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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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游家瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
我國的人壽保險市場,隨著國際化及自由化趨勢,在主管機關開放國人與外商可在台灣設立公司經營壽險業務之下,已進入了群雄爭霸的狀態。但隨者經濟環境的變遷,微利時代的來臨,導致壽險公司的經營成本大增,經營的方式也發生劇變,近年來卻興起一股併購的風潮;因此,未來台灣的壽險市場,將更重視組織發展及人力資源的最有效運用,以求在激烈的競爭中立於不敗之地。 在政府擴大適用勞基法,將各行業均納入勞基法的規範,其本意是希望能維持和諧的勞資關係,藉以保障弱勢的勞工。民國八十七年四月一日將「保險業」正式納入實施範圍後,在壽險界引起軒然大波,並產生莫大的衝擊,甚至發生外勤職員的街頭抗爭活動。因此,本研究將對勞基法實施的目的與意義作詳盡的分析,期能從勞基法的規範中,尋求壽險公司與外勤職員對壽險業納入勞基法後的因應對策。 壽險公司對外勤職員的「退休規劃」非常重視,若不預先作準備則將措手不及;而退休規劃需要靠「時間與複利」的累積,以彰顯其成果。因此要有外勤職員認同的退休制度,及能符合需要的激勵方式,才能充分發揮人力資源的功效,並為公司創造輝煌的經營成果。 本研究主要探討勞工退休金制度的發展及勞動基準法制定的背景,分析我國勞基法實施的適當性;並以兩個案公司—「南山人壽與ING安泰人壽」為代表,將公司的沿革、經營理念、組織結構與外勤職員的工作特性、薪資及退休制度等作為研究架構,對「外勤職員的退休制度」作相關的實證分析,評估勞基法適用壽險公司外勤職員之衝擊程度及後續影響,作成結論並提出建議供相關單位參考。 關鍵字:外勤職員、退休制度、勞基法、南山人壽、ING安泰人壽 / Following the trend of internationalization and deregulation, many new life insurance companies were set up in Taiwan under such circumstances. As a result, competition intension was driven all around the market. In view of the changes of economic conditions and profitability, which are increasing the operation cost, life insurance industry move towards the industry realignment as well as arising mergers and acquisitions. More than ever, life insurance industry shall enhance not only the development of organization but also the efficiency of the use of human resources in the future to retain the business profit as the competition intensifies. In consideration of the labor relationship and benefit, the Labor Standards Law in Taiwan was announced by the government. Insurance industry has also been applied since April 1st , 1998 but made a serious impact in life insurance industry even caused the demonstration of outdoor employee. This paper is trying to analyze the problems of current implementation for Labor Standards Law and hope to purpose the solution regarding the application of outdoor staff for life insurance companies. Life insurance companies should specifically focus on the retirement plan for outdoor employee in advance. The benefit of retirement plan is based on the accumulation of time period and compound interest . Therefore, the retirement scheme should encourage outdoor employee to meet with requirement of incentive system and to receive more efficiency in using human resources as well as to optimize their creation of successful performance. The purpose of this paper is to review the development of labor pension scheme and to analyze the appropriateness for the implementation of Labor Standards Law. This paper uses two real cases as sample: Nan Shan Life and ING Antai Life on the basis of their history, operating concept, organization and the specialty of outdoor employee to study for the retirement scheme of outdoor employee in life insurance industry. This paper also evaluates the impact and influence for the application of outdoor employee under Labor Standards Law for life insurance companies to provide conclusions and recommendations for reference in this aspect. Keywords : outdoor employee, retirement scheme, labor standards law, Nan Shan life insurance, ING Antai life insurance


陳怡婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究藉由探討工作保障機制的內涵,包括:「1.社會福利民營化之相關政策與法令的規範;2.社福機構之勞動條件的制定;3.社工員之社會工作專業的形成;4.社福機構的經營管理」等四項機制;以身心障礙公設民營福利機構為研究範圍。經由文獻整理法、訪談法、參與觀察法、個案研究等方法,來達成本研究之研究目的:1.探究社會工作員工作保障機制之內涵。2.檢視社會工作員工作保障機制之實績。本研究訪談社工專家、社政單位相關人員、社福機構之主管及社工員,並且選擇北市五個社福機構,作為個案研究對象。 在「社會福利民營化之相關政策與法令」方面:公設民營機構在契約時間內,由於政府補助,使機構得以穩定發展並擴大其經營規模,如此有助於社工員之工作安定性,並可能提昇其勞動條件。其次,社會福利相關法及契約內容規定機構須運用社工員來從事福利服務,將可能有助於提昇機構任用社工員的意願。另外,社會福利民營化政策是否繼續推展,將視政府福利政策走向及其財源多寡,因此政策走向將影響契約的存廢,及契約具有期限的限制,續約與否將影響服務對象之權益及機構員工之工作穩定性。 在「社福機構之勞動條件的制定」方面:由於社福機構具有非營利之特質,財務較穩定者,以大型機構居多,其將提供較佳之勞動條件;此外,某些機構的主事者認為在機構工作應持服務、奉獻之心態,不能要求機構應給付較好之勞動條件;所以機構給付較好之勞動條件,須視機構的能力及意願。 在「社工員之社會工作專業的形成」方面:社工師法賦於社工師的合法性以及透過社會福利相關法令強制規定任用社工員,可確保社工員之專業性及增加社工員之就業機會,但實際上社福機構尚未完全認同社工員之專業性,因此機構雖任用社工員,但社工員還可能需要兼任行政人員,若行政業務過多將影響專業服務。 在「社福機構的經營管理」方面:社福機構之人力運用,以專業人員來服務案主,並以志工來補充人力之不足。適用勞基法時將造成勞動成本增加,機構可能減少僱用專職員工。然而,機構藉公設民營取得政府補助,來改善機構之勞動條件及增加專業人員之聘用,以健全機構之經營管理並提昇機構之專業性,並有助於保障員工之工作權益。 本研究以工作權之意義來形成工作保障之意涵;透過四項工作保障機制之運作來看台灣社福機構社工員之工作保障實績,在此四項機制中,社福相關政策與法令以及勞基法,的確有可能提升社工員之勞動條件和福利;但社工專業之形成尚未成熟及機構管理之中介變數複雜,尚有待未來之觀察,才有定論。所以,社工員確實能獲得較佳之勞動條件和福利制度以及增加就業機會等工作保障;但工作穩定性則受政策走向與契約延續之影響。 本研究提出幾點建議,包括:社工員之專業性方面、社福機構方面、政府方面以及對未來研究的建議等。

