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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

成立台灣會展公司之創業企畫書 / The leading destination management company in Taiwan

楊雅如, Stacy Yang Unknown Date (has links)
成立台灣會展公司之創業企畫書 / Abstract Taiwanlook is a small company aimed at the big time in MICE industry, known as “Destination Management Company (DMC)”, which is a professional services company possessing extensive local knowledge, expertise and resources of MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, Exhibitions) activities, specializing in the creative design and implementation of business meetings, events, incentive programs and motivation markets as well as helping with overcoming language barriers. The concept of DMC has been prevailed in Europe and the United States for at least one hundred years. Over the past two decades, more and more attention has shifted to Asian countries as MICE destinations; Taiwanlook is targeting at this niche market and seizing the opportunity to establish the first DMC in Taiwan. Given the fast growing MICE industry of estimated expenditure of NT$ 4 billion dollars annually and a total of US20 billion dollars in related industries in Taiwan, Taiwanlook will quickly achieve the market penetration of MICE industry domestically and globally through a combination of sophisticated and creative tailor-made event management services and intensive marketing planning with sales increase 30% annually, high ROI and net margins over 20%.

新設shgrocery之商業企畫書 / Shgrocery - Proposal for a Start Up

馬睿德, Khan, Raedeep Unknown Date (has links)
新設shgrocery之商業企畫書 / Abstract This thesis examines how Shgrocery, a 3-month old online grocery delivery company, has been set up in Shanghai, taking into account the opportunity in the market and how the researcher has studied the online consumer behavior and build the business and company framework, with the main customer target being the foreigners living in the city. When a company is being formed a lot of components are interrelated and the thesis explores on 6 of these components which are; (1) How do we create value? (2) Who do we create value for? (3) What is our source of competence? (4) How do we competitively position ourselves over others? (5) How do we make money? and (6) What are our time, scope and size ambitions? Using these six components as the guideline the thesis is divided into 5 chapters each related to one another. Readers will find that various methodologies of starting a business model are delved upon in the first chapter. In the Second chapter the market characteristics of Shanghai are explored and the researcher has used a marketing survey to answer various questions related to consumer food purchasing and online habits in Shanghai. The researcher uses convenient sampling as his method of market analysis for the thesis and also uses references from articles and websites. Interesting observations are found with regards to the consumers purchasing habits and online behavior. Moreover, competitors having a similar online business is studied and strategies to differentiate from them is devised. In chapter three the researcher develops the website, company process and structure, by using the findings and the methodologies of the first two chapters. An analysis is done on the pricing of the products, website and the company using SWOT and Porter’s five forces. Different methods of effective promotions at minimum cost are delved on in chapter 4, with a concentration on word of mouth marketing which is most apt for the company in the current scenario, which is then followed by how the company saved cost in the beginning of the business and the estimated return on investment for the next three months. Readers also catch a glimpse of how the company plans to expand in the coming months. Readers will observe the significance of the findings in the strategy devised to survive in the market and will understand how finding the answers to the six different components has helped the researcher in building his own online business and similarly he hopes that reading this thesis will help future entrepreneurs to start their own business in China or any other parts of Asia.

於吉里巴斯設立微型銀行之商業企畫書 / TE Kauki Bangke Business Plan

德海娜, Teiwaki, Ngaina Unknown Date (has links)
於吉里巴斯設立微型銀行之商業企畫書 / The purpose of this project is to create a social business plan for a Kiribati microfinance organisation, Te Kauki Bangke. The plan is modelled on the Bangladeshi Grameen model proposed by Yunus Muhammad. The rationale for the research stems from the need to provide microfinance services to the unbankable populace in Kiribati. The research approach involved a critical analysis of the secondary sources of literature. The qualitative phenomonology is applied as the researcher has relevant work experience in the Kiribati financial sector. The critical analysis infers that the philosophy of the Grameen model has relevance in the Kiribati context. A review of existing financial institutions showed that most financial businesses have outdated business plans or simply have no business plan from inception. The vision is to provide social, political and financial growth for the unbankble, low-income people, particularly the vulnerable women. The management and organisation can still be the responsibility of women in the social political setting. The financial resources of Kiribati microfinance may be provided as soft loans from the Kiribati government and other public financial institutions, including the Kiribati National Provident Fund. The lending criteria of the microfinance will not require the need for collateral and a security. The study proposed that a pilot project in microfinance is established in the Tarawa urban area with a view to decentralise the business activity to the rest of the country.


