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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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數位機會中心經營型態與困難之研究 / A Study of Digital Opportunity Centers: Management Type and Difficulty

張一清 Unknown Date (has links)
科技發展過程當中,無可避免的形成數位落差,數位落差過高的 族群,在社會上會越趨於弱勢。政府為縮減數位落差,推出許多政策 執行,其中一項便是在偏鄉地區設置數位機會中心,並且結合各部會 和民間資源,運用數位機會中心提升當地民眾資訊素養,給予較弱勢 的社區及居民公平的數位機會,提升競爭力。 數位機會中心設置的單位,共有7 種類型,學校、教會及廟宇、 社區、鄉公所、圖書館、社教站、其他。宜蘭縣所設置的數位機會中 心有學校、教會、社區、圖書館等4 種。 本研究以宜蘭縣所設置的9 個數位機會中心為對象,試著從實地 訪查及深度訪談的方法,探討不同的單位在經營數位機會中心時其經 營型態有何不同,以及在經營上是否有遭遇困難之處。 研究發現,不同的數位機會中心因設置單位的不同會產生不同的 經營型態,其經營的成果與主事者有相當大的關係。在經營的困難除 了人力及經費之外,上級的支持及當地居民學習的意願也佔了重要的 因素。 數位機會中心的設立,提供了偏鄉地區許多民眾學習資訊科技的 機會,本研究提供提出簡化數位機會中心目標設定及檢討數位機會中 心業務方向作為建議,期能對於政府在縮減數位落差政策施行上有所 助益。 / Digital divide is inevitable in the process of technology development. However, people suffering from large digital divide may become more disadvantaged in the society. In order to minimize digital divide, the government has launched numerous programs, one of which is to establish Digital Opportunity Centers in remote areas and integrate public and civil resources to enhance the digital literacy of local people, provide them an equal access to digital opportunities, and improve their competitiveness in the society. Digital Opportunity Centers are established in seven types of organizations, including school, church and temple, community, township office, library, social education station, and others. In Yilan County, Digital Opportunity Centers are mainly established in schools, churches, communities, and libraries. This study focused on nine Digital Opportunity Centers in Yilan County. Through field survey and in-depth interview, this study attempted to explore whether the operating model of Digital Opportunity Centers varied by organization as well as the difficulties encountered in operating the centers. Results showed that the operating model of Digital Opportunity Centers varied by organization, and the performance of the centers largely depended on managers of the organization. In addition to labor and funding, executive support and local residents’ willingness to learn were the main difficulties encountered in operation of the centers. Digital Opportunity Centers have offered many people living in remote areas an opportunity to learn information technology. Based on research results, this study suggested that the authority concerned simplify the objectives of Digital Opportunity Centers and reexamine their functions to enhance the effectiveness of this program.

社會企業與學習型數位機會中心之產業策略聯盟探討 / The Strategic Alliance Discussion of Social Enterprise and Digital Opportunity Center

余亭逸, Yu , Sandy Unknown Date (has links)
本文從文獻探討中,歸納出DOC(Digital Opportunity Center)經營的關鍵五個面向:學習成效、規模效率、人際互動、文化感受、促進經濟,分析大武DOC、北源DOC經營成效和經營瓶頸。再從經營瓶頸檢視社會企業可以帶給大武DOC、北源DOC的協助和資源有哪些。並從策略聯盟的相關文獻,討論社會企業與學習型DOC策略聯盟的可能模式,和可能需要注意的地方。 研究發現大武DOC與北源DOC的發展歷程中,目前最能展現成果的,就是學習成效的部分。藉由學習成效,再帶出人際互動、促進經濟等提項。也因為「在地經濟-數位落差-經營效率」的循環,當社會企業資源介入輔助大武DOC與北源DOC的經濟面經營時,學習成效、人際互動、文化感受力就提升了,隨著以上這些面向的提升,規模效率自然就會提升。 社會企業與學習型DOC策略聯盟的可能模式為異業、配銷、互補行銷型的模式。以誠食社會企業為例,在成本方面可減低行銷和架設、照護網路商務平台或其他通路的成本;資源方面則可透過誠食社會企業的曝光度,加強社區與地方特色農產的知名度;資訊科技、知識方面藉由有機栽種技術的交流,創造不一樣的精緻農業;形象方面可以從消費者對誠食社會企業的信任,增加地方特色農產品品質良好的形象;形成優勢的面向則是學習型DOC不管是在誠食社會企業的品牌下,有一定的價格保障和通路合作模式。 合作成功的關鍵因素為溝通行為、聯盟管理方式、創新價值與市場導向。其中最基礎也最關鍵的,在誠食社會企業經營社區型社會企業、大武、北源學習型DOC經營、與教育部執行DOC過程中,是「溝通行為」。 / This article summarizes the five key points for managing the Digital Opportunity Center:learning effectiveness, scale efficiency, social interaction, cultural experience, and economic promotion. These are then used to analyze Dawu and Běi yuán Digital Opportunity Center management. This research found that Dawu and Běi yuán Digital Opportunity Center’s earning effectiveness is the most important key point amongst these five. The Digital Opportunity Center can increase human interaction, and promote economic and other mentioned items by raising the learning effectiveness. Furthermore, when human interaction, and economic promotion are rising up, the scale efficiency will also improve. The model of Social Enterprise and DOC strategic alliance can help DOC marketing with their local products. The key point of Social Enterprise and DOC strategic alliance is Communication behavior.

