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Konstrukce mateřství a feminity z pohledu tří generací / The construction of motherhood and femininity from the point of view of three generationsMarková Volejníčková, Romana January 2021 (has links)
dissertation thesis: Construction of motherhood and feminity in the three generations Author: Mgr. Romana Marková Volejníčková This dissertation aims to analyze the norms of "good" motherhood, discourses, and social practices related to these norms, and their connection and interrelationship with the issue of agency and women's/mothers' free choice under specific conditions over the course of three defined periods. In particular, in this study, I focused on the prevalent conditions (be it legislation, i.e. family and social policies, expert discourses in the field of psychology, demography, pediatrics, etc., but also societal expectations of women within family and employment) during the three defined periods. I analyzed how individual standards of "good" motherhood and "proper" child care are defined and conceived under these circumstances, in which the interviewed mothers carried out their motherhood projects. Furthermore, I focused on what choices mothers could make in these normative conditions, what choices they considered available to them and realistic in each one period, and whether some of the mothers' personal traits may have bolstered or diminished their ability to make informed choices concerning their motherhood project. In the three periods examined, the manifestations of biopower...
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宗教經驗與職涯變遷歷程之探究--以一位幼教老師為例黃琬敦 Unknown Date (has links)
在以探究生命歷程的傳記研究為建構本研究的理論基礎下,選擇F. Schütze發展的「敘述訪談法」來採集個案口述傳記資料,包括「職業史」與「宗教史」。資料經逐字轉錄為文本後,以教育學傳記研究學者R. Kokemohr的「參照推論分析論」作為分析解讀文本的工具,並依據分析結果進行文本內涵意義的形塑。
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Alte Psychoanalytiker/-innenUllrich, Peter 15 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit untersucht Berufstätigkeit und Berufsausstieg alter Psychoanalytiker/-innen. Dazu werden der konzeptuelle Forschungsstand zum Thema referiert, zu dem es bisher fast keine empirische Forschung gab, und eigene Ergebnisse aus zwei Befragungen (eine standardisierte Fragebogenerhebung und eine Studie auf Basis berufsbiographischer narrativer Interviews) vorgestellt. Diese geben Auskunft über die hohe Erwerbsneigung der untersuchten Gruppe vor dem 1.1.1937 geborener Analytiker/-innen (69 %) und ihre Tätigkeitsfelder. Dabei zeigt sich eine Abnahme im Ausmaß der Berufstätigkeit und eine Verschiebung der Tätigkeitsfelder (von Praxistätigkeit zu ausbildungsbezogenen Tätigkeiten) mit zunehmendem Alter. Unterschiedliche Motive stehen hinter der hohen Erwerbsneigung (u.a. Identifikation mit der Psychoanalyse, Bedürfnis nach sozialer Anerkennung, Einkommensabhängigkeit). Der Übergang in den Ruhestand erfolgt in wenigen Fällen radikal mittels eines deutlichen Bruchs mit der psychoanalytischen Tätigkeit und dem fach(gesellschaft)lichen Engagement und meist gleitend durch eine langsame Verschiebung der Tätigkeitsfelder und die sanfte Reduzierung der Praxistätigkeit (häufig). Herausforderungen und Probleme der Übergangszeit werden dargestellt und daraus Empfehlungen für eine „Kultur des Übergangs“ abgeleitet.
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Toxická psychóza jako důsledek dlouhodobého užívání metamfetaminu - série případových studií klientů terapeutické komunity / Toxic psychosis as a result of long-term methamphetamine abuse - case studies serie of the clients in therapeutic communityMusílková, Eva January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the course and character of experienced toxic psychosis and its development over time, in clients at present long term residing in the therapeutic community. The thesis searches relatedness between several parameters defined methamphetamine abuse (intensity, length of use) and the length of the event period. Research core thesis are qualitative case analyzes, in which the emphasis is a typical manifestation of toxic psychosis and its descriptive progress with regard to mentioned parameters of abuse and also to accentuate the importance of toxic psychosis borders as a result of methamphetamine abuse, compared with endogenous psychoses of schizophrenia circuit. The aim of this thesis is to describe individual cases manifestations of psychosis through five client stories and explore the process of psychical recovery and regression of clinical symptoms in time, in clients with the prospect of full recovery. For this particular research the author elected a qualitative approach and storylines of five clients were processed as a set of case studies. Data quality was projected through several methods, while the crucial will be narrative interview, than a life curve and method of participants observation. For data analysis, the method of narrative analysis and a method of recording...
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Rekonstrukce životního příběhu u mladých dospělých vystavených nepříznivému působení rodiny / The reconstruction of the life story of young adults being exposed to an adverse effect of their familyNovotná, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with understanding the interpretation of life story, important people and agency in life story of young adult being expose to an adverse effect of their family. The theoretical part is focused on life story and life story work, namely methods of create life story book. The thesis defined young adult in institutional and foster care, their needs and rights. The special chapter is life story work with traumatized children. The empirical part consist of analysis of four autobiographical narratives collected by the method of narrative interview, life story book and lifeline. The collected information are analysed with holistic-content, holistic-formal and categorical-formal analysis. This work includes feedback participants in research probe reconstruction of life story and life story work. At the conclusion of work are recommended other methods for further research.