關大衛, Quan, David R. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

於貝里斯經貿自由區開設Bao Bing熟食店之商業企畫書 / Business plan for “Bao Bing: Feasibility of establishing a deli in the Commercial Free Zone, Belize”

周連恩, Chuc, Elias R. Unknown Date (has links)
於貝里斯經貿自由區開設Bao Bing熟食店之商業企畫書 / Bao Bing is an ice deli operating in the Commercial Free Zone, Belize, in Central America. Bao Bing’s offering is positioned as “Asian”, fresh, natural and healthy ice deli being introduced in this new market. We have determined growth potentials and within our first year of operation we intent to obtain 25% of our target market, growing to 60% by 2015. The initial investment and working capital to start the business will be US$200,000, which will be funded from the owner’s capital and a business loan. We expect to generate profits on our second year of operations, reaching an approximate target of $185 thousand by 2015. Bao Bing has a positive NPV of US$70,070.12 which indicates that the project is viable and has an Interest Rate of Return of 31.74%. For Bao Bing, the payback period will take 2 years and 354 days.

商業企畫書:Parsec國際財務管理 / Parsec International

李啦啦, Clinton, Meredith-Hall Unknown Date (has links)
商業企畫書:Parsec國際財務管理 / Parsec International was created in 2009 to expand the successful and profitable Parsec Financial overseas to Chinese tier-2 cities. Parsec Financial is a wealth management company that created Parsec International to capitalize on the growing needs of the ever-increasing High Net Worth Individual Population (HNWI) in China. HWNI wealth management needs are currently being served in China’s tier-1 cities; therefore, Parsec International hopes to gain a first-mover’s advantage by supplying proven wealth management services to Chinese tier-2 cities, beginning in Xiamen, China. Based on the attached financial projections, our research, our own personal experience, and careful scrutiny of the specific audience and area where we are focused, we are convinced that the market for Parsec International’s wealth management services will support the accomplishment of our goals and objectives. We have built in specific means of measuring our effectiveness in our marketing efforts, engaged with strategic partners and reviewed regulatory requirements to support our success. The market is expected to grow quickly in the wealth management industry in Chinese tier two cities over the next 5 years. We fully intend to lead the industry in our market, establish and maintain the highest standards and position ourselves as the most knowledgeable and trustworthy wealth management stewards for Xiamen, China and other Chinese tier two cities. We fully anticipate reaching our break-even point by year 3 and profitability in just 4 years. We will drive most of our profits back into the company during, to support our planned expansion to other Chinese tier two cities. Otherwise, profits will be distributed to investors as dividends.

成立Etugen教育機構之商業企畫書 / Business Expansion Plan for “Etugen” Education Institute

巴特而, Battur Bold Unknown Date (has links)
成立Etugen教育機構之商業企畫書 / The paper is about Etugen education institution’s expansion plans in three services in different markets. First two expansion plans, to extend service line with high school and to extend accounting and economic school into competent business program, are dedicated for Etugen Institution’s management team as a guideline, whereas last ET Consulting company plan is for managers’ guidance and potential investors. The plans are to improve competitiveness, to adapt and to sustain compatibility of Etugen institution in this competitive market during the constrictions caused by government policy on education development of Mongolia and opportunities emerged due to expected economic growth. The introduction part of the plan explains purpose, methodology and structuring of the paper, followed by importance of human development issues in current Mongolian needs and demand; brief overview of Mongolia with its current economic situation and trends, education industry backgrounds, an ending with brief introduction of management team and milestones of Etugen Institution achievements. The Business Expansion plan consists of three business development plans. Initial high school expansion plan is in order of background information of industry, market analysis including government policy, SWOT, marketing plan and strategies with its expected outcome. This high school development plan is focused on its marketing plan and strategies to set a good foundation to grow and to improve its quality to provide the needed education services to the growing market. Etugen university extension plan is to develop accounting and economics program into mining and technology oriented business school and to develop into business graduate program. Moreover, to guide the university plan in the direction of becoming university that has medical technology programs which is consistent with government development plan towards technologies. Followed by SWOT, marketing plan, strategy and tactics, and expected outcomes. This plan is mainly focused on strategy and plan of attracting good quality candidates by improving its policy and strategy, so that in coming years the university competency will grow substantially which will help it to become a leading university in terms of medical technology and business fields amongst other private universities. ET Consulting company plan covers company introduction which includes its vision, mission and keys to success and details, followed by explanations of the services being offered, business models, market analysis, SWOT, technology and assets to be exploited, financial plans, strategies and expected outcomes. If we try to integrate all these ideas into illustration, it shows following figures. Figure 1.Missions of Huleg High School, Etugen University, and ET Consulting Figure 2.Interrelationship between Huleg High School, Etugen University and ET Consulting Company Huleg High School recruits junior high schools students and educate them with science oriented courses to be able to enter top technology and business schools in Mongolia and international universities, some participants may become potential candidates to Etugen University. In long run, these students are expected to be leaders in technology fields of Mongolia and their success will bring reputation to the high school. Etugen University recruits senior high school graduates, through educating and training them in its competitive business program and medics based technology schools, it prepares competitive workforce for Mongolian labor markets, especially for companies and hospitals. During these processes Etugen University will be working in cooperation with technology universities, state and private hospitals as well as Huleg high school in various activities such as students clubs and other joint events, and with ET consulting company to conduct its simulation services for own students with special pricing while supporting newly established company with its facilities and some other collateral services with privileged pricing. ET consulting is focused on different segments with various strategies in different sequences of its operational periods and it will cooperate with Etugen University for training its students in consistent with its goal of contributing Mongolian labor market, as well as developing prospective customers in long run. Last, Summary and Conclusion part briefly explains expected and predicted results of interrelation of these three combination plans, particularly explains the relationship of these institutions by means of output of an institution can be exploited as input of another institution of Etugen Institution as a whole. This part concludes with each institution’s respective contributions in human assets development of Mongolia.

