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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳澤榮 Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 網際網路服務是未來提供資訊傳播與利用的一項重要管道,也是縮短城鄉差距最佳的方式,公共圖書館在提供網際網路服務之前,必須先縮減公共圖書館本身數位落差的問題,如此才能真正提供普及化資訊服務。近年來,我國公共圖書館在圖書館自動化與網路建設發展已有明顯成長,為了促使公共圖書館在消弭數位落差發揮功能,第一要務即必須先縮減公共圖書館數位落差現象。本研究目的在瞭解國內公共圖書館資訊基礎建設與網際網路服務現況,比較不同層級與地區公共圖書館數位落差現象。 本研究採用文獻分析法與問卷調查法,參考國內外數位落差評量方式,設計問卷調查表進行問卷調查與分析,最後並根據研究結果提出「台灣地區公共圖書館網路服務數位落差評量模式芻議」。 本研究發現,臺灣地區公共圖書館網路資訊基礎建設程度已達相當之 水準,然而網際網路服務程度卻不高,網路服務的差異則以不同層級公共圖書館差異較大,不同地區公共圖書館較無明顯差異。 根據研究結果,本研究提出臺灣地區公共圖書館網路服務數位落差評量模式,本模式區分為兩大面向:1.基本具備能力,包括資訊基礎建設、資訊內容、人力資源、館員資訊素養;2.網際網路應用服務能力,包括網際網路服務政策、資訊服務、使用者利用教育、讀者使用率。 根據調查結果,本研究提出十點建議:1.積極爭取公共圖書館電腦資訊相關預算;2.改善專業人員之聘任或增設資訊專屬部門單位;3.持續增購數位電子資源;4.加強讀者網路利用教育;5.加強基層館員對數位電子資源的認識與利用;6. 加速制訂資訊服務政策;7. 廣設公共圖書館為資訊服務據點;8.定期進行公共圖書館網路服務調查;9. 訂定公共圖書館網路服務評量模式;10. 建議各地方政府積極配合政府公共措施預算。

我國縣市圖書館數位參考服務之研究 / A study on digital reference services in public libraries

毛明雯 Unknown Date (has links)
在資訊科技蓬勃發展和網路資源不斷快速成長的影響下,圖書館應用數位方式提供參考服務為時勢所趨;如何保有參考服務本質並應用創新科技來推行服務,成為圖書館的重要議題。公共圖書館為地方知識門戶,扮演著蒐集和提供社區民眾有關生活和學習資訊的角色;藉由網路強化參考諮詢服務,可進一步接觸原有讀者與潛在使用者,促進民眾對於圖書館各種服務的使用。 為瞭解國內公共圖書館推行數位參考服務之現況,本研究以台灣本島縣市與文化局圖書館為對象。透過問卷調查各縣市圖書館的參考服務模式、推行情況、館員知能等情形。再進一步以訪談法,探究縣市圖書館在施行數位參考服務時所面臨的困境、館員對於服務的看法等面向,以提出未來發展服務的相關建議,藉此提昇我國縣市圖書館數位參考服務之品質。 經調查顯示,國內縣市圖書館在數位參考服務的整體情況,有71%是透過電子郵件方式進行服務,其次14%是提供主題式線上參考資源,而僅有5%的圖書館建立知識庫。雖有各種不同類型的服務方式,縣市圖書館仍缺乏一個專屬於數位參考服務的管道,而數位資源的建置也需進一步加強,同時圖書館面臨了專業人員與資訊人員不足的困境。在使用者方面,學生為主要使用族群,常提出關於學校課業的諮詢問題。在館員認知方面,縣市圖書館館員雖偏好傳統面對面參考服務,但對於推動數位參考服務仍抱持著樂觀其成的態度,並贊同未來朝向數位合作參考服務的方向發展。 由研究結果歸納建議,縣市圖書館發展數位參考服務應重視組織規劃、服務推展與館際合作三大部份:在組織規劃方面,圖書館應積極研擬數位參考服務發展策略並設立專屬管道,進行人力重整或以合作方式解決人力缺乏問題,同時需提供相關教育訓練課程給予參與參考服務的館員們。在服務推展上,應掌握讀者認知習慣,透過利用教育課程提升讀者的資訊素養,同時進行服務狀況的紀錄統計,並著力於數位資源建置。在館際合作方面,可與學校圖書館一同推展利用教育課程,並結合圖書館現有合作服務項目共同發展數位合作參考服務,以創造雙贏局面。 / Due to the ubiquitous information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the blooming resources on the Internet, libraries now inevitably provide reference services with emerging ICTs. The phenomenon is highlighted within public libraries because of their obligations of equally offering information and its accessibility to the general public. By conducting the questionnaire survey and personal interviews, this study intends to investigate the current status quo of digital reference services in public libraries in Taiwan; to identify the challenges of improving their digital reference services, and to present corresponding solutions. Based on the results of 19 questionnaires and 10 interviews, the study finds that: (1)71% digital reference services are provided via email; 14% are via online pathfinder, and 5% are via knowledge base created by library. (2)Digital reference services are not prioritized in organization developing plan. Accordingly, the promotion of digital reference services, the acquisition of digital resources, and the need of full time librarians and IT staffs are often neglected. (3)From the educational perspective, the digital reference services can help the librarians for advising on students’ school projects and implementing information instructions to the public. (4)Although most librarians showed their willingness to promote digital reference services, they still preferred the traditional face-to-face reference services. However, they also agreed that the collaborative digital reference service will be the emerging trend . This study suggests that: (1)Public libraries should have digital reference services development strategy. (2)To solve the labor force deficiency, organization reengineering or cooperation should be considered. (3)The statistics of the digital reference services usage should be collected and analyzed. (4)The online reference resources for public libraries should be expanded. (5)To enhance users’ information literacy, library instructions and promoting events are necessary. (6)Public libraries could cooperate with the school libraries on improving the information literacy of students. (7)Public libraries should offer digital reference training programs to enhance librarians’ professional capabilities, such as electronic resources management. (8)Combine digital reference services with other interlibrary cooperation.

