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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳澤榮 Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 網際網路服務是未來提供資訊傳播與利用的一項重要管道,也是縮短城鄉差距最佳的方式,公共圖書館在提供網際網路服務之前,必須先縮減公共圖書館本身數位落差的問題,如此才能真正提供普及化資訊服務。近年來,我國公共圖書館在圖書館自動化與網路建設發展已有明顯成長,為了促使公共圖書館在消弭數位落差發揮功能,第一要務即必須先縮減公共圖書館數位落差現象。本研究目的在瞭解國內公共圖書館資訊基礎建設與網際網路服務現況,比較不同層級與地區公共圖書館數位落差現象。 本研究採用文獻分析法與問卷調查法,參考國內外數位落差評量方式,設計問卷調查表進行問卷調查與分析,最後並根據研究結果提出「台灣地區公共圖書館網路服務數位落差評量模式芻議」。 本研究發現,臺灣地區公共圖書館網路資訊基礎建設程度已達相當之 水準,然而網際網路服務程度卻不高,網路服務的差異則以不同層級公共圖書館差異較大,不同地區公共圖書館較無明顯差異。 根據研究結果,本研究提出臺灣地區公共圖書館網路服務數位落差評量模式,本模式區分為兩大面向:1.基本具備能力,包括資訊基礎建設、資訊內容、人力資源、館員資訊素養;2.網際網路應用服務能力,包括網際網路服務政策、資訊服務、使用者利用教育、讀者使用率。 根據調查結果,本研究提出十點建議:1.積極爭取公共圖書館電腦資訊相關預算;2.改善專業人員之聘任或增設資訊專屬部門單位;3.持續增購數位電子資源;4.加強讀者網路利用教育;5.加強基層館員對數位電子資源的認識與利用;6. 加速制訂資訊服務政策;7. 廣設公共圖書館為資訊服務據點;8.定期進行公共圖書館網路服務調查;9. 訂定公共圖書館網路服務評量模式;10. 建議各地方政府積極配合政府公共措施預算。


李美華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討學校城鄉差距與家庭社經地位對數位落差之影響,研究方法採問卷調查方式進行,研究工具為「學校數位化現況調查問卷」及「學生資訊學習情況調查問卷」,並以全國公立國民中學為研究對象,採抽樣調查方式,蒐集57所國中及744位國二學生之調查資料,經過平均數、標準差、t考驗、Pearson’s相關分析、單變量分析、多變量分析、複迴歸分析和Scheff'e的事後比較等方法統計與分析。根據研究結果,歸納出下列主要結論: 一、 國民中學城鄉所在地的不同,存在數位落差現象。 (一)城市國民中學「硬體品質」優於鄉村國民中學。 (二)城市國民中學「資訊經費來源」多於鄉村國民中學。 (三)城市國民中學「網路化程度」高於鄉村國民中學。 (四)城市國民中學「數位接近機會」多於鄉村國民中學。 (五)城市國民中學「硬體數量」與鄉村國民中學無差異。 (六)城市國民中學「資訊融入教學」與鄉村國民中學無差異。 二、不同家庭社經地位之學生,存在數位落差現象。 (一)中、高家庭社經地位學生「電腦知識」強於低家庭社經地位學生。 (二)中、高家庭社經地位學生「家庭網路使用頻率」高於低家庭社經地位學生。 (三)不同家庭社經地位學生在「資訊學習之環境氛圍」方面無差異。 (四)不同家庭社經地位學生在「學校電腦軟硬體設備使用頻率」方面 無差異。 三、不同城鄉別、家庭社經地位之學生,在「電腦知識」與「資訊學習之環境氛圍」等方面有差異。 (一) 家庭社經地位對「電腦知識」的影響視城鄉別而定,在城市,社經地位的影響不顯著,但是在鄉村,低社經學生的「電腦知識」特別弱。 (二) 家庭社經地位對的「資訊學習之環境氛圍」影響視城鄉別而定,在城市,社經地位的影響不顯著,但是在鄉村,低社經學生的「資訊學習之環境氛圍」特別弱。 四、學校數位化程度對學生資訊素養有影響。 學校數位化程度對學生「電腦知識」、「資訊學習之環境氛圍」、「學校電腦軟硬體設備使用頻率」等方面有正面影響,但是學校數位化程度對「家庭網路使用頻率」方面沒有影響。 根據上述研究發現,學校城鄉差距與學生家庭社經地位對數位落差之影響,表現在「硬體品質」、「資訊經費來源」、「網路化程度」、「數位接近機會」、「電腦知識」及「家庭網路使用頻率」等六方面。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the digital divide between urban and rural areas and among Socio-Economic classes. A questionnaire about digitized state of schools was administered to 57 public junior high schools, while a questionnaire about expertise of information technology was administered to 744 students randomly selected from those 57 schools. Results showed that urban schools got better scores than rural schools among many aspects, including quality of hardware, financial support, use of internet, and availability of information equipments. In addition, students with higher socio-economic status have better knowledge about information technology and higher frequency of internet use at home than students with lower socio-economic status. Besides, urban students also obtain better knowledge about information technology and have more opportunities of using school’s and family’s information equipments than rural students. Interaction effects showed that rural students with low socio-economic status are in the most impoverished situation of the current digital society. In light of the above conclusions, it was suggested that more government’s financial supports should be allocated to rural schools and especially to rural students with low socio-economic status. Keywords: urban and rural areas, socio-economic status, digital divide, junior high school, information technology expertise.


