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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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大台北地區公共圖書館越南籍新住民服務之研究 / A study of new vietnam immigrant services in Taipei area public libraries

林宜慧, Lin, Yi Hui Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣受到全球化的影響,跨國婚姻遽增;自2005年起,新住民已成為臺灣的第五大族群。作為資訊服務業之一的公共圖書館,應肩負促進不同文化間對話、交流的使命,並因應當代多元文化社會民眾的需求,推行多元文化服務的各項措施。 本研究目的在探討越南籍新住民本身的資訊需求及圖書館推行新住民服務之現況,並研擬出大台北地區公共圖書館新住民服務之建議方針。透過深度訪談法,瞭解越南籍新住民資訊需求及使用圖書館之經驗,並採用個案研究法,分析館方新住民服務現況、困境、未來規畫及新住民到館使用之情形。 經研究顯示,在越南籍新住民資訊需求方面,語言溝通資訊與臺灣生活有關之常識資訊是越南籍新住民最主要的生活資訊需求,而人際網路及網際網路是最常解決資訊需求的管道;在使用圖書館經驗上,大部分受訪者皆使用過臺灣的圖書館,首次到館之新住民主要是藉由親朋好友引介或為了陪同家人等外在因素而使用圖書館;對於常利用圖書館之越南籍新住民而言,會使用圖書館多起因於增進自我知能;反之,對於不常使用圖書館之新住民而言,除了圖書館本身路程遙遠、交通不便外,阻礙因素尚包含圖書館本身之館藏、人員、空間、宣傳行銷四面向。 目前大台北地區公共圖書館所推行之新住民服務包含提供多語言圖書、期刊、報紙及視聽資料之館藏資源;舉辦閱讀推廣活動及多元文化推廣活動,前者包含影展、書展、參訪及利用教育,後者包含展覽、文化講座、劇場、語言學習、電腦研習等;實行專線諮詢、電子郵件或書面形式之參考服務;建置多語言館藏書目資料、圖書館網頁專區或多語言介面之電腦設備。但服務上主要困境為缺乏專業語言人力、無法順利傳達給新住民相關訊息及經費不足等問題。 由研究結果歸納,建議未來國內公共圖書館推行新住民服務時,可由新住民服務政策、館藏資源、推廣活動、行銷推廣、人力資源等面向著手進行,以提升館方服務品質;最後,亦針對政府機關、學校機構、圖書館主管單位及社福機構四所與圖書館相關單位提出建議,由圖書館本身與大環境相互配合,才可以使得服務更臻完善。

臺灣地區公共圖書館新住民閱讀推廣活動之研究 / A Study on Public Libraries Reading Promotion to New Immigrants in Taiwan

鄭有容, Cheng, Yu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
伴隨多元文化洪流之推演,臺灣社會人口結構正產生改變,新住民已成為臺灣第五大族群,是公共圖書館重要服務對象。推動閱讀素為公共圖書館之專業與職志,如何運用並宣傳閱讀活動,培養新住民及其下一代之閱讀能力與習慣,是公共圖書館應兼負之重要任務與挑戰。 本研究運用深度訪談方式,調查越南籍、印尼籍新住民以及國內大型公共圖書館新住民服務,蒐集新住民實際閱讀現況與對於圖書館之看法,歸納公共圖書館推廣、辦理方式與特色,提出我國推廣新住民閱讀活動之策略與建議。 越南籍、印尼籍新住民閱讀時偏好休閒、新聞、親子、課業輔導、家庭關係等主題;越南籍、印尼籍新住民在閱讀偏好上有所差異,印尼籍新住民較偏好閱讀臺菜食譜,而越南籍新住民則有閱讀佛學類資源的需求;除閱讀中文認知困難外,尚存在無法與下一代共同閱讀、閱讀非主要休閒活動等阻礙。 目前我國大型公共圖書館新住民閱讀活動,讀者國籍以越南、印尼籍配偶或移工為主,且分布受地緣關係影響;活動以親子閱讀、圖書館利用、主題書展、文化講座、專題展覽、電影欣賞、讀書會形式呈現,包含異國文化、美食、傳統藝術、童書、旅行等主題,其中親子閱讀活動最受新住民青睞、書展最為常見、圖書館利用活動則有其必要性;特色則有運用獎勵機制鼓勵借閱、開放護照或居留證借閱館藏、聘請專業師資進行原生國家母語專書導讀、出借多元文化書箱或專櫃,將資源遍及各鄉鎮、運用雲端裝置與通訊軟體打造雲端閱讀。 歸納新住民與公共圖書館看法,建議未來國內公共圖書館推廣主題應推陳出新且融合原生國家元素;推廣方式應主動至新住民聚集區域宣傳;推廣對象應廣及新住民家庭成員;推廣管道宜運用紙本、社群媒體等雙重途徑;並建立合作機制,使服務更臻完善。 / Population structure is changing by the multicultural communities in Taiwan. New immigrants have become the fifth largest ethnic group, and an important target that public libraries serve to. Reading promotion is the professional and aspiration of public libraries, how to apply and promote reading activities, to develop the reading ability and habits of the new immigrants and their next generation, is important task and challenge of public libraries. The study conducted in-depth interviews to investigated Vietnamese and Indonesian new immigrants current reading situation, and point of view toward public libraries, organize the way and characteristic on large public libraries multicultural service department, to discuss the development of reading promotion to new immigrants in Taiwan. The study found that Vietnamese and Indonesian new immigrants prefer the topic of leisure, news, parenting, tutoring, and family relationships when reading. Indonesian new immigrants prefer to read the Taiwanese cuisine recipes; Vietnamese new immigrants prefer to read the resources related to Buddhism. Generally, new immigrants have difficulties with cognitive when reading Chinese; unable to guide the next generation to read; and have reading barriers such as low motivation. In Taiwan, reading promotion to new immigrants in public libraries have some common circumstances, Vietnamese and Indonesian spouses or workers are the major public library readers, distributed by the geopolitical relations. The common types of activities are parent-child reading, library use, topic book fair, culture lecture, thematic exhibition, screening of films, book club meeting, and other forms of presentation. The topics of activities include the exotic culture, cuisine, traditional art, children's books, travel. New immigrants’ favorite activity is parent-child reading, topic book fair is the most frequent type, library use is indeed a need; and the features of reading promotion are incentives like encouraging readers to borrow books by giving gift, simplifying application procedures of library card by using passport or residence permit, hiring professional teachers to held book reviews by native country’s language, lending multicultural book or counter to every corner throughout the township, applying cloud devices and communication application to create cloud reading. Generalize new immigrants’ experience of participate and the actual promotion situation of public libraries, there are some recommendations to domestic public libraries: The theme of the reading promotion should innovate and integrate native country elements, The approaching of the reading promotion should take the initiative to where new immigrants gathered area, The target audience of the reading promotion should be expanded to new immigrant family members, The channel of the reading promotion should adopt composite ways, such as social media and paper declared, Reading promotion should cooperate with the new immigrant organizations, enabling the service perfect.

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