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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

加盟連鎖對美國零售餐飲業財務績效的影響 / The Effects of Franchising on the Financial Performance of US Restaurants

羅兆賢, Lo, Chao Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
加盟制度在過去三十年有越來越多的學術文章討論,本論文針對美國標準產業分類碼為5812的零售餐飲業進行分析,探討加盟連鎖的企業財務績效指標是否優於未進行連鎖加盟的企業,本論文延伸Madanoglu, Lee and Castrogiovanni (2011)的研究,利用夏普比率(Sharpe Ratio)、崔納比率(Treynor Ratio)、簡森比率(Jensen Ratio)、索丁諾比率(Sortino Ratio)以及上行潛力比率(Upside Potential Ratio)作為風險調整後的財務績效指標,比較加盟餐飲連鎖公司與非加盟連鎖公司的財務績效指標表現的差異,結果顯示在夏普比率及崔諾比率方面,加盟公司表現並沒有顯著優於非加盟公司;而簡森比率、索丁諾比率及上行潛力比率加盟公司表現則顯著優於非加盟公司,整體而言,本文發現加盟公司在零售餐飲業中確實有較佳的財務績效表現,也解釋了為何加盟連鎖制度有越來越興盛的趨勢。 / There are more and more researches studied about franchising. This paper focuses on the retailed restaurants industry which are sorted by SIC codes as 5812. We are trying to figure out whether franchising retailed restaurants’ financial performance outperform non-franchising firms in the same industry. Following Madanoglu, Lee and Castrogiovanni (2011), I use five financial measurements: Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio, Jensen Ratio, Sortino Ratio and Upside Potential Ratio as financial performance of sample firms. The results show that the performances of franchising firms are insignificant different from that of non-franchising firms based on Sharpe ratio and Treynor ratios, but results based on Jensen ratio, Sortino ratio and Upside Potential ratio show that franchising firms perform better. Overall, it is seen that franchising firms outperform non-franchising firms in the retailed restaurants industry, which explained why franchising is getting more and more popular.

美國連鎖企業加盟傾向因子實證分析 / Examining the Drivers for U.S. Franchising Tendency

何珮瑜, Ho, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討美國的連鎖業者開放特許加盟經營傾向的因素,以及連鎖店傾向以加盟為擴大規模之因素。研究發現許多連鎖業特性影響連鎖業企業家決定開放加盟的決策。本實證研究橫跨汽車,食品,酒店及汽車旅館,零售和服務行業共969筆加盟店品牌資料。實證結果發現,開放連鎖加盟的傾向與加盟店的決定開放之決策速度呈負相關並與加盟金及國際化呈現正相關關係。此外,我們在研究產業層次模型中發現,汽車行業的加盟傾向決定因子和其他行業的有所區別。 / This paper examines the factors of franchising tendency of U.S. franchise chain and investigate why some chains are more likely to expand chain scale by franchising. I explore why and how several characteristics of franchised chains influence entrepreneurs franchising decision. This study includes 969 franchise chains in automotive, food, hotel and motels, retail and service industry. Empirical results show that franchising tendency is negatively related to franchise speed and franchise chain performance, whereas franchise fee and internationalize have positive impact on franchising tendency. Furthermore, we examine the models in industrial level and find that the determinants of automotive industry’s franchising tendency are difference from other industries.

青年加盟創業歷程之研究-以連鎖加盟餐飲業為例 / A study on entrepreneurial process of youth franchisee-taking the franchise system of food and beverage industry as an example.

