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壓力的神經行為機制-探討大腦前額葉皮質在單次高台壓力引發場地制約偏好現象中的角色 / The Neurobehavioral Mechanism of Stress--The Role of Prefrontal Cortex in the Single High Plate Stress Induced Conditioned Place Preference沈映伶 Unknown Date (has links)
過去有關壓力的研究指出,當對實驗動物施予單次禁錮、足部或尾部電擊或是實驗者的抓取動作等壓力源時,其大腦中的前額葉皮質、杏仁核、依核或是紋狀體等處會有隨壓力源產生的多巴胺分泌量增加現象。相對於壓力源對腦中神經化學物質的探討,壓力源對與學習制約有關的行為影響的相關研究證據迄今如缺,因此本研究企圖建立單次壓力源操弄對場地制約偏好行為的動物模式。實驗一A對大白鼠施予單次30分鐘的高台壓力源,發現確實可建立場地制約偏好行為。實驗一B操弄單次高台壓力源觀察其對實驗動物自發性活動量的影響,結果發現其對於實驗受試在大動作持續時問上具有抑制效果。實驗一C操弄單次高台壓力源後的0、30、60及120分鐘時採取實驗受試的前額葉皮質、海馬體、杏仁核、依核及紋狀體等五處組織,檢驗其多巴胺、血清張力素及代謝物的含量。結果發現除海馬體外的四個部位的多巴胺量及其代謝物分別在不同採集時間點有不等的顯著增加現象。血清張力素的變化量在各個部位不及多巴胺。實驗二及實驗三分別經由周邊或中樞前額葉皮質微量注射多巴胺D<sub>1</sub>與D<sub>2</sub>專屬受體拮抗劑,結果發現其可抑制曲單次高台壓力源操弄所建立的場地制約偏好行為。綜合上述結果,單次高台壓力源的操弄確實可引發大白鼠大腦中的多巴胺量增加藉以形成場地制約偏好行為,而此場地制約偏好行為所依賴的多巴腰量增加位置推論其是依核而非前額葉皮質。另外,多巴胺D1與D2受體對此高台壓力源引發的場地制約偏好行為所扮演的角色相當。 / When experimental animals under single stressor, such as restraint, foot, or tail-shock, or handing, an immediate and robust releasing of dopamine appears in the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, nucleus accumbens, or striatum. In contrast to these neurochemical findings, the behavioral effects under stress are rarely studied and remained uncertain. The purpose of this study was to establish an animal model of single stress-induced conditioned place preference (CPP). Experiment 1A found that the CPP can be induced by a single high-plate stressor. Experiment 1B investigated the effects of this single high plate stressor on rats' locomotion, this stressor was found to inhibit the large movement as measured by duration. Experiment 1C investigated the timing course of this stressor on dopamine, serotonin, and their metabolities in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, nucleus accumbens, and striatum. The results showed that all the areas, except hippocampus, had distinct patterns of changes on dopamine, serotonin and their metabolities at different times' after stress. Experiment 2 and 3, examined the effects ofdopamine D1 or D2 receptor antagonists, administered respectively via intraperitoneal or local infusion into the prefrontal cortex, on the CPP formed after high-plate stress. The results showed that these drug manipulations can inhibit stress-induced CPP. Taken together, these results indicated the CPP formed after high-plate stressor is developed on the immediate increase ofdopamine releases in the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex. These neurochemical alterations are more profound in the nucleus accumbens than the prefrontal cortex. However, the dopamine D<sub>1</sub> and D<sub>2</sub> receptor in the prefrontal cortex are also important for the formation of CPP after high-plate stressor.
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探討預期性對比效果之神經機制 / Investigation of the neural mechanisms of anticipatory contrast effect林緯倫, Lin, Wea Lun Unknown Date (has links)
很多行為的建構基礎是來自酬賞動機,而個體的行為表現通常是動態的歷程,其中對酬賞物的“價值”比較,是決定行為是否輸出或輸出多少的重要關鍵。在鼠類的動物行為模式中,可以利用甜液舔飲來進行這種對比(contrast)歷程的實驗。在受試可先後獲得兩次舔飲機會的實驗情境中,若兩管濃度皆為4%的蔗糖液先後間隔特定時距出現,受試會隨訓練天數增加而增加對兩管糖液的舔飲表現。若第一管4%蔗糖液之後會呈現濃度較高的32%蔗糖液,受試舔飲第一管同為濃度4%蔗糖液的表現會隨訓練天數增加而先增後減。這兩組受試對第一管糖液的舔飲量差異,即稱為預期性對比效果。一般認為此現象是受試等待與預期較高酬賞價值的糖液,而抑制當前較低酬賞價值糖液的舔飲。過去對此現象的研究主要關注在行為層面的探討,然而其相關神經機制的研究並不多,本研究的目的即在於探討與習得或形成預期性對比行為有關的神經機制。一般認為預期性對比效果的習得包含多階段的歷程,可能與多種心理行為面向有關,因此很有可能是經由多元性的神經機制參與。預期性對比效果的形成與否與兩糖液呈現的間距長短有很大的關係。本研究實驗一以0.5分鐘、2分鐘以及6分鐘三個不同的糖液間距引發的預期對比效果,從當中選取可有效形成預期性對比效果的0.5分鐘為實驗二糖液間距的依據。實驗二分別以興奮性神經毒素破壞依核核心區、眶前額皮質區以及杏仁體基側核區等三個神經區域。結果顯示杏仁核基側核區破壞不影響預期性對比效果的習得,而依核核心區以及眶前額皮質的破壞使受試無法習得預期性對比效果。綜合以上結果,預期性對比效果的習得是依靠有效的糖液呈現間距去進行酬賞比較,腦中依核核心區及眶前額皮質區與該種對比有關。 / Many types of behavior are constructed on the basis of reward motivation, which can be run in dynamic processes. Among those processes potentially involved, the reward comparison is a key determinant for the magnitude of behavioral output. The licking of sweet solution in the rat can be used as an animal model to investigate the contrast effect derived from reward comparison. In which, the subjects presented two sweet solutions in a sequential order each day may suppress intake of the first solution if the second solution is preferred. This phenomenon is termed anticipatory contrast effect (ACE). It is hypothesized that ACE could be built via an inhibition process associated with subject’s waiting for a preferred solution as presented by a less preferred solution. Most of the previous studies were mainly focused on the behavioral aspects of ACE. The present study intended to investigate