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Nezletilé matky rodičovské generace 70. a 80. let. / Underage mothers of parental generation of 70th and 80thPitrová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is examines women who in the 70s or 80s become underage mothers. It tries to map out how these women perceive their life. It also investigates how negative assumptions about underage mothers agree or disagree with the specimen. First there is processed topic of underage mothers and their various aspects. It introduces the views of domestic and foreign authors on these girls. These views predicts a bleak and unsuccessful life to those girls. Another part presents era of socialism, which surveyed women grew up and became pregnant in. Next part describes the research methodology. For this thesis the qualitative research was chosen, specifically biographical interviews. The last part of the analysis is devoted to the research and specific findings. It introduces the topics that women talked about and which are very important to them. Research shows that the former young mothers perceive and evaluate their lives mostly positively. When comparing expert views on teenage mothers with the lives of these women, it is clear that the gloomy predictions of the authors didn't come true and women don't live in poverty and sadness. Conversely they happily spend time with their children and partners.
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Modeling situated health information seeking and use in context: the use of two approaches to grounded theorizing as applied to 81 sense-making methodology derived narrative interviews of health situation facingSong, Mei 19 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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「不成長就會被淘汰」一位幼師生命運轉之敘說分析彭佳宣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取質性研究方法中的傳記研究取向,以德國社會學者Fritz Schütze所發展之「敘述訪談法」(narrative interview)進行資料採集工作,訪談一位具有二十九年幼教工作經歷的幼兒園園長。訪談結果整理為敘述文本後,並參照Fritz Schütze所提出的理論建構分析方案,對文本進行結構描述以及概念抽象化分析的整體形塑,以回應欲探究的問題。
經過資料分析過程,逐漸釋出本研究主體—杏芬園長「不成長就會被淘汰」的生命信念意涵,文本透露出自我完成性在主體生命開展歷程中,為一種突破環境限制與期望朝向更好的動力,促使主體一再超越現實環境的限制,萌生其積極性意義。「不進則退」生命觀於時間流動中架構出主體的生活經驗世界,形成生命能量內塑與外推之上揚動力,於接受工作挑戰與追求成長歷程中蛻變。於是可以看出,環境或自我本身的未確定性,雖然帶來了限制,卻也充滿無限可能性。最後,研究者就文本解析之內容,提出「公私幼消長生態下幼師的生存處境」議題進行探討;並且參照Csikszentmihalyi創造力系統論觀點,建立一個類似的系統原型,從個人、學門及領域三個面向,闡釋研究主體長期安身立命於幼教職業工作中的可能因素。 / “Either growing or eliminating”—
A description analysis of a kindergarten teacher’s life revolving
Due to the lack of management by the government in Taiwan in early years, there are many problems that exist in the field of early childhood education. Those impact the survival of the key personnel, the teachers, in this field directly. In the social context of high turn over ratio of the teachers in this field, how senior teachers keep standing fast at the post and moving forward is the center concern of this research. By interviewing a senior teacher’s working experience, the researcher gets to know the different patterns of the career of a kindergarten teacher; further more, to comprehend the transition of the social structure from reviewing the history in which the story happened.
This research adopts biographic study under the qualitative methodology, and collects the data with “narrative interview” developing by Fritz Schűtze, a Germany sociologist. After interviewing a kindergarten principal, Sin-feng, who has been working for twenty-nine years in the early childhood education field, researcher followed Schűtze’s theory construction and analysis to analyze and shape the structure description and abstract concepts.
After the process of data analysis, “either growing or eliminating” shows up to be Principal Sin-feng’s belief. The text shows that in one’s life process, self-completion is a motivation that can break through constrains of environment and head to a better situation. Therefore, we can see that although the uncertainty of environment and oneself can be constrains, it can also bring the unlimited possibility. At the end, researcher raised the topic of “kindergarten teachers’ subsistence in the growth and decline of public and private kindergartens” for discussion. Researcher revised and constructed a similar system from the creativity systematic viewpoint raised by Csikszentmihalyi, to explain the possible reasons, from personal, subject, and field aspects, that make the research object stay in the same career for such a long time.
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Nízkoprahové adiktologické služby na malých městech / Drop In Addictology Services in TownsJiříková, Adéla January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the specific characteristics of drop-in addictology services in a small town. In the introduction, the author describes the drop-in addictology services existing and their activities. The thesis provides a brief insight into the basic principles of such services and their application in the Czech Republic. The core of the thesis consists of the research carried out among the employees of the civic association o. s. Prevent who work in drop-in addictology services in small towns. Within such research, the method of semi-structured narrative interview was applied. The objective of such research was to identify the specifics of their work in small towns as perceived by the employees proper. The intention was to compare the work carried out in small towns to the work as conducted in larger ones. The results identified are meant to point out the issues and challenges of working in small towns, to illustrate the setup of services in these locations, and to outline other possibilities for the future through the employees' eyes. The author's conclusions may support the employees in similar services to gain better orientation in the situation that they experience. The thesis may also constitute the basis for the founders of drop-in addictology facilities to change the setup of their...
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Apprendre à communiquer en oncologie : médecins-résidents à l’écoute de patients partenairesRivest, Jacynthe 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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