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年級和社經地位跟我國學生概念動率的關係吳英長 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的自變項是年級和社經地位;應變項是熟悉圖形配對測驗(MFFT)上的反應時間和錯誤次數。統計方法則為2 × 3多因設計的變異數分析或共變數分析(以智力為共變量)。
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產序、社經地位、父母教養方式與兒童創造行為的關係鄭金謀 Unknown Date (has links)
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大學生對各種工作條件的重視程度: 不同職業人格類型、性別、性別角色、家庭社經地位之比較沈岱華, SHEN, DAI-HUA Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的目的在暸解職業人格類型、性別、性別角色、以及家庭社經地位等因素與我國大學生對各種工作條件重視程度的關係。研究對象為十所公私立大學院校文、法、商、理、工、農、醫、教育、傳播、藝術十學院學生724 名男女學生。研究工具係「影響大學生職業選擇之因素研究問卷」,其內容包括:(1 )基本資料,主要調查校、院、系級別、以及年齡、性別、家庭社經地位;(2 )以「性別角色量表」測量性別角色類別;(3 )以「職業選擇量表」調察研究對象在選擇職業時對各工作條件的重視程度;(4 )「以職業探索量表」測量職業人格類型。問卷調查蒐集之資料,經剔除資料不全者後,以二因子變異數分析、單因子變異數分析及斯皮爾曼等級相關等統計方法分析處理,結果發現:(1 )職業人格類型與性別、性別角色及家庭社經地位在工作環境、個人因素、工作聲望、工作特性等條件上皆沒有顯著交互作用存在。(2 )職業人格類型中的社會型較企業型重視工作特性方面工作條件。(3 )女性較男性重視工作條件方面工作條件。(4 )女性化及兩性化者較男性化及未分化者重視工作環境與工作特性兩方面工作條件;兩性化者較女性化、男性化及未分化者重視個人因素與工作
聲望兩方面工作條件。(5 )低社經地位者較高社經地位者重視工作環境方面工作條件。(6 )不同職業人格類型、性別、性別角色及家庭社經地位者對二十八個工作條件重視程度的等級排序顯示出極高的一致性。(7 )職業人格類型中的社會型與企業型,以及事務型與藝術型、社會型、企業型在十四個全體受試最重視之工作條件的等級排列有差異存在。(8 )男女在十四個全體受試最重視之工作條件的等級排列相當一致。(9) 女性化與男性化及兩性化在十四個全體受試最重視之工作條件的等級排列有差異存在。(10)高、中、低家庭社經地位在十四個全體受試最重視之工作條件的等級排列相當一致。
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學校城鄉差距與學生家庭社經地位對數位落差影響之研究-以國民中學為例李美華 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 國民中學城鄉所在地的不同,存在數位落差現象。
(一) 家庭社經地位對「電腦知識」的影響視城鄉別而定,在城市,社經地位的影響不顯著,但是在鄉村,低社經學生的「電腦知識」特別弱。
(二) 家庭社經地位對的「資訊學習之環境氛圍」影響視城鄉別而定,在城市,社經地位的影響不顯著,但是在鄉村,低社經學生的「資訊學習之環境氛圍」特別弱。
根據上述研究發現,學校城鄉差距與學生家庭社經地位對數位落差之影響,表現在「硬體品質」、「資訊經費來源」、「網路化程度」、「數位接近機會」、「電腦知識」及「家庭網路使用頻率」等六方面。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the digital divide between urban and rural areas and among Socio-Economic classes. A questionnaire about digitized state of schools was administered to 57 public junior high schools, while a questionnaire about expertise of information technology was administered to 744 students randomly selected from those 57 schools. Results showed that urban schools got better scores than rural schools among many aspects, including quality of hardware, financial support, use of internet, and availability of information equipments. In addition, students with higher socio-economic status have better knowledge about information technology and higher frequency of internet use at home than students with lower socio-economic status. Besides, urban students also obtain better knowledge about information technology and have more opportunities of using school’s and family’s information equipments than rural students. Interaction effects showed that rural students with low socio-economic status are in the most impoverished situation of the current digital society. In light of the above conclusions, it was suggested that more government’s financial supports should be allocated to rural schools and especially to rural students with low socio-economic status.
