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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


潘金葉 Unknown Date (has links)
派出所所長為警察組織的基層主管,是警察體系中極具關鍵性且富有影響力的角色,其領導行為直接影響員警的工作效能及警察政令執行之良窳。 本研究主要目的有三:(一)探討所長領導風格對員警工作投入之影響。(二)基層員警個人特徵因素對所長領導風格是否有影響。(三)基層員警個人特徵因素是否會影響其對工作之投入。 本研究採用之研究方法為「問卷調查法」及「深度訪談法」。在量化研究方面,以臺北市政府警察局93個派出所所長與派出所三分之一之基層員警進行問卷抽樣調查,計發放812份問卷,回收有效問卷800份,資料回收後透過次數分配、因素分析、信度分析及t檢定等方法進行資料分析。在質性研究方面,以工作繁重、工作較重及工作單純分局各抽訪2個派出所所長及基層員警各1人,合計12人,進行深度訪談分析與比較。 由研究結果發現:隨著時代的變遷,領導的意涵也隨著轉變,由指導到協同,關係 由上對下變成平行關係。警察領導幹部之領導風格將一改過去權威式、英雄式的領導,逐漸修正為以關懷部屬為主,與基層員警建立共識達成組織目標,取代以績效掛帥、軍事化管理的領導風格,所長領導風格攸關員警工作士氣;而影響警察工作投入之問題成因很多,本研究以工作滿足、工作績效成就、參與決策等三面向鋪陳分析如下:(一)警察工作特性無法獲得民眾肯定與信賴。(二)派出所勤(業)務繁重,員警自我成長機會受限。(三)警察制度及社會型態令員警無法獲得工作滿足感。(四)媒體擷取負面報導致警察形象差社會地位不高。(五)派出所工作繁雜基層員警不堪負荷。(六)所長以身作則才能帶動員警工作士氣。(七)分層授權俾利任務完成。(八)員工參與制度流於形式。 綜上,本論文依研究目的、文獻探討、問卷調查及深度訪談所得資料,以個人特質、領導風格與工作投入等構面,並考量方案的可行性難易,提出近、中、遠程具體可行之警察政策建議,以及提供後續研究者的建議。 / The chiefs of police stations are basic-level executives in the entire police organization, and they play critical and influential roles within the police organization. Furthermore, their leadership will directly affect the work efficiency and implementation quality of police orders and policies. The purposes of this study are in three major areas: 1. if the leadership style of station chief affects the devotion of police ; 2. if the factor of individual traits of basic-level police should affect the leadership style of the station chief; 3. if personal traib of basic-level police affect their job involvement. The methodology of this study is “questionnaire” and “in-depth interview.” In terms of quantitative study, sampling investigation of questionnaire is conducted with chiefs of 93 police stations and one-third basic-level police of the police station from the Taipei City Police Department. A total of 812 questionnaires are distributed, with 800 valid copies retrieved. As information is recouped, frequency distribution, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and T-test are used to conduct information analysis. For qualitative study, every two chiefs and one basic-level police are selected from each of very heavily loaded police stations, less heavily loaded police stations, and police stations of lesser work load. In total, 12 people are chosen to conduct in-depth interview for analysis and comparison. It is found from the research that the interpretation of leadership has been hanged, of which meaning used to be the guidance and superior-inferior relationship, evolving into coordination and parallel interactions nowadays. Furthermore, instead of the authoritative, heroic leading style and performance-oriented, military management, the tendency of caring and consensus reaching with the subordinates emerges within the police leading party. Hence, the leading style of the chief of the police station has a great influence on the working spirits of the whole department. Besides, due to the fact that policemen who get involved in their jobs vary , this research will observe and analyze from satisfaction, performance achievement and decision-making participation of work among the policeman, and the analysis is as follows: 1.rare affirmation and trust obtained from our people due to the characteristics of the policeman work; 2.since the heavy workload of the basic-level police, their chances of self-development are quite limited; 3.They cant have a sense of achievement under the police system and the social ideology; 4.negative report from the media results in the bad image and low society status of our policeman; 5.too much workload for the basic-level policeman ; 6.the chief of police station shall set good examples with their own behavior; 7.the necessity of empowerment policy; 8.the participation system could not be put into effect. Above all, this research would be based upon the aim of the project, working through information study, questionnaire and in-depth interview. Following 3 directions as personal characteristics, leading style and their working involvement, considering the applicability, the study provide feasible policy suggestions in short, medium and long term for the police system, and the reference of following researchers.