公共圖書館電子資源支援新北市國小教學使用需求之調查研究 / A Study of Elementary School Teachers' Teaching Needs Support by Public Libraries Electronic Collection in New Taipei City

洪偉翔, Hung, Wei Shiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討公共圖書館電子資源對於新北市國小教師支援教學之需求,透過網站內容分析對八所國立及直轄市立公共圖書館之電子資源網站進行分析,以瞭解可支援新北市國小教師教學需求之電子資源概況,接著對十位曾使用公共圖書館電子資源融入教學中之新北市國小教師進行深度訪談,透過網站內容分析及訪談分析,本研究發現如下: 一、公共圖書館電子資源館藏方面: (一)公共圖書館電子資源種類繁多,各館資源重複者不多,且自購或自建之電子資源數量、比例,各館差距大。 (二)部分相同之電子資源於各公共圖書館網站中所列名稱及資源類型劃分略有不同。 (三)各圖書館網站之內容主題區分與國小學習領域不相符。 (四)大多公共圖書館資源數量最多的主題為「語文」與「社會」領域,而「數學」則是普遍資源數量最少的主題。 (五)公共圖書館以中文電子資源為大宗,其次是英文。 (六)國小學童學習需求差距大,公共圖書館電子資源之適用年齡大多僅以「兒童」分類。 (七)大部分公共圖書館之電子資源需要閱讀證方可使用;少部分電子資源具有取用地點限制;部分電子資源可選擇下載閱讀器方便離線閱讀。 二、國小教師使用公共圖書館電子資源的教學需求方面: (一)國小教師使用公共圖書館電子資源融入教學的因素為:「補充課程內涵與課外知識」、「增長教師專業知能,確認教學內容正確性」、「提升學生的學習興趣」、「方便好用」。 (二)新北市教師認為公共圖書館電子資源適合使用於「準備活動」與「綜合活動」。 (三)新北市教師偏好可互動、具有影音效果的電子資源,因此在課堂上經常「直接播放」公共圖書館電子資源,或輔以Powerpoint及Word重新組織成教材。 (四)新北市國小教師認為使用公共圖書館電子資源於教學的成效為:1.容易引起學生的興趣與動機;2.教師自覺更有教學效能;3.教師能夠自我成長、添增新知;4.擴大學生學習的層面;5.提升學生的學習成就。 (五)可能影響國小教師使用公共圖書館電子資源意願之因素為:1.備課時間不足;2.夥伴教師少;3.教學進度的壓力;4.電子資源內容不符合教學目標;5.電子資源可借閱量不足;6.電子資源分類方式與適用年齡不合使用;7.電子資源的檢索及取用方式不熟悉。 (六)新北市國小教師最常瀏覽新北市立圖書館電子資源,除此之外對於公共圖書館的瞭解所知甚少。 (七)「Google搜尋引擎搜尋」是獲知可使用於教學的公共圖書館電子資源之優先管道。 最後再依據訪談過程中新北教師的建議及研究的結果,提出對教育主管單位、公共圖書館、國小教師及未來後續研究的建議。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the information need of elementary school teachers in their usage of public library electronic resources for teaching in New Taipei City. The content analysis approach and in-depth interview were developed by the research. The major findings of this study are listed as follows: 1. Public libraries electronic collection: (1) There are many kinds of electronic resource in Public libraries, such as the percentage of procurement electronic collection. (2) The same electronic resource were classified to different resource type by different library. (3) The most subject of electronic resource is “Mandarin” and ” Social Studies”in Public library. The less subject is “Mathematics”. (4) The amount of Chinese electronic is more than English. 2. The information need of elementary school teachers in their usage of public library electronic resources for teaching: (1) The factor of using public library electronic resources for teaching is that using as supplementary teaching materials, enhancing the professional knowledge and skills of teachers, lifting the student’s learning interest. (2) Public library electronic are Suitable for “Warm up” and “Wrap up” activities. (3) The elementary school teachers prefer using interactive electronic resource. (4) The negative factors of elementary teacher use electronic resource in teaching is about to be short of time, partner…etc. (5) Google have high priority in searching public library electronic resources for teaching. Accroding to the research finding, there are some suggestions for educational administration, public library, elementary school teachers and follow-up research.