邱淑宜 Unknown Date (has links)
由於近年來青年投入創業已蔚為風潮,尤以選擇加盟創業一途更是許多創業者的熱門選擇,因此興起本研究欲探討青年加盟創業的行為過程,並以連鎖加盟餐飲業為研究範疇。本研究以文獻探討及深度訪談法來收集相關資料,最後獲得以下結論: 一、在創業前期階段 (一﹞青年在加盟創業以前,對於自身條件的評估是缺乏深入思量,且其大多 為非本行業的工作者,但這也是他們選擇加盟來創業的原因。 (二)青年加盟創業的動機大多是複合的,且通常是原先工作受到阻礙進而萌 發起創業的想法。 (三)青年選擇加盟創業的主要原因,大部分在於透由加盟可獲得連鎖總部的 管理支援與經營Know-how的提供。且青年評選連鎖總部時,所考慮的 因素都較為簡單,幾乎甚少考量到連鎖總部的管理機能層面。 二、創業開始階段 (一)青年加盟創業的資源通常包含有資金、家人的支持、連鎖總部的協助, 以及個人堅定的信念和態度。 (二)青年在創業以前大多沒有預設初期目標,這是相當不利於創業者的行 為。 (三)青年加盟創業者在營業初期時,大部分仍處於摸索適應的狀態。 (四)青年在加盟創業的過程中所遭遇的挑戰與危機皆不同,但只要有決心, 不畏勞苦,很多問題將可迎刃而解。 三、創業穩定階段,青年加盟主已自有一套經營管理之道,強調餐飲品質的穩 定以及良好的服務態度,也特別重視口碑的建立與積累。而在面對餐飲市 場競爭激烈,青年加盟主除了想辦法解決當前的難題,也積極尋找其他的 發展機會,期待再次開創自己的事業。 四、青年創業家通常具有不畏困難、勇於嘗試的人格特質,和堅持到底的強韌 意志力,以及努力營造好口碑、以客為尊的經商之道。 五、青年加盟創業家對於連鎖總部所提供的服務普遍認為可以再更好,但在市 場競爭激烈,加盟店的營收普遍不如以往的情況下,有些加盟主雖想力圖 改變,卻礙於加盟契約而無法自行決定,這些都深深加深了加盟主的無力 感。 六、本研究引導青年加盟創業家提出對創業輔導的建議,以提供政府相關部門 以及有意加盟創業的青年作為參考。 七、針對青年加盟創業家所面臨的相關勞動問題進行探究,結果可以看出,連 鎖加盟餐飲業從業人員的勞動權益明顯不足,且部分工時人員的勞動條件 更是缺乏保障。

連鎖加盟業教育訓練實施及其成效之研究 / The Analysis on education and training performance Of chain franchise business.

陳怡潔, Chen, I Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國際間面臨的經濟轉型及全球化競爭,台灣的經濟產業結構也隨之改變,未來商業與服務業將是國家重要的經濟發展方向。連鎖加盟業更是台灣從農業、加工出口業邁向以服務業為主的潮流重心。本次研究之目的在於(一)了解台灣連鎖加盟業之現況。(二)了解台灣連鎖加盟業中教育訓練當前之發展特性及其成效。(三)分析不同加盟業種下之教育訓練制度現況。(四)探討台灣連鎖加盟體系中教育訓練種類、組織、方法、執行程序等與為企業帶來成效之關聯性。 在此次研究中,整體分析主要牽涉到五個主要構面,包含連鎖加盟體系特性、教育訓練組織健全性、教育訓練執行程序完整性、企業對教育訓練重視程度以及教育訓練成效。採用敘述統計、變異數分析、相關分析以及迴歸分析等統計方法各自去探討五個構面間的交叉關係。本研究的主要構面間都呈現蠻高的正相關,顯示這些構面如教育訓練組織的健全性與執行完整性,以及企業對其重視程度,還有後續員工反應以及企業整體成效之間,都是相輔相成的狀態。亦即當連鎖加盟體系對教育訓練的投注面及重視面較高時,則相對應的產出面也會較好。 連鎖體系投入大量資源進行教育訓練,無非是希望員工能成長,並進一步對企業的績效有所助益,因此會對於教育訓練的成效進行謹慎的評估,所以評估的範圍及方法並非侷限於少數種類,最後該訓練成效評估除了作為員工自身升遷參考外,亦會與人力資源發展策略結合,成為日後企業在人力上決策的依據,以發揮教育訓練的最大功效。 / As the need of economical transformation and the global competition emerge internationally, the economical structure of Taiwan is therefore changed as well which makes the commerce and service industry become the main stream of the economical development. The goal of this research is for the followings: 1. Present situation investigation of the chain store and franchise industry in Taiwan, 2. Present features’ study of the development and the effects of educational trainings, 3. Analysis of the present scheme of the educational training, 4. Discussion on the relations among effects of educational training which evaluated under different classifications, organizations, methodologies and execution process. In this research, our analysis is involved in 5 major aspects, including the features of the chain store and franchise system, the integrity of the educational training organizations, the completeness of the educational training process execution, the importance and the effects of educational training. We have adopted numerous statistical methodologies such as descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation analysis and regression analysis respectively to discuss the intersect relation among these 5 aspects. Those issues studied in this research have shown relatively high positive correlation which indicates complementary relation among, for example, the integrity of the educational training organization, the completeness of the execution process, and the emphasis the companies have paid, the follow-up feedback of the employees and the overall effects the company have received. That is to say, the more concentration the system willing to dedicate to the training, the better corresponding throughput they are going to obtain. The purpose of the franchise system’s massive investment in educational training is in the hope of the maturity of their employees which will further benefit the company, so they will give careful evaluation to the outcome of the training. Therefore the range and the way of estimation are unlikely limited in just a few dimensions. At the end, except for being taken as the references for promotion, the evaluation of the training’s outcomes will also be combined with strategies for human resource development so as to support the company’s future decision making and thus lead to the maximal feedback to the company.

