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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


江俊儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的目的在瞭解我國升高中基本學力測驗分數與學生社經背景之關關係,並了解學生是否因為家長背景、家長期待與文化資本之不同而造成基測分數之差異。 調查研究以臺北縣市公私立高中職學生為母群體,抽取1008位學生為樣本,並以自編問卷進行問卷調查,所得資料以spss 10.0與LISREL統計軟體進行統計分析,並透過描述單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析與潛在變項模式分析等統計方樣加以分析解釋,所獲得的主要結論如下: 一、學生社經背景、升學期待、文化資本與學測成績具有相關 學生社經地位與學測成績具有正相關,學生社經地位與所受升學期待 具有正相關,家長社經地位與學生擁有之文化資本具有正相關。顯示 學生之學測成績與社經背景有正相關。 二、學生努力程度與所受升學期待、學測成績具有相關 學生努力程度與學力測驗成績具有相關,學生努力程度顯著影響學生 受之升學期待,學生所受之升學期待顯著影響學生之考試表現。顯示 若家長對學生的期待愈高,學生的基測分數亦會相對較高。 三、學生擁有文化資本之多寡對學生學測成績並無顯著影響 本研究以「物質文化」與「精神文化」作為自變項,發現學生學測 成績並未受到文化資本之影響,與國外文化資本理論所提出之主張不 同。 四、就學測成績之影響力,學生努力程度稍高於學生社經地位 雖然學生會因「社經背景」與「努力程度」之不同而在基測分數上有 顯著差異,但經潛在變項模式分析後,發現學生「努力程度」對基測 分數之貢獻度高於「社經背景」,顯示只要學生願意努力,仍可擺脫 社經背景所造成的困境。 另本研究根據研究結果提出數點建議以供參考。


蔡雅瑩, Tsai, Ya-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
國中基本學力測驗自民國九十年實施,今年邁入第五年,學力測驗量尺分數之理論基礎,主要以Lord所提出之強真分數模式(Strong True Score Model)為主,以適當的模式對考生答對題數資料進行轉換,進一步計算出現在的量尺分數;然而國內針對學力測驗之量尺分數所做之相關研究甚少,因此本研究在第一部份先描述量尺分數轉換之理論,並詳細描述資料轉換之過程與方法。 目前學力測驗小組所採用之模式有上限模式與下限模式兩種,以考生答對題數資料估計出此兩種模式,以較低的均方差決定採用之模式,再接下來進行數據轉換之工作,然而此兩種模式都只適用於描述單峰分佈的考生答對題數之分配,英語科在歷年的學測資料,皆呈現之雙峰分佈之情形,故本研究提出混合雙峰模式,該模式較現有學力測驗之上限模式、下限模式更能清楚描述考生答對題數之分配,且具有較低之均方差。 本研究亦對量尺分數之轉換過程提出新的見解,本研究資料顯示在指定量尺平均數時,採用平均數之加權數,會比現行各科量尺指定平均分數皆固定為30分來得好,且具有較低之量尺標準差。 最後本研究總結上述方法與結論,對量尺分數的計算方式提出新的流程,以供學力測驗小組以及學者專家作為研究之參考。

Investigating the Content Validity of the Basic Competence Test of English / 國中基本學力測驗英語科內容效度之研究

林慧雰, Lin, Hui Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探查台灣國中基本學力測驗英語科之內容效度,以期了解國中基本學力測驗英語科之試題內容是否達到出題者宣稱之目的,進而對英語教師、教育學者、學生、及社會大眾能有啟示作用。 本研究兼採質及量的分析方法。質的研究取自51位現任國中英語教師之專業判斷,以2003年第一次國中基測英語試題為例,從課本的符合程度、學校教學、學校評量、試題難易度等四方面逐題審視國中基測與教學之相關程度,及問卷調查此51位教師對國中基測與課程標準之總目標、分項目標、基測命題原則、及學力指標之看法,透過Aiken之效度指數檢測是否達到顯著。量的研究取自台灣四所國中共1204位畢業生在校三年之英語段考平均成績分別與國中基測英語原始分數之相關。 研究結果顯示:國中基本學力測驗英語科具有內容效度。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the content validity of Basic Competence Test (BCT) in English, hoping to verify whether or not the test reaches what the tester claims to test, and further promote a better understanding of BCT toward teachers, students, educators and the public. This study adopts both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Fifty-one qualified junior high school teachers examine the relationship between BCT’s items and curricular instruction from textbook coverage, instruction, evaluation, and item difficulty. They also offer their perceptions toward BCT from the content domain the tester claims to test, i.e. the general and specific objectives of Curriculum Standards, test principles from the BCT Center, and Core Competence Indicators. Aiken’s Validity Index checks if items are significantly content valid. Computing the correlation coefficient between 1204 students’ academic scores of monthly tests for three years at four schools and BCT’s raw scores does the quantitative analysis. The result of this study indicates that first BCT items have high accordance with curricular instruction. Second, students’ performance at school correlates highly to that on BCT. Third, what the BCT Center claims to test is highly acclaimed by the junior high school teachers. In other words, BCT’s content validity is established.