大台北地區公共圖書館越南籍新住民服務之研究 / A study of new vietnam immigrant services in Taipei area public libraries

林宜慧, Lin, Yi Hui Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣受到全球化的影響,跨國婚姻遽增;自2005年起,新住民已成為臺灣的第五大族群。作為資訊服務業之一的公共圖書館,應肩負促進不同文化間對話、交流的使命,並因應當代多元文化社會民眾的需求,推行多元文化服務的各項措施。 本研究目的在探討越南籍新住民本身的資訊需求及圖書館推行新住民服務之現況,並研擬出大台北地區公共圖書館新住民服務之建議方針。透過深度訪談法,瞭解越南籍新住民資訊需求及使用圖書館之經驗,並採用個案研究法,分析館方新住民服務現況、困境、未來規畫及新住民到館使用之情形。 經研究顯示,在越南籍新住民資訊需求方面,語言溝通資訊與臺灣生活有關之常識資訊是越南籍新住民最主要的生活資訊需求,而人際網路及網際網路是最常解決資訊需求的管道;在使用圖書館經驗上,大部分受訪者皆使用過臺灣的圖書館,首次到館之新住民主要是藉由親朋好友引介或為了陪同家人等外在因素而使用圖書館;對於常利用圖書館之越南籍新住民而言,會使用圖書館多起因於增進自我知能;反之,對於不常使用圖書館之新住民而言,除了圖書館本身路程遙遠、交通不便外,阻礙因素尚包含圖書館本身之館藏、人員、空間、宣傳行銷四面向。 目前大台北地區公共圖書館所推行之新住民服務包含提供多語言圖書、期刊、報紙及視聽資料之館藏資源;舉辦閱讀推廣活動及多元文化推廣活動,前者包含影展、書展、參訪及利用教育,後者包含展覽、文化講座、劇場、語言學習、電腦研習等;實行專線諮詢、電子郵件或書面形式之參考服務;建置多語言館藏書目資料、圖書館網頁專區或多語言介面之電腦設備。但服務上主要困境為缺乏專業語言人力、無法順利傳達給新住民相關訊息及經費不足等問題。 由研究結果歸納,建議未來國內公共圖書館推行新住民服務時,可由新住民服務政策、館藏資源、推廣活動、行銷推廣、人力資源等面向著手進行,以提升館方服務品質;最後,亦針對政府機關、學校機構、圖書館主管單位及社福機構四所與圖書館相關單位提出建議,由圖書館本身與大環境相互配合,才可以使得服務更臻完善。


袁鴻祥, Yuan,Hung-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
近五十年來,我國公共圖書館事業伴隨經濟成長,已然建立完善的圖書館系統。然而一般民眾對於公共圖書館所提供服務之認識與利用,尚未普遍,顯示從服務利用的角度來看,現階段公共圖書館之成效仍未臻理想。因此,如何針對不同地區之讀者群需求,研擬服務策略,以吸引民眾利用公共圖書館之各項服務,並提升現有讀者之服務利用層次與深度;同時掌握不同地區之讀者所重視之服務項目,據以改善不同地區之公共圖書館的服務品質,遂成為公共圖書館亟待研究的重要課題。 本研究以臺北縣十市、四鎮及十五鄉之公共圖書館之讀者為研究對象,以問卷調查到館讀者對於公共圖書館服務之要求與讀者利用公共圖書館之行為,並且將讀者利用行為分成城市地區與鄉鎮地區二部分作為比較,找出造成公共圖書館讀者使用之城鄉差異現象之因素。本研究之具體結論可以歸納為四方面,並提出改善公共圖書館城鄉差異現象的九點建議。

公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動之研究 / Children's e-book promotion activities in public libraries

