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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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選擇台灣兒童美語補習班之關鍵因素探討 / Taiwanese Children’s English Cram Schools:

吳曉怡, Wu,Hsiao Yi Sylvia Unknown Date (has links)
選擇台灣兒童美語補習班之關鍵因素探討 / We all know that English is the most spoken language all over the world. Students in Taiwan are required to learn English in elementary school. Parents notice the importance of English and start sending children to English cram schools. However, how should parents pick a school that is suitable for the children? The objective of this research is to indentify the key factors that influence parent’s decision while picking English cram schools for children in Taiwan. The methodologies used in this research are focus group, mystery shopper, and online survey. The goal of the focus group is to find out what factors parents consider while choosing English cram schools. The mystery shopper would visit different schools and act as a parent searching for school for the child. To verify the analysis one step closer and to find out the public’s recognition of English cram schools, an online survey was conducted. After analyzing the data, this research indicates a conclusion that the main factors that influence parent’s decision are the learning environment, teaching quality and attitude, long-term management and commitment, and price. Bigger chain stores have strong marketing positioning and brand recognition, however, that doesn’t mean better service and quality or the final decision to pick the cram school. In the short run, large chain stores not only gain the business opportunity, but also earn the profit as they wished. Nevertheless, in the long run, parents would notice the inconsistency and unsatisfying services and eventually switched to a smaller privately owned schools that hires experienced and professional teachers. The relationship between the cram schools, parents, and teachers are very important. Therefore the best outcome for the children and for the parents to find the best school is to get a balance of all these factors. This research pointed out problems that most parents might not have noticed before. Parents put a lot of effort in their children’s education and a large portion of the household income goes to the children’s tuition. There is a big market for English cram schools in Taiwan, and large chain schools have done well on marketing the school. In order to keep and maintain the walk-in customers’ business, the larger chain stores could focus more on the quality control and provide a survey or questionnaire for the parents periodically to get their feedback or suggestions. Thus for the smaller privately owned schools to differentiate themselves and get the public’s attention, they could spend more on advertising and selling the school by showing parents that they only hire experienced and professional teachers from North America or Canada. Then the children and the parents will get the best outcome in learning English and getting the services and quality they paid for.


彭佳文 Unknown Date (has links)
我國補教業,無論是文理補習班,抑或是技藝補習班,皆與許多民眾的求學、考試、工作、就業,乃至於休閒、娛樂等,發生直接或間接關係,其對整體社會發展的影響可說既廣且深。本研究欲透過文獻探討與個案訪談進一步分析補教業從業人員勞動權益之問題,以及瞭解補教業在教育改革政策下的發展現況為何。 研究發現補教業人員乃適用勞動基準法。本文則針對以下幾點勞動權益的核心問題加以探究:部份工時人員與童工問題、兼任教師之契約關係、工時與工資問題、勞動契約終止與退休問題、勞工保險問題、集體勞資關係等,並就此提出對勞、資、政三方之建議。而研究更發現近年來投入補習班經營者愈來愈多,補教市場不僅蓬勃發展且競爭相當激烈,但未來補教業更要面對的問題是少子化所帶來的衝擊,良好的勞資關係與人力運用將成為永續經營上的關鍵因素。


張朝鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用作者申請內政部兒童局於2005年出版之「中華民國九十四年台閩地區兒童及少年生活狀況調查報告」原始資料檔資料,針對國小學童的放學後、寒暑期與才藝補習行為進行計量研究,期望透過本研究,了解家庭安排國小學童補習的相關因素,並了解父母對其子女的補習教育投資是否有城鄉差距。   在性別方面,家庭安排子女放學後與寒暑期補習與否方面並未有性別上的考量,且亦無城鄉差距。而女孩的才藝補習項數要比男孩多。排行方面,在家排行老三以上的兒童,在各項補習方面皆較其他排行之兒童居於劣勢。   父母親因素部分,父親職業等級相對於父親教育,對兒童放學後與寒暑期補習的影響整體來說較為顯著。而在才藝補習項數部份,則父親職業等級與教育程度皆對其有影響。整體而言,若父親職業等級愈高,兒童放學後與寒暑期補習機率、才藝補習項數愈高。而父親教育程度愈高,兒童才藝補習項數亦愈多。母親部分,則教育程度愈高,子女才藝補習項數愈多。   家庭因素部分,家庭每月支出高低與否,對於放學後與寒暑期補習與否並不顯著,但卻影響子女的才藝補習項數-家庭每月支出愈高,子女補習項數愈多。值得一提的是,都會區地區的家庭每月較高支出以上之家庭,其子女放學後與寒暑假補習機率較每月支出在兩萬元以下者低,僅代表該類家庭透過安排子女「補習」的機率較低而已,有可能此類家庭透過其他方式實現家庭的教育投資,或是進行其他活動。家庭所在地區部分,放學後與寒暑期補習機率在城鄉之間的差距並不顯著,但在才藝補習項數部份,鄉鎮兒童的補習項數不如都會區兒童。較重視才藝的甄選佔未來的升學管道的比例如果提高,鄉鎮兒童未來升學的機會將會受到更大影響。