敦煌樂器有限公司 - 音樂教學/零售加盟企畫書 / Tun Huang Music Franchising Business Plan

李耿緯, Lee, Greg Unknown Date (has links)
This business plan provides detailed information and includes the basic business plan information that is necessary for initial establishment and operation of Tun Huang Music (THMC). With its current business location in Taipei and Taoyuan, the company is seeking for further business opportunity of continuous market growth and size. The franchising business will focus on the musical lesson and instrument retail selling as its main business operation. Since the business is simply an extension of the head company, it requires only a moderate space for business operation. Rental costs will not be as expensive as the head company. Several business areas are considered to ensure the success of this plan. The branching location will be picked based on the population and density of the district. Competition analysis is also been considered. As the newly established branch will has greater competitive edge in terms of product selection and professional skill support received from the head company comparing against with other local competitors. It is very likely for the branches to success and require greater local market share. Risk factors which THMC needs to consider:  What will be the market trend in the next few years.  What are some of the possible actions that competitors will make.  What are the backup plans if the number does not turn out as planned. Keys to success  Degree of Standardization of each every branch  Focused and well-defined long term objective of the company. Never has any company within this industry has any sort of long term plan.  Timely stock replacement plan and sufficient technical support from the head company.  Previous successful business experience to be shared with new onboard franchising owners. Every business faces difficulties from time to time, for the status of economy, the company can only make assumptions as to what are more likely to happen during its business life period. What if the business does not turn out as planned. According to the sensitivity analysis, it is still profitable despite 30% drop in revenue income. Based on the current pricing strategy and sales promotion, the new branch will be able to breakeven in the late Year 3 including all the Year 0 investment such as renovation costs and pre-opening stock purchase. Based on the past experience and information from other competitors, a typical musical store should have a maximum sales of $1 million per month. If the plan is deemed as a 10 years business project, the branch should at least be able to reach $1 million revenue per month in Year 10. With all the information analyzed and gathered, it is very likely that the new branching business will be profitable. With the support from the head company, the newly established branches will benefit from customer referral and better product pricing. With an initial $2 million investment (renovation and product purchasing), the new branch owner can breakeven in three to five years of operation.

連鎖加盟營運模式企業風險管理之研究 / A Study on the Enterprise Risk Management of Franchise Bussiness Models

胡安榕 Unknown Date (has links)
企業為追求業務成長、提高市場占有率及產品知名度,進而達到擴大營運規模及企業價值創造時,為了增加產品之市場能見度及在各地增設營運據點,以提供客戶銷售服務或後續維護,在考慮各項成本限制下,最常運用之營運模式即為開放加盟連鎖,延攬加盟主共同經營創造。 本研究是以『運用連鎖加盟營運模式之企業』為研究對象,針對其連鎖加盟營運之企業風險予以分析及探討,包括如何辨識連鎖加盟營運模式之企業風險並建立風險指標,以及執行風險控制及管理,進而有效運用連鎖加盟模式達到業務拓展及擴大營運規模之目標。 故就個案:『麗豐股份有限公司(4137.TT)』運用連鎖加盟之營運模式進行相關探討及分析。歸納連鎖加盟之營運模式之三項關鍵面向:(1)產品與品牌;(2)店務管理;(3)培訓,進而對企業風險管理進行探討與分析並綜合歸納出結論與建議。