李銘飛 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區在2004年有1,146,352家中小企業,佔所有民營企業總數的97.8%,這種景況在全世界經濟體中所少有,但是更特別的是這些中小企業中,尚有30萬中小企業沒有電腦設備,另外還有34萬有電腦的中小企業未曾寬頻上網,而上網應用電子商務的中小企業,只不到3萬家!這些曾經被全世界肯定,擔當台灣經濟奇蹟式發展驅動力的產業基石,如今正陷入嚴重的數位落差泥淖中!   上述現象終於引起政府的注意,決定投入資源,採取行動協助中小企業導入數位應用能力,以避免這些曾經克服各種景氣危機,渡過許多經濟風暴的企業,在資訊化的浪潮中翻覆!   1,146,352家中小企業的數位應用需求,對資訊服務業來說,應該是一個很大的市場拓展機會,為什麼這個看來原是極佳的數位機會,卻變成了數位落差呢?這裡面必定存在著民間企業無法克服的關鍵問題,必須靠政府的政策工具來解決!而政府是利用全國人民的資源,來協助中小企業縮減數位落差,因此必須先診斷出正確的病因,再採取適當有效的策略,對症下藥,這對主管當局是一項挑戰。   本研究即是針對上述需求而作之一策略研究,研究結果發現,首先中小企業導入e化應用,要的不僅只是「產品」,更需要的是「在地化一路陪伴小企業成長的服務」是重要關鍵;其次簡單而易產生效益的初步應用,是吸引廣大中小企業願意導入e化的重要策略,而以「溝通」為目的之寬頻網路應用策略,符合這項要求!第三則是對有導入意願之企業,予以補助激勵,同時選拔e化應用成功的典範,予以獎勵及廣宣,則最能打動企業主的心,跟進效法。   而如何將俱有符合溝通策略需求產品的大型資訊服務業者,與能夠一路陪伴中小企業成長的在地小型資訊服務業者,聯盟合作,而使三方各蒙其利,則是本研究另一項重要的策略建議;研究中同時也規畫了產業別及地區優先推動的策略建議,對落實執行縮減中小企業數位落差,是一項確實可行且有效的策略研究! / There are 1,146,352 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Taiwan, equals to 97.8 percent of all the private enterprises here. This is an unusual high percentage in any other developed economies in the world. Moreover, there are about 300,000 SMEs (26.1%) do not have any computer in use, and other 340,000 companies’ (29.6%) computers do not have broadband connections. Only less the 30, 000 of them have made use of online e-commerce applications. These small and medium-sized enterprises who together served as industry backbone driving Taiwan to miraculous economic developments in the past decades, now suddenly find themselves trapped in serious digital divide. The above phenomenon has finally drawn government’s attention. It has decided to inject resources and take actions to help SMEs adapt to IT applications, and to help prevent those who had overcome many difficulties and economic crises in the bad times from overthrown in the wave of digitalization. The need of IT applications for 1,146,352 small and medium-sized enterprises is supposed to be great business opportunities for information service providers. Why has this digital opportunity which seems to be great turned into something more like digital divide? There must be some critical factors that private sector can’t handle by itself, and should be dealt with government’s supports. Since the government is using national resources to help SMEs shorten the digital divide, it should make proper diagnosis to find out the right causes, and then take appropriate measures to solve the problems. This has presented a challenge to the authority. This study is positioned to be a strategic research focuses on the need aforementioned. It has discovered that: In the first place, when small and medium-sized enterprises make use of IT technologies, they want not only “products”, but also “localized services to go along with the growth of their business”, the latter is actually a very key point. Secondly, the IT applications which are made easy and productive are very important to appeal to SMEs, and broadband applications aiming at “communication” can help achieve this goal. The third is to offer subsidies to encourage those businesses that are willing to use IT, and