the neural mechanisms of ACE. In considering that the formation of ACE requires multiple-stage processes, this study presumed that more than one brain area could be involved in mediating those psycho-behavioral processes. Experiment 1 was intended to establish behavioral model by manipulating the effectiveness of different inter-solution interval (ISI; 0.5, 2.0, and 6.0 min). The results showed that the ISI of 0.5 min is the critical parameters for the successful formation of ACE, which was then applied in Experiment 2. Experiment 2 investigated the effects of excitotoxin lesion conducted by ibotenic acid in the nucleus accumbens core (NACc), orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) or basolateral amygdala (BLA) on the acquisition of ACE. The result showed the rats with NACc or OFC lesion significantly failed to acquire ACE, but no such impairment appeared to BLA lesion. Together, these data suggest that the formation of ACE is depended upon the ISI leading to an effective reward comparison, and the NACc or OFC is involved in such a contrast processing.
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探討心理興奮性藥物之環境相依行為致敏化之神經行為機制 / Investigation of the neurobehavioral mechanisms underlying context-dependent behavioral sensitization to psychostimulants林懷瑠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以心理興奮性藥物(psychosimulants)引發之行為致敏化作為探討環境與藥物的配對學習如何影響個體長期使用藥物後對藥物的反應。首先於實驗一建立安非他命引發自發活動致敏化基本模式,以及不同的重複注射情境下致敏化的表現,結果顯示經由本實驗操弄注射情境的程序可有效引發在測試箱、飼養籠,和第三處的安非他命致敏化表現,並且致敏化自發活動表現量在測試箱組顯著高於飼養籠組和第三處組。實驗二對致敏化形成歷程中可能與安非他命配對的刺激進行消除,以釐清致敏化形成歷程中連結學習的要素,結果顯示消除程序沒有降低致敏化活動量的效果。實驗三使用中樞注射麩胺酸受體拮抗劑NBQX於依核以影響致敏化的連結學習歷程,結果顯示該操弄可阻斷在飼養籠重複注射安非他命引發的行為致敏化。測試箱組經過該操弄後其致敏化活動量顯著降低但仍有顯著的致敏化活動量表現。實驗四分別破壞前額葉皮質兩處次級區塊以瞭解其在致敏化連結學習歷程中扮演的角色,結果顯示破壞背側前額葉皮質只阻斷在飼養籠注射安非他命所引起的行為致敏化,破壞腹側前額葉皮質只阻斷測試箱組行為致敏化。綜合上述研究結果顯示安非他命引發致敏化的形成深受藥物配對的環境影響而可區分環境相依與環境獨立之行為致敏化,環境相依行為致敏化的行為機制可由場合建立的觀點加以解釋。在依核內之麩胺酸傳導和前額葉皮質次級區塊之功能在兩種行為致敏化上的差異可以反應環境相依和環境獨立行為致敏化的潛在神經機制可能有所不同。 / The present study investigated the neurobehavioral mechanisms of d-amphetamine (AMP) induced behavioral sensitization, with the aim to elucidate the role of associative learning between the context and drug. Experiment 1 compared the sensitization effects of repeated (AMP) conducted in three different contexts by the measurement of locomotion activity. The results showed that behavioral sensitization of locomotion was significantly induced AMP repeatedly injected in each of the contexts. However, the magnitudes of behavioral sensitization were different among those three conditions. The highest degree of sensitized locomotion was observed in the group with repeated AMP conducted in the test box in comparing to the other two groups with drug administration in the home cage and a third place, Experiment 2 was designed to examine the effects of extinction on the injection procedure and the contextual cue on the behavioral sensitization of AMP induced in the test box, the home cage, and a third place. The resu lts clearly indicate all three types of locomotion sensitization were resistant to the manipulation of extinction. Experiment 3 tested the effects of NBQX, a glutamatergic AMPA receptor antagonist, infused into the nucleus accumbens on the establishment of behavioral sensitization of AMP induced in the test box and the home cage. This intra-accumbens NBQX treatment significantly suppressed the formation of behavioral sensitization of AMP induced in the home cage, but not in the test box. Experiment 4 investigated the lesion effects of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) on the establishment of behavioral sensitization of AMP induced in the test box and the home cage. Two subareas of the mPFC, dorsal and ventral parts, were lesioned by ibotenic acid. The findings indicated a double dissociation existing in the mPFC subareas for the behavioral sensitization of AMP induced in different contexts. The lesion of ventral mPFC inhibited the formation of behavioral sensitization of AMP induced in the test box, whereas the lesion of dorsal mPFC attenuated the AMP sensitization induced at the home cage. Together, these data suggest that the association of the repeated drug effects pairing to the context is critical for the development of behavioral sensitization. Such sensitization can further be differentiated into the context-depentdent and context-independent forms based on the uniqueness of contextual cue in the environment where drug is administered. Different neural substrates are involved in the establishment of behavioral sensitization of AMP.