陳莞捷, Chen, Wan-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國內公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動現況,以深度訪談法了解國內公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動意義與內涵、種類、策略與規劃設計、兒童電子書推廣活動與傳統閱讀推廣活動差異等。故本研究之研究問題為:(一)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的意義為何?(二)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的辦理方式為何?(三)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的策略與宣傳方式為何?(四)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的規劃設計為何?(五)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的評鑑方式為何?(六)促成公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的成功因素為何?(七)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動實施時所遭遇的問題有哪些? (八)參與公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動讀者的看法為何?(九)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動與傳統推廣活動的差異為何? 本研究先以網站分析法了解各圖書館網站提供兒童電子書網站服務的情形;深度訪談法訪談五所大型公共圖書館,包含臺北市立圖書館、新北市立圖書館、國立中央圖書館臺灣分館、國立臺中圖書館和高雄市立圖書館等。最後再針對參與過公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的讀者進行深度訪談,探討其參與的經驗,共7位讀者,包含4位兒童讀者和3位成人讀者。 綜合各項資料歸納出九項結論:(一)推廣服務有助於兒童電子書的推廣。(二)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的辦理方式多元,專為兒童電子書推廣而辦理的活動有兒童電子書閱讀、電子資源利用研習、班級訪問活動、到校授課和主題活動。(三)其推廣策略有地區的推廣、對象的推廣和項目的推廣。宣傳活動管道,主要為透過網站、電子報/E-mail、館舍、刊登館內文宣等。(四)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的規劃設計有七要項,包含參與對象、推廣活動的型態、電子書與資料庫選擇原則、授課人員、時間安排、場地安排、教材與電腦網路設備。(五)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的評鑑方法有八種:問卷調查、參與數量統計、使用統計、自我評鑑、學習單、觀察法、訪談法、電子資源問題諮詢紀錄。(六)促成公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動的成功因素,主要有長官的支持、政策的支持、母機構的支持和充足的人力配置。(七)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動實施時所遭遇的問題,主要為人力不足 (八)參加兒童電子書推廣活動讀者肯定推廣服務的價值。(九)公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動與傳統推廣活動的差異包含電腦素養、電腦科技的接受度、授課環境要求較高、兒童電子書的多媒體設計與格式要求。 最後本研究針對公共圖書館兒童電子書推廣活動之現況提出五項建議(一)提升圖書館館員電子資源與推廣活動的專業能力。(二)解決公共圖書館館員人力不足的問題。(三)提升圖書館的電腦軟硬體設備以支持電子書服務。(四)兒童電子書網站服務也是推廣服務一環。(五)公共圖書館應強化兒童電子書館藏。 / The theme of this study is to investigate the current promotion activities of the children e-book in the public libraries in Taiwan. Depth interviews are implemented to comprehend the (1) significance & connotation (2) the types of activities (3) strategy and (4) planning and designing (5) the differences between the children e-book and traditional reading. The theme of this study are: 1.What is the significance of the promotion of e-book in the public libraries? 2. What are the right way to conduct the e-book promotion activities in the public libraries? 3. What are the planning and desinning of the children’s e-books promotion activities in public libraries? 4. What will be the key concerns when a children e-book promoting activity will run in a public children library? 5. What are the evaluation methods of the children’s e-books promotion activities in public libraries? 6. What are the factors that make the children e-book to be promoted successfully in the public library? 7. What are the problems encountered when the children e-books are promoted in the public children library? 8. What are visitors’ opinions after participating in a children e-book promoting activity? 9. What are the differences between a children e-book promoting activity and traditional promoting activity? Websites analysis and depth interview are used in this research. During the proceeding of this research, website analysis is used to learn how the e-book websites offer their services. Consequently, 5 major public libraries including Taipei City Library, New Taipei City Library, National Central Library-Taiwan branch. National Taichung Library and Kaohsiung City Library and etc.. After all these, the readers who have ever attended any e-book promotion activity are also invited to have this interview to learn their experiences. 7 readers, 4 children and 3 adults were interviewed. Nine conclusions are made after studying all the data: (1) Marketing services can help with children’s e-book promotion. (2) E-book promotion activities have been conducted through multiple ways in the public libraries. For example: children’s e-book reading, workshops on utilizing electronic sources, visiting classes, teaching in schools and running theme activities.(3) Marketing has different strategies, different groups and different items. The main promotion connections are websites, electronic newspapers and e-mail, library buildings, public organizations, publishing promotion ads in the library and so on. (4) Seven projects concerning children’s e-books in the library are promoted through the children e-book promoting activities in all the public libraries in Taiwan. The sub-projects are the objects targeted, the types of activities promoted, the principles of choosing e-books and e-data, instructors training, schedule arrangement, location arrangement, teaching materials preparation and computer and network facilities set up. (5)There are eight different approaches to conducting the evaluation of children’s e-book promotion activity in public libraries: (a) questionnaires (b) statistics of participating numbers, (c) statistics of use, (d) self-evaluation, (e) learning sheet, (f) observing method, (g) interviews, (h) records of electronic consultation questionnaires .(6)The major factors that make the e-book able to be successfully accepted in public libraries are the full support from (a) those in charge, (b) policies (c) proper placement of personnel activity.(7) The major reason for encountering problems is insufficient personnel activity when the promotion activities were running in the public libraries.(8)The readers who attended the children’s e-book promotion activities confirm the value of e-book promotion.(9)The differences between the children’s e-book promotion activity and traditional promotion activity in the public libraries are (a) one's general ability with computers, (b) the acceptance of computer technology (c) expecting a better studying environment (d) demanding multi-media design and format in their e-books. At the last part of this research, 5 suggestions in connection with E-book promotion activities conducted in the public libraries are brought up here. (1) Promote the professional librarian’s capability concerning the Children E-book promotion activities. (2) Settle the problem of insufficient human resources in the public libraries. (3) Promote E-book service by upgrading facilities of computer software & hardware in the library. (4) Services of Children e-book websites is also a link in chain. (5) The public libraries should strengthen the collection of children’s e-books.

國民中學圖書館與公共圖書館社區資源共享研究:以基隆市為例 / National Middle School Library and Public Library Community Resource Sharing : Keelung City as Example

