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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

結合繪本與批判性思考於臺灣高中英語教學: 以桃園市某公立高中為例 / Combining Picture Books with Critical Thinking in a High School EFL Classroom in Taiwan: A Case Study of a Municipal Senior High School in Taoyuan City

沈郁汝, Shen, Yu Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討教學者以及學習者對使用繪本學習批判性思考能力的想法,並且了解學生使用Law於2012年提出的六個策略 學習批判性思考能力後有何看法。此外,本研究也整理教學以及學習過程中遇到的困難,同時間提出如何調整教案以解決問題。 本研究採用質性個案研究。研究對象為某高中二年級的四十四位學生。這些學生為研究者某一任教班級。他們透過兩本繪本進行為期八週的批判性思考課程。本課程的核心為四項能力:(1) 能把各類訊息加以比較、歸類、排序、(2) 能根據上下語境釐清不同訊息間的因果關係、(3) 能分辨客觀事實與主觀意見和(4) 能評估不同資訊,提出合理的判斷或建議。研究者透過課室錄影觀察、學習單、學習/教學日誌和焦點團體訪談等蒐集資料。 研究結果顯示繪本教學不僅能夠提升學生的批判性思考和英文能力,還可以維持他們強烈的學習動機。此外,雖然繪本中的圖片造成學生一些理解上的問題,教師還是可以利用多元感官教學方式以及有目的性的引導學生來解決困難。另外,Law於2012年提出的六項策略也大大地幫助學生學習批判性思考能力。然而,在使用這六項策略時,老師必須注意給予充足的待答時間,加入學生小組討論,並選用貼近生活以及適合學生程度的繪本。最後,本研究發現互動式朗讀和提問作者法也能幫助高中學生發展批判性思考能力。 本研究顯示遵照台灣普通高級中學英文科98課綱,教師可以將批判性思考納入繪本閱讀課程中,並創造一個良好的學習環境,培養學生成為有素養的公民。此外,本研究亦提供教師教學現場以及未來研究方向之建議。 / This study aims to examine how the teacher and students respond to cultivating critical thinking skills through picture books and to the six strategies suggested by Law (2012). Besides, it also explores what problems occur in the teaching/learning process and how to adjust the lessons to solve the problems. This study adopted a qualitative case study design. The participants were forty-four eleventh graders in one class taught by the teacher researcher. They learned critical thinking through two picture books in an eight-week study. The foci of the teaching were the four critical thinking skills, namely, (1) being able to compare, classify and sequence various information, (2) being able to identify the causal relationship between information based on the context, (3) being able to distinguish facts from opinions and then one advanced ability, and (4) being able to assess different pieces of information and propose reasonable judgments or suggestions. The students’ and the teacher researcher’s responses were collected from video-taped classroom observations, worksheets, learning/teaching logs, and focus group interviews. The important findings are listed as follows. First, picture books were helpful in the enhancement of critical thinking skills, the improvement of English skills and a high level of learning motivation. Second, the nature of illustrations in picture books resulted in some comprehension problems, which could be solved through a multi-sensory approach and teachers’ purposeful guidance. Third, the six strategies recommended by Law (2012) assisted the students a lot in promoting critical thinking skills. It is noted that when implementing these six strategies, the teacher were advised to give sufficient wait time for students, join students’ discussion, and select picture books with real-life themes and suitable difficulty levels. Fourth, interactive read-alouds and questioning the author were also proved to be useful strategies for high school students to develop their critical thinking through picture books. This study suggests that following the 2010 New Guidelines of English Curriculum in Taiwan, teachers can integrate critical thinking skills into picture book reading and create a good learning environment for students to become productive citizens. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies were presented as well.