台灣補習教育經驗之研究 / A Study of Cram School Experience in Taiwan

欣怡, Rebecca Gourrier Unknown Date (has links)
一國如在教育上過度強調以學業為導向,就會出現具有雙刃劍角色的補習現象通常會,一方面幫助學生在學術能力測驗中取得高成就,另一方面限制了學生的創造性發展。部分學生因為在普通學校中無法取得足夠的知識和技能,故而轉向補習班為測驗做準備。尤其在英語科目成為主要考核科目之後,補習班的項目也因此更加多元。本研究旨在關注台灣補習教育何以在1990年代教改之後,依然擴張的現況,補習班如何從日常學習的補充角色,轉向台灣中學生教育中的必要部分。研究者針對補習班英語教學方法進行探討,透過對補習班經營者、教師和補習學生進行深度訪談,來瞭解他們的相關經驗。研究結果發現,補習班經營者意透多元與另類等途徑,聘請英語教師,來提升教學的創意。至於教師的訪談發現,英語教師通過嘗試新的教學方法來幫助學生在學業方面取得更好的成績,但是這種方式存在一定的局限性。本研究印一步發現補習班教師包括來自英語國家的和非英語國家,即使某些補習班老師並未取得教師資格證書,但在學生看來比一般學校的英語任課老師更加優秀。值得注意的是,大多數學生認為補習班的教學方法與一般學校相差無幾,但是學生滿意度明顯高於主流學校英語教師。本研究進一步確認補習班因商業利益等考量,許多訊息備受保密,使得研究者難以獲得一套完整的教學方法和學生經驗。 / In an academically oriented nation, there is a realization that attending a cram school can be double-edged, as they often offer great outcomes in students’ academic achievements especially with their test scores but they can also limit students’ creative development. Unable to obtain sufficient knowledge and skills for tests in mainstream schools, students have commonly turned to cram schools for examination preparation. Educational reforms enforcing English as a main examination subject greatly diversified the possibilities for tutoring and in fact helped cram schools’ diversification. The study focuses on the phenomenon of the influx of cram schools, and how it’s no longer a supplement, but instead a necessity of a secondary student’s education in Taiwan. This study starts with investigating the cram school phenomenon, as well as to discuss the teaching methods used in English classes. Finally, data has been collected through in-depth interviews among cram school owners, teachers and former attendees to look at their experience in cram school . The results of the study shows that the cram school owners approved the necessity to enhance creative teaching through alternative methods so as hiring teachers with supplementary talents. The teacher interviews revealed that trying new approaches to teaching have helped students achieve better outcomes academically, but sometimes only to a certain extent that is why cram schools can be double-edged. The paradox of this study is the cram school teachers’ qualifications for both native and English speakers. In fact, even though they may not have any teaching qualifications, cram school teachers are described by students as being better teachers compared to the ones in regular school. Significantly, the study discovered that a majority of students find cram school teaching methods in general so as the overall experience to be more satisfactory than with mainstream school The study finally showed that gaining information about cram schooling can be difficult as there is some secrecy surrounding it. This prevented the researcher from gaining a complete picture of cram school teaching methods and students’ experience.


