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台北市幼稚園與托兒所概況之調查的研究何長珠, He, Chang-Zhu Unknown Date (has links)
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幼兒園品質與幼兒課程經驗之相關研究 / Program quality and children's experienced curriculum in kindergartens林琬玲 Unknown Date (has links)
參、幼兒園品質與幼兒課程經驗層面: 不同品質園所之幼兒課程經驗有差異,須深入觀察分析才能發現。
最後,研究者根據結論,對幼兒園園所與教師之實務面與後續研究提出具體建議,以期對未來幼教發展有所助益。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between program quality and children’s experienced curriculum in kindergartens. This research uses “Chinese version of Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised Edition “(ECERS-R) and “Early Education Program Quality Evaluation Scale (EEPES)” to evaluate the quality of the program in kindergartens. The research also uses “Children’s experienced curriculum record” to do the structural observation on children’s experienced curriculum. The objects of observation are thirty-six of five years old kindergarteners who were chose from six kindergartens located in Taipei city and Taipei County. Researcher observed each program once or twice, every section is two hours, and interviewed teachers after the observations. Total is twelve sections. The time to observed children’s experienced curriculum is from nine o’clock in the morning to four o’clock in the afternoon, and observed two children in the same class each time. Total is eighteen days.
The conclusion is as following:
1. In aspect of program quality: (A) the program quality of the evaluated six samples(kindergartens) is medium, (B) EEPES is more discriminative than ECERS, while ECERS offers a more detailed description of program quality, especially at process quality. It is concluded that they are complementary in evaluating and improving program quality.
2. In aspect of children’s experienced curriculum :(A)curriculum,daily routine occupies most of children’s time during a day. There are many kinds of Learning activities but the period of the activities is short. The most of the Learning activities is English. In addition, the study found that the content of school readiness is read and write, and it’s not appropriate to begin from preschool. The curriculum in the afternoon of the six samples(kindergartens) is different from the public centers’. The learning activities at afternoon of the six samples(kindergartens) are led by the teachers. (B)The main leader of daily routine ,Learning activity and transition time are the teachers.(C)The co-participants of Learning activity and daily routine are also teachers and peers. But the co-participants of transition time is peers. That is different from the public centers’(teachers and peers).
3. In aspect of both program quality and children’s experienced curriculum:We can find out there is difference in children’s experienced curriculum between kindergartens with different program quality if we observe carefully.
(A) Curriculum:The time distributed for each activity domain is almost the same in kindergartens with different program quality. Learning activity:High-quality kindergartens have more non-structure activities and activities of children’s free choice. Low-quality kindergartens have more structure and teacher-directed activities. Daily routine:Low-quality kindergartens spend more time in arrange than high-quality kindergartens. Transition time:The empty duration is twice as much low-quality kindergartens as high-quality kindergartens.
(B) The leader of activity:Despite of the quality, both learning activity and daily routine are teacher-directed activities. But we can see the difference by advanced observation. Learning activity:The leader of artistic activity in high-quality kindergartens is child, but the leader is teacher in low-quality kindergartens. Transition time:Both teachers and children are the leaders in high-quality kindergartens, but teachers are the leaders in low-quality kindergartens.
(C) The co-participants:Despite of the quality, the co-participants are peers and teachers in learning activity and daily routine. But we can see the difference by advanced observation. They have more opportunity to interactive with peers and teachers in high-quality kindergartens than low-quality kindergartens.
Finally, based on the results, this study proposes some suggestions for kindergartens, administrations, teachers and researchers.
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幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質關係之研究 / A Study Of The Relations Between ECE Program Quqlity Beliefs And ECE Program Quality劉蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
最後研究者根據結論,就幼兒園品質之實務面與後續研究方向提出具體的建議,以期對未來幼教的發展有所助益。 / Research has shown that high ECE program quality has great effect on children’s developmental outcomes, and the concept of ECE program quality evolving over time has extended its contents from internal-oriented to external-oriented. As a result, defining and measuring ECE program quality has become an important issue, both in theory and practice.