李家明, LI,JIA-MING Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究動機:(1) 近年來台灣不斷朝著邁向自由化、國際化的方向進行, 外語人才 尤其以美語需求迫切。(2) 我國國高中的美語填鴨式為主,未能給予學生在畢業之後 學以致用的機會。因(1)(2)之故使美語補習班為之流行。故研究其消費者可對業者提 供行銷策略上之參考。二、研究目的:本研究之目的為1.分析並瞭解消費者選擇美語 補習班之過程。2.瞭解消費者在人口統計、社會經濟等變數上之分佈以提供業者在製 訂廣告訴求和市場區隔策略的依據。 3.瞭解廣告之資訊收集行為,以作為業者加強廣告效果和設計品牌之促銷策略。4.瞭 解消費者之偏好形成過程和對產品特性之態度,以作為廠商在制訂產品發展策略通路 策略和訂價策略的依據。三、研究方法:本研究之體以台北市為主,且以補習過之消 費者作問卷訪問,以大、中、小三級之美語補習班各拙取兩家,但去除以升學、考試 之補習班。資料收集包括初級料及次級資料。問卷共發出840 份,回收有效問卷185 份,回收率22%。本研究所利用的方法有,百分比法、次數分配法、卡方檢定法、因 素分析法、集群分析法等。四主要研究發現:1.年齡在20.∼35.歲的人有較高的需要 認知,教育程度在大專以上的其需要認知也高。2.日常生活中以看電視及雜志之廣告 對選擇補習班有較重要之影響。3.消費者最注重的評估因素為:師資、教學設備、聲 譽、交友機會等。4.所得對於消費者之參加與否則無顯著之差異。

創意策略教學在高中英文作文上的應用 / The Use of Invention Strategies in Teaching EFL Senior High School Students' Compositions

黃稽興, Huang, Chi-shing Unknown Date (has links)
雖然從一九六Ο年代中期開始,英作文教學法已有不同程度的發展,如Maxine Hairston 所指稱的「作文教學法的革命」,但多數第二外語的英作文仍沿用作品成果取向(product-oriented)而非過程取向(process-oriented)。 在本研究□,運用目前「過程取向」中的創意策略教學來探討它在第二外語寫作教學上的成效。研究的目的在於回答下列問題: (一) 創意策略教學是否能幫助學生在寫作上有創意、有構思、有想像?(二) 創意策略教學是否會減弱學生在字彙、語言使用及標點符號的能力?(三) 創意策略教學是否能增強學生在作文組織結構方面的能力?(四) 創意策略教學是否能增進第二外語學生的整體寫作能力。 本研究從二ΟΟ二年九月開始至二ΟΟ四年六月結束,而共有七十二位社會組高中同學參與作文教學課程。前測及後測作品各有九十一篇。評分準則分成下列五項:內容、結構、字彙、語文使用和標點符號。 研究結果簡略歸納如下:(一) 學生因創意策略運用,更能有效構思取材而激發想像力;(二) 創意策略教學不會減弱學生在字彙、語言使用及標點符號的能力;(三) 創意策略教學未必能增強學生在作文組織結構方面的能力;(四) 創意策略教學確能有效提昇學生整體的英文寫作能力。 從研究中發現,應用創意策略教學確能增進學生的英作文寫作能力。 / In the mid-1960s, the pedagogy of composition has had a different progress, which Maxine Hairston (1982) labeled it as the revolution of the teaching of writing, yet most of the EFL composition writings are still product-oriented rather than process-oriented. In this study the current process approach writing, that is, the use of invention strategies is used to examine and compare its effects on EFL high school English writing. The aim of the study is to explore and answer the following questions: (1) Can invention strategies be used to help student-writers generate ideas, gather information and ignite imagination in their writing? (2) Will student-writers' abilities in the use of vocabulary, language use and mechanics be lessened by the use of invention strategies? (3) Can invention strategies be used to help student-writers strengthen the organization of their writing? (4) Will EFL students' overall writing performances improve through the instruction of invention skills? The study was conducted from Sept, 2002 to June, 2004, and a total of 72 11-grade senior high school students from social science program participated in the research. There were 182 pieces of students composition writings paired and graded. The criteria of scoring were categorized into five parts: content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics. The results are summarized as follows:(1) Invention strategies can help student-writers generate ideas, gather information and ignite imagination in their writing. (2) Student-writers' abilities in the use of vocabulary, language use and mechanics will not be lessened by the use of invention strategies. (3) Invention strategies cannot necessarily help student-writers improve the organization of their writing? (4) Overall, invention strategies can significantly improve the EFL students’writing performances. Besides, EFL student-writers also got the highest average grades in content part. In other words, the students-writers will enrich the content of their compositions through the use of instruction of invention strategies. Judging from the findings, student-writers as well as the writing teachers will gain benefits from the use of invention strategies.

