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國小教師聘任制度之研究鄭淑嬌 Unknown Date (has links)
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國民小學學校學習文化與教師專業承諾關係之研究 / The Relationship between School Learning Culture and Teacher Professional Commitment in Taiwan Elementary School謝紫菱, Hsueh, Tzu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
(三)研究方法方面:除量化的問卷調查外,亦可以質化之深度訪談、觀察與個案研究進行調查。 / The purpose of this study was to inquire the relationship between school learning culture and teacher professional commitment in elementary schools. The study methods were adopted literature review and questionnaire. In questionnaire aspect, the subjects included 502 elementary school teachers in Taipei City and Taipei County. The collected data were analyzed through the methods of descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis. It is hoping that through this design to collect and understand the relationship between school learning culture and teacher professional commitment as well as real life phenomenon of the researched subject.
Conclusions were made as followings:
1. School learning culture is above average. The best dimension is the structure and system of promoting teacher learning.
2. Teacher professional commitment is above average. The best dimension is the professional moral.
3. Teachers among diverse background variables take a different view on school learning culture, except the highest academic background and school location.
4. Teachers among diverse background variables take a different view on teacher professional commitment, except the sex, school location and school history.
5. Teachers who get higher scores on school learning culture would get higher scores on teacher professional commitment, too.
6. There is positive correlation existed between the learning culture and teacher professional commitment.
7. Among all dimensions of school learning culture, the highest prediction to total teacher professional commitment is the structure and system of promoting teacher learning.
In the last part, the researcher, based on the findings, proposes some suggestions for the education authorities, school administration, and teachers, hoping to benefit the development of school learning culture and promote school effectiveness in the future.
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國小教師創意管教與學生行為表現之關係林志哲 Unknown Date (has links)
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類神經網路應用於國小教師需求之預測 / Forecasting the number of teacher in elementary schools im Taiwan Area by neural network陳嘉甄, Chen, Chia-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
國小教師供需問題是目前教育界中的一個重要問題,教師需求量的預測精確與否,將影響及教育政策的制定。本研究中,我們使用單變量 ARIMA 及類神經網路,以預測台灣地區 1996 到 1998 年之間的國小教師需求量。
研究結果顯示,在預測國小教師數列上,ARIMA 及類神經望陸均有很好的表現。類神經網路的可用範圍寬廣,適於各種複雜的情境,然而就本研究的主要探討對象--國小教師數列而言,以單變數的神經網路便已足夠。如果能選擇適當、具明顯特徵的資料,則網路將有更佳的預測效果。
由於類神經網路具有自我學習、自我調適、及平行處理等優點,因此在發展教師供需預測系統時,除了 ARIMA 之外,類神經網路為另一可行方法。 / The demand for and supply of teachers in elementary schools is an important problem in education administration. An accurate forecast of the number of teachers needs in elementary schools may heavily affect educational policy. In this thesis, we use the univariate time series analysis and Neural Networks to forecast the number of teacher in elementary schools in Taiwan Area during a period from 1996 to 1998.
According to the result, both Box-Jenkins model and Neural Network perform well for prediction. Neural Network can be widely used in different circumstance, especially complicated situation. In this research, however, it is enough to predict number of teacher by the univariate neural network. In other word, if selecting suitable data variables, we could obtain better predictable effect by neural network.
With the advantages of self-learning, self adaptation, and parallel processing, the Neural Network approach is a promising alternative approach to time series for developing a teacher demand and supply forecasting system.
