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論塔在隋唐文化中的呈現與意涵 / The presentations and implications of pagoda in the culture of Sui and Tang dynasties

李心怡, Lee, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
東漢末年,一種名為「塔」的宗教建築物,隨著佛教的傳入而與之同時進入中國,成為崇敬禮拜的信仰中心。在佛教於中國的傳播過程中,塔的定位隨著宗教空間需求的擴大、以及中國固有王權空間觀念的影響而不斷的調適演變,逐漸的喪失了原本禮佛與信仰的中心地位,而轉變成為寺廟中缺乏實質用途的裝飾象徵性建築物。隋唐時期,先有隋文帝於仁壽年間大規模的造塔活動,使佛塔的建築與信仰普及全國,後有唐代重視休閒娛樂活動的社會風氣,並進而與科舉文化相結合,使得高聳的佛塔也同時成為得以享受登臨與題名之樂的風景名勝,具有更為世俗化的形象。 此外,多部講述造塔功德的佛經於唐代加以翻譯,使得唐代佛教徒以塔為墓風氣盛行,而民間功德塔的興造也非常興盛。在塔的概念與形象轉變方面,「以塔鎮地」概念的出現;佛塔高聳筆直、層層累疊的建築外型,也被用來指稱外觀或概念近似的建築物。最後,塔所突現出的垂直向度,也容易引申出人們各種關於崇敬、焦慮、與好奇的情緒:既是膜拜禮敬、溝通凡聖、得以消滅罪障的神聖空間,卻也是異常高聳、攀登不易的危險場所,甚至還是異人藏寶、夜叉棲居的奇特領域,而成為形象多元並具備豐富色彩的文學空間。甚至,具體而微的掌中小塔,也因為佛塔靈驗奇特的形象,而被延伸發展成為具有保護功能的隔離所。這些複雜神奇之各種異想的出現,也預示出塔在隋唐之後所即將呈現出之更為璀燦豐富的文化面貌。 / As a unique architecture of Buddhism, the Buddhist pagoda immigrated into China in the Han dynasty. Pagodas were built widespreadly as the religion center in the following centuries. However, after emerging with the traditional Chinese architecture concept, the main hall replaced the pagoda becoming the center of Buddhist temple gradually. In the Sui and Tang dynasties, various forms of the pagoda were presented because of the popular acceptance of Buddhism in the society and of the newly translated Buddhist Scriptures. In the form of tall pagodas of large temples in the capital to the small ones as memorials of eminent monks, the pagodas presented various images and were completely transformed from foreign architecture to the Chinese building. In the peace period, activities around the pagodas were recorded in documents and literatures forming a unique landscape in the Tang culture. Combination of the images of tall obvious building and holy religious space, lots of implications, other than solely Buddhist architecture, appeared in the literatures. Arising from the sensation to the architecture space and from the miraculous legends and tales, diversified and colorful imaginations have enriched the culture of Sui and Tang dynasties. Based on the literatures, historical documents, Buddhist Scriptures, architecture researches, and archaeological excavation, the details of different presentations and implications of the pagoda were demonstrated and concluded.

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