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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

個人電腦與網通產業ODM的比較與分析 / A comparison between computer and networking industries - The case of ODM models

林育駐, Lin, Albert Unknown Date (has links)
個人電腦與網通產業ODM的比較與分析 / A comparison between computer and networking industries – The case of ODM models By Albert Lin, 林育駐 The OEM or ODM business model has been playing a critical role in the history of Taiwan’s industrial development. The business model has evolved, and has eventually been applied, most successfully on the personal computer (PC) industry. In the past decade, the personal computer industry has become the backbone for Taiwan’s information technology (IT) industry, whereby Taiwanese ODM suppliers provide design and manufacturing services to world-class, famous brand name manufacturers like Dell Computer or Hewlett-Packard, to name just a few. Compared with the personal computer industry’s beginnings, the networking equipment industry was initiated a bit later and flourished at its peak before the internet bubble in the beginning of this century. There are quite a few differences between the nature of the personal computer industry and the networking equipment industry in terms of operation of their ODM business models. For instance, the personal computer market is now becoming very saturated and mature with an excessive number of competitors in the industry. Meanwhile, the networking equipment market is still growing with products with various new features, or applications created by the increasing demand of broadband and wireless from the general public. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the differences when adapting Michael Porter’s five forces model frame work, and from its assessments in understanding the attractiveness level among the two industries that make them what they are today. From the assessment by Michael Porter’s five forces’ frame work in terms of threat of entry, threat of rivalry, threat of suppliers, threat of buyers, and threat of substitutes, a conclusion was drawn that the networking equipment ODM industry is more attractive than the personal computer industry.


莊俊元 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


林仁祥, Lin, Jen-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
我們建立一套利用自然語言處理技術的電腦輔助出題系統,輔助國小國語科教師建構題庫和學生資料的管理與分析。在建構題庫方面,目前可以建立起四聲辨識、中文克漏詞、改錯字、量詞、國字注音及中文句子重組。教師也可以透過本系統,分析學生在線上作答的歷史紀錄,透過瞭解特定學生或是某一群學生的優缺點,有利於教學活動的適性化。 / We apply the techniques of natural language processing to build a computer-assisted item generation system. The system can assist the teachers for elementary Chinese to construct tests items and to manage students’ test records. In the aspect of constructing tests items, this system provides the functions including the recognition of phonetic symbols, Chinese cloze tests, identifying incorrect Chinese characters, quantifier terms, Chinese phonetics and reconstructing Chinese sentences. By using the system, the teachers can analyze the historical records of students’ answers online. By understanding the strength and weakness of a specific student or a certain group of students can be beneficial to adaptability of teaching activities.


姜述尚 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


勵秀玲 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電腦產業分工型態的確立,業者專心從事對自己有利的價值活動,並藉由不同成員間的配合,進行分工整合,完全捨棄過去垂直整合的策略。另一方面,資訊產品的生命週期愈來愈短,加上企業全球化的趨勢,使得全球性的物流管理需求日漸受重視。 本論文的研究動機,主要是因為近年來有關物流的文獻發表愈來愈多,而對國際物流策略的文獻雖有提及,但為數並不多。目前國內電腦業者對國際物流愈加重視,陸續有廠商進行國際物流之運作,積極在海外佈點,期使能建立一完整的全球化經營體系。 本研究是一探索性研究,以國內電腦廠商在進行國際物流運作為主要的研究對象,並進行人員訪談,以探討國內電腦廠商採用國際物流做法的因素、如何做、以及所造成的影響,提供一完整性的分析與比較。 本研究發現: (一)影響國際物流做法的因素 環境、技術及成本三大因素影響了台灣電腦廠商進行國際物流的做法,其中環境因素中的關鍵性零組件的變動性及客戶的要求是最重要的關鍵因素。追究其原因,乃是因為台灣電腦廠商絕大部份接OEM訂單為主要業務,隨著關鍵性零組件變動速度的加快,客戶為求獲得最新鮮的產品,勢必影響到台灣廠商的做法。 (二)國際物流的做法 台灣電腦廠商在國際物流做法上,將組裝與生產活動分開,各地生產工廠改以零組件出貨的方式,交由各地組裝廠再進行最後成品的組裝,以搭配市場的行銷活動,並由組裝廠購買敏感性零組件,形成採購權的分散,使廠商免受零組件價格波動的損失。同時,台灣廠商積極進行全球運作,透過密切的協調配合,以做到全球接單、當地出貨的目的,便於客戶就近下單。 此外,進行全球性運作,不同地區的配合需要靠資訊技術的輔助,以互通業務資訊,一方面提高自己內部的運作效率,另一方面藉由不同公司的配合來減少存貨的積壓。因此,資訊技術的應用可提升公司的反應能力,並協調各地的資源運用。 (三)國際物流做法所造成的影響 當台灣電腦廠商從事國際物流的運作之後,在生產作業方式上必須做調整,其中組裝從生產活動中分離出來,以接近市場為主,此番調整造成採購權的分散,敏感性零組件由當地組裝廠視實際需要而採購。同時公司的資訊系統也會產生改變,為因應價值活動的地區性分散,以資訊技術來連結這些分散的活動,以做有效率的管理。最後,對外部供應鏈成員也會造成相當的影響,在供應商方面,過去單純買賣關係轉變為合夥關係,供應商必須配合電腦廠商多點交貨的需求,且時間上也要有良好的配合。在下游客戶方面,則強調依賴資訊的連結來協助電腦廠商的生產作業,以求存貨降至最低,並能提供最新的產品。