The purpose of this study is fourfold: (a) to identify the dimensions of both ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality, (b) to examine the relations between directors’ and teachers’ ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality in their own kindergarten programs, (c) to ascertain the influence of related factors, and (d) to compare the difference between directors and teachers’ ECE program quality belief, both in internal-oriented and external-oriented ECE program quality belief. For achieving this purpose, this study developed the ECE program quality questionnaire to conduct mailed surveys in a sample of 347 kindergartens in Taipei city, and the data was analyzed with SPSS 13.0 to find possible significances.
The conclusions are as follows:
1.This study developed the ECE program quality questionnaire which included both ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality scale.
2.This study revealed that both ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality in Taipei kindergarten programs were good.
3.This study showed that when it came to staff characteristics, the interaction of education level and staffing experience had effects on the difference in both directors’ and teachers’ ECE program quality beliefs.
4.This study indicated that the program attribute was the main program characteristics in the difference between teachers’ ECE program quality beliefs; but to directors, the child: teacher ratio mattered in the difference between directors’ ECE program quality beliefs.
5.This study demonstrated modest relations between both directors’ and teachers’ ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality in their own kindergarten programs.
6.This study showed that teachers and directors had differences in external-oriented ECE program quality beliefs, but not in internal-oriented beliefs.
7.This study showed that the consistency of both directors’ and teachers’ internal and external-oriented ECE program quality belief had no relations with ECE program quality.
8.This study showed that both the interaction of program size and program attribute, and the interaction of program size and child: teacher ratio had effects on the differences in ECE program quality.
Overall, findings from this study pointed to several relevant implications for the early childhood education practice and follow-up ECE program quality research.
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幼兒所知覺的父母管教方式與創造力之關係謝佳芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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台北縣家長對我國幼兒教育券政策實施之調查研究林明吟 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 台北縣家長普遍認同我國幼兒教育券政策實施成效:其看法平均得分為2.51分;各構面的平均得分,由高至低依序為教育品質、公平性與教育選擇權。
二、 台北縣家長普遍滿意我國幼兒教育券政策之實施成效:其整體滿意程度,平均得分為2.38;各題項中以提升多元教育機會的滿意度最高,縮短公私立幼托機構學費差距的滿意度最低。
三、 家長因年齡、教育程度、家庭收入與行政居住區等背景變項的不同,在實施成效之看法有顯著差異;至於性別、子女數、子女就讀幼托機構之型式、請領幼兒教育券與否以及對於政策的了解程度等背景變項在實施看法上無顯著差異。
四、 家長因年齡、教育程度與行政居住區等背景變項的不同,在實施之滿意度有顯著差異;至於性別、家庭收入、子女數、子女就讀幼托機構之型式、請領幼兒教育券與否以及對於政策的了解程度等背景變項在滿意程度上無顯著差異。
一、 教育應用方面
(一) 教育行政機關應設計相關措施來提升與檢視政策成效
(二) 教育行政主管機關應提高公共服務的水準
(三) 教育行政主管機關在規劃、執行與評估政策時,應考量區域以及利害關係人之差異。
二、 對後續研究之建議
(一) 研究方法宜深入探討政策執行與評估之成效與問題
(二) 研究對象可延伸至其他縣市,進行跨縣市比較 / The main purpose of this study is to assess the effect of the “Educational Voucher of Early Childhood Education” in Taipei County, by investigating the opinion and satisfaction of parent and analyzing the possible factors. Eventually, the research recommends the concrete suggestions according to the result of this study.
This study adopts literature analysis and questionnaire investigation to achieve the goal. Depending on the result, the conclusions are as fallows:
1.Most parents in Taipei County agree the effect of the “Educational Voucher of Early Childhood Education”. The average score of parent’s opinion was 2.51, an intermediate level. Dimensional rating were educational quality, equity and school choice.
