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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

女性主義與心理分析-Chorodow論母職再製 / Feminism and Psychoanalysis-The Reproduction of Mothering From Chodorow's Perspective

楊蘭儀, Yuang, Lang Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在從心理分析和女性主義的立場探討女性的母職對兩性人格發展 及其再製產生的影響,主要根據Nancy Chodorow的論述為依歸作此主題的 推演。發軔於十九世紀的女性主義經歷第一波、第二波婦運的洗禮及經濟 大蕭條、兩次世界大戰的衝擊,發展出各類因應時代變遷及婦女需求的理 論,由政權參與、經濟獨立、法律權利、婚姻自由、身體自主等議題一路 行來,歷經重重險阻,女性的母職始終是婦女排徊猶豫的十字路口,成為 今日女性主義者關注的焦點,因為它深刻地影響了女性的人格特質及兩性 關係的互動。 Chodorow以對象關係的理論基礎出發,佐以女性主義及社 會學的相關理論,融貫為其個人獨到精闢的見解。她由質疑女性母職的合 理性起始,詳細闡述女性的母職如何深植於人們的意識與潛意識之中的過 程及其對兩性人格發展及關係形成的影響。由於女性母職的排外與獨佔、 母親對兒子、女兒不同的態度,使得兩性在前伊底帕斯時期、伊底帕斯時 期的對象關係有不同的發展,其解決伊底帕斯情結的程度亦有所差異,此 導致日後兩性迴異的人格特質及感情關係。最顯著的差別是男性面對女性 時趨於防衛的態度,不善表達感情且將精力集於工作領域。女性則有在關 係中建立自我的需要,但是男性的封閉妨衛無法滿足女性的感情需求,若 轉向同性又有觸犯社會禁忌-同性戀之虞,女性惟有試圖由自己的孩子身 上尋得感情關係的滿足。由此,母子間密切的聯結再度形成,兩性的人格 特質及女性的母職便依此模式代代複製,循環不已。Chodorow認為解決之 道在於由兩性共同擔負撫育下一代的職責,使兩性孩童在均衡的親職中培 養相同的能力及平等的人格發展,以打破女性母職獨佔、再製的代代循環 ,創造嶄新、開闊的兩性關係。本篇論文共分五章。第一章為前言,第二 章介紹女性主義興發的時代背景及各主要派別的基本論述;第三章說明心 理分析派女性主義的主要論點及心理分析與女性主義二者間的牽連;第四 章闡述Chodorow對女性母職產生、再製過程及其影響的詳細推演;第五章 為結論,評析Chodorow母職再製理論的貢獻和缺失。

在史蒂芬‧金《鬼店》裡的明確表達與理解能力 / Articulateness and Intelligence in Stephen King's The Shining

李佳賓, Lee,Jia Bin Unknown Date (has links)
出版於一九七七年的《鬼店》為史蒂芬‧金的第三部小說,探索的為恐怖文學裡其中一種刻畫,鬼故事。雪倫‧A‧拉塞爾給了一項令人信服的理由,何以她認為《鬼店》是一則鬼故事:「在鬼故事中,恐怖的來源來自於通常出沒某個特定地點的邪惡靈魂。」然而,《鬼店》不僅僅是一部單純的鬼故事小說,根據克萊爾‧韓森與史蒂文‧布拉姆的看法,《鬼店》是一宗可從精神分析角度切入的語言學習與退化案例。 在第一章「導論」裡,我提出本文論點:能否透過清楚說出與理解能力完成符徵(signifier)與符指(signified)的連結,決定了傑克與丹尼各自的命運。第二章「方法論」由我在本文中所用的方法構成,本章說明我如何運用席格蒙‧弗洛伊德的伊底帕斯情結(Oedipus Complex)、雅克‧拉岡的想像界(Imaginary Order)、象徵界(Symbolic Order)、實存 (The Real)、語言作為大他者的論述(Language as the Discourse of the Other)、縫合點(Points de Captions)。第三章欲探討的是傑克與丹尼的伊底帕斯情結,傑克的殞落可追溯至他的童年時期,丹尼的生存則可以他的現況加以分析。第四章「似乎他的生命全靠學習閱讀才得以維持」討論丹尼如何藉由語言學習,從想像界前進到象徵界並打破托倫斯家庭特有的父子關係循環,丹尼漸漸地學習如何連結符徵與符指,清楚地說出與理解這些符指及背後的符徵為丹尼鋪了一條歧異的路,透過這條路丹尼得以存活並成長。第五章「理性的蟄伏」將探討全景飯店如何藉由大他者/小他者的論述(The Discourse of the Other/ the other)誘惑傑克,也探討傑克的瘋狂如何藉由象徵界退化至想像界表現出來,我也會藉由瘋狂的其中一種症狀,不能掌握縫合點:越來越不能連結符徵與符指的情形闡述傑克如何變得偏執於並合理化自己的不當行為,例如殺掉他的妻兒。在第六章「結論」,我將簡述前面五章的要點,幫助讀者釐清本文的宗旨。 / The Shining (1977), Stephen King’s third novel, explores one of the horror genre’s characterizations, the ghost story. Sharon A. Russell gives a convincing reason why she considers The Shining a ghost story: “In the ghost story the origin of the horror comes from evil spirits who usually haunt a specific location.” However, The Shining is not merely a simplistic ghost story. According to Claire Hanson and Steven Bruhm, The Shining is a case of language acquisition and regression from a psycho-analytical perspective. In Chapter One, “Introduction,” I issue my thesis statement that aptitude for articulation and intelligence of the signification determines each of Jack’s and Danny’s destinies. Chapter Two, “Methodology,” consists of the methodology I employ in the analysis of The Shining. That is, how I apply Sigmund Freud’s and Jacques Lacan’s theories, Frued’s Oedipus complex, and Lacan’s three orders, language as the discourse of the Other, and points de caption to this study of The Shining. The exploration of the Oedipus complex for Jack and Danny is Chapter Three’s subject matter. Jack’s downfall can be traced back to his own childhood, and Danny’s survival can be studied in terms of the exploration of his own status quo. In Chapter Four, “As though His Life Depended on Learning to Read,” I discuss Danny’s progression from the imaginary order into the symbolic order and breaking away from “the wounded father-son cycle” (Davenport) in terms of his increasing acquirement of language. That is to say, Danny learns to decipher the signifiers and to make significations between the signifiers and the signifieds. Articulation and intelligence of such signifiers pave a divergent way for Danny as a survivor and an adult in the story.” In Chapter Five, “The Sleep of Reason,” I elaborate upon how the Overlook entrances Jack by means of the discourse of the Other/evil other and how Jack’s insanity can be manifested in terms of his regression from the symbolic order into the imaginary order. I will take advantage of one of the symptoms, failing in the grasp of points de captions, increasingly failing to catch the interdependent relationship between the signifier and the signified, to expound how Jack becomes paranoid and self-justified in his wrongdoing and misbehavior, such as to murder Danny and Wendy in conformity to the former caretaker’s indication. In Chapter Six, “Conclusion,” I summarize the previous points to help the readers further understand the thesis’ purpose.

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