許瑛慧 Unknown Date (has links)
論 文 摘 要 台灣觀光旅館業的國際化是從民國62年希爾頓飯店(今台北凱撒飯店)委託國際希爾頓集團經營管理開始,之後陸續有業者以管理契約、加盟連鎖或加入會員組織的方式與其他國際旅館集團合作,也開啟了旅館業逐漸走向國際連鎖經營的趨勢。在加入國際連鎖品牌的過程中,必然會產生某種程度上經營知識的移轉,而這對兩者間的合作關係成功與否具有決定性的影響。本研究便是探討台灣旅館業者在加盟國外旅館集團時,知識移轉的情況:包括知識移轉的內涵、移轉方式、移轉流量及其影響因素。 由於符合此合作模式的業者不多,本研究僅挑選三家業者以個案方式進行研究,其中兩家和美式連鎖旅館集團合作、另一家和日式連鎖旅館集團合作。本研究先蒐集產業資料並分析彙整,以了解產業現況,並根據文獻理論來設計問題集,在對業者訪談時,除了紀錄口述內容外,並請業者提供相關的書面資料以完成個案分析,接著,進行三家個案的歸納比較,並配合知識移轉的文獻,發展出本研究的命題。 本研究結果如下:在知識移轉的內涵方面,國外旅館集團移轉給台灣業者的經營知識容易受到環境(政策法規)、文化(消費者偏好)等因素影響,需要採用當地化策略的知識較無法移轉,如餐飲、管理及會計知識,相反地,容易採用全球標準化的知識較容易移轉,如品牌與商標。此外,旅館的經營知識呈現出高度的成文化與系統相依性、適度的可教導性與複雜性,而這些特性會影響知識移轉的方式:成文化高的知識適合以書面的方式移轉,教導性低和複雜性高的知識適合以人員交流的方式移轉。 本研究亦發現,知識移轉的流量受到知識教導者特性、知識接受者特性、及兩者間的特質三類因素所影響。在教導者特性方面,國外旅館集團以往成功移轉的經驗愈多,知識移轉流量也愈多,反之亦然。在接受者特性方面,台灣加盟業者本身的學習動機和吸收能力愈強烈,也會得到較多的知識移轉流量。在教導者和接受雙方特質方面,兩者間對彼此的組織文化、企業策略和問處理模式愈熟悉,並藉由頻繁的互動維持緊密的關係,亦能增加知識移轉的流量。 / Abstract This study explores the transfer of knowledge in international hotel franchising. In particular, I examine the factors that affect the contents of know- how being transferred, the mechanisms of knowledge transfer, and the volumes of knowledge being transferred, from international hotel franchisers to their franchisees. Based on my interviews with three international hotel franchisees in Taiwan, the main findings are as follows: 1. The contents of knowledge transfer are affected by environmental and cultural factors. In particular, the knowledge that needs to be locally responsive, such as F&B (food and beverage), management and accounting knowledge, is difficult to transfer. The knowledge that can be universally applicable, such as brand names and trademark, is easy to transfer. 2. The attributes of hotel know-how affect the mechanism of transfer. Highly codifiable knowledge is suit for transferring by documents. Lowly teachable or highly complicated knowledge is suit for transferring by people. 3. The volume of knowledge transfer is affected by characteristics of the knowledge source (i.e., the franchiser) and the knowledge receiver (the franchisee), and the relationships between them. In particular, the more successful transfer experiences a foreign hotel group has, the greater volume of knowledge it will transfer to the franchisee. The stronger learning motivation and absorptive capacity a franchisee has, the greater volume of knowledge it will receive from the franchiser. On the other hand, the more similar the organization culture, business strategy, and problem solving of the franchiser and the franchisee, and the more frequently they contact with each other, the greater volume of knowledge that will be transferred from the franchiser to the franchisee.