李家明, LI,JIA-MING Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究動機:(1) 近年來台灣不斷朝著邁向自由化、國際化的方向進行, 外語人才 尤其以美語需求迫切。(2) 我國國高中的美語填鴨式為主,未能給予學生在畢業之後 學以致用的機會。因(1)(2)之故使美語補習班為之流行。故研究其消費者可對業者提 供行銷策略上之參考。二、研究目的:本研究之目的為1.分析並瞭解消費者選擇美語 補習班之過程。2.瞭解消費者在人口統計、社會經濟等變數上之分佈以提供業者在製 訂廣告訴求和市場區隔策略的依據。 3.瞭解廣告之資訊收集行為,以作為業者加強廣告效果和設計品牌之促銷策略。4.瞭 解消費者之偏好形成過程和對產品特性之態度,以作為廠商在制訂產品發展策略通路 策略和訂價策略的依據。三、研究方法:本研究之體以台北市為主,且以補習過之消 費者作問卷訪問,以大、中、小三級之美語補習班各拙取兩家,但去除以升學、考試 之補習班。資料收集包括初級料及次級資料。問卷共發出840 份,回收有效問卷185 份,回收率22%。本研究所利用的方法有,百分比法、次數分配法、卡方檢定法、因 素分析法、集群分析法等。四主要研究發現:1.年齡在20.∼35.歲的人有較高的需要 認知,教育程度在大專以上的其需要認知也高。2.日常生活中以看電視及雜志之廣告 對選擇補習班有較重要之影響。3.消費者最注重的評估因素為:師資、教學設備、聲 譽、交友機會等。4.所得對於消費者之參加與否則無顯著之差異。


沈君翰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討有關城鄉地區高中生、補習與學習成就的相關問題,試圖分析城鄉與其他背景因素影響下的補習類型抉擇(沒有補習、校內課後輔導、校外補習),並瞭解不同補習類型、補習時間長短和主動參與補習的心態對學習成就的影響,以及補習類型對不同學習成就學生的影響差異,最後再觀察城鄉地區差別下,補習對學習成就的作用力差異情形。 研究者為了探討上述的問題,使用中央研究院2003年「臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(TEPS)第二波全國高中職∕五專學生樣本進行分析,因考量到普通高中、綜合高中、高職與五專的校外補習比例差異頗大,整個學習的導向也相去甚遠,故刪去綜合高中技能類科、高職與五專樣本,僅分析高中與綜合高中普通科學生共6,278筆的資料,資料依不同研究目的,使用T考驗、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析和多元迴歸等統計方法進行研究,研究主要發現如下: 一、背景因素與補習參與的關係 (一)城鎮地區傾向校內課後輔導,都市地區傾向校外補習。 (二)都市的私校學生比公立學生更傾向參與課輔,城鎮則沒有差異。 (三)兄弟姊妹數愈多,對都市高中生參與課輔的機會愈有不利的影響。 (四)城鎮女生較之男生,顯然有較高的校外補習機會。 二、補習與學習成就的關係 (一)校外補習與校內課輔都能明顯提升學習成就,但兩者無顯著差異。 (二)校外補習時間愈長學習成就愈佳,但有邊際效用遞減的現象; 課輔時間過短對學習成就有負面影響。 (三)一年內的補習或課輔效用依然顯著,但補習的影響力下降較大。 (四)校外補習的效果若要顯現而出,學生主動參與的心態是關鍵。 (五)課輔與補習對學習成就較低者的效用最大;文化資本對學習成就 居中者的正面影響最強;課輔與補習對學習成就較高者沒有意義。 三、城鄉差別下,補習與學習成就的關係 (一)參與校外補習對城鎮與都市學生的學習成就皆有顯著效益。 (二)參與校內課輔對都市學生的學習成就有顯著效益。 (三)課輔時間過長對都市學生產生不利的影響,但對城鎮學生 卻沒有不利的作用。 (四)補習時間長度對城鎮學生沒有太大影響,但對都市學生比較有影響力。 (五)影響城鎮高中生學習成就的關鍵在於校外補習,都市高中生則否。 (六)一年內的校外補習有益於城鎮高中生的學習成就。 最後根據這些研究發現與結論,本研究提供具體建議給學生、家長、教育行政機關與後續研究作為參考,希冀能讓大眾對校外補習與校內課輔更加瞭解,進而掌握運用。