福爾摩沙工業電腦公司台灣分公司 / Formosa Industrial Computer Company, Taiwan Branch

孫宇禮, Kulintsev, Yury Unknown Date (has links)
福爾摩沙工業電腦公司台灣分公司 / Formosa Industrial Computer Company (FICC) will be a newly formed Taiwan-based branch of a company, which is engaged in distribution of industrial computers and peripheral products to Russian, European and Asian markets. Using a new business model the company will remove unnecessary intermediaries between manufactures and customers, and will place the orders through its branch office directly to manufacturers. FICC purchase office will primarily have three sources of revenue: 1. Revenue from discounts on quantity ordered. We accumulate the orders from parent company to obtain the higher quantity and better prices 2. Revenue from discounts on combined shipments. We combine the cargo from different manufacturers and ship it in one lot to the parent company 3. Revenue from internal sales. The expected revenue generated from internal sales of FICC to any Asian country FICC will initially be funded with $0.1 million invested by its founders for start up costs and working capital. We expect revenue to increase from $0.7 million in coming year to more than $0.8 million next year and the fifth year revenue will be almost $1.5 million, yielding a net income of $0.38 million. Our most desirable option for exit is a merger or buyout by a large corporation. We believe that with substantial cash flows and a loyal customer base FICC will be attractive to potential corporate investors within five years. We would also consider the possibility of issuing an IPO after five years to provide liquidity for its initial investors.


駱榮煌 Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於台灣近二十年來PC產業所面臨微利化趨勢以及中國大陸崛起所擁有之低勞工成本優勢,在IT產業一片哀鴻遍野中,思考如何突破現狀而轉型至利基型之工業電腦領域,進而找出產業未被滿足之應用商機,並加強技術研發及行銷策略。 本論文以尚處於產業發展初期,年複合成長率達雙位數成長之KVM切換器(Keyboard、Video、 Mouse Switch)作為研究的課題,探討台灣資訊產業如何運用本身有限資源投入利基型應用領域,希能為台灣資訊產業帶來拋磚引玉之效果而略盡棉薄之力。 本研究是採用質化分析,研究方法是使用探索性研究之次級資料分析與個案研究,目的是在解釋一種實證性的探究,以實務的現象,加上個案說明,以4C理論架構,逐項分析比較以及歸納。以此研究方法與架構,探討台灣KVM切換器事業如何跨越門檻擠進系統解決方案市場國際大廠壟斷局勢,以及穩居眾多小廠覬覦之中低階產品市場所面臨各項行銷交換成本時所應採取的策略。 最後由於KVM切換器事業尚屬於起飛階段,時間不長、代表性廠商數量不多且個別公司的專屬資料蒐集不易、產業次級統計資料也不足,因此未來後續研究者可考慮朝量化的研究進行更深入之探討。

中小學網頁設計績優教師及其相關因素之研究 / Factors Related to Teachers' Excellence in Homepage Design