加盟連鎖業國際化佈局之研究-以台灣手搖飲料為例 / Internationalization strategies of Taiwanese handmade bevarage chains

謝雅淳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對手搖茶業者的國際化策略進行研究探討,除了深入了解手搖茶業者國際化加盟連鎖的關鍵決策,以作為未來相關業者之參考,更希望能藉此讓國人及世界認識台灣手搖茶飲,不僅是利用加盟連鎖的方式將人才及管理整體輸出,更要搭配管理制度及資源整合。 基於上述研究動機,本研究係以加盟連鎖之手搖茶業者為例,探討業者(1) 國際化動機及國際化前公司已累積之資源能力,(2)如何挑選國際市場及(3) 在地主國經營模式之調整等議題,分析日出茶太等三家公司並提出結論與建議。 對於國際化策略,本研究發現台灣手搖茶業者於國際化前已具備完善教育訓練機制、標準化門市作業及輔導流程、産品創新研發能力及專業管理團隊以利加盟連鎖模式快速複製,國際化動機大部分屬主動式國際化。面對所挑選之市場條件差異,選擇直營或加盟連鎖方式,接著在人員訓練、門市管理及在地化調整上採用不同的經營模式,最終產生差異的經營績效,而經營績效的好壞,再度影響手搖茶業者對於國際化動機、市場選擇方式及經營模式的調整。除了深入探討上述研究問題,也依據文獻,提出對未來相關業者之建議,不僅在國際化前須審慎 評估人才和制度,更應注意環境的變動以隨時調整公司策略。


黃秀媚 Unknown Date (has links)
連鎖店的發展是所有商業行為中,對消費者影響最為深遠的購買型態之一,由於連鎖加盟不但可作為有利於企業快速發展的一種經營模式,同時也可以為資金有限、缺乏經驗、具有投資創業意願的個人在高失業率下提供一個相對較低風險的創業機會。因此伴隨蓬勃發展的連鎖加盟業而來的則是更多的服務業人口,「2006年國際貿易統計」顯示服務業產值已佔台灣國內生產毛額(GDP)的百分之七十三,五百八十萬的服務業人口佔台灣總就業人口百分之五十八點三,在傳統產業面臨壓力之下,提升、擴大服務業已是台灣經濟發展的關鍵之一。民國八十七年中期許多服務業陸續適用勞動基準法而後至除特殊公告行業外一體適用。原先許多服務業未適用勞動基準法,導致適用後管理問題叢生,勞資關係緊張,影響服務業產值變化,因此本研究欲瞭解在此前提下,連鎖加盟業從業人員的勞動權益。 本研究以臺灣地區本土連鎖牛排餐廳為例,以深度訪談方式,探討從業人員身份認定、工資、工時、退休及資遣及職業災害認定等問題試圖描繪連鎖加盟業從業人員的勞動問題,並從而瞭解對其勞動權益的影響為何。經由研究發現目前國內連鎖加盟業的行業別皆適用於勞基法,因此若以僱傭關係為出發點的從業人員,無論是全職人員或兼職人員都應收到勞基法的保障。但事實上連鎖加盟業(服務業)在適用勞基法之後,事業單位大致不符合勞基法之規定,退休金、加班費等加重經營成本及負擔的項目,則通常經由迫使員工自願離職而節省該筆成本。換言之,直營連鎖的從業人員所獲得之勞動條件優於加盟連鎖的從業人員,無論是全時工時人員或是部分工時人員。因此在連鎖加盟業內,直營連鎖從業人員的勞動權益優於加盟連鎖從業人員,全時人員的勞動條件優於部分工時人員。 本文研究獲致結論為是否採行連鎖加盟的經營型態,並無影響連鎖加盟業從業人員的勞動權益,若該行業的勞動權益原先就不彰,當其變成連鎖時其勞動權益並無多大差異,係因國內連鎖加盟業採行直營連鎖的比例遠不及加盟,而加盟亦僅就商品及技術等進行買賣,對於人力的訓練及使用上並無涉入,因此在加盟的狀態下,係由各加盟主成立公司行號為其勞工確保權益,總店和加盟店之間並無勞資關係的存在,因此亦無勞動權益變動的問題。連鎖加盟業若有勞動權益的問題存在則出現於直營連鎖的情形下,其總公司與直營店間人員使用上可能產生問題及爭議。因此本研究認為有無連鎖加盟,其勞動情形及勞動權益本就存在,目前的法令已足以解釋,最大的關鍵仍在於政府能府落實法令規定,其可能產生的勞動問題,只需於專章中進行補足或是加以落實,暫不需要為此再專門設計一套法令。

日光快餐車加盟商業企劃 / Business plan for sunlight food truck franchise

方豪, Fang, Hao (Howard) Unknown Date (has links)
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