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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


許家恆 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在1990年左右經歷了一場時代的變遷浪潮,台灣發生的不僅僅是政治上的自由開放,在社會的各個層面都產生重大變革。在性別問題上,台灣同性戀運動也是從這一時代開始,而宗教的同性戀運動發生於1996年,即台灣第一個基督教同性戀團體的誕生,也是台灣第一個宗教性的同性戀團體。 基督教素來對同性戀議題較為保守,且同性戀長久以來被認定為是一種罪惡,因此在基督教中成立同性戀團體是極具爭議性的。本研究即是以五位同性戀基督徒身處基督教的大環境當中,他們的生命與宗教經驗為研究核心,展演出同志基督徒在性別與宗教交互牽引的歷程。 同性戀傾向不管是對基督徒或是非信仰者來說,都是非常態的一種表現,同志基督徒所承擔的壓力不僅是令人側目的眼光,更深層的是心裡上對宗教真理的違背。本研究以同光同志長老教會為研究對象,探究同志基督徒的信仰歷程,發現同志基督徒普遍經歷宗教信仰的喜悅、同性傾向對宗教信仰的衝擊,以致放任自己經歷宗教上的漂流經驗,再尋求認同並重新經歷宗教(當然這是以結果論,因為受訪者都是同志教會的會友),並開始盼望他們特殊身份的未來願景。 本研究發現,同志基督徒在宗教上的認同其實是繫於對性別的認同,過去的研究強調基督教同志團體在宗教經典的詮釋上,對同志基督徒提供宗教認同的要素,但本研究認為是宗教徒對個人生活政治的選擇,因為在同志基督徒中也不一定有相同的聖經詮釋,或是聖經詮釋不一定是信徒關懷的重心。同光教會作為一個提供非主流性傾向者的避難所,個體選擇進入同志教會是共同構築一個群體的願景,儘管同志基督徒在選擇了同志教會為宗教信仰的維持場所,外在的緊張關係與廣泛的道德問題仍舊存在,內部也有著相同性別等級的現實。 / In the 1990s, Taiwan underwent a series of transformations. Not only did politics open to a new phase of freedom, every aspect in the society has since experienced unprecedented changes. As for the development of gender issues, the first homosexual Christian organization in Taiwan was established in 1996, which was also known as Taiwan’s first religious homosexual community. Christianity always takes a conservative stance on homosexual matters. Homosexuality has long been regarded as a sin, hence the controversial existence of the homosexual group within Christianity. This research takes the lives and religious experiences of five homosexual Christians as objects of study, trying to observe how they display the interaction between gender and religion in the Christian context. The inclination towards homosexuality, no matter to Christians or to non-believers, is an abnormal behavior. Thus, the homosexual Christians take upon themselves not only the derogatory judgments from others, but also the self-condemnation caused by violation of beliefs. This research focuses on Tong-Kong Light House Presbyterian Church, exploring the faith-developing process of its homosexual members. Generally, they all at first enjoy religious faith, then experience clash between their homosexuality and religious faith, then readopt faith after going through a period of drifting along (this must be so, because all the interviewers are its members), and finally begin to look forward to future perspective shaped by their special identity. The research finds that the religious identity of homosexual Christians is in fact related to their gender identity. The past researches tended to emphasize the determinant role of scriptural interpretations in homosexual Christian communities, while this research proves that it is the believer’s personal life choice that provides the founding ground of belief. Though belonging to the same church, the members might have protean understandings of the scripture, and so interpretations of the Bible are not necessarily the point at issue. Tong-Kong Church is a shelter for the Christians of periphery sexual disposition, allowing its members to have collective integrity. However, in spite of their choice of joining the community to maintain the Christian faith, the church members still have to face tensions with the outside world and moral issues. Besides, even inside the community, they have problems of hierarchy to deal with.


黃建忠 Unknown Date (has links)
筆者為旅遊界從業人員,基於工作上之方便與需要,常領團至地中海、印度等地,團員成員中有以朝聖地為目的,也有以朝聖地與名勝古蹟比重各半。有的團體有神職人員帶領,有的團體無神職人員帶領,由信仰者自動自發,信仰者對信仰的虔誠度也各有不同。 筆者以田野的參訪做紀錄,本文的分析以人類學的角度作詮釋外,著重於朝聖者與進香客,宗教經驗的闡釋,以宗教經驗中個人層面的信仰為核心要素。 第二章為筆者的耶路撒冷朝聖參訪紀錄外,並□合口訪基督宗教信徒在朝聖後的啟發,與伊斯蘭教中穆斯林,朝覲者的感言。 第三章討論聖地與神聖空間構成的要件,基督宗教與台灣民間宗教對聖地認定的異同。分靈、分香的理念與聖地再造的關係,聖地在地轉化的情形。 第四章討論朝聖者與進香客,兩者所代表的人觀意義與文化意涵中的異同,人—神關係,神—神關係等,與在信仰層面的剖析。 第五章討論朝聖者與進香客宗教經驗之闡釋,宗教經驗的不可重複性,不可預期性。宗教經驗者與神聖者的關係。個人經驗與神話歷史的辨證關係,集體記憶創造與歷史條件的辨證關係。 第六章,宗教經驗的神聖顯示是超越時空的,神聖顯示本身存在被詮釋的機制,宗教經驗者只能就身體時間的歷史情境作表達,而不是受到歷史的制約。朝聖者與進香客,在人神關係交融後讓神的本質存在於人的內心,心與靈的合一。