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宜蘭縣國小教師對公共圖書館使用需求及滿意情形之研究 / A study of Yilan county elementary school teachers on the public library use needs and satisfaction黃雅鈴, Huang, Ya Ling Unknown Date (has links)
由研究結果歸納以下建議:建議地方行政機關增置公共圖書館專業人員及提撥固定經費,專款專用;輔導機關方面應該建立推廣公共圖書館與國小合作並辦理相關教育研習活動,培養專業人力;建議宜蘭縣公共圖書館加強宣導與服務並主動提供相關訊息、改善圖書館網站、統籌規劃圖書館利用教育、參與相關教育研習加強和學校合作、多舉辦推廣圖書館相關活動;建議各國小重視學校圖書館,加強其功能,鼓勵師生利用;建議國小教師培養利用公共圖書館之習慣、善用圖書館支援教學活動、培養圖書館利用教育知能、主動向公共圖書館提出建議。 / Public libraries are cultural and educational institutions and serve as the resource center for education reform. Teachers, together with libraries, exert indispensable influence on the process of education reform. The habit of using libraries should be created among children and it is the responsibility of the teachers to help children become familiar with the libraries. Therefore, how well the teachers understand the libraries and whether or not they have developed a habit of utilizing libraries are important issues.
The participants of the study are all public elementary school teachers of Yilan County and the study aims to investigate the users’ needs and survey the user satisfaction of the elementary school teachers in their experience of using libraries. A suggestion synthesizing the study result is to propose to provide the public libraries a direction to establish their collection development policy and management policy. Thus, a goal of combining teaching and library utilizing can be achieved by the more convenient library service offered by the public libraries.
The study conducts a questionnaire survey using method of semi-structured interviews. After analyzing the data collected by the questionnaire, semi-structured interviews were performed with an interview outline developed on the basis of issues to be probed into. The results of the study are summarized as follows:
For the change of role, objective, and situation, elementary school teachers of Yilan County demand differently on the information provided by the libraries. The foremost need for the teachers in using libraries is acquiring the advanced knowledge, while the libraries’ function of data research has been replaced by the internet.
The main need of elementary school teachers of Yilan County for library material is books, and the checkout service is the service used the most. Teachers wish that libraries can offer educational curse to work with regular teaching and actively offer information to support teaching. The space in libraries using most for teacher is the reading room; the evaluation standards includes the seat comfort, air quality, and the sufficient light. The teachers also consider that the location of libraries, attitude and the proficiency of the clerk are main factors influencing users’ willingness to use public libraries.
The overall Satisfaction of elementary school teachers of Yilan County over public libraries of Yilan County is passable. Collecting and analyzing opinions and suggestions made by the teachers, they expect a complete and well functioned public library with sufficient collection, management, location, space planning, and human resource; and wish that libraries can support the teaching, and create reading habit among children.
Further suggestions are made based on the result of the study as follows: local government should expand the professional staff and allocate funds earmarked for the development of the libraries only; guidance institution should develop and promote the collaboration between libraries and elementary schools, organizing the education and study activities and cultivating professional development; public libraries of Yilan County should make more introduction on the services and activities available in the libraries through improving the library website, mapping complete library utilizing educational course, participating in the education and study activities, strengthening the collaboration with the schools, and holding more activities aiming at promoting usage of libraries; elementary schools should place importance on their own libraries, enhancing the functions and encouraging the using among teachers and pupils; elementary school teachers should cultivate habit of using libraries, manage to utilize the resource in libraries to improve teaching, advance the library using skills, and should be willing to provide suggestion actively to the public libraries.
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組織行為之分析:台北市士東國小的個案研究 / An analysis of organizational behavior: case study of shih-tung elementary school of Taipei city郭麗美, Kuo, Li Mei Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣經歷少子化而後,國小超額老師問題相形嚴重. 故本論文以個案研究方式探討中型學校士東國小的資深與資淺教師為例,就學校歷史文化,課程設計,領導風格,及學校效能方面來探討教師在教職生涯滿意度與家長對教師之期望. / Since the phenomenon of low fertility rate emergent in Taiwan, the teacher of the primary education suffered and gradually caused the sever problem of the surplus elementary school teacher. Hence, the Shih-Tung elementary, a medium size school, is the scale aligned with optimal scale for government to borrow the experience.