in the meantime, select successful examples/cases of using IT applications and give them lots of publicity and rewards. This type of promotion can have greatest influence on the leaders of small and medium-sized enterprises to follow. Another important suggestion of this study is on how to facilitate cooperation between large information service providers who can offer products to match needs of SMEs and small local providers who can go along with the developments of small and medium-sized enterprises, and then help all three parties enjoy the benefits. The study has also prioritized the strategies based on the industry domains and geographical regions. It is proven to be an efficient and feasible strategy to shorten digital divide for small and medium-sized enterprises.

數位機會中心經營型態與困難之研究 / A Study of Digital Opportunity Centers: Management Type and Difficulty

張一清 Unknown Date (has links)
科技發展過程當中,無可避免的形成數位落差,數位落差過高的 族群,在社會上會越趨於弱勢。政府為縮減數位落差,推出許多政策 執行,其中一項便是在偏鄉地區設置數位機會中心,並且結合各部會 和民間資源,運用數位機會中心提升當地民眾資訊素養,給予較弱勢 的社區及居民公平的數位機會,提升競爭力。 數位機會中心設置的單位,共有7 種類型,學校、教會及廟宇、 社區、鄉公所、圖書館、社教站、其他。宜蘭縣所設置的數位機會中 心有學校、教會、社區、圖書館等4 種。 本研究以宜蘭縣所設置的9 個數位機會中心為對象,試著從實地 訪查及深度訪談的方法,探討不同的單位在經營數位機會中心時其經 營型態有何不同,以及在經營上是否有遭遇困難之處。 研究發現,不同的數位機會中心因設置單位的不同會產生不同的 經營型態,其經營的成果與主事者有相當大的關係。在經營的困難除 了人力及經費之外,上級的支持及當地居民學習的意願也佔了重要的 因素。 數位機會中心的設立,提供了偏鄉地區許多民眾學習資訊科技的 機會,本研究提供提出簡化數位機會中心目標設定及檢討數位機會中 心業務方向作為建議,期能對於政府在縮減數位落差政策施行上有所 助益。 / Digital divide is inevitable in the process of technology development. However, people suffering from large digital divide may become more disadvantaged in the society. In order to minimize digital divide, the government has launched numerous programs, one of which is to establish Digital Opportunity Centers in remote areas and integrate public and civil resources to enhance the digital literacy of local people, provide them an equal access to digital opportunities, and improve their competitiveness in the society. Digital Opportunity Centers are established in seven types of organizations, including school, church and temple, community, township office, library, social education station, and others. In Yilan County, Digital Opportunity Centers are mainly established in schools, churches, communities, and libraries. This study focused on nine Digital Opportunity Centers in Yilan County. Through field survey and in-depth interview, this study attempted to explore whether the operating model of Digital Opportunity Centers varied by organization as well as the difficulties encountered in operating the centers. Results showed that the operating model of Digital Opportunity Centers varied by organization, and the performance of the centers largely depended on managers of the organization. In addition to labor and funding, executive support and local residents’ willingness to learn were the main difficulties encountered in operation of the centers. Digital Opportunity Centers have offered many people living in remote areas an opportunity to learn information technology. Based on research results, this study suggested that the authority concerned simplify the objectives of Digital Opportunity Centers and reexamine their functions to enhance the effectiveness of this program.