國民中學基本學力測驗英語科回沖效應研究 / A study on the washback effect of the basic competence english test on junior high school students in Northern Taiwan

林銀姿, Lin, Yin Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
國民中學基本學力測驗(簡稱「基測」)英語科屬高代價之語言測驗,測驗結果攸關每年三十萬左右國中畢業生的升學依據,影響層面甚廣,測驗對教學的影響即語言測驗文獻中所探討之回沖效應。 本研究旨在探討基測英語科對台灣北部地區九年級學生英語學習的回沖效應,以問卷調查台灣北部地區(基隆市、台北市、台北縣、桃園縣、新竹市、新竹縣)九年級學生,從以下四個面向探討基測英語科所造成的回沖效應:(1)學生對基測英語科試題的了解及看法;(2)學生的學習目的;(3)學生的學習方式;(4)課堂活動。本研究以四個行政層級(直轄市、市、鎮、鄉)作為抽樣依據,共計發出1,490份問卷。 研究主要結果如下: 一、大多數學生了解基測英語科之題型及測驗目的。僅有半數學生認為試題簡單,進一步分析顯示,比較了解題型及目的的學生認為試題簡單。 二、學生學習目的與《國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要》英語課程目標一致。不以基測作為主要英語學習目標的學生英語成績較好。 三、學生最常從事的學習活動是聽英語歌曲、看英語影片或節目,也會學習千字表之外的字詞。大部分的學生沒有藉由參考書、參加校內課後輔導或校外補習來準備基測英語科。 四、最常見的課堂活動是老師帶唸課文或單字、文法練習,及寫測驗卷或聽老師檢討內容。相較之下,口說聽力的教學活動較少。 結果顯示基測英語科對學生的學習影響不大,但對老師的課堂教學產生負面回沖效應,進而影響學生學習。綜合研究結果,本研究建議教師應增加課堂教學活動的多樣性,減少測驗相關教材及練習,以培養學生學習英語的興趣與方法。 / The effect of testing on teaching and learning is generally known as washback in the field of language testing and assessment. Despite a growing attention to the concept of washback, most washback studies focus on teachers, not on learners as test takers, who are the most important stakeholders in testing. The purpose of this study is to investigate the washback effect of the Basic Competence English Test (BCET), a high-stakes language test, on 9th-graders in northern Taiwan. The method of questionnaire survey was used to collect students’ perspectives on the following four areas: (a) perceptions of the BCET, (b) learning motivation, (c) learning activities, and (d) class activities. A convenient sample of a proportionate size was selected based on four administrative levels (i.e., national, municipal, town, and village levels) from Keelung City, Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City, and Hsinchu County. Altogether 1,490 ninth-graders from 42 classes at 22 schools were selected for the survey across northern Taiwan. The major findings of the study are as follows: 1. Most 9th-graders in northern Taiwan were aware of the BCET test format and the BCET test purpose. Nearly half of them found the BCET not to be easy. The more the students understood the BCET format, the more likely they thought that the BCET was easy. Similarly, the more the students understood the BCET purpose, the more likely they regarded the BCET as an easy test. 2. Three top motivations for the students to learn English coincide with the overall objectives of English language education in Grade 1-9 Curriculum. Students’ English achievement gets better if they do not regard the BCET as the primary goal of language learning. 3. Students’ most common learning activities include listening to English songs, watching movies/programs in English, and learning words and phrases beyond the word list of 1,000 basic English vocabularies. The BCET does not drive students to undertake the following practices: using practice books for examinations, attending cram schools, and attending self-study classes for the test at school. 4. It was common for the 9th-graders to do practice tests or mock examinations in class, and listen to their teachers explaining the test items. Instruction relating to formal aspects of English also occurred frequently in English language courses, while few aural/oral practice activities were undertaken in classroom teaching. Based on the findings of the BCET washback effects on students and teachers, this study suggests that English teachers should attempt to employ various types of classroom activities, as proposed in Grade 1-9 Curriculum, rather than relying on examination-oriented materials and practices, so as to promote learning interests and develop effective methods of learning.