我國偏遠鄉鎮數位落差之跨年度比較分析 / Longitudiual Analysis of Digital Divide in Taiwan’s Rural Areas

林绣雯, Lin, Hsiu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
自2005年起政府投入經費執行「創造偏鄉數位機會推動計畫」,由教育部協調統合各部會資源,共同推動縮減城鄉數位落差,於台灣地區300偏遠鄉鎮設立168個數位機會中心(Digital Opportunity Center, DOC),協助民眾增進資訊應用能力,以期有效縮減城鄉間的數位落差。政府投入大量資源,建構良好的軟硬體設施,提供偏遠地區居民一個好的上網環境,乃為降低偏鄉地區數位落差的不公平現象,提供偏鄉地區民眾在資訊經濟時代能夠有取得資訊的公平機會。 本研究乃透過台閩地區數位落差調查2004年到2006年的數據資料,了解台灣地區各鄉鎮之數位表現在各個面向上是否有提升,更進一步探究,政府偏鄉數位落差政策實施的區域,其數位表現分數之起伏;其次,政府根據2002年之調查界定政策實施的區域,至今數位能力較低之鄉鎮地區是否已有變化?有哪些鄉鎮並未被列入政策實施之重點區域,但卻為數位能力落後之鄉鎮? 本研究所使用的方法為次級資料分析法,資料來源為行政院研究考核委員會於九十三至九十五年,委託學術團體、民間單位進行之三次台閩地區數位落差調查。研究發現,偏鄉地區民眾數位能力低於非偏鄉地區民眾,近年來偏鄉民眾之數位能力雖有進步,但是進步幅度仍小於非偏鄉地區民眾。 在設置數位機會點鄉鎮,其數位表現分數雖低於未設置數位機會點鄉鎮,但設置數位機會點鄉鎮民眾之數位能力確實有進步,且進步幅度大於未設置數位機會點鄉鎮之民眾。數位機會中心點之政策內容,乃為加強民眾在資訊近用上之取得與資訊素養能力之提升,研究發現,民眾網路取得機會增加,但是電腦設備的近用性仍然不足,在資訊素養的提升上是有幫助的,而民眾在工作應用、生活應用與資訊蒐集上之提升,乃政策預期以外之收穫。最後,偏遠程度的確是判斷該地區之數位能力一項重要的依據,然而僅以偏遠程度來判斷該鄉鎮之數位能力,卻是不太精確的,因此在數位落差嚴重鄉鎮之界定上,應以數位落差指標取代地理偏遠指標進行界定,將能夠更精確的界定出數位落差嚴重的鄉鎮,並與數位落差政策作連結。 / In the digital era, computers and networks are important tools to broadcast information among people. People who live in urban areas have deeply felt the convenience that information can rapidly bring about. People in rural areas can not enjoy such benefit since. However, there has been the digital divide due to difficulties to access to resources, inadequacy in computer equipment, non-popularity of network use, and poor ability to use information technology. In order to reduce the gap of digital divide between urban and rural areas, Ministry of Education has implemented the 4-year project for Shortening Digital Divide between Urban and Rural Areas by setting up digital opportunity centers (DOCs). It is estimated that 300 DOCs will be set up in 168 rural areas nation-wide. The Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) conducts the digital divide survey every year since 2001. It aims to evaluate the status of information infrastructure implementation and the results of digital divide reduction. The Digital Performance Score for the individual called Digital Score that was derived from the cross indicator weighting analysis by AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) was helpful in comparing the digital ability among different groups such as people in rural and urban areas. There are three research questions in the thesis. First of all, I use the secondary data, the digital divide survey from 2004 to 2006, to realize the current situation of digital divide in Taiwan. The results reveal that, during 2004-2006 the Digital Score of people in urban is higher than in rural area. People in urban areas made greater progress compared with those in rural area during the three years. People in rural areas still can not catch up with the people in urban. Secondly, to evaluate the performance of DOCs in rural areas, I have chosen 27 rural towns where there are DOCs during 2005. After comparing the towns with DOCs and those without DOCs, the results show that the towns with DOCs have greater improvement for Digital Score. The third research question to assess the categorization of rural areas is appropriate to compartmentalize the Digital Divide areas. A previous study “Strategic Formulation for Public Information Centers in Rural Areas” published in 2002 by the RDEC, has categorized towns in Taiwan into rural and urban areas by geographic and demographics indicators, such as population density and the convenience of traffic. The study uses the secondary data of 2005 to redefine Digital Divide areas by cluster analysis and find that Digital Divide areas are different from rural areas. To categorize digital divide areas, using digital divide indicators is more appropriate than geographic and demographics indicators.

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