沈宛蓁, Shen, Wan Jhen Unknown Date (has links)
國民閱讀力是一個國家很重要的競爭力,國民閱讀力也是一個國家最有效益的投資項目。網際網路的發達促使地球村的生活圈更為緊密,因此群體生活中的個體都要有解決問題的能力,但面對多元及瞬息萬變的資訊快速變化世代,要擁有帶得走的閱讀能力才是讓未來學子應付社會變化的基本能力。 國中生介於兒童與成人磨合期,生理上的改變也影響到心理及對知識的需求。面對十二年國教來臨,師生的互動模式也有了改變,因此教學現場的老師教、學生學單行道方式默默地修正了,而要滿足教學現場的變化就要讓國中生有更完整的資訊素養。 資訊素養的養成需要完善的配套措施做配合,硬體上可由公共圖書館與國民中學圖書館提供圖書資訊的服務;軟體上,課程教學的設計規劃及圖書資訊利用教育的教導,都是讓國中生擁有資訊素養很重要的基礎架構。國民中學圖書館主要是服務全校師生,在經費和資源上確實受限於政府資源及圖書資訊專業能力,公共圖書館主要的服務對象是全體民眾,在經費和圖書資訊專業能力相較更為充裕,配合資訊素養的螺旋性課程規劃,若能讓國民中學圖書館與公共圖書館社區資源共享,相信可以營造書香的社會及培育國中擁有帶得走的終身學習能力。 本研究探討國外的南韓、新加坡、香港三個國家,國內的台北市、新北市、高雄市三個公共圖書館,就國民中學圖書館與公共圖書館社區資源共享的狀況,透過國內外的文獻探討與基隆市的現況做對照討論,讓未來社區資源共享的規畫更為妥善。 基隆市有台灣首座的私立公共圖書館,基隆地理位置有其歷史性,但氣候潮濕多雨影響了國中生戶外活動的機會,而行政轄區位於大台北生活區的邊緣地帶,因此如何增加學生休閒活動的場所,滿足學生在資源貧乏下的閱讀需求,國民中學圖書館與公共圖書館就得承擔起責任。 研究結果發現: (1)基隆市國民中學圖書館與公共圖書館社區資源共享有40%。 (2)社區資源共享的類型主要為「與作家有約」。 (3)國民中學圖書館與公共圖書館社區資源共享的動機及需求很強烈。 最後,本研究亦提出針對國民中學圖書館與公共圖書館社區資源共享後續研究可以討論的方向與目標。 / National reading ability is a very important competitiveness of a country, and it is also a most effective investment for a country. Internet promotes global village living area more closely, so the individual should have the ability to solve problems. In order to face the diversity and rapid changes in information generation, it is nessary to have the ability of reading comprehension. Middle school students are at the run-in period between children and adults period, changes of the physical edffect psychological needs and knowledge needs. With the coming of 12-year compulsory education policy, the teacher-student interaction mode has also been changed. One way mode that teachers teach and students learn amended, and it’s necessary to cultivate the information literacy of middle school students. To improve students’ information literacy do need the coordination and cooperation between the public libraries and the national middle school libraries. Both of the libraries can provide library and information services to the students on hardware part, and provide curriculum and teaching design or library instruction on software part. And both parts are the basis of information literacy. National middle school libraries service mainly on teachers and students, so the government funding and resources are indeed limited. The main target of public libraries is the entire population, and compared to school libraries, government funding and professional capacity are abundant. If middle school libraries and public libraries can share the resources with each other, and also implement the information literacy curriculum with spiral planning at the same time, the scholarly community can be created and middle school students can be cultivated with reading comprehension ability. This study investigate the resources sharing between national middle school libraries and public libraries of overseas areas, South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong and also three domestic areas including Taipei, New Taipei and Kaohsiung. Through the literature review of resource sharing between libraries, and compared it with the situation of keelung, a better future plan can be make. Although there is a Taiwan's first private public library in Keelung and it has historic location, the humid and rainy weather and the frontier location of Taipei City affecte the middle school students’ opportunities of outdoor activities. Therefore, national middle school libraries and public libraries have the responsibility to increase students' leisure activities places and meet the students need of reading. The results found that: (1) 40% national middle school libraries and the public libraries share community resources. (2) the main types of shared community resource is the speech of "about the writer." (3) the motivation and demand of community resources sharing between national middle school libraries and public libraries are very strong. At the end of this study, issues of the community resources sharing between national middle school libraries for follow-up study are suggested.

公共圖書館青少年閱讀推廣活動成果評鑑:以臺北市立圖書館為例 / Outcome Measurement of Public Libraries Reading Promotion for Young Adults: A Case Study of Taipei City Public Library

藍翊瑄, Lan, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討公共圖書館青少年閱讀推廣活動成果評鑑之規劃與執行,研究目的包括:(1)探討公共圖書館青少年閱讀推廣活動成果評鑑方法與指標。(2)應用成果評鑑指標,進行圖書館青少年閱讀推廣活動成果評鑑,評定閱讀素養、閱讀興趣、閱讀習慣與使用圖書館是否提升成效。(3)探討公共圖書館青少年閱讀推廣策略。本研究採用焦點團體訪談建構成果評鑑指標,於執行活動後進行成果評鑑,以問卷及後續追蹤手冊蒐集資料,評估活動辦理成果。 本研究使用之成果評鑑面向包括:(1)活動滿意度、(2)閱讀興趣、(3)知識學習及(4)圖書館使用意願,活動選用臺北市立圖書館「翻轉知識系列活動─青少年經典閱讀週」。由本研究研究結論可知,此次成果評鑑面向與指標具有可行性,並經由研究分析之後提出十項結論:(1)後續追蹤手冊回收數量過少,可知學生的後續閱讀及圖書館利用不如預期。(2)成果評鑑面向的研究結果皆顯著。(3)量化分析中,平均數大部分達到四以上,可知對參與學生而言,整體系列活動為滿意。(4)科學主題、表演藝術主題活動想讓學生再次參與相關活動,電影及文學主題能夠影響學生借閱相關書籍或資源的意願。(5)有關學生閱讀行為,閱讀清單的規劃有自主性,以文學類書籍為主。(6)四主題活動參與學生對於圖書館皆有正向的意象。(7)整體研究發現,在活動主題與類型的搭配方面,電影、表演藝術適合帶領人活動類型,以提升學生的閱讀興趣,科學、文學主題活動適合規劃為長期活動,以逐步培養閱讀素養。(8)在閱讀推廣策略方面,本次活動透過「與學校合作」並「結合圖書館其他資源」達成綜效。(9)以活動參與者角度進行活動設計,結合生活、課業與未來規劃三訴求選定活動主題。(10)建立長期閱讀素養的初始階段,以「帶領人活動」之活動類型吸引青少年讀者參與閱讀活動。 最後,本研究針對研究結果提出研究建議,有關青少年閱讀推廣活動之建議:(1)與圖書館利用連結的推廣活動。(2)學生自選書單延伸推廣。(3)目標導向閱讀素養培養。(4)推廣紙本書籍以外的閱讀資源。有關後續研究之建議:(1)針對不同活動類型與主題的青少年閱讀推廣活動進行成果評鑑研究。(2)資料蒐集方式可再加強信度與效度。(3)改進後續追蹤設計形式及進行方式。

