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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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透過畫圖教單字:一個個案研究 / Teaching Vocabulary through Drawing: A Case Study

黃惠真, Huang,Hui-chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討字彙教學透過畫圖是否對字彙學習記憶方面有顯著效益。本實驗對象為八十九位桃園縣立平鎮高中高一兩班的新生,該兩班受試者經過全民英檢初級測試後證實幾乎具有相同英文能力,因此將其中一班視為實驗組,另一班則為控制組。兩組受試者接受三課的字彙教學以及一課單字自學。實驗組接受傳統字彙教學法,且須依照字彙的意義或字彙所形成之句子的意義來畫出一個圖。而控制組則只接受傳統字彙教學法。接受字彙教學後,兩組分別進行四次立即字彙測驗,四次延宕字彙測驗,以及第一次段考中的字彙測驗。最後,九位實驗組的受試者並接受訪談,從訪談中,調查他們對於此次實驗教學的滿意度。所有實驗階段所得的資料再由研究者進行質與量的分析。 研究發現,實驗組在所有的字彙測驗中都比控制組表現的好。此外,兩組之間大部分字彙測驗的結果均達顯著的差異。大部分受試者亦表示畫圖對於學習字彙的確有幫助。這些結果證實學習者透過畫圖可以幫助自己將字彙記得更深刻且更久,學習者可盡量利用畫圖記憶更多的字彙來增強英文能力。因此,本研究建議英文老師可在課堂上對學生介紹如何運用畫圖來改善字彙的學習與記憶。 / The purpose of the study was to explore the effectiveness of drawing on vocabulary learning. In addition, the students’ responses to the study were also discussed. Eighty-nine Taiwan students were selected from Ping-jeng senior high school in Taoyuan County. The subjects were further divided into two groups—the experimental group and the control group—of almost the same English proficiency level. The experimental group received the traditional vocabulary instruction plus drawing according to the meaning of the words or the sentences the words occur in, while the control group received the traditional vocabulary instruction only. Four immediate word quizzes, four delayed word quizzes, and the vocabulary section in the first periodical exam served as post tests. Finally, the instructor interviewed nine students from the experimental group to examine their responses to the study. The data collected in the experimental period were analyzed through both qualitative and quantitative methods. The results show that the experimental group performed better than the control group on all the post tests. Moreover, most students interviewed took positive attitude toward the study. In other words, the results provide empirical evidence that drawing indeed has positive effects on vocabulary learning. Students can utilize drawing to memorize as much vocabulary as possible to strengthen their English proficiency. Thus, English teachers are encouraged to introduce drawing to students in class in order to facilitate the learners’ vocabulary learning.

台灣國中學生英語字彙學習策略偏好個案研究 / A case study on english learner’s preferences lies in vocabulary learning strategies used by some junior high school students in Taiwan

簡鈺珊, Chien, Yu Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究基於字彙學習以及字彙學習策略的重要性,探討台灣國中學生使用字彙學習策略的情形。且加入其在字彙學習程度高低的因素,來探討台灣國中學生使用策略之情形。本研究問題有二:第一,台灣國中學生最常使用的字彙學習策略有哪些?最不常使用的字彙學習策略有哪些?第二,台灣國中學生字彙學習程度與字彙學習策略之間是否有關聯性?如果有,其關聯性又為何?本研究依據Oxford(1990)的語言學習策略分類標準,測驗某台北市立國中二年級的學生使用字彙學習策略的情形,同時也比較字彙學習程度不同的學生使用這些策略的頻率高低。結果顯示如下:(1)台灣國中學生最常使用的字彙學習策略為認知策略,最少使用的字彙學習策略為情意策略。(2)程度高的學生使用字彙學習策略的頻率高於程度低的學生。此研究結果可為英語教師和學習者在字彙教與學方面提供一些參考,讓英語字彙的教學變得更加有效率。 / The study investigates the usage of English vocabulary learning strategies by some junior high school students in Taiwan. The factor of the levels of the students is included. There are two research questions: (1) what are the most commonly used English vocabulary learning strategies among junior high school students in Taiwan? (2) whether the levels of the students are related to the types of vocabulary learning strategies they use? If the answer is “yes”, what relationship it is? The study is based on the language learning strategies in Oxford(1990). The subjects are some second graders in a junior high school in Taipei. In the study, the researcher compares the usage of English vocabulary learning strategies among students at different vocabulary levels. The result shows that the most commonly used vocabulary strategy among the students is cognitive strategy, and the least commonly used one is affective strategy. Furthermore, the result also shows that higher level students use vocabulary learning strategies more often than lower level students. The researcher hopes that this study could give the English learners some suggestions to make vocabulary learning more effective.

字彙圖教學對台灣國中生單字學習之成效 / The effects of instruction using graphic organizers on vocabulary learning of junior high school students in Taiwan

