreek nie. Die navorser hou wel voor dat die kerk na die derde/vierde generasie modusse van betrokkenheid moet beweeg wat sistemiese en bategerigte stelsels vir die verligting van armoede tot gevolg het en beleide op verskeie regeringsvlakke moet aanspreek. Tog kan dit ook nie alleen gebeur nie. Die navorser stel voor dat die kerk tegelykertyd op generasie 1 tot 4 modusse van betrokkenheid moet fokus om sodoende ʼn daadwerklike rol te kan speel. Die vrae is egter: Doen die kerk dit nie reeds nie? Watter rol speel Badisa hierin? Skuil plaaslike gemeentes nie dalk agter Badisa as antwoord in hulle eie betrokkenheid tot die stryd teen armoede nie? Die navorser is oortuig dat die kerk, in alle gestaltes waarin sy haar bevind, genoodsaak word om betrokke te bly in die stryd teen armoede op alle vlakke. Die Belydenis van Belhar is ‟n kerklik-teologiese respons op die armoede en ongeregtigheidsituasie in Suid-Afrika vanweë die teologiese inhoud van die belydenis sowel as die konteks waarin dit ontstaan het. Die belydenis het sy ontstaan gehad in ‟n konteks van rassesegregasie, kerklike apartheid en die teologiese regverdiging van die apartheidsbeleid asook grootskaalse sosio-politieke/ekonomiese ongeregtigheid. Vandag heers daar steeds grootskaalse armoede en sosio-ekonomiese ongeregtigheid in Suid-Afrika wat die belydenis steeds relevant maak. Daarom kan die VGKSA nie anders nie, want ‟n kerk wat hierdie belydenis bely en ‟n kerk wat aan God behoort, is geroep om te staan waar God staan, saam met die armes. Dit hou in dat die kerk sal getuig teen onreg en teen alle magtiges wat uit selfsug slegs hulle eie belange sou soek al word ander daardeur benadeel.

Corporate governance? : an ethical evaluation of the Second King report in the light of Peter Ulrich's integrative economic ethics

