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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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苗栗縣公共圖書館閱讀推廣成效評鑑與讀者滿意度研究 / Study on Reading Promotion Evaluation and Readers' Satisfaction of Miaoli County Public Libraries

徐玉金, Hsu, Yu - Jin Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀是一切的根本,而圖書館是推廣閱讀和提供全民終身學習的場所。本研究為探討苗栗縣公共圖書館閱讀推廣成效評鑑與讀者滿意度,以提供本縣及其他縣(市)級圖書館作為提升服務品質的參考。本研究採取訪談法、文獻分析法及問卷調查法進行,採便利抽樣方式以苗栗縣18鄉鎮市立公共圖書館使用讀者為調查對象,發出樣本數共1,050份問卷,回收問卷969份,扣除樣本資料不完整者,有效樣本910份,有效問卷回收率為86.66%。 本研究利用SPSS統計軟體進行問卷統計,並以敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、信度分析等方法進行統計分析,研究分析結果如下: 一、基本資料:使用圖書館民眾以女性較多,職業以學生讀者為主,參加閱讀推廣活動最主要的訊息來源為海報文宣DM、網站、親友通知。最常參加的圖書館閱讀推廣活動為繪本共讀、說故事活動。 二.調查結果:對於本縣公共圖書館閱讀推廣成效與讀者滿意度調查顯示獲得讀者支持與肯定,整體表現滿意度高。民眾滿意度最高之前六項為:「嬰幼兒」館藏(4.66)、「兒童」館藏(4.62)、「借書次數」比以前增加(4.60)、推廣活動「訊息的提供管道」(4.59)、「Bookstart閱讀起步走-嬰幼兒」閱讀推廣活動(4.58)及「兒童」閱讀推廣活動(4.58)。而民眾最不滿意的之前六項為:「本土語言」館藏(3.13)、「多元文化」館藏(3.15)、「多元文化」閱讀推廣活動(3.20)、「本土語言」閱讀推廣活動(3.32)、「銀髮樂齡」館藏(3.70)及「銀髮樂齡」閱讀推廣活動(3.84)。 最後提出本研究結論,作為公共圖書館經營與運作之參考,並對未來相關後續研究提出建議。 / Reading is the foundation of everything, and the library is the place to promote reading and provide lifelong learning for all. This study aims to survey the overall satisfaction of Miaoli County Public Library patrons and examine the effectiveness of the library’s reading programs. The methods covered by this research study include a personal interview, literature analysis, and an expansive survey on Miaoli County Public Library patrons from the main library and its 18 branches. Of the 1050 questionnaires that were distributed as part of the survey, 969 questionnaires were completed. The questionnaires with incomplete answers were excluded, and the remaining 910 surveys were used in this analysis, resulting in a response rate of 86.66%. In this study, the researcher uses descriptive analysis, independent T-test, one-way ANOVA, and reliability test to analyze the data. The results are as follows: Most of the patrons of Miaoli County Public Library are female and students. The patrons primarily acquire information about reading activities through library posters, the online website, or by word of mouth from their family members. The most popular library reading promotion activities are the picture book reading and story-telling activities. The results also show that most patrons are satisfied with the library’s service and promote reading activities. They are most satisfied with the library’s infants and young children collections (4.66), children collections (4.62), frequency of borrowing books (4.59), bookstand activities (4.58) and reading activities for children (4.58). Otherwise, they are most unsatisfied with the library’s native language collection (3.13), Multiculturalism collection (3.15),reading activities on Multiculturalism (3.20), reading activities of native language (3.32), collections for elders (3.70) and reading activities for the elders (3.84). The results of this study are presented as reference for improving public library operations and can serve as insight for future research.