組織變革對公共圖書館館員工作滿足之影響--以台灣省基隆市、新竹市、台中市、嘉義市、台南市公共圖書館館員為研究對象 / The Influence on the Public Librarians' Sense of Job Satisfaction by Organization Change--A Study on the Public Librarians Working in Keelung, Hsien-Ju, Taichung, Cha-Yi, Tainan Cities

畢秀芬, Bee, Grace Unknown Date (has links)
公部門是人民讓出部分權利成立的,政府要為國民謀福。就文化傳承、知識傳播而言,行政體系層級設有各級公共圖書館,提供場地鼓勵民眾閱讀、建立終身學習習慣,以提升國家競爭力。 易經有云「變,是唯一不變的」。文化成長是有週期性的,組織要隨時注意變革以應生存。組織變革以Leavitt觀點分為三類:結構變革、人員變革、技術變革,三者是相互影響的;但撮其要仍在於人,員工能不能留在組織內奮鬥,工作滿足是很根本的。此為本研究動機發軔。 台灣省各縣市之公共圖書館自民國七0年代因文化中心興建,除台南市立圖書館外,皆被併入成為圖書組。(1)行政體系位階(結構變革)連降二級,與中心各組爭取經費行政資源。(2)八0年代,進入文化局時代,面對技術變革:包含電腦使用與教導、資訊網路發達電子資料庫的形成、外語能力逐日被要求加強的壓力等等。(3)人員變革方面,由以往管理者一改為服務者等,工作觀念不同又要組織文化被重塑;館員在組織變革中沒有受到應有重視與適度訓練。 經研究發現,變革的過程多會有陣痛期或混亂,組織在不同的改革階段會遭遇到不同的抗拒力和推力,變革成功與否,員工正是其中要素。經時間累積,公共圖館館員工作現況和工作滿足、將來需求,是研究項目,經研究發現: 一、館員面對結構變革之行政位階變化:館員認為非地方公務員可撼動,對之無顯著不滿足。但有館員期望成立市立圖書館,使公共圖書館業務、職責程度與行政位階能相當。 對薪資是不滿足的;職務列等也是無法工作滿足,但非實際對讀者服務之館員,對薪資是滿足的;此為其異。 若有高的職務列等之職缺,館員有八成會離職。公共圖書館對館員的激勵因素不足,可為警訊。    二、館員對技術變革很注重,進修機會是影響工作滿足。擬參加訓練進修項目有圖書館營運行銷、電腦能力、外語等,專業性和知識性都兼顧。館員自我學習認知強烈,希望參加輔導體系舉辦的研習。 隨時代轉型,壓力成為普遍文明病,館員提出心靈成長、壓力紓緩、情緒管理等課程,是有別以往訓練需求。 三、館員自我期許以更熱忱服務讀者,呼應人員變革之「顧客導向」的經營理念重視,。與社區、學校或文史工作室資源結合,形成資源再利用與資源共享。以績效爭取行政體系(上級)關注。各種作為受到回饋、讚賞,工作滿足就高。 本研究經調查結果發現以下問題,值得討論: 一、館員建立專業形象與權威性,需要輔導系統更加重視訓練。 二、館員應持續發聲,減少數位資訊的「馬太效應」。   三、與網路爭取讀者時代來臨,公共圖書館館員要走出去、走入社區培養志工,如何將服務(各資訊)推廣出去,需活潑行銷方式。   四、時代需求、承上起下壓力,新增任務與服務目標: (一)徵集文獻、數位化壓力增加,資訊人力要栽培。 (二)對次級公共圖書館提出之輔導建議,無拘束力;輔導機制建立需要探討。 (三)採購法令壓力增加,如何建立「新知即時到館與行政程序同等重要」觀念,需得到行政部門的認同、協助。 五、「顧客導向服務」的壓力,館員應有「顧客應對」相關訓練課程、釋放壓力的能力。 六、館員專業和熱忱應並重,對社會要有敏銳度。 針對上述本研究發現和討論,對後續研究建議: 一、 研究對象可擴及所轄之分館、區圖書館館員為研究範圍,差異性將完整呈現。 二、 行政院推動社福機關行政法人化,對公共圖書館成立宗旨有無衝突、對館員心理衝擊、讀者權益增損、甚或對「弱勢優先」(Affirmation action)之影響等面向,建議後續研究可觀察研究。 三、 E化政府與地方公共圖書館連結:對於與民眾最接近和方便使用的地方--公共圖書館,其硬體設備和指導能力能否成為自動化無線網站的提供者;建議後續研究可觀察研究。 / Public departments are set up by part of the rights given up by the people, in order for the government to seek and create benefits for its citizens. When it comes to cultural heritage and propagation of knowledge, public libraries were established at all levels of administrative systems, so there are places available to the people to encourage reading, and form their habit of lifetime learning, thus to uplift the nation’s competitiveness. A famous remark from The Book of Changes: “Change, is the only thing constant”. Cultural growth is cyclic, in order to survive, organization has to pay attention constantly to its reformation. According to Leavitt, organization reformation is classified into 3 types: organizational reformation, personnel reformation, and technical reformation, these 3 are interrelated, but the essential is whether personnel, employees are willing to stay to strive with the organization, job satisfaction is fundamental. This is the motive of this study. Except Tainan Municipal Library, all the public libraries in different counties and cities of Taiwan Province were combined and became library section since the Cultural Center has established and built in the 80th. (1) Thus 2 levels were downgraded on their administrative systems, so they have to strive for budget and administrative resources with all sections of the Center. (2) 90th is the era for the Bureau of Culture, this was also the time that faced with technical reformation: including the pressure such in the using and teaching of computer, advanced information network took shape of electronic database, as the same time, to strengthen the comprehension of foreign languages. (3) In personnel reformation, the role that the librarians played has changed from a Manager to a Servant, the working concept is differed, at the same time, its organizational culture is being reshaped; Librarians did not receive the attention and appropriate trainings they deserved. Studies show that, there would be throes or chaos during the processes of reformation, the organization shall experience different resistances and thrusts in different phases of reformation, whether the reformation would succeed or not, employees are its essential factor. As time goes by, the public librarians’ current working situation, their job satisfaction, future demand are the subjects of the study, and study shows: I. Librarians facing the changes in the levels of administrative positions resulted form organizational reformation: librarians deemed this cannot be changed by the non-local public servants, therefore, no significant dissatisfaction is shown toward this matter. However, some public