鄭凱岳, Cheng,Kai Yue Unknown Date (has links)


施盈志 Unknown Date (has links)
美國商務部國家通信及資訊委員會自1995年起連續四年發佈的數位落差調查報告指出,美國雖然在電話與電腦之普及率和網際網路之使用率等資訊基礎建設發展程度已逐年提昇,但同時卻也會隨民眾之收入狀況、種族、教育程度以及居住區域的不同而有相當大的差異,此即一般所謂之「數位落差」。數位落差一詞在學術及實務上,因研究或運用方向之不同,而有不同之定義與內涵,本文認為在儘量擴張數位落差之內涵下,舉凡群體間「擁有及運用」「數位科技」之「高、低(甚至是無)」程度差距,均屬數位落差。 從法律面來探討消弭數位落差之法律基礎,多數學者以「平等權」、「言論自由權」、「受益權」、「基本權」等模糊之法律概念論述,此正足以反映出數位科技發展過程中,人民基本權益內涵之變動。以21世紀的角度來看1994年司法院大法官釋字第364號,本文認為國家有作為的義務,實現公眾接近利用數位設備,以達言論自由與個人表達權利之實現,同時也應保障通訊方法、工具、媒介的充分供應。 依照2001年,台北市原住民事務委員會對於台北市原住民之全面性調查,台北市原住民受訪者家中擁有電腦之比例為55.7%,相較於整個台北市市民擁有電腦之比例將近80%而言,同為台北市居民,原住民與非原住民之間,顯然有數位落差存在。2001年4月24日台北市政府依據「台北市政府資訊推動策略會議紀錄」,訂定「台北市政府推動縮短數位落差執行計畫」,其中明定:「以戶為單位,提供新台幣五千元至一萬元補助原住民學生購置電腦,或捐贈二手電腦,減輕其資訊設備負擔。」,經費則由台北市公益彩券盈餘分配基金支應。此一對於台北市原住民的經濟補助政策,本文由憲法層次往下探討其是否合法,認為應判斷以下層次:一、外部差別待遇:該政策只補助原住民,而不及於其他台北市民或其他與原住民居於相同處境之人民(如漢人、殘障族群等)。二、內部差別待遇:該政策只補助設籍台北市滿一年以上,就讀公私立學校,具原住民身分學生之家庭。三、必要性與相當性:給予原住民最低標準之基本需求,或是超出基本需求的給付。 本文採用質化研究之深度訪談法,訪談該政策之使用者,檢驗上開外部差別待遇、內部差別待遇、必要性與相當性等,三個層次的合法性問題,發現在「外部差別待遇」、「必要性與相當性」上,合法性較無問題,但是在「內部差別待遇」上,以「具有原住民學生身分」為分界點,完全未考慮各個原住民家庭或個人之實際需求,造成某些真正迫切需要該補助之台北市原住民的不利益。該政策應該有補救之方法,對於不符合「具有原住民學生身分」之申請者,為實質審查,倘確有補助之需要,仍應予以補助,以免某些確實有迫切需求的原住民,無法申請到補助,否則該政策在此一「內部差別待遇」之合法性上,應為不合法之判斷,當然,該政策倘若直接刪除「具有原住民學生身分之家庭」此一條件之限制,亦屬適當。

縮短非營利組織數位落差之研究-以喜瑪拉雅研究發展基金會為例 / The Research of Bridging the Digital Divide of Nonprofit Organization -The Case of Himalaya Foundation

劉意詮, Liu, Yi-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
由於資訊通信科技發展日新月異,不論是個人、組織或政府,皆不可避免地逐漸受到其影響。雖然資訊通信科技的出現帶給個人或組織更多發展機會,卻也逐漸產生了差距,「數位落差」現象的出現,顯現出弱勢族群與其他族群在資訊通信科技發展上的差距與限制。非營利組織由於其公益與非營利的特質,在資訊通信科技發展上更易遭遇困難。喜瑪拉雅研究發展基金會致力於非營利組織數位落差縮短、建立資訊通信科技議題,為協助非營利組織資訊能力建立的主要代表,對非營利組織影響甚大。   本研究即以喜瑪拉雅研究發展基金會相關服務措施作為個案,以深度訪談與相關文獻資料分析的方式,研究相關作為對非營利組織數位落差縮短的效果,探討如何有效縮短非營利組織數位落差問題。經由實務文獻資料與訪談結果,本研究提出相關建議,期能有效縮短非營利組織數位落差,協助非營利組織資訊通信科技設施發展,建立非營利組織資訊通信科技使用能力。研究建議如下: 一、相關組織可考慮於偏遠地區設立相關機構,協助非營利組織接觸與學習資訊通信科技。 二、應儘速對資源不足非營利組織補助與捐贈,協助其基本能力建立。 三、針對非營利組織管理人員進行資訊通信科技相關基礎介紹,促進組織內部對資訊通信科技的接受度與認知。 四、有志發展的相關組織可尋求其他部門或組織的協助,共同發展類似服務與具體計畫。 五、應加強發展針對非營利組織個案管理與資源整合的系統。 六、鼓勵資訊或管理專業之非營利組織擔任中介角色,整合相關資源,協助非營利組織發展資訊通信科技、縮短數位落差。 / Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have been innovated dramatically each day. Individuals, organizations and the government are all influenced. They not only bring more opportunities for each one of us than before, but also make gaps between people who are owned ICTs and who are not. Such scenario is called Digital Divide. It shows the obvious advantage among the people who has used or owned ICTs. Nonprofit organization is one of the typical organization that fall behind the technology of ICTs because of it’s nonprofit behavior. Himalaya foundation is the foundation that helps nonprofit foundation to make key issues on ICTs and keep on going the new innovation up to date. Himalaya foundation is significant to the nonprofit organization. The research is based on this typical foundation whose purpose is developing services to nonprofit organization, i.e., Himalaya foundation. By interviews with Himalaya foundation and other nonprofit organization members, compared with the analyses of data from the related sources, we can understand how seriously digital divide issue has effects on the nonprofit organizations and others. The research will not only provide the effective solutions to reduce the gaps between nonprofit organizations and others, but also help the nonprofit organizations develop their own ICTs equipments and ability. The suggestions are as the following: 1.The related foundation can consider building up information center near the nonprofit organizations in order to help them learn and be exposed to ICTs. 2.To give and to help the deficient organization in order to establish their ability. 3.Provide basic introduction and knowledge of ICTs to the stuffs in the organizations; make them more recognized and accepted ICTs. 4.The organizations willing to bridge digital divide should seek assist from other sectors or organizations, and develop the same kinds of service and concrete plans. 5.To develop nonprofit organization systems of resource integration and case-management. 6.Encourage the Information or management oriented nonprofit organization to be the inter-roles that help nonprofit organization to develop the ICTs, integrated resources, and bridging Digital Divide. Keywords: nonprofit organization, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), Digital Divide.