吳子超 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在比較網頁設計績優教師和一般教師在背景因素、電腦相關進修、電腦態度、外在環境覺知與教學創新行為上是否有顯著差異。本研究質、量研究法並行;量的部分以設計校園網頁、製作課程網頁、指導學生參與網頁競賽之教師為樣本,依其網頁製作分為參賽得獎(n=134)、參賽未得獎或製作未參賽(n=125)、一般教師(n=181)三類教師。其中參賽得獎教師部分又依其得獎項次分為一項得獎(n=88)、二項得獎(n=30)、三項得獎(n=17),而與完全未得獎教師(n=305)做比較。從問卷中另外又可將樣本依其電腦教師資格與否分為電腦教師(n=135)與非電腦教師(n=305)兩類教師做比較。這些教師分別接受「電腦進修問卷」、「電腦態度量表」、「教師教學創新行為量表」填答。 量化研究結果顯示,網頁設計績優教師以男性居多、主修以理工背景居多、高職教師多於高中國中小教師;而年齡與任教年資上,績優教師與一般教師則無顯著差異。電腦進修方面,績優教師除了「同儕請益」因素未與一般教師有差異以外,在「主動做中學」、「校內研習」、「校外機構課程」因素,皆顯著高於一般教師。在電腦態度方面,績優教師比一般教師較沒有電腦焦慮、也較喜歡電腦、對電腦較有信心、認為電腦較有用。而績優教師自評之「教學創新行為」亦高於一般教師。此外,績優教師在工作時數、上網時數、校方支持自覺、設備使用便利性、電腦資訊團隊人數上,都比一般教師高;而在校園電腦設備充足度與家庭電腦擁有度上,這兩類教師則無差別。 質化訪談方面,本研究選取三位三項皆得獎教師為訪談對象;其中二位為男性國小教師,這兩位教師符合本研究之量化研究,在電腦態度、主動做中學、創新行為方面皆有較佳之表現;另一位為女性國中教師,該教師電腦進修程度高於其他教師,但在其他方面則與一般教師差異不大。 訪談發現,目前國內教師在進修上面臨著調課補課的問題,在工作過量又無代課教師的情形下,電腦教師往往因為調課問題而羈絆進修。電腦團隊在教學、推廣、減輕工作量上可以有效減輕教師負擔,一般教師之電腦研習也可以利用電腦團隊為種子教師而增進其電腦智能。培育教師製作優質教學網頁可以抽取有教學內容教師密集訓練;或提供簡易套裝模式,讓教師了解如何使用後,再慢慢提昇更高深技巧。目前政策面存有「口號與精神」的做法,致使對資訊教學產生負面影響;而九年一貫課程由於將資訊教育濃縮為一小部份,可能會影響學生學習電腦資訊的能力。 / The purpose of this study was to compare three groups of teachers on their background, computer attitude, ways of learning computer skills, and innovative teaching behavior. The first group of teachers consisted of those who had won at least one award for designing a homepage for themselves or for their school, or for advising students about the design of a website/homepage(n=134). The second group was comprised of those teachers who had homepage design experience but had not participated in or had not won any competition(n=125). The third group of teachers did not have any homepage design experience(n=181). All teachers were administered the "Innovative teaching behavior scale", "Computer attitude Scale", and "Ways of learning computer skills Questionnaire". The results showed that the award-winning teachers tend to be male teachers with science and engineering backgrounds who teach at the vocational high school level. They were also significantly more innovative in their teaching behavior than their counterparts, and significantly less anxious about, and more confident toward, computers. They showed significantly more liking for computers and perceived computers to be more useful. They worked significantly more hours and used the Internet more frequently. More of them felt received support from their school, and that the school’s computer equipment was adequate. They had more colleagues in their work team. There are in general four ways of learning computer skills:learning by doing, attending courses/workshops conducted on campus, attending courses/workshops off campus, and learning from peers. The award-winning teachers had significantly more experiences in learning by doing and attending courses on and off campus, but not in learning from peers. This study also selected three award-winning teachers (2 male, 1 female) for depth interviews. The results tended to validate the Quantitative Study. They did express something more delicate than the Quantitative analysis. For example, they had strong motivation to further their knowledge of using computer as a tool to improve teaching. But in practice, it is difficult for them to get away from work. The workload and the substitute teachers’ pay were only a few examples of the difficulties they faced.


