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台灣國小學童指稱式溝通行為表現之研究 / A study of the performance of elementary school children's referential communication in Taiwan楊玉櫻, Yang, Yu-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本論文利用實驗設計研究台灣國小二年級和五年級學童指稱式溝通行為表現。結果發現五年級學童在描述指稱物時,語句傳達較充份的訊息以區別其它非指稱物。且在指稱過程中,說話者和聽者經由交談互動共同提供訊息。說話者除了描述指稱物外,會詢問聽者是否了解他的描述,聽者除了回應說話者外,亦能在說話者無法提供充份訊息時,提出適當的問題誘出缺乏的訊息。二年級學童由於受到自我為中心的認知結構和溝通技巧尚未成熟的影響,他們的指稱語句較無法傳達充份的訊息。在指稱過程中,說話者和聽者互動較少。說話者不會詢問聽者是否了解他的描述。當說話者的訊息不充份時,聽者沒有反應或是無法提出適當的問題誘出缺乏的訊息。訊息來源大部份來自說話者,說話者自己的獨自很多。 / The thesis is to study the performance of elementary school children's referential communication in Taiwan.
The second - and fifth - graders are engaged in a designed experiment. The older children' a referential phrases are found to convey more adequate information to distinguish the target referent from the other nonreferents. Both the speaker and the listener collaborate and contribute to the information adequacy. During the referential process, the speaker queries the listener's understanding of his referential description. The listener responds to the speaker's queries and requests for clarification to elicit information adequacy. Most of the referential processes are accomplished with more than two turns. Because of the egocentric cognitive structure and less developed communication skills, the younger children's referential phrases convey less adequate information. They tend to focus on the target referent without comparing it with the other nonreferents. They adopt an individual approach during the referential process. The speaker concentrates on describing the referent without querying the listener's u nderstanding. The listener concentrates on listening. When the speaker fails to provide adequate information, the listener neither requests for clarification nor knows how to propose appropriate clarification requests to elicit information adequacy. The speaker provides most the information and lots of monologues are observed.
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國小學童解決親子衝突的研究徐萍, XU,PING Unknown Date (has links)
D'Zurilla & Goldfried(1971) 提出「解決人際問題的認知思考模式」,認為解決衝突的階段共有五個:問題導向、澄清問題、形成假設、決策、付諸行動和驗證。每一階段包含有不同的要點,若遵守這些要點將可提高解決人際問題的效果。而解決人際問題的能力也可經由訓練穫得改善。
但是,D'Zurilla 等人並未針對一般人在日常生活中,解決人際問題時究竟是否應用這些要點一事進行驗証。過去的研究也沒有探討年齡對解決人際問題過程的影響。
針對以上所提的問題和缺憾,本研究所要探討的主要問題在於探討一、五年級學生解決親子衝突時,(1) 在「問題導向」階段感到無法解決須服從的人數是否有差異?(2) 「澄清問題」的能力是否有差異?(3) 在「形成假設」階段可暫緩評估而儘量先想方法的人數是否有差異?(4) 在「決策」階段的評估能力是否有差異?
本研究以台北市木柵、武功國小一、五年級共120 位學生為研究對象,採結構式晤談收集資料。主要結果如下:
(1) 有41.25%的學生有能力自行澄清問題,24.2% 的學生需要協助組織,11.7% 需要練習,22.9% 經過練習仍無法澄清問題,且五年級學生的表現顯著優於一年級(p<01);
(2) 有83.75%的學生認為有方法可以解決衝突狀況,6.65%經練習後可想出解決方法,9.6% 堅持無計可施,且一年級認為無計可施的人數顯著多於一年級(p<01);
(3) 63.35%的學生可暫緩評估而儘量先想方法,32.95%認為先想一個方法試試看有沒有效,3.75% 無法回答此問題,且五年級可暫緩評估而儘量先想方法的學生人數顯助多於一年級(p<05);
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國小學童對職業角色的認識與接觸大眾媒介的關係性鄭植榮, Zheng, Zhi-Rong Unknown Date (has links)
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台南市國小高年級學童英語補習經驗與英語學習態度之研究 / A Study of Cram School Learning Experience and English Learning Attitude of Tainan City Fifth and Sixth Graders羅淑媛, Luo, Shu-Yuan January 1900 (has links)
一、 台南市國小高年級有七成學童參加英語補習,補習年數以3-4年者最多;
二、 台南市國小高年級學童在一般英語學習態度、學校英語課程學習態度、英語補習課程學習態度為普通偏中上。
興趣者優於於其他英語補習動機。 / This study aims to understand English cram status quo. cram school learning experience and English learning attitude of the fifth and sixth graders in Tainan City. Totally 443 participants are selected from the fifth and sixth graders in Tainan City. The data are analyzed through descriptive statistics, t-test and one way ANOVA. The major research findings are as follows:
1.Seventy percent of elementary high graders in Tainan City go to English cram schools, and most of them go there at least three to four years. Besides, most of them take English lessons everyweek under four hours. The main motivation is to enter a higher school and have better academic performance.
