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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

兩岸人才流動之現狀與趨勢─以金融業為例 / Present Situation and Trend of Cross-Strait Talent Flow— Financial Industry as an Example

李楚喻 Unknown Date (has links)
人才對於促進一國經濟發展的重要性,從人力資本理論在二十世紀五、六十年代興起以來,隨著知識經濟來臨,受到廣泛的重視便可得知。面對中國大陸經濟迅速發展,人才的需求越來越高,台灣卻存在人才流失及金融產業競爭力下降等現象。尤其近幾年來,台灣與中國往來密切,兩岸貿易及業務越趨開放,人才流動也更加頻繁。 在金融交流方面,雙方於2009年11月簽訂兩岸金融監理備忘錄後,開始有了較正式且完善的進展,兩岸人才流動將擴及金融業,可能加遽台灣人才的外流。為了釐清此現象並探究成因,本文以分析兩岸金融開放與交流之經驗以及深度訪談學界及產業界人士的方式,來探討兩岸金融人才的流動狀況。研究發現,鑑於大陸的經濟成長、人才強國戰略以及金融市場需求,兩岸金融人才的流動並不平衡。銀行業、證券業、保險業在不同時期都呈現出不同的流動族群及流動模式。總的來說,兩岸的人才流動從2001年開始,由陸資金融機構挖角、外資金融機構從台灣培訓人才以拓展大中華業務,到2009年簽訂兩岸金融監理備忘錄後,轉向以台資金融機構外派為主。本文進一步透過推拉因素來解釋這個現象,其中薪資所得、政策、金融市場是中國吸引台灣金融人才的拉力因素,而社會融入、升遷管道、以及家庭因素、生活環境等問題則是中國的推力因素。這些因素在不同程度上影響人才移動的決策。最後,本文也提出金融業人才流動的正負影響以及流動現象背後所隱含的台灣經濟環境的問題。 / Talent, one of the most important factors of fostering a country’s economic development, has caught great attention with the development of knowledge economy since human capital theory boomed in 1950s and 1960s. With the rapid growth of Chinese economy, the demand of talent is huge. As for Taiwan, it is facing brain drain and the decrease of competitiveness in financial industry. Especially in recent years, the relationship is getting closer between Taiwan and China. The trade and business are increasing, as well as talent flow. In terms of financial communication, Taiwan and China have made a big progress since the agreement of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed in November, 2009. However, it may worsen the problem of brain drain in Taiwan. In order to get a clear idea of this situation, the research thesis examines the condition and discusses the reasons by analyzing cross-strait financial exchange experience and interviewing professionals from academic and industrial fields. The findings are as follows. Due to economic growth, talent strategy with nation strengthening and the demand of financial market in China, the cross-strait talent flow is unbalanced. It shows that banking industry, securities industry and insurance industry have their own type of talent flow within recent years. Generally speaking, the cross-strait financial talent flow started from 2001, with Chinese financial industry’s poaching to learn more skills and foreign financial industry’s training to expand their business in greater China. Until 2009 when the agreement of MOU was signed, it changed by more and more expatriates in China sending from Taiwanese financial industry. Furthermore, the research thesis analyzes the reasons through Pull and Push Theory, which salary structure, policies and financial market are pull factors of China, while social integration, career path plan, family, dwelling environment, etc. are push factors of China. These factors variably affect peoples’ decisions by their own concern. Finally, the thesis comes up with pros and cons of financial talent flow and thus tells the problems which Taiwanese economic circumstances are facing.

日治時期在中國的臺灣醫師(1895-1945) / Taiwanese physicians in China during the Japanese Colonial Period, 1895-1945

陳力航 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 日治時期的「醫師」是新興的領導階層,醫師取得執照後其專業即受到保障。總督府對於開業醫師能夠干涉的部份較為有限,醫師的高收入與身份的獨特性,對於身處差別統治之下的臺灣人而言,具有莫大的吸引力。 不過即便是醫師,也無法完全擺脫殖民統治的差別待遇;臺灣島內的習醫機會僧多粥少,有意習醫的臺灣人只能負笈海外,另一方面,總督府訂定的醫療規範,對部分的臺灣醫師產生排擠作用,在臺灣無法取得執照的醫師,前往規定較寬鬆的海外,也是開拓新天地的機會。 對於日本帝國而言,鄰近的中國始終是向外擴張的重要目標,同時也是日治時期的臺灣人前往海外的主要目的地。由於醫療是日本帝國自我粉飾的重要手段,前往中國的臺灣醫師,可以視為帝國人才周流(circluation)的一種表現。 本文所要處理的課題,乃是以日治時期在中國的臺灣醫師作為對象,探討日本帝國的發展,以及臺灣人的原鄉、人際網絡,如何影響臺灣醫師的流動?其階段性變化與區位差異性為何? 本文首先探討總督府衛生政策與醫師的關係,以及總督府開辦醫事教育與臺灣醫師的養成過程,呈現殖民地臺灣衛生改造與臺灣醫師養成的相關性。其次以日本在華醫療事業作為討論的對象,探討同仁會、博愛會的活動如何影響臺灣醫師流動。最後探討臺灣醫師受到1930年代日本向外擴張的影響,在滿洲國、佔領地的發展情況以及戰後的流動與困境。 由本文的討論可知,日治時期臺灣人的行醫與習醫,受到島內與島外因素的影響,在華南、華中、華北、滿洲地區呈現區位性差異。另外,戰爭與醫學院校的成立,則是造成階段性變化的因素。其中,島內因素有三,為總督府的衛生政策、教育政策、對岸政策;島外因素有四,為習醫機會、行醫機會、日本大陸政策、臺灣人特殊身分與人際網絡。 總之,影響臺灣人前往中國習醫、行醫的背後原因以及分布形態的階段性變化,是殖民地差別性、日本帝國大陸政策、臺灣人際網絡、區位因素等所交錯影響的結果。

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