公共圖書館青少年閱讀推廣活動成果評鑑:以臺北市立圖書館為例 / Outcome Measurement of Public Libraries Reading Promotion for Young Adults: A Case Study of Taipei City Public Library

藍翊瑄, Lan, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討公共圖書館青少年閱讀推廣活動成果評鑑之規劃與執行,研究目的包括:(1)探討公共圖書館青少年閱讀推廣活動成果評鑑方法與指標。(2)應用成果評鑑指標,進行圖書館青少年閱讀推廣活動成果評鑑,評定閱讀素養、閱讀興趣、閱讀習慣與使用圖書館是否提升成效。(3)探討公共圖書館青少年閱讀推廣策略。本研究採用焦點團體訪談建構成果評鑑指標,於執行活動後進行成果評鑑,以問卷及後續追蹤手冊蒐集資料,評估活動辦理成果。 本研究使用之成果評鑑面向包括:(1)活動滿意度、(2)閱讀興趣、(3)知識學習及(4)圖書館使用意願,活動選用臺北市立圖書館「翻轉知識系列活動─青少年經典閱讀週」。由本研究研究結論可知,此次成果評鑑面向與指標具有可行性,並經由研究分析之後提出十項結論:(1)後續追蹤手冊回收數量過少,可知學生的後續閱讀及圖書館利用不如預期。(2)成果評鑑面向的研究結果皆顯著。(3)量化分析中,平均數大部分達到四以上,可知對參與學生而言,整體系列活動為滿意。(4)科學主題、表演藝術主題活動想讓學生再次參與相關活動,電影及文學主題能夠影響學生借閱相關書籍或資源的意願。(5)有關學生閱讀行為,閱讀清單的規劃有自主性,以文學類書籍為主。(6)四主題活動參與學生對於圖書館皆有正向的意象。(7)整體研究發現,在活動主題與類型的搭配方面,電影、表演藝術適合帶領人活動類型,以提升學生的閱讀興趣,科學、文學主題活動適合規劃為長期活動,以逐步培養閱讀素養。(8)在閱讀推廣策略方面,本次活動透過「與學校合作」並「結合圖書館其他資源」達成綜效。(9)以活動參與者角度進行活動設計,結合生活、課業與未來規劃三訴求選定活動主題。(10)建立長期閱讀素養的初始階段,以「帶領人活動」之活動類型吸引青少年讀者參與閱讀活動。 最後,本研究針對研究結果提出研究建議,有關青少年閱讀推廣活動之建議:(1)與圖書館利用連結的推廣活動。(2)學生自選書單延伸推廣。(3)目標導向閱讀素養培養。(4)推廣紙本書籍以外的閱讀資源。有關後續研究之建議:(1)針對不同活動類型與主題的青少年閱讀推廣活動進行成果評鑑研究。(2)資料蒐集方式可再加強信度與效度。(3)改進後續追蹤設計形式及進行方式。

國小閱讀推廣活動現況與學生參與滿意度之研究:以桃園縣國民小學為例 / The study of reading promotion activities and students satisfaction in the elementary schools of Taoyuan County