多元文化背景下澳門居民的語言選擇及語碼轉換研究 =Macau residents' language choice and code-switching : a multicultural perspective / Macau residents' language choice and code-switching : a multicultural perspective

鍾佳利 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

澳門作家寫作語言的本土特徵 :以寂然為例 = The local features of Macau author's writing language / Local features of Macau author's writing language

符策偉 January 2017 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Department of Chinese

臺灣與韓國高中第二外語教育之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of Second Foreign Language Education in High School between Taiwan and Korea

黃身安, Huang, Shen An Unknown Date (has links)
在這日益競爭的國際化時代,臺灣能否與國際接軌,甚至搶先在國際上佔有一席重要之地即顯得非常重要,而第二外語教育絕對是其重要關鍵之一,關係著國家在世界舞臺上的競爭力。 然而我國高中第二外語教育落實緩慢,遲至1994年才有第二外語課程開設,且高中第二外語教育在現今仍有諸多問題點。鄰近國家之中,韓國第二外語教育發展悠久,也重視第二外語人才培育,因此本研究希望藉由臺韓高中第二外語教育之比較,找出可借鏡韓國之處,給予臺灣高中第二外語教育發展建議,進而提升國家競爭力。 為了達到研究目的,本研究方法採用文件分析法與G.Z.F. Bereday的比較研究法,進行臺灣與韓國高中第二外語教育之比較研究。內文主要探究兩國高中第二外語教育之發展歷程、高中第二外語課程、高中第二外語師資與培育、第二外語於大學入學之採計等四大面向。 研究結果發現過去韓國高中第二外語因長期列為必選修而深植在高中教育,目前第二外語雖與臺灣同樣列為選修科目,但韓國的選修比例仍遠高於臺灣。此外,韓國第二外語科目分化且專精,另有外語高中與國際高中專門培育外語人才,並有教育部主導的線上學習課程,整體第二外語教育規劃比臺灣完善。在師資方面,韓國第二外語師資培育機構遠多於臺灣,第二外語普遍由合格師資教學,也有特色聘用制度解決師資問題,師資狀況較臺灣理想,且韓國的教師在職進修體系也較臺灣完整,第二外語教師進修方式多元,皆值得臺灣參考學習。另外,韓國第二外語為大學考科之一,第二外語的重要性及與大學入學選才的連結程度均較臺灣高。 根據研究結果,本研究針對臺灣高中第二外語教育發展提出以下建議:(一)課綱編制應具有系統性。(二)增設外語高中與國際高中。(三)增加第二外語特色開課方式。(四)開發高中第二外語線上課程。(五)發展高中第二外語課程教材。(六)短期輔導第二外語在職教師取得教師證,長期應增設大學第二外語科系及師資培育機構。(七)加強第二外語教師在職教育。(八)實施巡迴教師制度。(九)短期提高大學採計第二外語的意願,長期應將第二外語納入大學入學考試選擇考科。 / In this era of increased internationalization, it is impossible for Taiwan to keep itself from the international situation. Therefore, it is of great importance to keep up with the international practice and even preemptively occupy an important place in the world. The second foreign language education is absolutely one of the most crucial keys to the country's competitiveness on the world stage. However, the implementation of the second foreign language education in Taiwan’s high schools is slow. The second foreign language course in high schools was not opened until 1994, but it still has many problems nowadays. Among neighboring countries, second foreign language education in South Korea has a long history, and the country also values the importance of cultivating second foreign language talents. Thus, this study hopes to compare the second foreign language education in senior high schools between the two countries, and to find out what Taiwan can learn from the experience of South Korea. Lastly, it is hoped that the paper could shed some light on the development of second foreign language education in Taiwan's high schools so as to enhance the national competitiveness. This study adopted document analysis and G. Z. F. Bereday's comparative method in education to conduct a comparative study of the second foreign language education in Taiwan and South Korea. The paper mainly explores four major aspects — the development of the second foreign language education in high school, the second foreign language curriculum in high school, the second language teachers in high school and teacher education, and the requirement of the second foreign language for university admission. It was found that the second foreign language in South Korea was deeply rooted in high school education by being a required subject in the long-term. Even though the second foreign language in South Korea is currently listed as an elective as in Taiwan, the elective ratio in South Korea is relatively higher than Taiwan. Furthermore, the second foreign language subjects in South Korea are diverse and specialized. It also has foreign language and international high schools to cultivate foreign language talents, together with online learning courses led by the Ministry of Education. On the whole, educational planning of the second foreign language programs in South Korea is more complete than that of in Taiwan. In terms of teachers, there are relatively more teachers training institutions in South Korea than in Taiwan. The second foreign language is generally taught by qualified teachers and also has a special employment system to solve the problem of employment of teachers. As a result, teachers' status is better than Taiwan. Moreover, on-the-job training system of teachers in South Korea is also more complete than that of Taiwan, and the second foreign language teacher has a variety of training methods; all of which are worth learning. In addition, the second foreign language in South Korea is one of the subjects tested in college entrance exams, making the importance of the second foreign language and the degree of connection with university entrance candidates both higher than Taiwan. According to the research results, this study proposed the following suggestions for the development of second foreign language education in high school in Taiwan: (1) The syllabus should compile more systematically. (2) To increase the establishment of foreign language high school and international high school. (3) To increase the second foreign language special start mode. (4) To develop high school online second foreign language courses. (5) To develop high school second foreign language teaching materials. (6) In the short-term, counseling second foreign language in-service teachers to obtain teacher's certificate. In the long term, the university should increase the second foreign language department and teacher training institutions. (7) To strengthen the second foreign language teacher in-service education. (8) To implement floating teacher system. (9) In the short-term, to improve college recognize second foreign language certification. In the long-term, the second foreign language should be included in the college entrance exams as an alternative.