開設Betty花店的商業企畫書 / A Business Plan for Betty's Florist

賈大衛, Joughin, David Unknown Date (has links)
Betty’s Florist is a small shop located in Taipei City, Taiwan. It opened in 2006 in a store front recently purchased for the purpose. In the years since its opening, the shop has been able to cover its expenses, including the repayment of the loan financing the real estate. The owner had never looked at the flower business and the building as separate investments to determine whether gains by one were offset by losses from the other. Four possible scenarios are proposed as a result of this plan: operate the business in its current location, operate the business but sell the property and move to new location, abandon the business and hold the property, and abandon the business and sell the property. Analysis of the business revealed that while the business was generating a small amount of cash after payment of the loan, the owner had never allowed for a reasonable salary for herself, in effect making a large monthly investment in the business/ building combination. This plan then determines that the failure of the business to provide an adequate return stems from a combination of a poor location and complete lack of sales and promotion efforts. It then provides a detailed plan to reverse the losses, predicting a change to profitability in 2013. An independent analysis of the property revealed that it has indeed been profitable over the investment period. It is not expected to produce gains or losses in excess of the cost of capital in years to come. Since the real estate investment does not produce a large expected loss, it has been determined that the best option is to continue the business in its current location, pending a firm commitment by the owner to adopt the strategic changes.

敦煌樂器有限公司 - 音樂教學/零售加盟企畫書 / Tun Huang Music Franchising Business Plan

李耿緯, Lee, Greg Unknown Date (has links)
This business plan provides detailed information and includes the basic business plan information that is necessary for initial establishment and operation of Tun Huang Music (THMC). With its current business location in Taipei and Taoyuan, the company is seeking for further business opportunity of continuous market growth and size. The franchising business will focus on the musical lesson and instrument retail selling as its main business operation. Since the business is simply an extension of the head company, it requires only a moderate space for business operation. Rental costs will not be as expensive as the head company. Several business areas are considered to ensure the success of this plan. The branching location will be picked based on the population and density of the district. Competition analysis is also been considered. As the newly established branch will has greater competitive edge in terms of product selection and professional skill support received from the head company comparing against with other local competitors. It is very likely for the branches to success and require greater local market share. Risk factors which THMC needs to consider:  What will be the market trend in the next few years.  What are some of the possible actions that competitors will make.  What are the backup plans if the number does not turn out as planned. Keys to success  Degree of Standardization of each every branch  Focused and well-defined long term objective of the company. Never has any company within this industry has any sort of long term plan.  Timely stock replacement plan and sufficient technical support from the head company.  Previous successful business experience to be shared with new onboard franchising owners. Every business faces difficulties from time to time, for the status of economy, the company can only make assumptions as to what are more likely to happen during its business life period. What if the business does not turn out as planned. According to the sensitivity analysis, it is still profitable despite 30% drop in revenue income. Based on the current pricing strategy and sales promotion, the new branch will be able to breakeven in the late Year 3 including all the Year 0 investment such as renovation costs and pre-opening stock purchase. Based on the past experience and information from other competitors, a typical musical store should have a maximum sales of $1 million per month. If the plan is deemed as a 10 years business project, the branch should at least be able to reach $1 million revenue per month in Year 10. With all the information analyzed and gathered, it is very likely that the new branching business will be profitable. With the support from the head company, the newly established branches will benefit from customer referral and better product pricing. With an initial $2 million investment (renovation and product purchasing), the new branch owner can breakeven in three to five years of operation.

開設幼兒園之商業企畫書 / Business plan to establish a pre-school

林芯嵐, Bhila, Nombuso Unknown Date (has links)
Early childhood care and education is one of most fundamental elements on children journey. Although it looks irrelevant, children need it as a passage to use to begin developing their brains educationally as well life skills in generally. Swaziland has been neglecting early childhood care and education for a in the past, however, the situation has changed and now the Swazi government is getting involved through developing policies that support Early Childhood Care and Education. Tomorrow People Academy seeks to provide pre-school education in Swaziland with multiple enrollment programs, to cater for the different kinds of educational needs for the Swazi market. The business plan will present factors on how the Swazi government has moved from not supporting Early Childhood Care and Education to setting up and implementing structures that supports it. The business plan will then present paramount factors that are needed for the success in such an industry.

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