陳淑怡, Chen, Shu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的即在探討桃園縣閱讀特色學校閱讀推廣與學生參與現況,並瞭解學生對活動之滿意度情形,透過對縣內八所閱讀特色國小之圖書館負責人進行訪談調查,瞭解其校內推廣閱讀活動之現況,並以問卷調查探討各校高年級學生之活動參與及滿意度情形。 經調查顯示,在推廣現況方面,桃園縣各校在政府大筆挹注經費、校長理念支持及老師的凝聚共識之下,不但館藏量獲得大量提升,更能與校外機構進行初步的合作,積極推廣閱讀活動,然而專業人力不足、無固定購書經費、教師閱讀指導能力與教學時間不足、家長配合意願偏低、館藏空間不足等問題,仍是閱讀活動推行多年後,各校所面臨的困境與問題。 在學生參與現況方面,大多數的學童較喜愛參與閱讀活動,其中對動態閱讀活動的喜好程度較高。逾半數學童參與原因為自己想參加,然仍有逾四成的學生,參與閱讀活動時處於被動狀態,需他人從旁鼓勵;學童參與閱讀活動的動機大多以內在動機為主,顯見大多數學生能覺知閱讀的重要性;而學到新知識、增進語文能力和學會閱讀技巧或方法,是國小學童認為參與活動後對自己最大的影響。經差異分析發現,女生的參與意願及參與動機明顯高於男生;而五年級之參與意願則明顯高於六年級。 在活動滿意度方面,學生對於活動宣傳方式及獎勵方式的滿意度最高,對於活動類型的滿意度最低,而差異分析發現,對於閱讀活動之滿意度,女生明顯高於男生,五年級學生高於六年級學生。 由研究結果歸納建義,在教育相關單位方面,應鼓勵校長成為閱讀推廣人才,設置專業圖書館主任,擬定館藏發展政策,以提高國小圖書館服務層級,並建立各校閱讀資源共享機制;在學校方面,應以長遠的眼光持續推廣兒童閱讀活動,組織閱讀教師專業社群,制訂閱讀活動評鑑制度,並持續推廣社區閱讀,最後,應加強與公共圖書館建立合作機制,以整合閱讀推廣之相關資源。 / The purpose of this research is to have a general review of Certified Reading Featured Schools. Interviews of librarians from 8 schools have been conducted as well as questionnaires to investigate higher graders involvement in the reading program of each school. The result shows prominent improvement in regards of the quantity of books due to large substantial funds from the government plus various in-campus reading schemes However, challenges are still there. The lack of professional librarian and regular funds for book purchasing, insufficient professional knowledge in reading instruction and teaching hours, lack of room and low commitment from parents are common problems faced by these schools. In regards to the students’ participation, most children enjoy reading activities and statistics shows prominent engagement in dynamic reading activity. More than half of the children engaged in such activities on their own wish but there are still more than 40% of students need adult guidance and encouragement. Generally students acknowledge the importance of reading as statistics show intrinsic motivations are prevalent among these participants. These elementary students express their great improvement over acquiring new knowledge, language proficiency and reading strategies after taking part of various reading schemes. The study also shows that girls’ engagement and motivation are prominently higher than boys. 5th graders involvement is higher than 6th graders. In regards to the feedback from students, scheme marketing strategy and rewarding system are on the top of the satisfactory criteria. The variety of activity, however, is at the bottom of the rank. Girls are prone to be happier in the activities than boys. 5th graders are more satisfied than the 6th graders. In conclusion, the study suggests following improving strategies to in-campus reading schemes. First of all, principals should be trained as the key advocators of reading. Professional librarian should be installed to develop and organize in-campus reading schemes. As for the professional development, a network of teaching reading should be set up to promote sustainable reading schemes and assessment of such activities. Strengthen cooperation with public libraries is also recommended to integrate community-based resources.

臺灣地區公共圖書館新住民閱讀推廣活動之研究 / A Study on Public Libraries Reading Promotion to New Immigrants in Taiwan