Form-function Mappings in the Acquisition of If-conditionals: A Corpus-based Study / 以語料庫為本對英語條件句形式功能對應習得之研究

柯羽珊, Ke,Yu-shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討以中文為母語之人士如何學習英語條件句,及其在習得時所遭遇之困難及相關原因。本文除對英語條件句之分類方式做詳盡介紹外,並嘗試以形式功能對應之理論架構,研究其習得之順序,並利用『錯誤分析』區分出條件句之動詞各類錯誤的誤用形式及原因。本研究語料來源為包含一百萬字,以電腦輔助建立錯誤標記之『中國學習者英語語料庫』。 研究結果發現,外語學習者之習得順序為一形式功能對應之過程,具較多形式或功能內涵者愈晚且愈難習得,符合功能認知模式的預測。 中文學習者的錯誤特徵為添加及省略,原因為過度矯正(hypercorrection)及過度類化(overgeneralization)。學習者最大的困難來自對條件句動詞變化規則不熟悉、形式及功能的複雜性、以及對應失敗的結果。本論文建議未來研究方向可深入探討時間指涉與假設程度對條件句使用之影響。 / Issues of conditionals have been highlighted for a long time, but the focus was seldom fixed on acquisition, particularly for L2. The determinate features of tense, mood and modality are interwoven in the conditional construction, thus resulting in an insurmountable obstacle for L2 learners. However, the factors impede acquisition have never been satisfactorily treated. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore the L2 developmental sequence, and to probe the error characteristics of acquiring if-conditionals. Disengaging the expression of conditionality into two dimensions: temporality and hypotheticality, we identified the features of syntactic forms and semantic functions of different conditional types, and created a new scheme to account for their mapping, on which the difficulty levels of acquisition were inferred. In contrast to the previous studies on the grounds of markedness theories, this research described the acquisition of conditionals in a Functional-Cognitive Model. Furthermore, the factors of difficulties were examined via an error analysis. The targets are Chinese English learners, who were well-known to face great problems in expressing conditionals. The data was searched from CLEC (Chinese Learner English Corpus), a big-scale corpus consisting of roughly 1,000,000 words with error tags. The investigation on the acquisition sequence and error patterns shows: (1) the acquisition order parallels to the prediction on the form-function mapping underpinnings: those with heavy content load and complex lexical shapes are acquired later (2) the two prominent misuses of the Chinese learners are addition and omission, resulted from hypercorrection and oversimplification. It was concluded that their difficulties could be ascribed to unfamiliarity of rules, complexities of forms and functions, and their mapping failure. Hence, this present work serves to provide some explanatory accounts, in a hope to unveil the mystery of the arduousness of acquiring conditionals, contribute to the tightening of acquisition theorizing and shed new insights into pedagogical growth.


