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幼兒期學習才藝與國小學業成就相關因素之研究張翠娟 Unknown Date (has links)
1.國小低年級學童在幼兒期有學習才藝的比例高達87.6%。以學習類才 藝學習最多(69.7%),學習藝術類才藝居次(61.1%),而以學習 運動類最少(48.3%)。
2.背景變項與國小低年級學童在幼兒期學習才藝的關係:(1) 父母教育 程度不同,幼兒期有無學習才藝有顯著差異,學習才藝類別也有顯著差 異。(2)父母職業不同、母親有無工作,幼兒期學習才藝類別有顯著差 異。(3)每月家庭總所得不同,幼兒期有無學習才藝有顯著差異,學習 才藝類別也有顯著差異。(4)家庭結構不同,幼兒期有無學習才藝有顯 著差異。(6)性別不同的兒童,其幼兒期學習才藝類別有顯著差異。
5.國小低年級學童在幼兒期有無學習才藝,其學業成就確實有顯著差異存 在;學習才藝類別不同,其學業成就也有顯著差異存在。
6.背景變項、父母教育期望以及幼兒期有無學習才藝,確實能有效預測國 小低年級學童學業成就。背景變項、父母教育期望以及幼兒期學習才藝 類別,能有效預測幼兒期有學習才藝的國小低年級學童的學業成就。
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都市原住民族父母教育期望、學生學習動機與學生學業成就關係之研究 / Urban aboriginal parents' education expectation, a study of the relationship among learning motivation and academic performation of Jjunior high school students劉台光 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 都市國中原住民族學生在父母教育期望、學生學習動機及學生學業成就均為中上程度。
二、 都市國中原住民族學生在父母教育期望、學生學習動機及學生學業成就,因背景變項不同而有顯著差異。
三、 都市國中原住民族學生在父母教育期望、學生學習動機與學生學業成就有顯著的低度正相關。
四、 都市國中原住民族學生在父母教育期望和學生學習動機有顯著的中度正相關。
五、 都市國中原住民族學生在父母教育期望、學生學習動機對學生學業成就具有顯著的預測力。 / The main purpose of this study was to understand the relationships among parent education expectation, learning motivation, and academic achievement of urban aboriginal junior high school students.
Survey method is used in this research. By purposeful sampling, 595 valid samples were acquired. The instruments used in the research are included Parent Education Expectation Scale and Learning Motivation Scale. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way anova, Scheffé method, pearson product-moment correlation coefficient analysis, and multiple regression analysis .
The conclusions of major were as follows:
1. Parent education expectation, learning motivation, and academic achievement of urban aboriginal Junior high school students were in medium-high range.
2. There were significant differences of parent education expectation, learning motivation, and academic achievement of urabn aboriginal Junior high school students.
3. The correlations among parent education expectation, learning motivation, and academic performance were positively significant.
4. The correlations between parent education expectation and learning motivation were positively significant.
5. Urban aboriginal junior high school students’ parent education expectation and learning motivation, could significantly predict their academic performance.
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兒童才藝補習與父母期望、兒童幸福感之相關研究 / Study of the relationship among after-school learning, educational expectation of parents and well-being of elementary school children沈力群, Shen, Li Chun Unknown Date (has links)
七、在背景變項、父母教育期望、兒童才藝補習對國小二年級兒童幸福感的預測力中,只有「同時參加知識型與運動型」的才藝補習對幸福感有預測力。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship anomg After-School learning, educational expectation of parents and Well-being of Elementary School Children. The main purposes of this study were as follows:
1. Understanding of the current Taipei in second grade children to participate in an overview of after-school learning, educational expectations of their parents , and well-being.
2. Analyzing the differences of the after-school learning influenced by different gender, family socio-economic status, and educational expectaion.
3. Exploring second-grade children participated in different after-school learning classes, the difference between their well-being
4. Understanding the predictions of well-being of second grade children influenced by gender, socioeconomic status, educational expectation, and after-school learning.
The questionnaire survey was adopted. By means of the random sampling, 275
students and their parents were chosen from the second grade in 12 Taipei municipal elementary schools as the objects of the study. The instruments used in the study were “Basic Information Questionnaire”, “After-School Learning Inventory”, “Educational Expectations Scale” ,and “Children Well-being Scale”. The statistical methods used to analyze the data were descriptive statistics, t-test, Chi-square test of independence, one-way anova, and multiple regression analysis. The results go as follows:
1. The second grade elementary school children participating in after-school learning classes, their parents looked forward to ”middle and high expectations”.
2. The second grade elementary school children participated in more and more after-school learning, especially knowledge-based after-school learning classes.
3. The well-being of second grade elementary school children participating in after -school learnig was above average.
4. The difference of the after-school learning are influenced by different background variables, especially socioeconomic.
5. There were no differences between educational expectation of parents and after-school learning.
6. There were no differences between after-school learning and well-being of elementary school children.
7. Participating in knowledge-based and sports-based after-school learning classes at the same time could predict well-being of second grade elementary school children.
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