2.Most parents in Taipei County are satisfied with the effect of the “Educational Voucher of Early Childhood Education”. The average score of parent’s satisfaction was 2.38, an intermediate level. Increasing the diversity of educational choice is the highest score of the items; the lowest is curtailing the tuition between the public school and the private ones.
3.There was significant deference among the age, education degree, family income and administrative division for opinions of parents.
4.There was significant deference among the age, family income and administrative division for satisfaction of parents.
As a result, the researcher offers the fallowing suggestions:
1.For education administrative organization
a. Drawing up support service to increase and assess the effect of the policy.
b.Improving the quality of public service.
c.Considering the diversity of district and interested party to plan, execute and assess the policy.
2.For further study
a.Seeking other theory to assess the policy to explore the effects and problem.
b.Assessing the policy of other counties to compare different result.
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不同教學介入對幼兒知識表徵的影響-以幼兒科學問題解決歷程為例丘嘉慧, Chiu, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討不同年齡幼兒解決需同時考量兩個因素的科學問題及遷移的表現,並探討不同教學介入對幼兒解決科學問題表現及遷移表現的影響。本研究共分二個研究,使用「幼兒認知作業」,分別在研究一探討128位,研究二探討286位3至6歲幼兒的表現。研究結果顯示,幼兒的蒐集訊息、分析整理訊息與解決問題表現間有因果關係。年齡愈大的幼兒在各個歷程的表現愈好。若是作業內容與幼兒生活經驗相關,4歲幼兒在行為上可以表現出同時考量兩個因素解決問題。解決不同概念的問題,幼兒有不同的表現。6歲幼兒無法表現需同時考量兩個因素問題的遷移。幼兒在解決需同時考量兩個因素問題時,行為及語言知識表徵層次有六個層次(層次0至層次5)。各種教學介入對層次1幼兒沒有影響。當幼兒處於層次3時,教學介入有影響效果,透過語言的說明可以幫助此時的幼兒提升表徵層次,但這些教學介入效果不足以讓幼兒達到層次5,也無法影響至幼兒的遷移表現上。 / The purposes of this study were to investigate young children’s ability to resolve problems with two dimensions and transfer, and the influences of instructional interventions on resolving these problems and transferring. There were 128 and 286 3 to 6-year-old young children in study 1 and study 2 respectively. Young children’s cognitive task was used. Results revealed the processes of searching information and analyzing information were related to the problem-solving. 4-year-old children could resolve the problems with two dimensions, when the problems were familiar. There was domain-specific knowledge on problem-solving. 6-year-old children could not transfer two dimensions to new and similar conditions. There were 6 levels knowledge representations of resolving problems with two dimensions in this study. The instructional intervention of explaining improved the level of children with level 3 to level 4, but not to level 5. And there were not effects of instructional interventions on transferring.
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台北市私立幼兒園市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質之關係研究 / A Relation Study of Market Orientation, Core Competence and Quality of Private Preschool in Taipei City鍾玉婷 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 台北市私立幼兒園園長覺知之市場導向、核心競爭能力均在中高程度,其覺知之幼兒園品質亦多屬於中高程度。
2. 台北市私立幼兒園園長覺知之市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質不會因幼兒園園長專業背景及幼兒園經營型態等組織特性而呈現差異存在,但會因其餘組織特性(園長年齡、園長教育程度、園長幼教服務總年資、任職本園年資、任職本園園長年資、幼兒園成立歷史、幼兒園規模、幼兒園生師比)之不同而存在差異。
3. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向、核心競爭能力與幼兒園品質之間具有顯著正相關。
4. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向及核心競爭能力可以預測幼兒園品質。
5. 台北市私立幼兒園之市場導向可藉由核心競爭能力的完全中介作用,間接正向影響幼兒園品質。 / This study adopts questionnaire survey method. A total of 173 usable questionnaires were collected from 173 administrators of private preschools in Taipei City. The measurement tools are fourfold: 1. preschool organization characteristics; 2. Chung (2011) market orientation scale; 3. Chung (2011) core competition scale and 4. Hsu and Liu (2006) preschool quality scale.