兒童才藝補習與父母期望、兒童幸福感之相關研究 / Study of the relationship among after-school learning, educational expectation of parents and well-being of elementary school children

沈力群, Shen, Li Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國小二年級兒童才藝補習、父母教育期望與幸福感的關係。主要目的有七:一、瞭解目前台北市國小二年級兒童參加才藝補習的概況。二、瞭解目前有參加才藝補習的台北市國小二年級兒童其父母教育期望現況。三、瞭解目前有參加才藝補習的台北市國小二年級兒童幸福感的概況。四、探討不同性別、家庭社經地位,國小二年級兒童參加才藝補習的概況及其間之差異。五、探討不同父母教育期望,國小二年級兒童參加才藝補習的概況及其間之差異。六、探討國小二年級兒童參加才藝補習的不同,其幸福感有差異。七、探討背景變項、父母教育期望、兒童才藝補習對國小二年級兒童幸福感的預測力。 本研究採問卷調查法,以台北市十二個行政區之公立國小二年級兒童及其家長為研究對象,蒐集到有效樣本275對。使用的工具包括「個人基本資料調查表」、「兒童才藝補習調查問卷」、「父母教育期望量表」及「國小二年級兒童幸福感量表」。在資料處理方面,以描述統計、T檢定、卡方獨立性考驗、單因子變異數分析以及多元迴歸分析考驗研究假設,並進行分析,主要發現如下: 一、有參加才藝補習台北市國小二年級兒童其父母教育期望屬「中、高期望」。 二、目前台北市國小二年級兒童才藝補習漸增,且較重視知識型才藝補習。 三、有參加才藝補習的台北市國小二年級兒童幸福感大致良好,有「中等以上」程度。 四、背景變項對兒童才藝補習的關係,受家庭社經地位影響最大。 五、父母教育期望對兒童才藝補習並無顯著影響。 六、兒童才藝補習與兒童幸福感無顯著差異。 七、在背景變項、父母教育期望、兒童才藝補習對國小二年級兒童幸福感的預測力中,只有「同時參加知識型與運動型」的才藝補習對幸福感有預測力。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship anomg After-School learning, educational expectation of parents and Well-being of Elementary School Children. The main purposes of this study were as follows: 1. Understanding of the current Taipei in second grade children to participate in an overview of after-school learning, educational expectations of their parents , and well-being. 2. Analyzing the differences of the after-school learning influenced by different gender, family socio-economic status, and educational expectaion. 3. Exploring second-grade children participated in different after-school learning classes, the difference between their well-being 4. Understanding the predictions of well-being of second grade children influenced by gender, socioeconomic status, educational expectation, and after-school learning. The questionnaire survey was adopted. By means of the random sampling, 275 students and their parents were chosen from the second grade in 12 Taipei municipal elementary schools as the objects of the study. The instruments used in the study were “Basic Information Questionnaire”, “After-School Learning Inventory”, “Educational Expectations Scale” ,and “Children Well-being Scale”. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were descriptive statistics, t-test, Chi-square test of independence, one-way anova, and multiple regression analysis. The results go as follows: 1. The second grade elementary school children participating in after-school learning classes, their parents looked forward to ”middle and high expectations”. 2. The second grade elementary school children participated in more and more after-school learning, especially knowledge-based after-school learning classes. 3. The well-being of second grade elementary school children participating in after -school learnig was above average. 4. The difference of the after-school learning are influenced by different background variables, especially socioeconomic. 5. There were no differences between educational expectation of parents and after-school learning. 6. There were no differences between after-school learning and well-being of elementary school children. 7. Participating in knowledge-based and sports-based after-school learning classes at the same time could predict well-being of second grade elementary school children.