黃琬敦 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是以一位放棄公幼教職,轉任私立佛教托兒所任教之幼師為對象,以生命傳記研究取向來探究這位幼師如何在職涯變遷歷程中,看待自我教師角色與所處的社會脈絡價值、其反主流趨勢向下流動的職涯轉換與宗教經驗間相互牽引之互動關係。具體而言,研究問題包括生命主體是在何種處境經驗下,選擇辭去公幼教職,前往私立佛教托兒所任教?在職涯轉向歷程中,宗教觀如何影響幼師的職涯觀?宗教經驗在其實踐幼師專業的生命中,扮演怎樣的角色? 在以探究生命歷程的傳記研究為建構本研究的理論基礎下,選擇F. Schütze發展的「敘述訪談法」來採集個案口述傳記資料,包括「職業史」與「宗教史」。資料經逐字轉錄為文本後,以教育學傳記研究學者R. Kokemohr的「參照推論分析論」作為分析解讀文本的工具,並依據分析結果進行文本內涵意義的形塑。 透過文本的分析與詮釋,逐形塑出文本主體「追求內心真正成長的快樂」之核心意向訴說。其呈顯的是幼師如何在實踐理想自我圖像的歷程中,經自我宗教觀與職涯觀相互牽引辯證,不斷超越自我限制而邁向專業成長的意義。即宗教教育推廣活動給出了「利他志業」之職業價值,生命主體透過德育行動致力於實踐此志業的「願行」承諾,而得以從「物質」條件追求之價值觀,轉化為以「終極關懷」作為自我安身立命的依歸,為其停滯的專業生命帶來了創化的關鍵。而本研究所闡述之幼師角色認同四部曲:「順勢而為」、「複製社會意識圖像」、「超越自我」與「己立立人」,說明的是幼師自我與外在社會世界互動歷程中,生命主體如何把握自身境遇的限制與可能性,開創其職涯契機及實現職涯願景的運轉脈絡。

新興宗教中知識份子參與靜坐修煉的宗教經驗--以天帝教為例 / The intellectual's religious experience of participating in the meditation practice among new religions: a case of the lord of universe church (T'ienti chiao)

袁亦霆, Yuan, Yi-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣受過高等教育的知識份子,熱中參與新興宗教及擬似宗教的修煉團體。本研究的目的是希望瞭解受世俗理性教育下的知識份子,為何會投入民間教派的靜坐修煉活動,並討論當初學習靜坐的動機與需求,以及對宗教是否有另一套科學-理性的理解模式。 本研究採質性研究取向,以天帝教中知識份子為個案,透過參與觀察、非結構式訪談及文獻分析等方法,試圖瞭解天帝教知識份子參與靜坐修煉的歷程,包括學習靜坐的動機,在修煉過程中的神秘經驗、社會關係的轉變,以及參與信仰論述合理化的行動。 研究發現學習靜坐的動機可分為「解決問題取向」及「非解決問題取向」,前者是被迫要解決具危機感的問題與麻煩;後者為了滿足生命更高的需求層次。靜坐改變以小我為中心世界觀,轉向注重大我,因此家庭關係跟人際關係都趨向和諧,人生觀也從追求個人成就轉向謀求眾人福祉。至於從單純靜坐學習者到成為融入組織的虔信者,中間轉換過程是經由突然跳躍的意識。 最後,本文也指出三項天帝教知識份子對於自我角色的定位模式,藉此凸顯他們在不同知識系統間如何加自我調適,乃至於說明當代知識份子跟宗教團體間的關係及其角色。 關鍵詞:新興宗教、天帝教、知識份子、靜坐、宗教經驗 / Recent years in Taiwan, new religions and religion-like spiritual practice cults appeal to higher educated intellectuals. The main purpose of this study is to realize why these science-ration educated intellectuals were enthusiastic in sectarian religious practice. In this study we discussed their motivation and need for learning meditation. Further more, we'd also like to know whether they have some kind of science-ration patterns of cognition on their religion belief and practice. By case study on The Lord of Universe Church (T'ienti Chiao), a qualitative aspect, such as participant observation, non-structed interview and literature analysis is employed by this study, which tries to understand the process of the intellectuals among the Lord of Universe Church participating in meditation practice, including their motivation of learning meditation, mystical experience of“CHI”, changing of relationships, and the construction of rationalizing belief discourse. Key Words: new religions/ The Lord of Universe Church (The T'ientVs Teachings/ T'ienti Chiao)/ intellectuals/ meditation practice (Quiet Sitting)/ religious experience

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