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課程統整之理論性研究及其對九年一貫社會領域課程綱要(草案)之啟示 / A Theoretical Research of Curriculum Integration and The Analysis of The 1-9 Social Studies Curriculum Programs from The Perspective of Curriculum Integration

陳新轉, Chen, Shin-tsuang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以國民中小學課程統整為範圍,旨在探討「課程統整」概念之涵義、理論基礎、課程統整的理由、統整模式、實施原則,以及與課程統整相屬的觀念,並根據理論探討的結果,評析「九年一貫社會領域課程綱要草案」。經過文獻分析及概念分析,最後得到的發現如下: 第一,課程統整的涵義。從歷史的角度探討課程統整的演變,本文發現近代課程統整概念源於十九世紀之「學問的統整」、「社會的統整」、「學習者(人格)的統整」及「學習的統整」的思想。到了進步主義教育思想盛行的時代,課程統整已經發展成為統合學習者、知識及社會三者的課程理論,其形式與內涵都相當完備,二次大戰後迄今,由於課程科學化、概念重建、人本主義以及後現代思潮的影響,課程統整的內涵從知識的統整逐漸擴展為統整知識、學習者(自我意義、認知結構、社會文化、生活經驗)、社會(社會所期望之價值、能力與公民素質)的課程設計方法或理論。 第二,課程統整與「科際整合」的概念有關,但不宜視之為「一而二,二而一」的關係。 第三,教育人員對課程統整的認識,除了「找出課程組織核心」、「打破學科界限」、「組織有意義、統整的學習內容」之外,更要有課程統整乃促成知識與學習者之自我意義、認知結構、生活經驗及社會文化相聯結的思考,因為課程統整最後乃是統整在學習者身上。 第四、了解課程統整的涵義之後,必須掌握課程統整的特性及正確觀念,才能架接從「認識」到「實踐」的一致性。 第五、當代課程統整的理論依據,從課程統整概念的演進過程來看,至少包括杜威教育哲學、認知學習理論、建構論、人本主義心理學、腦相容學習理論、多元智力理論及後現代課程思潮。 第六,從課程改革的立場而論,實施課程統整需要「好理由」,但是從「功能」層面出發,往往遭到反對者質疑沒有充分的證據、並不比傳統分科課程優越、或者與課程無關而是教師專業能力的問題。因此論課程統整的理由應從「學理」與「理想」層面著手,找出當今教育上必須努力或值得努力,而課程統整在實踐上要比分科課程具「優越性」的目標,做為實施課程統整的理由,本文將這些理由分成教育方面、學習方面、社會統整及適應社會變遷方面、反應時代特性方面等四個範疇。 第七,課程統整設計必須能帶給學生獲得以主題為核心的完整的學習,以及提高思考層次,從這種標準而論,有些統整型課程其實只是分科課程的變形,但並不表示統整性越高越有價值,這必須視課程主題及學習目標而定,因此設計統整型課程必同時考慮課程主題的性質與統整模式的功能,本研究探討主題之選擇與課程組織原則,並結合主題的學術性強弱及學科界限之濃淡這兩個向度,將統整型課程的設計模式分成:概念性多科並列統整、概念性學科互動統整、主題性多科並列統整、主題性學科互動統整、主題性超學科統整等五種類型,各舉實例說明。 第八,推行課程統整應遵循某些必要的原則,也需要配合措施。原則方面本研究指出主題處理的原則、課程組織原則;配合措施則從建立全校性課程藍圖;「教」、「學」與「評量」的一致性措施;統整的校園文化;充分的行政支援;以及與課程統整相屬的觀念等方面討論之。 第九,關於「九年一貫社會領域課程綱要(草案)」之評析,本研究根據研究結果,採取「支持統整而求其完美」的立場,針對課程綱要與「課程統整」有關的陳述加以評析。發現其統整取向是正確的,但仍有若干待補強的地方: (一)缺少對於「追求統整」從「認知」到「實踐」所需的觀念、原則與要件之陳述。 (二)缺少社會領域課程非統整不可的基本理由。 (三)社會領域目標仍有進一步統整的可能。 (四)九大主題軸僅顧及社會領域知識統整,導致經過轉化的「分段能力指標」過於向知識學習,因而出現能力指標在各學習階段分配不均,甚至從缺的現象。 (五)「實施要點」內容不敷所需,也需要調整其定位。 最後本研究依據前述之發現,針對「如何實踐課程統整」、「九年一貫社會領域課程綱要(草案)」之修訂,以及後續研究三方面提出建議。 / The purposes of this study are: (1) to explore the meanings, theoretical foundations, rationales, models, principles, character and relevant ideas of curriculum integration; and (2) to analyze what the “1-9 Social Study Curriculum Program “involves in curriculum integration. Through the methods of literature review and concept analysis , the researcher has had the following main findings : 1. Tracing the changing of the concept of curriculum integration(CI), we know the original thinkings of CI were discipline-integration, society-integration, personal-integration and learning integration in the nineteen century. During the progressivism era, curriculum integration had fully developed both in pattern and content. After World War II, the concept of CI affected by Curriculum-Scientific movement, Reconceptualists movement, Humanistic Psychology and Post-modern Curriculum Thinking, the concept of CI has grown into a curriculum design theory and method which bring knowledge, society and learner(cognitive schema, social-culture, self-signification )together. 2. It is not true to think “interdisciplinary” is equal to “curriculum integration”. 3. If teachers want to know CI completely, they will recognize the CI not only to find out “core”, to break the discipline barriers, and to organize whole experience, etc. but also to facilitate the integrated knowledge, society and the learner. 4. According to CI concept evolution, the theory foundations of CI included John Dewey educational thinking, Cognitive Learning Theory, Constructivism Humanistic Psychology, Brain-Compatible Learning Theory, Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory and Post-modern curriculum thinking at least. 5. The rationales for CI to be practiced , including four major aspects: the reasons of education, the reasons of learning, the reasons of social integration and social changing, as well as the reasons of time-changing necessity. 6. Although most of experts believe that there is a continuum along which progressively more and more connections are made, but the growth toward a more progressive state may not be better; it may be just complexities. So, design an integrated curriculum must consider both curriculum theme and model. In this study, provided five curriculum integration models: conceptual multidisciplinary approach, conceptual interdisciplinary approach, thematic multidisciplinary approach, thematic multidisciplinary approach, and thematic transdisciplinary approach. 7. To carry out curriculum integration idea ,we need to hold some disciplines and create supportive conditions which are to build curriculum mapping, to make teaching, learning and assessment in alignment, to grow up an integrative culture in a school and integrative idea in staff development. 8. The “1-9 Social Studies curriculum Program” is a progressive curriculum plan , but something with curriculum integration have to supply: (1) to add some explanation to practice. (2) to add some rationale to implement. (3) to integrate the social curriculum objects more. (4) to expand the curriculum theme content to include both knowledge and abilities elements which have to be learned for the students in compulsory education level. (5) to adjust and supply some “ implement guidelines ”. At last, this study draws some suggestions about how the curriculum integration idea to be practiced, the curriculum program to be adjusted and what the next study step is in the future.

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