台南市國小高年級學童英語補習經驗與英語學習態度之研究 / A Study of Cram School Learning Experience and English Learning Attitude of Tainan City Fifth and Sixth Graders

羅淑媛, Luo, Shu-Yuan January 1900 (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解台南市國小高年級學童英語補習現況與英語補習經驗及其英語學習態度。以台南市公立國小高年級學童為研究對象,進行叢集抽樣,抽取15所學校,30個班級為樣本,以研究者自行編製的「台南市國小高年級學童英語學習態度問卷」為研究工具,採問卷調查法取得443份有效問卷,將所得資料以描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。獲致本研究結果如下: 一、 台南市國小高年級有七成學童參加英語補習,補習年數以3-4年者最多; 每週補習英語的時數,以4小時以下者最多;學童參加英語補習最主要的動機,以升學與課業需求者最多。 二、 台南市國小高年級學童在一般英語學習態度、學校英語課程學習態度、英語補習課程學習態度為普通偏中上。 三、不同性別之學童在英語學習態度上部分有顯著差異,女學童優於男學童。 四、不同主要照顧者之家長教育程度之學童在英語學習態度的三層面均未有顯著差異。 五、不同英語補習年數之學童,僅在對學校英語課程的看法有顯著差異,補習年數1-2 年者優於3-4年及7年以上者。 六、每週英語補習時數不同之學童在一般英語學習態度有顯著差異;學校英語課程的學 習態度則未有顯著差異;英語補習課程學習態度部分有顯著差異,每週英語補習時 數5小時以上者優於於4小時以下者。 七、不同英語補習動機之學童在一般英語學習態度、英語補習課程的學習態度有 顯著差異,學校英語課程的學習態度部分有顯著差異,英語補習動機為自己 興趣者優於於其他英語補習動機。 / This study aims to understand English cram status quo. cram school learning experience and English learning attitude of the fifth and sixth graders in Tainan City. Totally 443 participants are selected from the fifth and sixth graders in Tainan City. The data are analyzed through descriptive statistics, t-test and one way ANOVA. The major research findings are as follows: 1.Seventy percent of elementary high graders in Tainan City go to English cram schools, and most of them go there at least three to four years. Besides, most of them take English lessons everyweek under four hours. The main motivation is to enter a higher school and have better academic performance. 2. High graders students’ English learning attitude are above the average. 3. Different high graders genders have partly different attitude. Female students are better than male ones. 4. High graders with different primary caregivers of education have no significant difference on three levels. 5. High graders with different attending cram school years have significant difference partly. One to two English learning years are better than those with three to four years and more than seven years. 6. High graders with different English learning hours every week on general English learning attitude have significant differences.Students who learn English in cram school for more than five hours are better than students who learn English in cram school for less than four hours. 7. Significant difference of different motivations were found among general English learning attitude and English courses of going to cram schools. High graders with different motivation on the English courses have significant differences partly. Students who are interested in going to cram school get better grades than the other motivations. / 摘要 i Abstract ii 致 謝 iii 目 次 iv 表 次 vi 圖 次 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5 第三節 名詞釋義 5 第四節 研究範圍與限制 6 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 國小英語教學與英語補習的現況 9 第二節 英語學習態度 22 第三節 英語補習經驗與英語學習態度 27 第四節 英語學習態度的相關研究 37 第三章 研究方法 45 第一節 研究架構 45 第三節 研究工具 47 第四節 研究步驟 57 第五節 資料處理與分析 58 第四章 研究結果與討論 61 第一節 受試學童基本資料、參加英語補習經驗與英語學習態度之分析 61 第二節 不同背景變項的學童在英語學習態度的差異分析 65 第三節 不同英語補習經驗之學童的英語學習態度之差異分析 69 第四節 綜合討論 78 第五章 結論與建議 83 第一節 結論 83 第二節 建議 84 參考文獻 86 附錄一 96 附錄二 100