霓卡 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技已被世界各國視為追求經濟發展的萬靈丹,發展網際網路更是當代邁向資訊化社會,提升國家競爭力相當重要的一環,中國大陸也正積極投入這股浪潮之中。截至二00六年底,中國大陸網路用戶數量已經高達一億三千七百萬人,穩居全球第二位,僅次於美國。在中國政府的大力推動下,中國發展成為全球上網人數最多的國家指日可待,隨著上網人數比例日增,資訊社會日漸成型,中國大陸網際網路發展所呈現之樣貌,將是觀察其政經發展模式之重要切入點。 由於網際網路普遍被認為具有「去中心化」的特性,各連線節點皆可以為中心,就此延伸之,網路世界彷彿平等自由的平台,不存在中心與邊陲。本文從發展社會學理論的觀點出發,以「中心—邊陲」模式為核心,探討被視為促成中國跨越式發展重要契機的網際網路與中國大陸政治經濟發展之間的關係。「中心—邊陲」模式是過去發展研究學者在探究第三世界國家發展困境時所發展出來的概念,中心與邊陲間的最大差距是政治經濟優位程度,而形成二者差距的原因在於中心對邊陲的剝削、支配乃至於殖民的不平等關係。 研究結果顯示,中國大陸網際網路發展模式不但沒有出現「去中心化」的現象,反而呈現高度集中在東部、沿海、已婚、男性、高中以上教育程度、年輕世代的發展趨勢。就區域而言,中國大陸網際網路發展與改革開放的不均衡發展趨勢高度相關。網際網路非能獨立於實體世界而發展,在中國大陸區域間基礎條件不均衡發展的前提下,可以預見,除非國家力量足以促成全面均衡的發展,否則未來中國大陸各地的網路發展仍將呈現明顯的落差,中國大陸網際網路發展的「中心—邊陲」現象短期內將難以改變。

數位落差狀態衡量、策略規劃及績效管理之整合性架構與模式研究 / The Study of the Integrated Architecture and Model for the Measurement of the Status, the Strategic Planning and the Performance Management of Digital Divide

王行一, Wang, Hsing I Unknown Date (has links)
數位落差是資訊科技與數位化經濟快速發展下的產物。研究發現數位落差代表著機會的消失,更反映著社會基本素養、貧窮、醫療或其他社會問題存在的議題,只要數位落差存在,經濟的發展、國家競爭力的提升、人民生活的進步都將受到拖延而遲緩。事實上,有關數位落差如何發生、如何衡量、影響層面與嚴重性以及如何縮減數位落差的相關議題不斷的被討論,各國政府與國際組織或者自行組成研究小組,或者邀請學者專家針對縮減數位落差議題加以探討,期以建立一個公平共享數位化所帶來各項利益的社會。然而研究顯示縮減數位落差各方努力的成效仍不如預期。如何縮減數位落差的相關研究至今仍有許多缺口待彌補,包括數位落差現象觀察不完整、欠缺一個具有全方位評量的架構、縮減數位落差的方案與數位落差現象間的因果關係並無法提出一個對應的脈絡、如何檢討縮減數位落差策略的執行績效等等。 本研究由文獻探討、資料分析提出數位落差整體衡量架構,繼之由策略管理的角度建立以平衡記分卡為基礎之數位落差策略績效評比架構,確立縮減數位落差之願景、使命、策略、策略目標以及建立以BSC為基礎之數位落差評量指標。研究並提出縮減數位落差策略缺口之定義與檢視方法。數位差衡量指標以層級分析法求得權數,並將指標與策略結合,衡量縮減數位落差策略在數位落差整體表現的實質績效。研究獲得以下結論: 1. 研究提出一個國內與國際數位落差觀察與衡量整合架構,架構共分為ICT普及、均等機會、資訊社會與國家競爭力四個構面。 2. 研究結果認為縮減數位落差在策略上應考量受益群體、政府功能與流程、全國性學習與成長以及公共財政的支援。 3. 利用策略地圖所闡述的因果特性進行策略缺口分析。研究結果提出四類水平策略議題缺口、五類水平策略目標缺口、兩類垂直策略議題缺口與三類垂直策略目標缺口。水平策略缺口分析可確保策略議題之完整性,而垂直缺口分析則可檢視策略間之因果關係是否連結。最終目標則是保證縮減數位落差策略之品質。 4. 本研究將策略與數位落差評估架構結合,除了以AHP計算各指標權數,瞭解各指標之重要性,並於指標架構表中指出該指標為績效驅動指標,或為策略執行結果指標。 5. 實例分析發現,目前台灣在縮減數位落差議題上水平策略缺口包含遺漏策略議題、缺少因應台灣特質之策略與策略目標、策略議題不明、遺漏重要策略目標、缺少適當衡量指標以及無效的策略等等。垂直策略缺口情況較嚴重,表示策略間的邏輯性並未詳細檢討過。 研究最後對我國政府提出以下建議:1.重新檢討目前衡量數位落差之架構、2.擬定縮減數位落差的策略規劃與管理機制、3.借鏡先進國家的成功案例並進行跨國的合作、4.尋求質的改善。此外提出五項衍生之議題,值得後續繼續觀察與探討:1.考慮如何將本研究所提出之架構更精鍊。2.目前全球的趨勢已由觀察數位落差的移轉至數位機會的存在,在這樣的新思維下,策略上應有哪些重大的改變?如何將這種轉變以無縫的方式連接,是值得持續觀察的議題。3.指標術語或專用名詞更精確的解釋與規範。4.跨國應用與比較,實地訪談,徵詢更實際的意見與建議,增加本研究所提出架構之實務價值。5.設計問項、核定與統一衡量單位、定義問項目的與建立題庫。 / Digital divide (DD) is the byproduct of the fast development of information technologies and digital economy. Previous researches indicated that the existence of digital divide implies the vanishment of digital opportunities, and furthermore, it reflects the presence of servere social problems including literacy, poverty, medical systems, etc. As long as there is a gap, the development of economy, national competitiveness, and the advance of human lives will be affected. As the matter of fact, the issues of the causes, the measurements, the impacts as well as the reducing of digital divide have been constantly discussed over a decade. Governments and international organizations have put a lot of efforts in pursuit of establishing a society in which people would equally share the benefits of e-society by