劉淨云, Liu,Ching-yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在於觀察對話者之間的熟悉度對於外語學習者的語言影響。溝通互動性質的作業能提供語言學習者機會來對話;然而,很少有學者研究對話者之間的社會層面對於溝通互動的影響。在此研究中,實驗對象是一群台灣的高一生,程度介於全民英檢初級和中級之間,他們依彼此間熟悉程度的調查而分成19個熟悉組和不熟悉組,並進行三種不同性質的溝通作業,再分別計算negotiation for meaning,language-related episodes,和recasts的使用次數。量化分析的結果顯示對話者之間的熟悉度並沒有造成以上三種溝通特性的顯著性差異,唯有在作業類型中有顯著性差異。但質性研究發現由於權力關係帶來的張力,對話者間的熟悉度會因著面子的考量而造成互動模式的些微差異,對於學習者的情意層面、投入程度和溝通策略的使用產生一定的影響。此結果將對於語言課室中配對練習有重要的教學啟示。 / The purpose of this paper is to observe how the interlocutors' familiarity influences the language produced by EFL (English as a foreign language) students. It is widely argued that communicative language tasks may provide learners with opportunities to manipulate and modify their language productions, which in turn helps learners develop their target language. However, few studies concern the social dimension of interlocutors in task-based interactions. In this study, some senior high school English learners in Taiwan were divided into 19 familiar and 19 unfamiliar pairs. Every dyad was engaged in the picture differences task, the describe-and-draw task, and the discussion task. Negotiation for meaning, language-related episodes, and recasts viewed as crucial to second language acquisition (SLA) were interactional features used for quantitative analysis. The results showed that interlocutor’s familiarity had no significant effect; only in task types did the researcher find discernable differences. Opposed to such negative results, the qualitative analyses showed a divergence of interactional patterns due to the face issue resulting from social dynamics. Learners’ interloctutors’ familiarity, which may impact learners’ affective domain and conversational strategy use, may bring some pedagogical implications for pair work in second language classroom teaching.

外語教學的「真實性」問題:現行國中英語教科書中課程活動設計之「真實性」探討 / Authenticity in Foreigner Language Teaching: A Case Study in Task-based Activities in Current Textbooks

吳秋慧, WuChiu-hui Unknown Date (has links)
「真實性」是外語教學在內容設計及呈現上一項不可忽視的原則。它強調:教科書的編寫,要有意識地為學習者展現出語言在實際運用中的意義和功能。而除了文本(text)之外,有越來越多的教育者也強調「真實性的教學活動(authentic tasks/activities)」在教學過程中的重要性。本篇論文主要在探討是否現行國中英語教科書中的活動設計符合「真實性」的原則。此研究以Littlewood(2004)提出的教學活動分類作為架構,觀察台灣現行使用率最高的五套國中英語教科書中的教學活動分屬何種類型,分析及探究其中有哪些活動是符合「以真實溝通為目的」的原則,同時比較真實性教學活動分布在這五版教科書中的情況。 分析結果顯示,絕大多數的活動設計,是以學習語言形式為主要目的,極少數的活動有機會讓學習者運用語言、傳達訊息。此外,有些教科書中,甚至完全缺少以真實溝通為目的的教學活動。也就是說,透過現行的教科書,學生只是從事句型文法的練習,極少實際利用學到的語言進行溝通。顯然這些開放後由民間出版社編輯的英語教科書,就教學活動真實性的問題,尚有很大的改善空間。 / Authenticity has been regarded as one of the essential principles in EFL/ESL teaching. It is emphasized that the content of the textbooks can realistically reflect the genuine meaning and function of the language used in real-life situations. Aside from the authenticity of text itself, more and more teachers and educators recognize the value of using authentic activities for teaching and learning purposes. The thesis aims to examine whether and how the language learning activities in our EFL textbooks pertain to authenticity. We explore what authentic learning activities in these textbooks are, and how they are different as found in different textbooks. By following a rating scale developed on the basis of Littlewood’s (2004) five activity types (non-communicative learning, pre-communicative language practice, communicative language practice, structured communication and authentic communication), we evaluate and compare the language learning activities provided in five sets of English textbooks frequently used in Taiwan in terms of their task authenticity. The result of our analysis reveals that most language learning activities in the five commonly used sets of English textbooks are designed mainly for the practice of the linguistic forms. Few of the activities provide learners with the chance of exposure to real communication situations and applying their language skills in authentic ways. Even some of the textbook series don’t contain any authentic learning activities at all. It is clear that textbook writing in Taiwan still focuses on linguistic forms – a situation that has lasted for decades and more changes in textbook writing are needed in order to move forward to genuine communication.