The main conclusions of this study are fivefold:
1. Administrators of private preschools in Taipei City have high perception towards market orientation, core competition and quality of preschool.
2. Within Taipei City private preschools there are no significant differences, neither due to the administrator’s professional background nor the type of preschool. There are however, significant differences due to other organizational characteristics such as the administrator’s age, their level of education and administrative experience, the perpetuation and size of the school, and the student to teacher ratio.
3. Significant positive correlation existed among market orientation, core competition and quality of private preschool in Taipei City.
4. Market orientation and core competition can predict quality of private preschool in Taipei City.
5. Core competition did have the significant mediated effects of market orientation on quality of preschool.
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幼兒就學準備度相關因素之比較研究-以台北縣、宜蘭縣為例 / A Comparative Study on Factors Related to Young Children’s School Readiness —The Case of Taipei County and Ilan County方聖文, Fang, Sheng-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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運用ECERS-R提升幼兒園品質之實證研究傅馨儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討運用幼兒學習環境評量表-修訂版(ECERS-R)及幼兒園品質改善計畫(Program quality improvement plan)是否可作為一有效工具幫助幼兒園及幼兒教師提升幼兒園品質,並分析幼兒園的品質現況及提升幼兒園品質的歷程,最後綜合研究結果,提出研究結論。
本研究為「準實驗設計」,由研究者親自使用ECERS-R入園觀察與評分,並編製幼兒園品質改善計畫(Program quality improvement plan)作為幼兒園提升品質的執行藍圖。本研究以台北市及新北市共十所私立幼兒園作為研究對象,並將研究對象分為實驗組與對照組,實驗組則在前後與後測之間安排研究介入,用以驗證ECERS-R是否可作為一有效工具幫助幼兒園及幼兒教師提升幼兒園品質,幼兒園品質分數以統計軟體SPSS17.0for Windows進行處理,採用描述性統計及訪談整理等方法進行分析。
關鍵字: ECERS-R、幼兒園品質、提升幼兒園品質 / The purpose of this study are to explore the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scales-Revised (ECERS-R) and “Program quality improvement plan” could be an effective tool to help kindergartens and ECE teachers improve Kindergarten Quality ,and to analyze the status of quality and the process of quality improvement. Last, summarize the result of the study.
The major method of this study is Quasi-experimental design , researcher used the ECERS-R to Observe and rating, also develops “Program quality improvement plan” as an blue point for kindergarten to improve quality . The subjects are ten kindergartens in Taipei City and New Taipei City and subjects were divided into experimental and control groups, experimental groups using pretest - intervention – posttest mode to demonstrate if ECERS-R could be an effective tool to help kindergartens and ECE teachers improve Kindergarten Quality. The scores of ECERS-R were analyzed by the statistical software SPSS17.0 for Windows using descriptive statistics, interview draft analysis.
According to the case, the conclusions are as follows:
1. Enhance the quality of the experimental group was larger than the control group.
2. Kindergarten through the ECERS-R and“Program quality improvement plan”, to
effectively assist kindergartens improve the quality of centers.
3. ECE teachers to improve the quality of the most common method to provide a
variety of materials and environmental health and safety.
4. Limited space, curriculum, and other factors, led to the short term can not develop
improvement plans.
Finally, based on the conclusions of study, the researcher proposes some suggestions for practice in kindergarten and future research , hoping to contribute to the development of future early childhood education.
Key words: ECERS-R, kindergarten quality, improve the quality of kindergartens
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幼兒教師人格特質、情緒智力與幼兒情緒能力之研究─以臺北市幼稚園為例 / A related research among pre-school teachers’ personality traits, emotional intelligence and children’s emotional competence鍾佳容 Unknown Date (has links)
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