黃瀞瑤, Huang, Ching Yao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討字彙圖教學對台灣國中生英文單字學習之成效,以及此教學方式對學生英文單字學習態度的影響。研究對象為六十三位來自中台灣某國中兩班三年級的學生,隨機指派一班為實驗組,而另一班為對照組。實驗組實施字彙圖教學,對照組實施傳統單字教學,每週上課一次,為期八週。兩組均在教學前後接受字彙測驗並施以單字學習態度問卷,實驗組另以問卷詢問對字彙圖教學的看法。研究結果顯示字彙圖教學比傳統單字教學更能顯著提升學生的單字學習,實驗組在字形、字義及用法上的表現均顯著優於對照組。雖然兩組在教學後對單字學習的態度仍未有顯著差異,實驗組在認知方面的學習態度卻在教學後有顯著改變,此外,實驗組普遍認為字彙圖教學有助於記憶新單字,而且表達出繼續使用的意願。本研究結果建議可採用字彙圖做為幫助國中生學習英文單字的教學工具。 / The present study employed an experimental/control group, pretest-posttest design to investigate the effects of vocabulary instruction using graphic organizers on Taiwanese junior high school students’ vocabulary learning. The subjects were 63 ninth graders from two classes in a public junior high school in central Taiwan. One was randomly assigned as the experimental group (N=32), and the other as the control group (N=31). The experimental group received graphic organizer instruction, while the control group received traditional vocabulary instruction once a week. Vocabulary pre-and post-tests and a vocabulary learning attitude questionnaire were administered before and after the 8-week treatment to examine students’ knowledge of the target words and their attitudes toward vocabulary learning. In addition, their perceptions of the graphic organizer instruction were also explored. The results revealed that graphic organizer instruction could significantly improve students’ vocabulary learning more than traditional vocabulary instruction, and it was effective in improving learners’ knowledge of word form, meaning, and use. Although students in the experimental group did not develop significantly more positive attitudes toward vocabulary learning than their counterparts in the control group, they significantly changed their cognitive attitudes after the treatment. Besides, they generally perceived that graphic organizer instruction could effectively help them remember English words and they were willing to use the word map in their future learning. The findings of this study suggest that the graphic organizer can be used as an alternative instructional tool to facilitate junior high school students’ vocabulary learning.

閱讀後的互動式任務對台灣國中生字彙學習之成效 / The effects of post-reading interactive tasks on Taiwanese EFL Junior high school students' vocabulary learning

許巧筠, Hsu, Chiao Yun Unknown Date (has links)
第二語言學習的研究者指出,有效的單字加強練習活動可以增強學生的單字學習,然而過去相關研究的練習題形式偏重於個人學習,較缺乏同儕之間的互動學習。因此,本研究採用準實驗量化研究法,藉此探討比較閱讀後的單字互動式任務(interactive tasks)及傳統的單字練習題(vocabulary exercises)對國中生英語字彙習得(vocabulary learning)與單字學習態度(vocabulary learning attitudes)的影響。 本實驗的研究對象為桃園縣某公立國中的兩班八年級六十三位學生,所有受試者依其原本的班級被隨機指定為互動式任務組和傳統單字練習題組,兩組同學於每堂課都接受相同的閱讀文章和閱讀理解問題,並在閱讀之後進行不同的單字加強練習活動,每堂課合計為45分鐘,歷時六堂,一共練習25個單字。實驗前後,兩組受試者分別進行單字測驗及單字學習態度前後測,以瞭解學生的主要單字(target words)學習情形和學習態度轉變。資料分析採用SPSS 18.0版本,包含描述性統計、獨立樣本和成對樣本t檢定、及共變數分析。 研究結果顯示: (1)在單字學習成效方面,接受互動式任務的學生明顯優於接受傳統單字練習題的學生;(2)在辨識字彙的能力(receptive vocabulary knowledge)和應用字彙的能力(productive vocabulary knowledge)方面,互動式任務明顯地有助於提升受試者在以上下文為主的試題(選擇題和文意字彙)表現,但在無上下文的試題(中翻英和拼字)方面,兩組並無顯著差異;(3) 就受試者單字學習知識(vocabulary knowledge)質的改變而言,互動式任務組亦優於傳統單字練習題組;(4) 對於受試者的單字學習態度,兩組在認知、情意、行為及單字練習加強活動皆有某些方面的改變。 最後,本研究認為英語教師可以多設計以單字為主的互動式任務來增進學生的學習,並提出建議供未來研究為參考。 / Research into second language learning has pointed out that effective word- focused activities can facilitate students’ vocabulary learning. Yet, previous studies have been mainly focused on individual learning and on lack of interaction between peers. Therefore, the study adopted a quasi-experimental research design to compare the effects of specialized post-reading interactive vocabulary tasks and traditional vocabulary exercises on junior high school students’ vocabulary acquisition. Changes in learners’ attitudes to vocabulary learning were also investigated. Participants were 63 students from two eighth-grade classes in a junior high school in Taoyuan, Taiwan. The two classes were randomly assigned to the IT (interactive tasks) group and the VE (vocabulary exercises) group. Both groups received the same reading texts and reading comprehension questions, but they completed different vocabulary enhancing activities. Each class session was 45 minutes, and there were six class sessions, with a total of 25 target words for practice. To assess learners’ vocabulary knowledge of the target words, the two groups took pre- and post-vocabulary tests and a vocabulary learning attitude questionnaire before and after the experiment, to see if there were any attitude changes among learners throughout the study. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS 18.0, including descriptive statistics, Independent Samples t-test and Paired Samples t-test, and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results are summarized as follows. First, in terms of vocabulary growth, students completing interactive tasks significantly outperformed those who received vocabulary exercises. Second, concerning receptive and productive word knowledge, interactive tasks were helpful in elevating learners’ performance on contextualized assessments like multiple-choice questions and filling-in blanks. However, in decontextualized assessments like L1 translation and spelling, there was no significant difference between the groups. Third, interactive tasks led to better performance on learners’ qualitative changes in vocabulary knowledge than did vocabulary exercises. Finally, for participants’ vocabulary learning attitudes, both groups had some changes in their cognitive, affective, and behavioral learning, and in perceptions of word-focused activities. In conclusion, the researcher suggests that English teachers design and apply more word-focused interactive tasks to enhance students’ vocabulary acquisition, and provides suggestions for future research.

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