Höver, K. Hendrik W. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment is an ethical evaluation of the Second King Report on Corporate Governance. I focus on the relationships between the shareowners, the management and all stakeholders other than shareowners. The instrument used to assess the report is the concept of Integrative Economic Ethics shaped by Peter Ulrich. The Second King Report argues that a company should meet besides its economic needs as well as social and environmental objectives. Therefore, the company has to take responsibility for creating 'sustainable' value in all these three areas. Stakeholders have to be approached inclusively and pro-actively. These are new primary business imperatives due to the increasing social power of companies. However, the report is based upon a one dimensional approach in which the economic bottom line is decisive, and social and environmental interests are only considered if they serve the sustainability of business success. Likewise the inclusive stakeholder approach is a shortcoming, because stakeholder interests are not regarded as legitimate claims within a moral discourse in which all those citizens partake that are affected or involved by the company's activities. Not legitimacy but the stakeholders' relevance for the 'shareowner value' is the determining argument. Conflicting moral claims are not solved by good reasons, but are decided on a priori in favour of the company's overriding goal, which is to make profit. Profit orientation of a company, however, is not an empirical 'fact' but a normative choice, which is for or against specific interest groups and as such has to be legitimised in a moral discourse. Since the report does not subordinate profit orientation under the primacy of ethics, its whole corporate ethical concept is shaped by 'functionalism' even to the extent, that 'ethics' itself is viewed as an economic 'factor'. Yet, this contradicts the controversial and un-objective nature of ethics. In conclusion the report's entire argument is based upon pure strategic economic grounds and, thus, cannot be considered as ethical at all. Shifting the social and environmental corporate responsibility to the market system is based upon unfounded belief in the 'metaphysics of the market'. This, however, does not lie in the enlightened self-interest of a corporate citizen, as the market is merely ruled by power and counter-power - which is only beneficial for those specific societal groups with the sufficient monetary power to stay competitive. On the contrary, the equality of all citizens in a deliberative democracy must be safeguarded. The liberal idea of a just and well-ordered society implies the understanding of the company as a corporate citizen. As such its corporate ethics has to entail not only securing a company's integrity through business principles, but also a socio-political co-responsibility which obliges the company to shape the framework of market competition to enable life-conducive value creation. The general public of free and mature citizens is the locus where all claims, including corporate ones, have to be morally justified. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk evalueer die tweede King Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa, wat op die verhouding tussen die aandeelhouers (shareowners), die bestuur (management), en aIle deelhebbers (stakeholders) buiten die aandeelhouers fokus. Die Integrative Economic Ethics-konsep, ontwikkel deur Peter Ulrich, is die instrument wat gebruik is om die verslag te beoordeel. Die tweede King-verslag vereis dat 'n maatskappy nie aIleen aan sy ekonomiese behoeftes voldoen nie, maar ook dat hy sy sosiale en omgewingsmikpunte haal. Daarom moet die maatskappy verantwoordelikheid neem om volhoubare waarde in elk van hierdie drie areas te skep. Deelhebbers moet inklusief en proaktief genader word. Hierdie is nuwe prirnere sake-imperatiewe, as gevolg van die toenemende sosiale mag van maatskappye. Die verslag is egter op 'n eendimensionele benadering gegrond, naamlik dat ekonomiese kwessies beslissend is (economic bottom line) en sosiale en omgewingsbelange slegs in ag geneem word wanneer hulle volhoubare sakesukses bevorder. Die 'inklusiewe deelhebber benadering' (inclusives stakeholder approach) skiet eweneens te kort, aangesien deelhebbers se belange nie erken word as regmatige eise binne 'n morele diskoers waaraan alle burgers deelneem wat geraak word deur, of betrokke is by, die maatskappy se aktiwiteite nie. Die deurslaggewende argument is nie regmatigheid nie, maar eerder die relevansie van die deelhebber se waarde vir die aandeelhouer. Strydige morele eise word nie deur goeie redenasie opgelos nie - daar word eerder a priori ten gunste van die maatskappy se oorheersende doel besluit, wat is om wins te maak. Winsorientasie van 'n maatskappy is egter nie 'n empiriese feit nie, maar 'n normatiewe keuse, wat vir of teen gegewe belangegroepe is, en as sodanig in 'n morele diskoers geregverdig moet word. Aangesien die verslag nie bereid is om winsorientasie ondergeskik aan etiese voorrang te stel nie, word die hele korporatiewe etiese konsep gevorm deur "funksionalisrne", selfs tot die mate dat etiek self as 'n ekonomiese faktor gesien word. Tog is dit strydig met die kontroversiele en nieobjektiewe aard van etiek. Ten slotte is die verslag se hele argument gebaseer op 'n suiwer strategies-ekonomiese grondslag, en kan dit dus glad nie as eties beskou word rue. Die keuse om sosiaal- en orngewingsgerigte korporatiewe verantwoordelikheid na die markstelsel te oor te skuif, is gebaseer op 'n ongegronde geloof in die "rnetafisika van die mark" (metaphysics of the market). Dit is egter nie in die ingeligte selfbelang van 'n korporatiewe burger nie, siende dat die mark deur mag en teen mag regeer word - wat slegs voordelig is vir die spesifieke groepe in die gemeenskap wat genoegsame rnonitere mag het om te kompeteer. In teenstelling daarmee, moet die gelykheid van alle burgers in 'n oorleggende demokrasie beskerm word. Die liberale konsep van 'n juiste en goedgeordende gemeenskap impliseer 'n begrip van 'n maatskappy as 'n korporatiewe burger. Korporatiewe etiek as sulks moet nie alleen 'n maatskappy se integriteit deur maatskappybeginsels verseker nie, maar ook 'n sosio-politiese medeverantwoordelikheid meebring, wat die maatskappy verplig om die raamwerk van markmededinging te vorm om sodoende lewensbevorderlike waardeskepping moontlik te maak. Die algemene publiek van vrye en volwasse burgers is die lokus waar alle eise, insluitend korporatiewe eise, moreel geregverdig moet word.