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大腦度巴胺系統在大鼠操作式制約行為中所扮演的角色:以時間為主 / The Role of Brain Dopamine Systems on Operant Conditioned Behavior in the Rat: From Temporal Perspective鄭瑞光 Unknown Date (has links)
周邊注射安非它命能夠影響動物受試在表現與時間知覺有關的操作式制約行為作業,歷來被研究者認為是大腦多巴胺神經系統與動物時間知覺系統有關的主要證據之一。本研究所共同採用的研究方法為先注射多巴胺受體專屬拮抗劑再於大鼠受試周邊腹腔注射安非它命的方式探討安非它命影響大鼠時間知覺的大腦機制為何。實驗一利用區辨性增強低頻反應作業觀察周邊注射多巴胺受體專屬拮抗劑何者可以反制周邊安非它命對此作業的影響效果,結果發現多巴胺D1受體拮抗劑SCH23390與D2受體拮抗劑raclopride均可反制周邊安非它命的效果。實驗二同樣利用區辨性增強低頻反應作業,但是將SCH23390與raclopride分別注入海馬迴、背側中區紋狀體、腹側側邊紋狀體、依核、內側前額葉皮質以及腹側頂蓋區等六個部位,觀察何種多巴胺受體拮抗劑可在那些大腦部位產生反制周邊安非它命的效果。結果發現SCH23390可在海馬迴、依核、內側前額葉皮質以及腹側頂蓋區等四個部位產生反制周邊安非它命的效果,而raclopride可在腹側側邊紋狀體與內側前額葉皮質兩個部位產生同樣的反制效果。實驗三利用高峰時距作業觀察SCH23390在海馬迴與內側前額葉皮質是否能反制周邊安非它命對此作業的影響效果,結果發現SCH23390僅在海馬迴會影響大鼠受試的正常表現,特別是在與周邊安非它命同時注射的時候。綜合以上結果顯示,周邊注射安非它命能夠使大鼠受試在區辨性增強低頻反應作業當中表現出時間知覺變快的傾向,這個效果需要同時透過大腦內的海馬迴、依核、內側前額葉皮質以及腹側頂蓋區的多巴胺D1類受體和腹側側邊紋狀體與內側前額葉皮質的多巴胺D2類受體。 / The central dopaminergic system has been hypothesized to play a role in time perception based on the results that peripheral injections of d-amphetamine alter the responses in time-related operant conditioned behavioral tasks. The present study investigated the effect by injecting specific dopamine receptor antagonists before peripheral d-amphetamine injections in rats. Data from Experiment I showed that both peripheral the dopamine receptor D1 antagonist SCH23390 and D2 antagonist raclopride could attenuate the response alteration on differential reinforcement of low-rates responding task induced by peripheral d-amphetamine. By using the DRL task, Experiment 2 employed the microjeciton technique to determine the neural substrates for the DA receptor antagonist to attenuate the effect of peripheral d-amphetamine. The infusion sites for DA receptor antagonist were the hippocampus, the dorsomedial striatum, the ventrolateral striatum, the nucleus accumbens, the medial prefrontal cortex, and the ventral tegme ntal area. The results showed that SCH23390 infused into the hippocampus, the nucleus accumbens, the medial prefrontal cortex, the ventral tegmental area could attenuate the effect induced by peripheral d-amphetamine, and such attenuation effects were also observed for raclopride infused into the ventrolateral striatum, the medial prefrontal cortex. Experiment 3 tried to confirm the results of Experiment 2 by microinjecting SCH23390 in hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex under peak-interval task. Only SCH23390 in the hippocampus altered the subject's normal performance in this task especially when combined with peripheral injection of d-amphetamine. In conclusion, that the response alteration on the DRL task induced by peripheral injection ofd-amphetamine suggests the subject's timing perception being accelerated. These effects of d-amphetamine were mediated by simultaneous activation of multiple dopamine receptor subtypes including D1 receptors located in the hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, medial pref rontal cortex, ventral tegmental area, as well as D2 receptors located in the ventrolateral striatum, medial prefrontal cortex.
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