勞動基準法第八十四條之一適用要件之探討─以航空業為例 / A study of requirements for article 84-1 of the labor standards law- An example of the aviation

王世明, Wang, Shi Ming Unknown Date (has links)
航空業空勤組員適用勞基法第八十四條之一過去至今爭議不斷,而2016年華航空服員罷工行動的七大訴求中空勤組員回歸勞基法的議題再次被提出討論,時至今日這項訴求尚未獲得航空公司與政府的正面回應,抗爭凸顯台灣空勤組員可能存在工作時間過長且休息不足的問題。因此本研究首先探討國際勞動公約、台灣與日本的工時適用例外法理,而後透過深度訪談了解空勤組員的工時狀況與勞基法第八十四條之一的實施現況而提出立法政策的建議,最後,再參考日本的航空公司的營運經驗,分析本文所提出的立法政策是否具有可行性。 本文經由工作時間法理的探討,認為我國的空勤組員並不完全符合工時適用例外法理的要件,簡言之,不該將全數組員納入勞基法第八十四條之一的適用對象,既使政府基於企業的需求,允許單一航段工作時間超過十二小時的越洋航線可以適用勞基法第八十四條之一,那對於適用對象與執行的勤務應有明確的限制,只有經營國內線與區域航線的公司既該排除於適用對象之外,而非將所有空勤組員納入勞基法第八十四條之一,此外,必須嚴格落實同法第二項的但書規定,不得讓勞資雙方訂定有損勞工健康與福祉的勞動條件,或者透過立法進一步要求雇主應主動提供維護健康的措施,以確保勞工在長工時的情況下,仍然可以維持健全的身心狀態。 關於立法政策建議的可行性,從日本的經驗可得而知,既使空勤組員回歸勞基法,飛航勤務仍然可以順利運作,且有機會減少因將所有組員納入勞基法第八十四條之一而徒增的人事成本,對於公司而言可以獲得較佳的勞務成效進而提升飛航安全,同時又可以消除空勤組員過勞所產生的壓力與改善勞資關係。 / There is a huge controversy over the flight crew applying to Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Law. In the seven demands of China Airlines flight attendant strike in 2016, the issue of flight crew applied to Labor Standards Law was again discussed. Now this appeal has not yet received a positive response from the airlines and the government. The protests highlight that Taiwan's flight crew may have problems with long working hours and lack of rest. Therefore, the first part of this study is to understand the working hours of flight crew and implementation status of Article 84-1 of Labor Standards Law. According to the International Labor Convention, Taiwan and Japan's theories of working hours, then propose legislative policy. Finally, reference to the Japanese airline's operating experience, whether the legislative policy proposed in this article is feasible. According to theories of working hours, think the flight crew do not meet the requirements of Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Law. It should not be included in the application of Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Law. Even if the government is based on the needs of the business, let a single section of the working hours of more than 12 hours of cross-ocean routes applying to Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Law. There should be a clear limitation on the applicable object and the service to be performed. Exclude companies that operate only domestic and regional routes. In addition, the provisions of Article 84-1.(2) of the Labor Standards Law must be strictly implemented. It is forbidden for employers and employees to set conditions for working that impair the health and well-being of workers. Or through legislation further require employers should take the initiative to provide health maintenance measures. To ensure that workers can still maintain a healthy physical and psychological condition when they are long working hours. On feasibility of legislative proposals, even if flight crew apply the Labor Standards Law, flight service can still operate smoothly, it is known from Japan's experience. And have the opportunity to reduce personnel costs, because all of the flight crew applying to Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Law. For the company can get better service performance and thus enhance flight safety. At the same time, it can eliminate the pressure caused by overwork of flight crew and improve the labor-capital relations.

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