librarians that municipal libraries can be established, so that the operation, levels of job function and administrative positions of public libraries can be commensurate. There is dissatisfaction with the wages; job satisfaction cannot be met in terms of the ranking of duties, but not those librarians that actual serve the readers, they are satisfied with their wages; this is its difference. When there is job vacancy with higher ranking of duties available, most probably the librarians would leave their jobs. The encouraging factors of public libraries to their librarians are insufficient, this serves as a warning signal. II. Librarians pay much attention to the technical reformation, as further studies influence job satisfaction. Operation and marketing of libraries, computer skills and foreign languages are the subjects planned for training and further studies, these subjects covered both professional and intellectual knowledge. Librarians with strong recognition of self-learning, they expected to participate in the researches and studies held by the counseling and guidance system. As times keep on changing and transforming, “pressure” has become a common disease of civilization, librarians have proposed courses concerning spiritual growth, pressure relief, and emotional management, which are quite different from the training demands in the past. III. Librarians expect themselves to serve readers with more enthusiasm, this calls on to pay more attention on the management concept of “customer-orientation” in the personnel reformation, to combine with the resources of the communities, schools or the studios for literatures and histories, so that these resources can be reused and shared. To win the attentions from the administrative system (the superior) with one’s job performance. There would be higher job satisfaction as one’s performance receives reward and appreciation. The following issues have found from this study, which required further discussion: I. Librarians shall build up their professional images and authoritativeness, counseling and guidance system has to pay more attention on the related trainings. II. Librarians shall keep on expressing their opinions, so as to reduce the “Matthews Effect” in digital information. III. It’s the time to solicit readers through internet, public librarians need to extend outwardly, to involve in the training of volunteers for the communities, and more active marketing strategies would be required, in order to promote services (all kinds of information). IV. New missions and objectives of services shall be added to cope with the demand of the era, as well as the pressure of succession and heritage: (I) The pressure to collect documentations, and digitalization, training of information personnel is needed. (II) The guidance and suggestions proposed to the subordinate public libraries are not binding; further probing is required for the guiding system established. (III) More pressure concerning the rules and regulations for purchasing, how to build up the concept of “New knowledge arrive the library instantly is of the same important as the administrative procedures”, this requires recognition and assistance from the administrative department. V. The pressure of “Customer-oriented service”, librarians should take training courses related to “The right ways to communicate with customers”, and be capable to relieve their pressures. VI. Librarians should be both professional and enthusiastic, and keen to the society. Based on the aforementioned findings and discussion, follow-up study suggest that: I. The object of study can be expanded to include jurisdictional and regional librarians, thus their differences shall be revealed perfectly. II. “Administrative corporation” moved by the Executive Yuen for social welfare institutions, the following aspects should be further observed and studied in the follow-up study: whether is policy is conflict with the purpose in establishing public libraries, the mental distress it caused to the librarians, increase/lessen of readers’ rights and benefits, an even its effect to the “Affirmation action” III. Connection of E-government and local public libraries: a place nearest and most convenient for the public – public libraries, are their hardware facilities and instructing capability enable them to become the supplier of automatic wireless network? This requires further observations and studies in the follow-up study.