Not by might, nor by power : a history of the Igreja Reformada em Moçambique, 1908-2004

Gouws, Willem Johannes,1963- 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2005 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: The reasons explained for writing a history of the Igreja Reformada em Mocambique, the point of departure, defining the dates chosen as parameters, the method of presenting this history and about the title. Part One: Establishing the ORC Mission in Portuguese East Africa: 1908 -1922 OpeningtheMissioninthePEA: 1902-1909, Expansion: 1909-1915, Problems and closure of missions: 1915 - 1922, Evaluation Part Two: Seventy years of Exile: 1922 - 1992 A: Fifty years wlthout formal leadership in congregations: 1922 -1971 Efforts to re-open: 1922 - 1933, Dark ages - trans-border ministry: 1933 - 1962, Changing Climate and Leadership of the Elders: 1962 - 1972, The beginnings of the fRM in GazaJMaputo: 1971 B: Twenty years of painful progress: 1972 - 1992 Short time of grace: 1972 - 1975, Political change and Tribulation: 1975 - 1982, 2.1 Encouraging events: 1977 -1982: Mphatso Synod, Moderator visits, Maputo Visits, Overview of Ecclesiastical Development New fields: 1983 - 1991: Zambesia: 1983 -, Exterior Support and First Missionary, 1986, Adjusting to the climate: 1986 - 1990, First Teams, New congregations: Beira, Tete, Ulongue Medical Co-operation IAcris New Dawn: More Missionaries, Bibles Part Three: Rapid expansion, consolidation and healing: 1992- Expansion and New Frontiers: 1992 -1996 Synod of 1992, Tete congregation, teams, Peace - starting with reconstruction, Maize Seed 1993 -1995: Expanding Orderly (chronological development) Ecclesiastical Development: Tete (Ulongue Church) & Zambesia Province. Work in the South, Synodical Meetings and Ecumenism, Dreams coming true: Hefsiba, Other Ministries, Support. New Frontiers: 1995 -1996 Yao Outreach, Makua Outreach, Youth Team, Two Synods (reasons and formation of Joint Com). Epilogue: Conclusion on main objectives, the IRM as Reformed Church and the uniqueness of its history. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Redes vir die skrywe van 'n geskiedenis vir die Igreja Reformada em Mocarnbique, die vertrekpunt vir so 'n skrywe, verduideliking vir keuse van datums wat dien as tydperk grense, die metode van aanbieding en oor die titel. Deel Een: Vestiging van die NGK Sending in Portugees Oos Afrika: 1908 -1922 Opening van die Sending in die POA: 1902 -1909, Uitbreiding: 1909 - 1915, Probleme en sluiting van Sending stasies: 1915 - 1922, Evaluering Deel Twee: Seventig Jaar in 8allingskap: ]922 - 1992 A: Vyftig Jaar sonder Formele Leierskap in Gemeentes: 1922 -1971 Pogings om te heropen: 1922 - 1933, Donker Eeue - trans-grens bedieninge: 1933 - 1962, Veranderinge en Leierskap van die Ouderlinge: 1962 - 1972, Die begin van die IRM in GazaJMaputo: 1971 B: Twintig Jaar vall MoeiLike Vooruitgang: 1972 - 1992 Kort tyd van genade: 1972 - 1975, Politieke Verandering en Vervolging: 1975 - 1982, Bemoedigende Gebeure, 1977 -1982: Mphatso Sinode, Besoeke deur Moderator, Maputo Besoeke, Oorsig van Ekklesiologiese Ontwikkeling Nuwe Velde tussen 1983 - 1991: Zambesia: 1983 -; Buitelandse Hulp en die Eerste Sendeling na 1975; Aanpassing by die Landsomstandighede: 1986 - 19901; Eerste Spanne; Nuwe Gemeentes: Beira, Tete, Vila Ulongue Mediese Samewerking IAcris Nuwe Tydperk: Meer Sendelinge , Bybels Deel Drie: Vinnige Vooruitgang, Konsolidasie en Heling, 1992- Voorultgang en Nuwe Grense: 1992 -1996 Sinode van 1992, Tete gemeente, Spanne, Vrede - Begin van herkonstruksie, Mielie Saad. 1993 -1995 - Ekklesiologiese Ontwikkeling: Tete (Ulongue Kerk en Binneland); Zambesia Provinsie, Werk in die Suide, Sinodale Byeenkomkste en Ekumene, Drome Bewaarheid: Hefsiba, Ander Bedieninge, Ondersteuning Nuwe Grense: 1995 -1996 Yao Uitreik, Makua Uitreik, Jeug span '95, Twee Sinodes (redes en vorming van die "Joint Com"). Epiloog: Konklusie n.a.v. hoof doelstellings, die IRM as Gereformeerd Kerk en die uniekheid van haar geskiedenis

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