2. High graders students’ English learning attitude are above the average.
3. Different high graders genders have partly different attitude. Female students are better than male ones.
4. High graders with different primary caregivers of education have no significant difference on three levels.
5. High graders with different attending cram school years have significant difference partly. One to two English learning years are better than those with three to four years and more than seven years.
6. High graders with different English learning hours every week on general English learning attitude have significant differences.Students who learn English in cram school for more than five hours are better than students who learn English in cram school for less than four hours.
7. Significant difference of different motivations were found among general English learning attitude and English courses of going to cram schools. High graders with different motivation on the English courses have significant differences partly. Students who are interested in going to cram school get better grades than the other motivations. / 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致 謝 iii
目 次 iv
表 次 vi
圖 次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5
第三節 名詞釋義 5
第四節 研究範圍與限制 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 國小英語教學與英語補習的現況 9
第二節 英語學習態度 22
第三節 英語補習經驗與英語學習態度 27
第四節 英語學習態度的相關研究 37
第三章 研究方法 45
第一節 研究架構 45
第三節 研究工具 47
第四節 研究步驟 57
第五節 資料處理與分析 58
第四章 研究結果與討論 61
第一節 受試學童基本資料、參加英語補習經驗與英語學習態度之分析 61
第二節 不同背景變項的學童在英語學習態度的差異分析 65
第三節 不同英語補習經驗之學童的英語學習態度之差異分析 69
第四節 綜合討論 78
第五章 結論與建議 83
第一節 結論 83
第二節 建議 84
參考文獻 86
附錄一 96
附錄二 100
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國小閱讀推廣活動現況與學生參與滿意度之研究:以桃園縣國民小學為例 / The study of reading promotion activities and students satisfaction in the elementary schools of Taoyuan County陳淑怡, Chen, Shu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
由研究結果歸納建義,在教育相關單位方面,應鼓勵校長成為閱讀推廣人才,設置專業圖書館主任,擬定館藏發展政策,以提高國小圖書館服務層級,並建立各校閱讀資源共享機制;在學校方面,應以長遠的眼光持續推廣兒童閱讀活動,組織閱讀教師專業社群,制訂閱讀活動評鑑制度,並持續推廣社區閱讀,最後,應加強與公共圖書館建立合作機制,以整合閱讀推廣之相關資源。 / The purpose of this research is to have a general review of Certified Reading Featured Schools. Interviews of librarians from 8 schools have been conducted as well as questionnaires to investigate higher graders involvement in the reading program of each school.
The result shows prominent improvement in regards of the quantity of books due to large substantial funds from the government plus various in-campus reading schemes However, challenges are still there. The lack of professional librarian and regular funds for book purchasing, insufficient professional knowledge in reading instruction and teaching hours, lack of room and low commitment from parents are common problems faced by these schools.
In regards to the students’ participation, most children enjoy reading activities and statistics shows prominent engagement in dynamic reading activity. More than half of the children engaged in such activities on their own wish but there are still more than 40% of students need adult guidance and encouragement. Generally students acknowledge the importance of reading as statistics show intrinsic motivations are prevalent among these participants. These elementary students express their great improvement over acquiring new knowledge, language proficiency and reading strategies after taking part of various reading schemes. The study also shows that girls’ engagement and motivation are prominently higher than boys. 5th graders involvement is higher than 6th graders.
In regards to the feedback from students, scheme marketing strategy and rewarding system are on the top of the satisfactory criteria. The variety of activity, however, is at the bottom of the rank. Girls are prone to be happier in the activities than boys. 5th graders are more satisfied than the 6th graders.
In conclusion, the study suggests following improving strategies to in-campus reading schemes. First of all, principals should be trained as the key advocators of reading. Professional librarian should be installed to develop and organize in-campus reading schemes. As for the professional development, a network of teaching reading should be set up to promote sustainable reading schemes and assessment of such activities. Strengthen cooperation with public libraries is also recommended to integrate community-based resources.
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國小男女教師性別角色與學生學校適應、學業成就之研究 / A Study of the Relationship of Teacher's Gender Role to Student'''' s School Adaptation and Achievement何秀珠, Ho, Hsiu-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
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