minimizing the gaps. Unfortunately, research findings have indicated that the efforts for reducing digital divides were inconvincible. Major themes, such as the observation as well as the evaluation of the status of digital divide in an integrated view, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationship between strategies and the outcomes, are still absent in the discussions or researches. By reviewing literatures and analyzing the documents collected, this research first provides an integrated framework for simultaneously analyzing domestic and international digital divides. The framework is later incorporated with the BSC to form the strategic management platform for reducing DD. To ease the process for a nation to build its own DD-BSC and to refine its DD strategies, this research also presents a systemized approach to locate strategic gaps. The AHP is adopted in this research to verify the consistency of the structure of the framework as well as to calculate the weights of the indicators. In summary, this research contributes the following results: 1. An integrated model, containing ICT Diffusion, Equal Opportunity, Information Society and National Competitiveness dimension for the measurement and evaluation of digital divide, is presented in this research. 2. Research findings suggest the strategies of reducing DD should be planned based on Beneficiaries, Governmental Functions and Processes, Nation-Wide Learning and Growth and Public Finance perspectives. 3. The research proposes and defines four types of horizontal strategic theme gaps, five types of horizontal strategic objective gaps, two types of vertical strategic theme gaps and three types of vertical strategic objective gap types. The ultimate goal of strategic gaps analysis is to ensure the qualities of the strategies of reducing DD. 4. The measurements proposed in this research can be used to measure the status of DD and to evaluate the performances of the strategies of reducing DD. 5. The case study of Taiwn reveals that in the issue of reducing DD, the government could initiate more effective strategies by referencing other developed countries. Major problems of Taiwan regarding to reducing DD include the lack of strategic objectives, the lack of proper measurement, the broken links among strategies as well as between strategy and its objectives. Suggestions proposed to the government including the reexamination the scopes and strutrucures of measuring the status of digital divide, designing a strategic planning and control system for reducing DD, seeking for cross-nation cooperations and focusing on improving the qualities of the DD strategies. Future studies may focus on the refinement of the frameworks proposed in this research; determine the changes that are affected by the new concept of digital opportunities; define more clearly and precisely the terms used in observing or measuring DD; design questionnaires and collect data regularly. Finally, more interviews and case studies are to be conducted to improve the practical values of this research.