Keywords: urban and rural areas, socio-economic status, digital divide, junior high school, information technology expertise.
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國小學童補習、家庭結構、社經地位與城鄉比較之研究張朝鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
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新竹縣國中學生家庭結構及家長社經地位對其性別角色影響之研究黃增新, Hwang,Tzeng Shin- Unknown Date (has links)
本研究根據研究結果提出建議,以提供親職教育、學校教育及未來研究者之參考。 / The subjects of this study are the students from the junior high schools in Hsinchu, Taiwan. The study deals mainly with the mutual relationship among the structures of students’ family , the social and economic status of parents, and the sex-role of the students, including the current sex-role types and the development of sex-role characteristics. It also deals with the relationship between all the different factors in the structures of the students’ family and the social and economic status of their parents, and students’ sex role. The influence of the structure of the students’ family, the social and economic status of their parents and the sex-role of the students are much emphasized in this study. This study leads to the suggestions concerned parental guidance and school education, and provides referential information for educational administration.
The data in this study are mainly based on questionnaires. And “student sex-role inventory” is used as measurement tool. A separate layer random collection sampling method has been used to draw out 998 valid surveys ( 525 males and 473 females) from the first to the third grade students at thirteen different junior high schools in Hsinchu County. After this a SPSS ( Statistical Package for Social Science ) was used to run descriptive statistics-- one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, and Chi-Square analysis. And the results are as following:
A. Characteristics of junior high school student sex-roles
I. As far as grade is concerned, positive male and female characteristics are much related with their age, that is, they become obvious as their age increases.
II-1. Positive male characteristics:
(1) The students’ sex and the number of siblings in the development of sex-role have much influence on male characteristics.
(2) Different sexes of the students and seniority among siblings have much influence on male characteristics.
(3) Students whose parents have high social and economic status have more male characteristics.
(4) Different types of the students’ family and social and economic status of their parents have obvious effects on student’s male characteristics.
(5) The different numbers of siblings and the social and economic status of students’ parents have much influence mutually on male characteristics.
(6) The seniority of the students in their family and the social and economic status of students’ parents have much influence mutually on male characteristics .
II-2 On the Positive Female Characteristics
(1) The interaction between the different numbers of siblings and the social and economic status of students’ parents is quite obvious.
(2) The interaction between seniority among siblings plays an influential role in students.
III. As the premise of sex being the prime factors, sibling numbers, seniority of the children, social and economic status of parents and family types have strong influence on the quality of sex-role.
B.Types of sex-role of Junior High School Students:
I. The types of sex-role of junior high school students are decided by students’ sex , grade, family types, the number of siblings, and the social and economic status of their parents.
II.The seniority among siblings do not much affect the sex-role of the students.
III.The major factors that form the sex-role of the students are sex and grade of the students and social and economic status of their parents. The minor factors are family types and the number of siblings .
IV. Sex is the main reason for the division of sex-role types. As the grade level of the students getting higher, sex-role types become androgynous. Undifferentiated ratio among different grades is not great.
V.In respect to sex-role types, both males and females carry tendencies towards their respective sex-role types.
The suggestions based on the study are raised here to be used for further study in school education and parental guidance.
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大學生家庭社經背景對其工讀行為之影響-以政大社會科學學院為例 / Impact of undergraduate students' social and economic background on their working decisions--evidence from college of social sciences at National Chengchi University謝玉燕, Hsieh, Yu-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以九十七學年度第二學期社會科學學院二至四年級大學部學生為調查對象,以問卷調查法蒐集資料,有效問卷434份。研究工具為自訂「政治大學社會科學學院大學部學生家庭社經背景調查問卷」,所取得之資料以Probit模型檢定,使用Limdep 7.0套裝軟體進行資料分析。
而在助學貸款方面,經過分析亦發現,對大學生的工讀行為有顯著的正向影響。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of family social and economic background of undergraduate students from National Taiwan Chengchi on their working decisions. For the proceed of this study, the researcher will probe about the relationship among the variables of “family social and economic background, “other background variables,” “student loan,” and “working decisions.”
This study has based on the undergraduate students from sophomore to senior year with the College of Social Science at the second semester of 2008 academic year as its target, and questionnaire method is used to collection information, with 434 valid questionnaires retrieved. The research tool is of the self-produced “Family Social and Economic Background Questionnaire of Undergraduate Students from College of Social Science of National Chengchi University,” and the information obtained will be verified with Probit model, using Limped 7.0, software to conduct information analysis.