張國保, Zhang, Guo-Bao Unknown Date (has links)
行政電腦化是時代的潮流與趨勢,而「人」永遠都是電腦化的重要關鍵之一。大學總務行政人員如何面對資訊科技的衝擊,用電腦化設備來改善傳統的作業方式,一則需要心理的調適;再則必須具備基本的電腦知能,如此方可役機械為人用。是以本研究之目的,除了探討各大學總務行政電腦化之施行概況外,並調查分析總務行政人員的電腦態度與電腦知能,俾供電腦化施行的重要參考。 本研究依據文獻資料,先敘述總務行政的意義、任務、範圍、組織職掌、及存在的問題。次則介紹全國行政電腦化、校務行政電腦化,據以推論總務行政電腦化的架構,最後論述影響行政電腦化的相關因素及執行的困難問題,以確定研究的架構及假設。 本研究以22所公、私立大學總務行政人員655 名為研究對象,寄發自編之「大學總務行政電腦化之研究調查問卷」,共回收有效問卷341 份,透過 SPSS/PC﹢套裝軟體進行百分比、積差相關、T-TEST、ONE-WAY ANOVA 及Scheffe'法分析考驗結果,得到下列發現: 一、總務行政人員的電腦態度 (一)男性在總量表比女性正向積極;女性比男性更覺得電腦化設備有礙生理健康。 (二)主管人員在有用性、支持性、自信心、人際關係和總量表的態度都比非主管人員正向積極。 (三)年齡、服務年資對電腦的態度並無顯著差異存在。 (四)大學以上或專科教育程度者之電腦態度較高中以下者正向積極。 (五)不同工作環境:公私立大學無顯著差異。工作單位方面,則總務長室較文書組顯著積極。其餘無差異現象。 二、總務行政人員的電腦知能 (一)女性基本知能顯著高於男性。 (二)主管與非主管之電腦知能無差異現象。 (三)30歲以下年齡組之電腦知能顯著優於31歲以上人員。 (四)大學以上教育程度者之基本知能、專業知能均顯著高於專科、或高中以下者。 (五)服務5年以內者之電腦知能顯著優於6年以上者。 (六)工作環境:公私立大學無差異現象。工作單位則總務長室之專業知能優於文書組,其餘無差異。 (七)電腦知能與電腦態度兩者在總量表上有相關顯著。 三、電腦化的執行情形 (一)總務行政業務電腦化的推行不夠普遍與普及。 (二)人員素質是影響電腦化的最重要因素。 (三)設備方面不敷需求者居多,惟使用情形尚稱良好。 (四)電腦軟體種類過於龐雜,有礙交流、學習及應用。 (五)人員專業技術不夠,電腦輸入速度太慢,基本技術尚待提升。 (六)參加電腦短期訓練者很多,專業訓練略顯不足,行政人員認為由學校電算中心專人教授是訓練的最佳途徑。 根據以上研究結果,分別提出對教育行政主管當局、學校行政、行政人員、及未來相關研究之建議,以供參考。


莊正儀, ZHUANG, ZHENG-YI Unknown Date (has links)
由於銀行機乎是一般民眾日常生活都會有需要與之發生往來的行業;舉凡存款、提款 、貸款,或從某家銀行(或分行)匯款到其他家銀行(或分行)之匯兌連線作業。又 由于銀行本身屬財力較雄厚也較健全的企業,是故政府特令財政部推廣銀行業務電腦 化並成立「財政部金融資訊中心」,以達到國內所有銀行間電腦連線之目的而能做到 「通提」、「通存」、「通匯」等各項便民之服務。況且電腦及通信設施也能達到「 資訊交流」及「統計分析」等多項目的。 因此電腦遂成為各銀行之主要服務作業中心,倘若因規劃不善致電腦容量不堪負荷業 務量之快速成長而常造成等待反應時間(RESPONSE TIME )太外,甚或當機,不但易 造成客戶的抱怨與損失,銀行與客戶間之糾紛,而使銀行信譽受損,客戶流失。所以 如何作好前瞻性的電腦規劃實為一重要課題。 本文先對客戶之等候情形作研究,以推測目前造成客戶等待時間過久之電腦瓶頸在那 部分設備,進而建議應擴充購置何種電腦配供,並配合所預估之未來業務成長量來規 劃各項電腦之硬體設備。 主要加構為等候之基本理論概念之探討,再以過程導向型(PROCESS-INTER-ACTION A PPROACH )(描述一客戶從到達系統到離去間依時間先後順序經歷的一連串事件)之 模擬語言GPSS來對客戶之等候系統作模擬並配合所預估之業務成長以不同之客戶抵達 頻率來作相對的電腦配備需求量之預估。 最後以銀行之電腦連線作業為個案研究,以GPSS語言來模擬客戶之等待系統並藉以分 析瓶頸所在,使理論與實際相互得以印證。

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