The thesis applied a case study method of in-depth interview for related party of teachers and parents of Shih-Tung Elementary School. Initially from retrieving the education core both from definition and ancient wisdom testing the true meaning for the primary education. It is discussed from the culture of the school, the belief of an organization, which is the symbol of pine, big pencil and eraser under persistent learning, preceding that, from the culture to the curriculum design in terms of characteristic of the school, the charm of the school which made less decline of the student enrollment. Moreover, from the leadership style to verify how it formed the consensus and the acceptance form the teachers, which later on lead the effectiveness of the school. Further, it is focused on the organizational behavior analysis applying the Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Motivator-Hygiene Theory to analyze the satisfaction factors of the teachers in the school. The main parts for the central idea are focused on the teachers’ attitude in relation with the satisfaction factors in the case school, in words, the organizational behavior of the case school. Hence, the discussions are brought under school culture and curriculum design, leadership style and school effectiveness, teachers’ working satisfaction and inspiration, parents’ expectation.
Consequently, the result and suggestions are made for the 2 parts: one for the school, and the other for the government under the transition of the era. The suggestions are made for the school as to keep the culture and inheritance of the senior to the junior teacher as legacy, and improving the environment for more efficient purpose of using and curriculum design under innovated way under long history. And utilize the human resource of unmarried woman, and build a communicative talk relationship with the parents since the mutual understanding of both parties are changing from authorities to cooperative and increasing junior teachers in the near future.
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國小男女教師性別角色與學生學校適應、學業成就之研究 / A Study of the Relationship of Teacher's Gender Role to Student'''' s School Adaptation and Achievement何秀珠, Ho, Hsiu-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
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這一頁,我來說教師--國小初任教師專業認同之教育學傳記研究 / A biography research in pedagogy on the first elementary school teacher's professional identity凃柏章, TU,Bo-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
我採用「教育學傳記研究」作為研究取向,並以德國學者Fritz Schütz發展的「敘述訪談」作為資料採取工具,蒐集而來的資料即是我所謂的「文本」或「故事」。訪談的對象是小卉 -- 一位成為國小教師五年左右、服務兩所學校的初任教師。訪談結果在轉錄成逐字稿後,依據Schütz所提出的文本分析流程進行文本結構描述,並嘗試詮釋以析出故事抽象概念。
經過文本結構描述和分析,逐漸呈現「選擇」、「在比較中了解自己」以及「愛與被愛」的教師故事圖像。然而,我並未只是停留在故事詮釋的階段,而更進一步和其它教師敘說進行對話,其目的在於企圖呈現「我們如何看待教師故事、發聲」的議題。最後,我反思本研究的價值以及教育學傳記研究的意義。 / The purpose of my research is mainly to understand the process of a teacher’s professional identity by listening teacher’s narrative. Also, I attempt to explore the meanings represented by this process. Based on Mead’s concept of self, I argued that the attribute of teacher’s professional identity might be better viewed as a developing process than essences, substances or categories. Furthermore, one’s identity process revealing from narrative is other key point in my study. That is to say, one displays his or her life experiences with a narrative to listener, and then the listener understands the experiences through the power of language. Therefore, according to the above-mentioned methodological basis, I (researcher) could make sense of the teacher’s (interviewee) narrative.
I adopt ”Biographic Research in Pedagogy” as my research approach, and collected raw data called “text” or “story” with “Narrative Interview” developed by Fritz Schütz, a Germany sociologist. After interviewing the first teacher, Little-hui, who just has been working about five years in two elementary schools, I followed Schütz’s procedures of text-analysis to describe the structure of the text and attempt to catch abstract concepts in hui’s story.
After the process of structure description and interpret, “choosing”,”knowing self by comparing with peers”, and “to love and to be loved” gradually showed up to be images of Little-hui’s story. However, I didn’t stay right in the position of story-interpreting. Moreover, I situated these images a dialogue with another inquires of teachers’ narratives, and attempted to raise the issue of “how have teachers’ stories, voices, or narratives been viewed and treated in the context” for discussion. At the end, I reflected on the value of this research and the meaning of “Biography Research in Pedagogy.”
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