401 |
Seth, Niraj
08 1900
(has links)
Counsellors in schools of Delhi
402 |
Gowda, Sidde Y S
29 May 1992
(has links)
Industries of Mysore District
403 |
Rao, Venkateswara G
07 November 2000
(has links)
Impact of land
404 |
Thomas, James
11 1900
(has links)
Social work education in selected states of India
405 |
Urs, Gururaj B
03 1900
(has links)
Social work measures
406 |
Ghosh, Basudev
04 1900
(has links)
Social programme management
407 |
Christopher, A J
January 1991
(has links)
Integrated rural development programme
408 |
Haider, Ishtiaq S
January 1991
(has links)
Visually handicapped children in special schools and in integrated settings
409 |
Mohan, Vanaja B
04 1900
(has links)
North coastal Andhra Pradesh
410 |
Murty, Sreerama N
11 1900
(has links)
Poverty alleviation programmes