In terms of descriptive statistics, it is found, from samples information, that students from department of sociology are given the highest ratio of working decisions, while those from department of finance are found with the lowest ratio. If it is classified in terms of year, the ratio of junior students with part-timing behavior is found far higher than those of sophomore and senior year; in terms of gender, the ratio of female students with part-timing behavior is relatively higher than those of male students. With further analysis, it is found that if the students whose fathers are found with educational background of junior college or high school the ratio of those students with part-timing behavior would have amounted to 80% of the samples, and if those students whose mother are found with educational background below junior high and elementary school the ratio of those students with part-timing behavior accounts the highest, amounting to 86.89%. As for father who are currently retired or unemployed, the ratio of their children is found with the highest part-timing behavior, amounting to 81. 54%; as for those students whose mother works as housewife, or who are with employment, unemployed, or retired, the ratio of university students who are part-timing among the samples has average reached 70%. For family with income less than NT$30,000, the ratio of student with part-timing behavior reaches 90.02%; in terms of family structure, the ratio of university student from single-parent family who part-times is slightly higher than those from dual-parent family; as for family with siblings over 4 people, the ratio of part-timing behavior is entirely 100%. For those students who apply for student loan, their ratio of part-timing behavior is 93.62%, and it is fond from the investigation that 75.12% of the samples are given with part-timing behavior; based on the samples with part-timing behavior for further analysis, it is found that the ratio of part-timing location within and outside the school is relatively the same; as for effect on their academic performance, 60.74% of the students believe that it does not effect at all, with about 20% of the samples that hold either positive and negative effect.
It is found from the estimation of Probit model that if the educational background of the student’s father is found either with junior college or high school it would, in terms of family social economic status, render positive impact on the part-timing behavior of the student. Aside from educational background of the student’s mother who is found with college education, their educational background with either Ph.D, master, junior college, junior high, or elementary school, it would render with prominent positive impact on the part-timing behavior of students. As for current employment of the parents, it would hardly render any significant on the part-timing behavior of the student; for family whose monthly income that is less than NT$30,000, it would render with positive impact on the part-timing behavior of the student.
Among other family variables, it is found that only the Department of Ethnology renders with positive impact on the part-timing behavior of students among each of the undergraduate students from the College of Social Science; sophomore year renders with significant negative impact on the part-timing behavior of the students. As for gender on part-timing behavior, it does not provide any significant impact statistically, while the number of total siblings has exerted prominent positive impact on the part-timing behavior of the students.
In terms of student loan, it is found, after analysis, that it would exert rather significant and positive impact on part-timing behavior.
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我國青少年非理性觀念及其相關因素之研究吳松林, WU,SONG-LIN Unknown Date (has links)
樣方式, 分別選取國中46所、高中30所、高職31所為受試學樣,再自各受試學校中以
念量表係研究者依據Ellis 的非理性觀念之十個主要類型編製而成,用以測量我國青
2.我國青少年非理性觀念之分析:(1) 國中、高中、高職及全體學生普通存有某些非
理性觀念。(2) 國中、高中、高職及全體學生普遍存有某些特殊的非理性觀念類型。
(3) 男女青少年非理性觀念有差異情形。(4) 青少年非理性觀念與年齡有相關。(5)
青少年非理性觀念與智力有相關。(6) 青少年非理性觀念與父母管教態度、家庭社經
地位有相關。(7) 適應不良青少年之非理性觀念與一般青少年非理性觀念有差異。(8
) 理情教材對促進學生之理性觀念有影響。(9) 性別、年級、學校類別、智力、父母
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家庭社經地位與學前教育對學齡兒童學業成就之影響林淑玲, Lin, Shu-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
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性別角色、社經地位與少年犯罪之關係蕑馨籬, Jian, Xing-Li Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以犯罪少年及一般少年為自變項。以性別 (男性化、女性化、兩性化、未分化
)及社經地位(家長職業聲望、家長教育程度、家庭經濟地位) 為依變項。以單因子變
四、犯罪少年與一般少年社經地位差異。( 分家長職業聲望、家長教育程度、家庭社
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