周柏雯, Chou,Po-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國中英語教師對九年一貫課程之態度與實踐,以期了解基層英語教師如何看待九年一貫課程改革以及他們如何在教室中實施這套新課程。同時,本研究希望藉由國中英語教師對九年一貫課程之態度與實踐,再一次檢視九年一貫課程改革的現況。 本研究採取質的研究方法,以台北市2名公立國中英文教師為研究對象。研究過程採取觀察、訪談、文件分析等方式為主要資料蒐集來源。資料的涵蓋面向包含:(1) 教師對九年一貫課程之態度;(2) 教師對九年一貫英語課程之態度;(3) 教師對英語教科書之態度;(4) 考試及測驗對教師之影響;(5) 教師的教學技巧與能力;(6) 教師的專業發展。經由這些資料,本研究討論了三個與九年一貫相關的議題:(1) 教師的教學自主權;(2) 教師的專業發展;(3) 教科書的開放政策。 本研究並根據以上三個議題的討論結果,進一步提供相關建議,以作為教育行政單位、學校單位、國民中學英文領域教師及未來研究的參考。 / The purpose of this study is to present the results of junior high school EFL teachers’ attitudes toward Grade 1-9 Curriculum and their classroom practice. This study aims to reveal how junior high school EFL teachers view Grade 1-9 Curriculum and how they implement this new curriculum in their classrooms.This study also offers another chance to take a look at the current situation of the implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum. This study adopts a qualitative research method and selects two participant teachers in a well established junior high school to serve as cases which work for in-depth understanding of teachers’ attitudes and their classroom practice. In this case study, data-gathering methods include interview, observation, and document analysis. The collecting information is presented in six dimensions: (1) teachers’ attitudes toward Grade 1-9 Curriculum, (2) teachers’ attitudes toward Grade 1-9 English Curriculum, (3) teachers’ attitudes toward English textbooks, (4) the influence of examinations and tests on teaching, (5) teaching skills and abilities, and (6) teacher professional development. Based on the above information, this study discusses three concerns related to Grade 1-9 Curriculum: (1) teacher autonomy, (2) professionalism, and (3) the policy of liberation of textbooks. Finally, some pedagogical implications and suggestions stemmed from the previous discussions are proposed to serve as a reference for the central authority, school administrators, junior high school EFL teachers, and future research on Grade 1-9 Curriculum.


林素美, Lin, Su-mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查九年一貫課程實施後,台北縣市國中英語教科書的使用現況及國中英語教師對這些教材的意見。   本研究主要探討的為:(1)國中英語教師選用新版教科書時所強調的標準,(2)各校英語教科書的評選委員與評選程序,(3)國中英語教師對新版英語教科書的滿意度與意見,包括學生習作與教師手冊,(4)更換教科書的原因與結果。   研究對象為五十七所國中的兩百五十三位英語教師。根據問卷調查,目前台北縣市的國中英語教科書有六個版本。   根據資料分析,得到以下主要的發現: 1. 在選教材時,英語教師所秉持的標準依序為合乎課程標準,教材內容,主題多元性,字彙數量,活動設計,插圖,版面,教師手冊,出版商的售後服務、聲望,教科書的第一印象,出版商為教師舉辦的研習,作者的學識等。 2. 各校的評選委員主要由英文老師組成,大多數學校評選教科書的程序為瀏覽各版本教科書,邀請出版商舉辦說明會,及舉行評選會議 。 3. 根據本研究所收集的資料顯示,大多數教師普遍上皆滿意九年一貫課程的新版教科書,但約有一半的教師認為內容太多、太難是他們所遭遇到的最大問題。 4. 根據所收集的資料顯示,有五所學校在第二學期更改教科書。教師們對第一學期所用的教科書不滿意的主要原因為教材內容非常難,內容組織不佳,及課與課之間缺乏連貫性。在更換新教科書後,大部分教師發覺之前教材所衍生的問題都解決了。因此大多數教師在更改教科書後覺得較滿意。 / This study aims to survey English textbook selection of junior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County after the implementation of the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum and explore English teachers' opinions of these textbooks. This study focuses on the following issues: (1) the criteria highlighted by English teachers when evaluating the new textbooks, (2) the committees and the procedure of English textbook selection in each school, (3) the junior high school English teachers' satisfaction with and opinions about the contents of the new teaching materials, including students’ workbooks and teachers' manuals, (4)the reasons for teachers’ changing textbooks and its consequences. The recruited subjects are 253 junior high school English teachers from 57 schools. According to the questionnaires, there are 6 versions of textbooks used in junior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County. After data analysis, the main findings are obtained as follows: 1.The criteria highlighted by English teachers when selecting the new textbooks are the correspondence to the curriculum standards, the contents, and a variety of themes. Considered important in sequence to the teachers who responded are the amount of vocabulary, the design of activities, the illustrations, the layout, the content of the teacher’s manual, and the level of service offered by the publisher, the publisher’s reputation, the first impression of the textbook, workshops provided for teachers by a publisher and the expertise of authors. 2.The selection committee in each school is mainly composed of the English teachers and the selection of English textbooks in most schools are done in the procedure of reviewing textbooks, inviting publishers to present their textbooks, and holding selection meetings. 3.According to the questionnaires collected in this study, most teachers were generally satisfied with the new textbooks developed for the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum. The most obvious problem with these new textbooks, according to the questionnaires, is that about half of the English teachers' dissatisfication with too much and too difficult content in the material. 4.Based on the questionnaires, five of the schools change textbooks in the second semester. The main reasons for the dissatisfaction with the first semester textbooks are that the textbooks are overly difficult, poorly organized, and lacking in continuity between lessons. After changing to new textbooks, most teachers find that the problems are solved. Therefore, most teachers are more satisfied after changing the textbooks.

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