成靜傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討補習班成人學生之內外控人格特質、不確定感、社會支持與考試因應策略對生活適應影響的歷程。 研究樣本係自台灣北、中、南區補習班抽樣512位至21至48歲的成人學生。以「簡式內外控量表」、「準備考試不確定量表」、「社會支持量表」、「考試壓力因應行為量為」和「生活適應量表」為研究施測工具。所得資料以次數分配、相關分析、徑路分析等統計方法處理。 研究結果發現,在補習班成人學生的生活適應方面,內控傾向較高、社會支持較多及採取問題導向因應策略者其生活適應狀況較佳,而不確定感較高及採取情緒導向因應策略者,其生活適應較差。在壓力因應策略的使用方面,內控傾向較高和社會支持較多者較傾向採取問題導向因應策略,不確定感較高者較不傾向使用問題導向因應策略。而內控傾向較低、個人內在不確定感較高和工具性社會支持較高者,則較傾向採取情緒導向因應策略。 其次,以徑路分析解釋內外控傾向、社會支持、不確定感和壓力因應策略對生活適應之影響的研究結果指出,工具性社會支持和個人內在不確定感會透過問題導向因應策略而影響學習適應。內外控傾向、工具性社會支持、情緒性社會支持和個人內在不確定感會透過情緒導向因應策略而影響身心適應。此外,影響補習班成人學生學習適應的主要因素是個人內在不確定感和工具性社會支持,而影響身心適應的主要因素則是情緒導向因應策略和個人內在不確定感。亦即個人內在不確定感較低以及工具性社會支持較高的補習班成人學生在學習適應方面的狀況較佳,而較不採取情緒導向因應策略以及個人內在不確定感較低的補習班成人學生在身心適應方面的狀況較佳。顯見不論是在學習適應方面或身心適應方面,個人內在不確定感在影響補習班成人學生的生活適應上扮演著重要的因素,此發現可供往後在壓力或生活適應方面的相關研究加以繼續進一步探討。 針對以上結果,提出綜合討論及後續研究在對象、方法、工具以及變項上的建議,並對補習班學生之壓力因應及生活適應、補習班對學生之服務、教育主管行政機關之管理等方面提出建議。

英語教師如何於正規及非正規專業發展領域發展個人職能概念:一位教師的敘事研究 / Developing professional identity as an English language teacher in formal and informal professional development contexts: a narrative inquiry

李星瑩, Lee, Sin Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本質化敘事研究旨在探討英語教師如何於正規及非正規專業發展領域中發展個人職能概念。研究對象為一位擁有多年補教與國高中教學經驗的英語教師。研究方法主要包含研究對象的口說敘述及半結構式訪談,目的在於完整記載研究對象之動態專業發展歷程。資料分析方式採用¬「整體─內容」分析法 (Lieblich, Tuveal-Mashiasch, & Zilber, 1998)與「關鍵事件」方法 (Webster & Mertova, 2007)。研究結果顯示,研究對象之教師發展出自於其主動作為並連結至其認為之與教學相關之要務。其中引領研究對象教師發展之關鍵為其個人與其所在之補教或學校場域的互動關係。也就是說,她如何看待及解讀場域中有關於教學與教師之價值,並以此價值為基礎發展個人職能概念。此外,研究對象之教師職能概念為一螺旋型過程,其過程強調一學習過程之結束引領另一新的學習發展;於專業發展領域之互動中動態發展。另一方面,藉由研究對象於正規與非正規學校場域中發展職能概念之經驗對照,本質化個案研究對於宏觀之正規及非正規教育系統在協助教師發展的設計,目前所面臨的兩難獲得更深入的了解。本研究期許針對教師教育、甚至於教育政策持續改善,提供可能之方向,使其更能符合教師於個人職能發展的實際需要。在本研究最後,針對於研究結果提出教學與研究上之建議做為參考。 / This study explores the development of an English teacher’s professional identity across formal and informal educational contexts. The informant invited in the study is an English teacher who has cross-contextual professional development experience. Data collection methods primarily included an oral narrative and semi-structured interviews in order to document the dynamic professional development trajectory of the teacher informant. The data collected were analyzed with a holistic-content method (Lieblich, Tuveal-Mashiasch, & Zilber, 1998) and a critical events approach (Webster & Mertova, 2007). The findings of the study indicate that teacher development is undertaken by the teacher herself and her concerns. What is really critical in guiding teacher development is the interaction between the teacher and her contexts; namely, how the teacher perceives and interprets the value of teaching and the meaning of being a teacher from the contexts, which is the basis to develop her professional identities. Furthermore, teacher professional identity is constructed dynamically as a spiral process in interaction with contexts. A better understanding of the tensions existing in the macro-level formal educational system is also obtained in the comparison with formal and informal professional development experience of the English teacher in the study. The study provides a possible direction for further improvement of teacher education program and for educational policy reforms to better take care of the actual professional development needs of teachers. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications as well as suggestions for future research are also provided at the end of the thesis.

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