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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


賴子瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
企業在全球化趨勢影響下面對日漸劇烈的競爭,對於顧客需求快速改變必頇及時因應。同時在產品生命週期越來越短的情況下,如何有效率的生產以提昇企業績效,將成為企業是否具競爭力的重要關鍵。 企業為了因應顧客需求快速改變,企業產品品質必頇不斷跟著調整改善,才能符合顧客期望。而若高階主管能夠重視品質管理與改善,並全方位分析研究以掌握顧客需求,配合全體員工共同為品質改善而努力則會更有效率。品質改善過程需要相關零組件供應商緊密地配合,如果能夠與供應商發展長期穩定夥伴關係,互助合作對供應商交期也能有效縮短而穩定地供貨供料,共創雙贏這也將有助於提昇企業績效。 回顧相關文獻發現與供應商維持長期穩定關係將有助於穩定供貨供料,與供應商的關係從早先的互相競爭觀點,近年來已轉而成互惠互利共創雙贏、資訊利潤分享的合作關係。此外供應商的品質若能符合顧客標準對其競爭者相對來說也是一種技術門檻,公司培養的供應商又能維持良好的夥伴關係,對穩定供應商供貨將有所助益。 本研究透過資料分析認為若高階主管重視支持品質管理與改善,將能激勵員工朝著企業目標與願景共同前進,配合研究分析顧客需求並快速反應解決顧客之問題,能提高顧客滿意度。又依顧客需求投入資源協助供應商作品質管理與改善以通過或符合顧客標準,對產品品質與發展穩定供應商關係都很有幫助。而若能有長期穩定的供應商關係,對供應商供貨的穩定性也會很有助益,有穩定的供貨供料來源公司才能有效率地生產減少存貨,進而提昇企業整體績效。 / The market is increasingly competitive by the impact of globalization, and companies must respond in a timely manner to meet rapidly changing customers’ needs. In addition, product life cycles are shortened, and an efficient production becomes a key factor enabling companies remain competitive. In order to respond to the rapidly changing customers’ demand,companies must continuously improve the product quality. If the top management can focus on quality improvement, and conduct a detailed study understanding the customers’ needs with a full cooperation of employees, the company will be more efficient. Quality improvement process should closely cooperate with suppliers. If companies can develop a long-term and stable relationship with suppliers, a win-win situation will develop to improve business performance. It is found, from the literature review, that maintaining a long-term relationship with suppliers will stabilize materials supply. The relationship between companies and their suppliers has involved from competitive to mutual beneficial in recent years. In addition, it becomes a technical entry criterion, if the suppliers’ product quality meets customers’ requirements. The results of this study show that the top management involvement on quality management will encourage employees work toward company’s vision and objectives. If the supplier improve their quality certification or compliance with customers standards, its also a technical threshold relative to the competitors. Companies own specific training providers while maintaining stable partnership with the suppliers. Undoubtedly,it will also help to promote their competition.

台灣中小企業推動供應商關係管理策略與供應鏈績效關係之研究 -以防水連接器製造商H公司為例 / The relationship between the supplier relationship management strategy and supply chain performance in Taiwan’s SMEs: a case study of waterproof connector manufacturing company H

陳詩敏, Chen, Shih-Min Unknown Date (has links)
在 JIT 以及全面品質管理(TQM)等新型生產流程思維出現之際,企業更 加強調供應鏈流程的優化及順暢,開始期望能透過建立供應商選擇機制、與供 應商協同製造合作、架設供應商間之資訊交流系統、形塑供應商評估學習體 系,進而減少供應鏈中無效率的浪費源頭,以降低供應鏈營運成本,提高利 潤。在這樣的環境背景下,供應商關係管理(SRM)儼然成為重要的供應鏈管 理手段,而供應商關係管理的效益也日漸備受重視。 本研究聚焦於目前因規模小、資金少、人員缺乏、可動用資源有限,故與 供應商之關係建立相對重要的台灣中小製造業,並選擇以藍海利基市場為發展 主軸之防水連接器製造商:H 公司為研究對象,以深度訪談之方式,探討其在 需求高度客製化、原材料須即時採購,即時組裝製造的環境下,如何經營其與 各供應商、協力廠間之關係,進而達成提升供應鏈效率的目標,而這樣的關係 經營行動對其供應鏈績效表現有何影響。研究結果發現,企業針對關鍵零組件 及關鍵原料之供應商,傾向建立長期合作之策略夥伴關係,而其採取之供應商 關係管理策略相較於對一般零組件及原料之供應商,更強調專屬性資產投入、 資訊流通共享、供應鏈協同合作之關係管理。反之,企業針對非關鍵零組件及 原料之供應商,較少有具體之供應商關係管理行動。其少數之關係管理行動主 要以降低買方之採購成本為目標,故管理方式大多僅限於維持高度例行性的合 作,或以價格為基礎評估、選擇合作對象。最後,針對供應商關係管理之實際 效益部分,本研究也發現,企業與供應商建立緊密關係,對供應鏈之內外面向 績效皆有正向影響,短期來說可改善生產力,長期而言則可加強競爭優勢。

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