公共圖書館中文版兒童網站評鑑之研究 / The Study of Evaluation Indicators for Chinese Children’s Websites of Public Library

蔡承穎 Unknown Date (has links)
公共圖書館面對網際網路以及兒童上網趨勢所帶來的影響,早已嘗試結合網路與電腦來建置兒童專屬的網站以提供新的兒童服務。然而,為求了解網站使用成效與提升網站之品質,公共圖書館有必要針對兒童網站進行評鑑作業。國外研究者針對兒童網站與網路資源早已建置了許多網站評鑑指標提供圖書員、中小學教師與兒童做為選擇、評鑑網站優劣時之參考,反觀國內相關研究內容則十分缺乏。因此,為求提升國內公共圖書館中文版兒童網站之品質,有必要針對兒童網站進行評鑑研究。 基於上述研究動機本研究首先透過文獻分析法探討兒童網站建置與規劃、兒童資訊需求與資訊尋求行為,以及網站評鑑指標與兒童網站評鑑要項等相關文獻做為本次研究之理論基礎。其次,彙整各領域專家學者所提出之網站評鑑指標並透過問卷調查法蒐集家長對指標重要性之看法以及對網站功能與服務之建議。最後,針對國內公共圖書館中文版兒童網站進行調查研究,了解現行網站之數量並針對12項網站可茲提供之服務內容進行分析比較。 依據研究資料分析,本研究提出相關結論如下: 一、網站評鑑指標:總計共有介面設計與資訊架構、網站內容、網站互動性、多媒體特性以及網站連結品質等五大構面,50項評鑑指標可做為公共圖書館評鑑之依據,研究結論包含:(一)網站內容為家長認為最重要之評鑑構面;(二)教育性、知識性、正確性、適切性、趣味性和新穎性是家長關注的網站內容性質;(三)資訊架構與介面設計構面中家長首重介面設計之易操作性、閱讀性與美觀性;(四)網站互動性功能應以有效協助兒童使用網站為首要目的;(五)網路頻寬為影響多媒體技術和網站連結品質之重要因素。 二、網站內容分析部份:目前國內共有十所公共圖書館提供中文版兒童網站介面,建置單位層級以縣(市)圖書館為主,研究結論包含(一)各館網站服務數量提供不均,數量差距頗大;(二)圖書館基本資料和相關規定、最新消息、館藏查詢、網路資源區、諮詢服務與討論區為網站最常提供的服務項目;(三)各館網站服務內容各有特色,服務名稱採用適合兒童程度之詞彙;(四)部份網站內容有連結錯誤或服務項目無內容之情形;(五)各館缺乏兒童專屬之館藏查詢介面。 最後,本研究提出數點建議如下:一、國內公共圖書館應加速規劃建置中文版兒童網站;二、已建置網站者應加強內容更新與維護;三、從使用者觀點建構優質兒童網站;四、依據年齡層級提供網站分層服務,實施網站分級制度;五、網站可加強規劃討論區、留言板;多媒體資源區;遊戲區和課業資源區服務;六、加強兒童版網站之利用推廣;七、針對現行公共圖書館中文版兒童網站進行評鑑。 / Under the influence of the Internet and children’s use of the Internet, public libraries have already attempted to establish websites exclusively for children in combination of the Internet and computers to offer children new services. However, it is necessary for public libraries to assess websites for children to ensure that they can be effectively used by children. Foreign researchers have already established many assessment indicators on websites and the Internet resources for children for elementary and high school teachers to choose good websites for children. Similar researches are rare in Taiwan. It is, there is necessary to conduct assessment study on websites for children in order to increase the quality for public libraries’ websites in for children. Based on the aforesaid motive, literature reviewed is used to explore documents regarding establishment/planning of children’s websites, children’s information need and information seeking behavior, website assessment indicators and assessment elements, etc as the theory basis of this study. Second, gathering website assessment indicators of specialists and scholars in different fields ,and ideas of parents on website assessment indicators and parents’ suggestions on website functions and services are collected with questionnaires . Finally, twelve items of service from websites are gathered to analyze contents of public libraries’ websites in Chinese for children. In accordance with the research information, the conclusions of this study are: I.Website assessment indicators: There are five major aspects of interface design/information structure, website contents, website interaction, multimedia and link quality. The 50 indicators shall serve as basis of assessment on public libraries. Conclusions include: 1) website contents is the most important assessment aspect to parents; 2) parents care about the education, knowledge, accuracy, appropriateness, fun and novelty in website contents; 3) parents emphasize user-friendliness, readability and esthetic in information structure and interface design; 4) the interaction of websites shall effectively help children to use the sites;and 5)bandwidth is an important factor that influence multimedia technology and link quality. II.Website contents: currently, there are ten public libraries with websites in Chinese for children. The websites are established by county (city) libraries. Conclusions include: 1) quantity of service from each website varies significantly; 2) the most common service items of these websites are: basic information and regulations, latest news, collection inquiry, resources, consultation and discussion areas; 3) each website has its unique characteristics and the names are designed for children’s understanding; 4) some websites have incorrect links or lack of content in certain service items and 5) neither website has collection inquiry exclusively for children. Based on the aforesaid results, the suggestions include: 1) domestic libraries shall expedite planning websites in Chinese for children; 2) those already having websites shall enrich the contents and enhance maintenance; 3) to establish good websites for children in the views of users; 4) implementing leveled services based on age groups; 5) discussion area, message boards, multimedia resources area, games area and class resources area are recommended; 6) enhancing the utilization of websites for children; and 7) conducting assessment on domestic public libraries’ websites in Chinese for children.

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