從學生和老師的角度來探討台灣國中英語課室教學中動機策略的應用 / The use of motivational strategies in the secondary EFL setting in Taiwan: teacher and student perspectives

陳純鈴, Chen, Chun Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討台灣國中課室中英語教師動機策略應用的情形,此研究調查學生和老師雙方面對於在課堂中動機策略使用頻率的感知,比較其中差異。很少研究同時參考雙方面的意見,本研究透過問卷的方式詢問老師使用動機策略的頻率,也詢問學生對於相同教師策略使用頻率的感受,目的在找出何種動機策略最常被使用,也最常被學生體驗到。另一個目的是要收集學生對於課室內動機策略的觀點,以瞭解在學生的觀點中,哪些策略可以有效提升他們學習興趣。問卷收集樣本共有老師135人,學生216人。另外,研究者還進行了10堂課的課室觀察,期以觀察所得的資料與師生填寫的問卷資料做對照。 研究結果顯示,學生和老師大致上對使用頻率較高的策略有共識。在48個動機策略當中,老師和學生對各項的排序幾乎相同。前幾名分別是適當的教師行為、辨別出學生的努力、適當地呈現教學任務、提升學習者的自我信心、創造愉悅的教室氣氛等。但是程度上老師表示的和學生體認到的卻大不相同,以T檢定比較學生和教師問卷,發現大部分項目都達顯著性差異,教師表示使用的頻率高,但學生體驗到的頻率卻相對較低。在課室觀察的資料中,發現最常被觀察到教師使用的動機策略為:呈現教學工作、提供回饋、教師行為、提升學習者自主性,和提升與第二語言相關的價值,可能因為這些外顯行為的項目較其他容易被實際地觀察到。 此外,比較學生對不同策略重要性的看法問卷當中也指出,學生對於動機策略的想法的確和老師報導的使用頻率不相同。學生對重要性前幾項依序為:提升學習者的自主性、創造愉悅的教室氣氛、辨別學生的努力、適當的教師行為,和提升學習者的自信心。特別在提升學習者的自主性這個類別裡,老師和學生的看法就很不一樣。老師們最少使用這個類別的策略,但是學生卻認為這些是最有效於提升他們對學習語言動機的策略。 / The purpose of the present study is to find out the use of motivational strategies in secondary EFL settings in Taiwan. Questionnaires were sent to inquire teachers’ reported use and students’ perception of such use of motivational strategies. Few studies have included questionnaire results from both students and teachers. The present study elicited answers from both parties to find out which motivational strategies were frequently used by teachers and which were perceived by learners in the foreign language classroom. Another purpose is to collect data from students about their opinion on the importance of various motivational strategies used in the classroom. The number of teacher sample is 135, and the number of students is 216. Besides, ten classroom observations were conducted by the researcher in order to complement self-reported questionnaire data. The results of this study revealed that students and teachers generally agree on which motivational strategies were frequently used in class. The rank order of teachers and students were almost the same. The top ones, in the order of frequency, were proper teacher behavior, recognizing students’ effort, presenting tasks properly, promoting learners’ self-confidence, and creating a pleasant classroom climate. However, the frequency as reported by teachers and stated by students was very different. The data collected from teachers and students was examined by performing an independent sample t-test, and the result indicated that difference between them was statistically significant. Teachers reported that they frequently used the strategies, but students didn’t experience those strategies as frequently as teachers reported using. In the data collected from classroom observation, the most observable and frequently used strategies were: presenting tasks properly, providing feedback, teacher behavior, promoting learner autonomy, and promoting L2-related values. The fact that these domains appeared to be more prominent in the observation data may probably be associated with the nature of their being more observable. In addition, the result from the student questionnaire asking about students’ expectation toward the motivational strategies also indicated that students’ perceived importance of them was different from teachers’ reported frequency of use. The rank-order of the ten clusters of students’ expectation were: promoting learner autonomy, creating a pleasant classroom climate, recognizing students’ effort, proper teacher behavior, and promoting learners’ self-confidence. As to the conceptual domain of “promoting learning autonomy”, it is viewed very differently by teachers and students. Teachers put this one on the last place, but students regarded this domain as the most effective strategy in promoting their motivation toward language learning.

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