我國偏遠鄉鎮數位落差之跨年度比較分析 / Longitudiual Analysis of Digital Divide in Taiwan’s Rural Areas

林绣雯, Lin, Hsiu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
自2005年起政府投入經費執行「創造偏鄉數位機會推動計畫」,由教育部協調統合各部會資源,共同推動縮減城鄉數位落差,於台灣地區300偏遠鄉鎮設立168個數位機會中心(Digital Opportunity Center, DOC),協助民眾增進資訊應用能力,以期有效縮減城鄉間的數位落差。政府投入大量資源,建構良好的軟硬體設施,提供偏遠地區居民一個好的上網環境,乃為降低偏鄉地區數位落差的不公平現象,提供偏鄉地區民眾在資訊經濟時代能夠有取得資訊的公平機會。 本研究乃透過台閩地區數位落差調查2004年到2006年的數據資料,了解台灣地區各鄉鎮之數位表現在各個面向上是否有提升,更進一步探究,政府偏鄉數位落差政策實施的區域,其數位表現分數之起伏;其次,政府根據2002年之調查界定政策實施的區域,至今數位能力較低之鄉鎮地區是否已有變化?有哪些鄉鎮並未被列入政策實施之重點區域,但卻為數位能力落後之鄉鎮? 本研究所使用的方法為次級資料分析法,資料來源為行政院研究考核委員會於九十三至九十五年,委託學術團體、民間單位進行之三次台閩地區數位落差調查。研究發現,偏鄉地區民眾數位能力低於非偏鄉地區民眾,近年來偏鄉民眾之數位能力雖有進步,但是進步幅度仍小於非偏鄉地區民眾。 在設置數位機會點鄉鎮,其數位表現分數雖低於未設置數位機會點鄉鎮,但設置數位機會點鄉鎮民眾之數位能力確實有進步,且進步幅度大於未設置數位機會點鄉鎮之民眾。數位機會中心點之政策內容,乃為加強民眾在資訊近用上之取得與資訊素養能力之提升,研究發現,民眾網路取得機會增加,但是電腦設備的近用性仍然不足,在資訊素養的提升上是有幫助的,而民眾在工作應用、生活應用與資訊蒐集上之提升,乃政策預期以外之收穫。最後,偏遠程度的確是判斷該地區之數位能力一項重要的依據,然而僅以偏遠程度來判斷該鄉鎮之數位能力,卻是不太精確的,因此在數位落差嚴重鄉鎮之界定上,應以數位落差指標取代地理偏遠指標進行界定,將能夠更精確的界定出數位落差嚴重的鄉鎮,並與數位落差政策作連結。 / In the digital era, computers and networks are important tools to broadcast information among people. People who live in urban areas have deeply felt the convenience that information can rapidly bring about. People in rural areas can not enjoy such benefit since. However, there has been the digital divide due to difficulties to access to resources, inadequacy in computer equipment, non-popularity of network use, and poor ability to use information technology. In order to reduce the gap of digital divide between urban and rural areas, Ministry of Education has implemented the 4-year project for Shortening Digital Divide between Urban and Rural Areas by setting up digital opportunity centers (DOCs). It is estimated that 300 DOCs will be set up in 168 rural areas nation-wide. The Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) conducts the digital divide survey every year since 2001. It aims to evaluate the status of information infrastructure implementation and the results of digital divide reduction. The Digital Performance Score for the individual called Digital Score that was derived from the cross indicator weighting analysis by AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) was helpful in comparing the digital ability among different groups such as people in rural and urban areas. There are three research questions in the thesis. First of all, I use the secondary data, the digital divide survey from 2004 to 2006, to realize the current situation of digital divide in Taiwan. The results reveal that, during 2004-2006 the Digital Score of people in urban is higher than in rural area. People in urban areas made greater progress compared with those in rural area during the three years. People in rural areas still can not catch up with the people in urban. Secondly, to evaluate the performance of DOCs in rural areas, I have chosen 27 rural towns where there are DOCs during 2005. After comparing the towns with DOCs and those without DOCs, the results show that the towns with DOCs have greater improvement for Digital Score. The third research question to assess the categorization of rural areas is appropriate to compartmentalize the Digital Divide areas. A previous study “Strategic Formulation for Public Information Centers in Rural Areas” published in 2002 by the RDEC, has categorized towns in Taiwan into rural and urban areas by geographic and demographics indicators, such as population density and the convenience of traffic. The study uses the secondary data of 2005 to redefine Digital Divide areas by cluster analysis and find that Digital Divide areas are different from rural areas. To categorize digital divide areas, using digital divide indicators is more appropriate than geographic and demographics indicators.

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