基層警察人員在職進修教育需求評估之研究--以專科警員班26期進修學生組為例 / The needs assessment of police officers’ in-service training—Taking 2008 police in-service training programs for example

何志黎 Unknown Date (has links)
教育訓練是各組織人力資源發展中重要的一環,而訓練需求評估又是教育方案成功與否的關鍵,警察教育亦然。本研究希望能從訓練制度中的訓練規劃與訓練需求的部分切入,並以97年報考並入學就讀臺灣警察專科警員班第27期進修學生組的學生為研究範圍,探討基層員警對在職進修教育訓練規劃的看法及訓練需求為何,以提供教育訓練單位作為設計出提昇人力素質且符合員警需求進修方案的參考,並藉以提昇基層員警進修意願及報考率。 本研究採問卷調查方式,前測與施測均利用SPSS for windows 12.0 中文套裝軟體運算問卷回收資料,以推論出研究結果。經實證分析結果與研究發現,提出以下建議供相關單位參考:壹、在訓練規劃方面:一、調整期程安排;二、精緻師資遴聘、教學方法與教材;三、長官與單位同仁應予支持;四、經濟影響因素應予考量;五、其餘如隊職官的遴派及進修結束後之陞調職等也應一併考量。貳、訓練需求方面:重要的排序為專業知識與為民服務技能的增進。此外,基層員警希望除藉由進修獲得專業智能外,對其餘生活品質、發展潛力、自我成長等層次提昇也有其需求。 關鍵詞:基層員警、在職進修、訓練規劃、訓練需求評估 / Education and training is a crucial part of the development of organizational manpower resources. It is likewise for police education. Assessment of educational needs is the key to success of educational implementation. Using data derived from surveys conducted with trainees of the 2008 police in-service training program, this study examined the expectations and needs of those trainees. It aimed to provide implications to improve the quality of educational training and enhance officers’ willingness to participate in this training program. This study adopted a survey format. Results of pre- and formal tests were analyzed with SPSS version 12 (a statistical software package). In the aspect of program planning, the following suggestions are proposed: (1) re-arrangement of training program; (2) intensification of selection of instructors and enhancement of instructional paradigm and materials; (3) provision of support from supervisors and colleagues; (4) consideration of officers’ financial needs; (5) consideration of completion of this in-service training as a possible factor for career advancement and promotion. In the respect of training needs for trainees, enhancement of professional knowledge and skills was found to be the most important. In addition, quality of life, career advancement, and self-growth are also vital to trainees. Key words: police officers; in-service training; training planning; assessment of training needs

警察派出所勤務規劃之問題與改善方向研究 / A research on improving duty planning in police stations

張智翔, Chang,Chih Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來基層員警的超時工作所產生的影響已逐漸成為學界關心的重點,從工作壓力、生理影響、家庭關係、組織承諾、工作滿足、工作士氣等等,許許多多的研究都一再提到超時工作所造成的負面結果,但是卻鮮少人去研究為何派出所所長無法按照警察勤務條例的規定讓員警只擔服8小時的工作時間,因此本研究透過質性的研究方式,訪談了派出所所長及員警,希望能夠找出影響派出所勤務規劃的原因為何,並從中找出讓員警回歸8小時勤務制度的解決之道。 經質化訪談研究發現如下: 一、目前臺北市各派出所員警工作時間普遍都為12小時,原則上員警上五天班休息二天。 二、影響派出所勤務規劃的主要因素來自於分局各組室在勤務及業務上的要求。 三、所長認為每日規劃超勤是有其必要性,而且超勤加班費對員警有誘因存在,而員警則是認為應該要視實際的情況來規劃勤務,而不是僵化的要求員警每日超時服勤。 四、目前的勤務制度造成了員警在體力負荷、服務品質、心態上及家庭關係產生負面的影響。 五、解決之道,透過減少派出所勤(業)務負擔,並檢討現行勤務內容及派出所人力配置運用,讓派出所能夠回歸原本的工作內容。 / In recent years, the influence of rank-and-file policeman overtime working has been in the spotlight in academia. More and more studies show that constant overtime working brings negative impacts on the police, ranging from job stress, physiological effects, family relationship, organization commitment, job satisfaction to working morale, etc. However, few people want to figure out why the police are unable to work only 8 hours a day according to the [Police Services Ordinance]. I have interviewed with some chiefs and police officers in police stations through qualitative research, hoping to find the factors that affect the duty planning in police stations, and a solution to return an 8 hours/day schedule to the rank-and-file policemen. The following are what I discovered in my study: 1. Currently, the working time of the police officers in police stations of Taipei City is 12 hours a day; in general, they work 5 days and take 2 days off. 2. Various demands from different units of the sub-bureau play an important role in affecting duty planning. 3. As far as the chief of police station is concerned, daily overtime duty is necessary, plus, overtime payment is an incentive to the police officers. In the grassroots level’s opinion, the duties should be planned according to actual situations instead of a rigid schedule. 4. The current duty system has negative impacts on physical load, service quality, attitude and family relationship. 5. With a view to returning to what it should be, reducing the burden of police stations, amending the current police services, and reviewing the placement and utilization of staff may be the solution.

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