鄭有容, Cheng, Yu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
伴隨多元文化洪流之推演,臺灣社會人口結構正產生改變,新住民已成為臺灣第五大族群,是公共圖書館重要服務對象。推動閱讀素為公共圖書館之專業與職志,如何運用並宣傳閱讀活動,培養新住民及其下一代之閱讀能力與習慣,是公共圖書館應兼負之重要任務與挑戰。 本研究運用深度訪談方式,調查越南籍、印尼籍新住民以及國內大型公共圖書館新住民服務,蒐集新住民實際閱讀現況與對於圖書館之看法,歸納公共圖書館推廣、辦理方式與特色,提出我國推廣新住民閱讀活動之策略與建議。 越南籍、印尼籍新住民閱讀時偏好休閒、新聞、親子、課業輔導、家庭關係等主題;越南籍、印尼籍新住民在閱讀偏好上有所差異,印尼籍新住民較偏好閱讀臺菜食譜,而越南籍新住民則有閱讀佛學類資源的需求;除閱讀中文認知困難外,尚存在無法與下一代共同閱讀、閱讀非主要休閒活動等阻礙。 目前我國大型公共圖書館新住民閱讀活動,讀者國籍以越南、印尼籍配偶或移工為主,且分布受地緣關係影響;活動以親子閱讀、圖書館利用、主題書展、文化講座、專題展覽、電影欣賞、讀書會形式呈現,包含異國文化、美食、傳統藝術、童書、旅行等主題,其中親子閱讀活動最受新住民青睞、書展最為常見、圖書館利用活動則有其必要性;特色則有運用獎勵機制鼓勵借閱、開放護照或居留證借閱館藏、聘請專業師資進行原生國家母語專書導讀、出借多元文化書箱或專櫃,將資源遍及各鄉鎮、運用雲端裝置與通訊軟體打造雲端閱讀。 歸納新住民與公共圖書館看法,建議未來國內公共圖書館推廣主題應推陳出新且融合原生國家元素;推廣方式應主動至新住民聚集區域宣傳;推廣對象應廣及新住民家庭成員;推廣管道宜運用紙本、社群媒體等雙重途徑;並建立合作機制,使服務更臻完善。 / Population structure is changing by the multicultural communities in Taiwan. New immigrants have become the fifth largest ethnic group, and an important target that public libraries serve to. Reading promotion is the professional and aspiration of public libraries, how to apply and promote reading activities, to develop the reading ability and habits of the new immigrants and their next generation, is important task and challenge of public libraries. The study conducted in-depth interviews to investigated Vietnamese and Indonesian new immigrants current reading situation, and point of view toward public libraries, organize the way and characteristic on large public libraries multicultural service department, to discuss the development of reading promotion to new immigrants in Taiwan. The study found that Vietnamese and Indonesian new immigrants prefer the topic of leisure, news, parenting, tutoring, and family relationships when reading. Indonesian new immigrants prefer to read the Taiwanese cuisine recipes; Vietnamese new immigrants prefer to read the resources related to Buddhism. Generally, new immigrants have difficulties with cognitive when reading Chinese; unable to guide the next generation to read; and have reading barriers such as low motivation. In Taiwan, reading promotion to new immigrants in public libraries have some common circumstances, Vietnamese and Indonesian spouses or workers are the major public library readers, distributed by the geopolitical relations. The common types of activities are parent-child reading, library use, topic book fair, culture lecture, thematic exhibition, screening of films, book club meeting, and other forms of presentation. The topics of activities include the exotic culture, cuisine, traditional art, children's books, travel. New immigrants’ favorite activity is parent-child reading, topic book fair is the most frequent type, library use is indeed a need; and the features of reading promotion are incentives like encouraging readers to borrow books by giving gift, simplifying application procedures of library card by using passport or residence permit, hiring professional teachers to held book reviews by native country’s language, lending multicultural book or counter to every corner throughout the township, applying cloud devices and communication application to create cloud reading. Generalize new immigrants’ experience of participate and the actual promotion situation of public libraries, there are some recommendations to domestic public libraries: The theme of the reading promotion should innovate and integrate native country elements, The approaching of the reading promotion should take the initiative to where new immigrants gathered area, The target audience of the reading promotion should be expanded to new immigrant family members, The channel of the reading promotion should adopt composite ways, such as social media and paper declared, Reading promotion should cooperate with the new immigrant organizations, enabling the service perfect.

學校圖書館利用與學童國語文能力之關聯性: 以新北市國小為例 / The Relationship between library instruction and student's literate ability:a study of elementary school in New Taipei City

張馨云, Chang, Hsin Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之動機,起於發現參與圖書館閱讀活動頻率高的學童,其國語文能力會較頻率低的學童來得好,同時國語文能力好的學童在其他領域方面的學習都要比國語文能力差的學童有較好的表現。 然而,學校決策單位掌握了學校圖書館資源分配、管理和組織的實權,因此,學校行政單位對於圖書館經營、以及圖書館影響學童國語文能力的功效等看法,將會影響圖書館資源分配以及未來發展。如果學校行政單位認為圖書館的存在對於學童國語文能力表現不相關,則很容易犧牲圖書館應有的發展與利用。 因此,本研究之宗旨在於探討瞭解新北市的國小行政單位如何看待圖書館利用與推廣活動與學童國語文能力表現之關係,藉由問卷調查的方式,瞭解目前國小圖書館利用與學童國語文能力提昇之關聯性,從而探討如何透過圖書館利用教育與閱讀推廣活動相互結合,得以改善目前新北市國小圖書館經營的方式,以求獲得幫助學童提昇國語文能力表現之具體落實方案,進而提高學生國語文能力。 本研究所得之國小中、高年級的國語文檢測成績關聯性表格,從關聯性的有效意義值(Correlation significant)可以歸納出11個有影響力且具意義的具體落實方案,明顯可以提升國小中、高年級的國語文檢測成績: (1) 擴增國小圖書館平均館藏冊數; (2) 提升國小圖書館平均借閱人次; (3) 提升國小圖書館平均借閱冊數; (4) 教師應多重視學童「閱讀興趣」的培養; (5) 教師應多重視學童「閱讀動機」的培養; (6) 教師應多重視學童「閱讀意志」的培養; (7) 增加圖書館空間規劃:圖書館功能區的數目; (8) 增加圖書館開放服務時間:圖書館平日與假日開放時段的數目; (9) 學校應積極推展多元閱讀活動-例如:晨讀十分鐘、班級巡迴書箱、讀報教育、班級讀書會、親子共讀、愛的書庫、午間廣播劇、影片欣賞、戲劇展演等; (10) 圖書館應積極辦理宣傳行銷活動-例如:櫥窗展示定期更新、張貼學生自製書籍介紹海報、票選好書、選舉小小館長、圖書館命名票選 、館徽logo設計票選、好書交換、推廣4/23世界閱讀日、每年12月辦理「圖書館週」系列活動等; (11) 圖書館應多多結合社會資源辦理活動-例如:與作家有約講座、參觀公共圖書館 、與書商或出版社合作辦理書展。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between library instruction and students’ literate ability. Students who are highly involved in library reading activity are believed to have better literate ability than other students. Meanwhile, students with high literate ability have better academic performance than students with low literate ability. Students should be encouraged to use library resources as much as possible. However, the school is in charge of the distribution, management, and organization of the library. How the school values the influence of the library on students’ literate ability would decide the amount of library recourses and its future development. Therefore, questionnaires were used to find out how the administrators of elementary schools at New Taipei City view the relationship between the use of the library and students’ literate ability. The results may help us to combine education with library activities, improve the management of the school libraries at New Taipei City, and provide some specific plans to promote students’ literate ability. The results of this study show a significant positive correlation between students’ use of library and their literate ability. Therefore, we provide 11 influential and meaningful suggestions, which can significantly promote the literate ability of elementary school students in their junior and senior years. 1. Increase the general collections of books 2. Increase users of school libraries 3. Increase the number of borrowed items 4. Teachers emphasize the development of students’ reading appetite 5. Teachers emphasize the development of students’ reading motivation 6. Teachers emphasize the development of students’ reading willingness 7. Better space arrangement: the number of library divisions 8. Increase library service hours: weekdays and holidays 9. Schools should actively encourage various reading activities, including ten-minute morning reading, in-class book fair, newspaper-reading education, class study group, book collection, noon broadcast drama, film watching, drama exhibitions, and so on. 10. Libraries should actively hold activities to promote library functions, for example, regularly renew window exhibitions, put up student-made posters, introduce good books, elect little library director, name the library, design library logo, exchange good books, promote World Book & Copyright Day, and so on. 11. Libraries should combine social resources to hold activities, such as invite famous writers, visit public libraries, hold book fairs with publishers, and so on.

電子繪本融入說故事活動的行動研究 / Action Study on Electronic Picture Books Integrating into Storytelling Activities

楊孟卿, Yang, Meng Ching Unknown Date (has links)
國內公共圖書館近年來致力充實館內電子資源,提供豐富的資料庫資源給予大眾閱讀分享與選擇。北市圖擁有豐富的中文繪本資料庫,但林老師說故事團隊鮮有使用電子繪本進行說故事活動。因此,本研究為探討電子繪本融入林老師說故事活動的可行性與實施方式,採用行動研究方法,進行二階段十場次的行動研究,兒童參與活動共有89人次,從行動研究的實施來評估電子繪本說故事活動是否提升兒童閱讀興趣、改善紙本說故事的限制,並提出活動實施程序,以利活動設計與實施。 為能讓行動方案的實施更符合說故事活動需求,本研究提出「電子繪本選擇的原則」,協助說故事人進行繪本的選擇,並發展「電子繪本說故事行動方案」從活動目的、活動資源取用、活動作業程序、活動方式與獎勵、活動實施注意事項等要點來說明行動方案,提供給林老師執行活動的參考,並邀請林老師實施活動,藉由訪談方式了解林老師對於活動實施的看法與建議。 研究結果歸納:(1)行動方案可以幫助林老師實施活動以及選擇電子繪本;(2)電子繪本的特性可以改善紙本說故事的限制;(3)兒童參加電子繪本說故事活動興趣提升;(4)非線性閱讀的選擇自由之特性適合中年級以上兒童;(5)電子繪本適合應用在林老師說故事活動並值得推廣;(6)電子繪本的優勢使得說故事活動更具豐富性。 最後,本研究提出研究建議,供相關單位參考:(1)增購中文繪本資料庫;(2)辦理電子繪本利用教育研習,招募林老師加入;(3)開放權限,協助林老師取用電子資源;(4)解決線上閱讀數位版權數問題;(5)增購電子白板設備以促進林老師說故事效益;(6)辦理電子繪本的說故事活動觀摩會;(7)善用資料庫介面特性以進行活動設計;(8)要了解電子繪本內容才能進行活動設計。 / Rapid developments in digital information technology and Internet communication have changed the ways to retrieve information, and increased the demand for information. For modern Digital Natives, the establishment of reading promotion for children in a library should adopt diverse methods to promote reading. Aside from printed books, public libraries in our nation have recently been devoted to enriching their electronic recourses to provide diverse reading databases for the public to choose from. In Taipei Public Library, there are rich databases of Chinese picture books; however, these books are rarely used by the storytelling team, Teacher Lin. The present study therefore aimed at exploring the feasibility and execution of the adoption of electronic picture books in Teacher Lin’s storytelling. The study adopted the action research to investigate whether electronic picture books storytelling would arouse children’s interests in reading and improve the limitations in printed books storytelling, and to offer advice for designs and procedures of electronic picture books storytelling. The present study provides criteria for selections of electronic picture books, and guidelines for electronic picture books storytelling, including objectives, available recourses, procedures, and ways of rewards of storytelling activities. Teacher Lin thus may follow these criteria and guidelines when carrying out storytelling activities. Feedback from Teacher Lin then was collected via interviews. The results of the study were addressed as follows. First, the action research was helpful in Teacher Lin’s storytelling and selections of electronic picture books. Second, features of electronic picture books could improve the limitations in printed books storytelling. Third, children’s motivation was enhanced in electronic picture books storytelling. Fourth, nonlinear reading was more suitable for children of intermediate grades. Fifth, it was worthwhile to promote electronic picture books storytelling in Teacher Lin’s storytelling activities. Sixth, in terms of storytelling, electronic picture books were more beneficial than hardcopy books. Lastly, the following were some suggestions. First, it is essential to purchase more databases of Chinese picture books. Second, workshops about the adoption of electronic picture books may be held, and members in Teacher Lin are recruited. Third, members in Teacher Lin should be allowed to access to these databases. Fourth, issues on intellectual property rights of online reading need to be solved. Fifth, purchases of electronic white boards can promote effectiveness of Teacher Lin’s storytelling. Sixth, demonstrations of electronic picture books storytelling need to be held. Seventh, features of interface of databases need to be well used to design activities. Eighth, understanding of content of electronic picture books is essential for activity design.

台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館閱讀推廣活動之研究 / A Study on Promote Reading Activities in Taiwan Rural Libraries

饒梅芳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,推廣終身學習與培養資訊素養日益受到重視,國內外政府均將推廣閱讀視為重要的課題。由於文化建設成果,台灣各鄉鎮普設圖書館,由於鄉鎮圖書館直接接觸鄉鎮居民,成為推廣閱讀活動第一線角色。 本論文旨在探討台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館推動閱讀活動之現況。首先就閱讀與閱讀活動之意涵、各國的閱讀活動與政策、圖書館推動閱讀的任務與功能、公共圖書館推廣閱讀活動之類型與策劃、台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館閱讀推廣之相關文獻進行研討,並簡要回顧台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館的設置起源與歷年來閱讀推廣活動的概況。 採用深度訪談法,以立意抽樣之方式選擇訪談對象,共計有台北縣深坑鄉立圖書館、南投縣埔里鎮立圖書館、台南縣歸仁鄉立圖書館、屏東縣長治鄉立圖書館等四所圖書館,藉由訪問承辦閱讀活動之鄉鎮圖書館員、閱讀活動中的帶領人、以及參與閱讀活動的讀者等,匯集多方的想法與建議,從圖書館所辦理閱讀活動的類型、內外資源的運用、所遭遇到的困難與問題、民眾參與的程度等面向,分析台灣地區鄉鎮圖書館閱讀推廣活動辦理概況,並探討其成功模式。 根據文獻與訪談結果,建議政府及圖書館上級主管機關應:1.訂定閱讀相關法案與政策;2.輔導鄉鎮圖書館推廣閱讀;3.利用全球性的閱讀節日加強宣導;4.加強應用網路資源推廣閱讀;5.鄉長應慎選熱心館長;6.加強閱讀培訓課程;7.出版閱讀推廣之策劃等相關出版品;8.辦理閱讀推廣有成的圖書館觀摩與交流活動,建議鄉鎮圖書館應:1.積極地舉辦閱讀推廣活動;2.結合教育單位與民間團體,善用社會資源共同推展閱讀;3.倡導愉悅的閱讀;4.利用獎勵推廣兒童閱讀;5.行銷館藏與推薦好書;6.加強購買新書以即時供應閱讀需求。 / In recent years, the promotion of lifelong learning and the training of information literacy have been bestowed a gradual increase in attention. Both local and international governments regard reading promotion as an important subject. Due to Taiwan’s elaborate cultural infrastructure, widespread rural libraries establish direct contacts with nearby residents, playing a major role in promoting reading activities. This thesis aims at exploring the situations of rural libraries’ reading promotion activities in Taiwan. This research discusses the following issues: the definitions of reading and reading activities, the different reading activity policies of various countries, the mission and function of public libraries in promoting reading activities along with the types of promotions and their planning, a discussion of relevant documents regarding the promotion of reading by rural libraries, and a brief review of the establishment of rural libraries and their general situations in reading promotion. The methods of this study are literature analysis and in-depth interview. Chosen through purposive sampling, interviewees include the Shenkeng Township Library of Taipei County, the Puli Township Library of Nantou County, the Gueiren Township Library of Tainan County, and the Changjr Township Library of Pingdong County. By interviewing the rural libraries that hold reading activities, their activity leaders, and activity participants, this thesis gathers different ideas and suggestions. Through rural libraries’ reading activity types, their application of internal and external resources, the difficulties and problems they confronted, and the participation level of local residents, this thesis analyzes the situation of the promotion of reading activities in Taiwan’s rural libraries’ and investigates their successful models. According to research results, this study suggests that the government and the authorities at the ministry of library: (1) institute relevant reading bills and policies; (2) guide and assist rural libraries in reading promotion; (3) utilize the international reading festival to establish recognition; (4) use the internet and the information & communications technology to promote; (5) select enthusiastic library directors by the head of the local government; (6)strengthen the training courses of reading promotions; (7)publish relevant publications on reading planning; (8) inspect and learn from outstanding libraries. This study suggests that rural libraries: (1)actively hold reading activities; (2)combine educational organization and community resources to promote reading conjointly; (3) advocate pleasure reading; (4)utilize rewards to promote children’s reading; (5) market library collections and recommend good books; (6) enhance new book purchases in order to immediately supply the demand of reading.

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