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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林明吟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在評估台北縣幼兒教育券政策之成效,藉由了解家長對於幼兒教育券政策之看法與滿意度,並分析影響家長對於該政策之看法與滿意度的可能因素及其結果作用,最後再依實證結果,提出具體建議,以供我國相關機構作為政策實施之參考。為達上述目的,本研究之研究方法乃採理論分析與問卷調查法來進行研究主題之分析探討。首先,研究者蒐集國內外相關研究報告及資料,並進行文獻探討,據以確定研究架構及擬定問卷調查計畫;其次,參考文獻資料、相關研究報告、及論文期刊,編製研究工具;繼之,以台北縣國民小學一年級家長為研究對象,進行正式問卷施測,並將施測結果加以統計分析。 經由上述的研究過程,得到以下的研究結論: 一、 台北縣家長普遍認同我國幼兒教育券政策實施成效:其看法平均得分為2.51分;各構面的平均得分,由高至低依序為教育品質、公平性與教育選擇權。 二、 台北縣家長普遍滿意我國幼兒教育券政策之實施成效:其整體滿意程度,平均得分為2.38;各題項中以提升多元教育機會的滿意度最高,縮短公私立幼托機構學費差距的滿意度最低。 三、 家長因年齡、教育程度、家庭收入與行政居住區等背景變項的不同,在實施成效之看法有顯著差異;至於性別、子女數、子女就讀幼托機構之型式、請領幼兒教育券與否以及對於政策的了解程度等背景變項在實施看法上無顯著差異。 四、 家長因年齡、教育程度與行政居住區等背景變項的不同,在實施之滿意度有顯著差異;至於性別、家庭收入、子女數、子女就讀幼托機構之型式、請領幼兒教育券與否以及對於政策的了解程度等背景變項在滿意程度上無顯著差異。 最後再依據研究的結果,分別針對教育行政機關及未來後續研究,提出以下幾點建議。 一、 教育應用方面 (一) 教育行政機關應設計相關措施來提升與檢視政策成效 (二) 教育行政主管機關應提高公共服務的水準 (三) 教育行政主管機關在規劃、執行與評估政策時,應考量區域以及利害關係人之差異。 二、 對後續研究之建議 (一) 研究方法宜深入探討政策執行與評估之成效與問題 (二) 研究對象可延伸至其他縣市,進行跨縣市比較 / The main purpose of this study is to assess the effect of the “Educational Voucher of Early Childhood Education” in Taipei County, by investigating the opinion and satisfaction of parent and analyzing the possible factors. Eventually, the research recommends the concrete suggestions according to the result of this study. This study adopts literature analysis and questionnaire investigation to achieve the goal. Depending on the result, the conclusions are as fallows: 1.Most parents in Taipei County agree the effect of the “Educational Voucher of Early Childhood Education”. The average score of parent’s opinion was 2.51, an intermediate level. Dimensional rating were educational quality, equity and school choice. 2.Most parents in Taipei County are satisfied with the effect of the “Educational Voucher of Early Childhood Education”. The average score of parent’s satisfaction was 2.38, an intermediate level. Increasing the diversity of educational choice is the highest score of the items; the lowest is curtailing the tuition between the public school and the private ones. 3.There was significant deference among the age, education degree, family income and administrative division for opinions of parents. 4.There was significant deference among the age, family income and administrative division for satisfaction of parents. As a result, the researcher offers the fallowing suggestions: 1.For education administrative organization a. Drawing up support service to increase and assess the effect of the policy. b.Improving the quality of public service. c.Considering the diversity of district and interested party to plan, execute and assess the policy. 2.For further study a.Seeking other theory to assess the policy to explore the effects and problem. b.Assessing the policy of other counties to compare different result.


何長珠, He, Chang-Zhu Unknown Date (has links)
第一編緒論 第一章前言 第二章寫作本文之動機、目的 第三章本文調查的對象 第四章研究方法 第五章調查表的製作過程 第六章工作的實施 第二編幼兒教育的理論及演進 第一章幼兒教育的定義 第二章幼兒教育的重要 第三章幼兒發展的了解 第四章幼兒教育的內容 第五章幼兒觀念之演進及各國實施概況 第六章幼兒發展的趨向 第三編台北市幼稚園與托兒所之調查及建議 第一章收回及追綜 第二章統計、分析 第三章發現 第四章結論與建議

Rudolf Steiner幼兒教育思想之研究

王茜瑩, Wang Chien Ying Unknown Date (has links)
魯道夫•史坦納(Rudolf Steiner,1861-1925)是十九世紀的歐洲哲學家,創立「人智學」學說,主要探求人類本質的了解與拓展,並透過教育使人發展成為均衡協調的全人。本論文研究重點為其幼兒教育思想,主要採取歷史研究法及詮釋學方法對Steiner的思想進行解讀,一方面閱讀Steiner的著作,在作品與自身的視野中進行對話,以期達到視域的交融,另一方面,佐以相關文獻,試圖透過第三者的角度,對Steiner思想的闡明,產生更加深化的作用。嘗試探討的焦點如下: (一) 探討Steiner生平及思想之淵源,以了解其教育思想的基礎。 (二)闡釋Steiner的兒童圖像,了解兒童所具有的本質。 (三)詮釋並分析Steiner全人教育之理想,以及教師應面對之任務。 (四)詮釋並說明Steiner幼兒教育的構想與實施的途徑。 (五)綜合上述研究結果,探究其教育思想對現今幼兒教育的啟示。 第一章為研究動機與方法之說明。第二章主要介紹Steiner之生平,並闡明其思想淵源來自「歌德」、「尼采」、「基督學說」、「輪迴思想」的影響。第三章則勾勒出Steiner所持兒童圖像,說明兒童具有「完整人」、「自由人」、「自主者」、「氣質協調者」之本質,再探究教育上的培養之道。第四章先探討Steiner所面對的教育危機,並分析其教育開展的目標為「精神與心靈的發展與調和」、「培養自我了解與表現的能力」、「道德理想與社會意識的喚醒」、「知識與技能的均衡培養」,其教育開展的原則為依「意志」、「情感」、「思考」的原則循序進行。另外,教師需了解自身與學生的氣質,成為主動的世界建構者、並作一位心靈的藝術家。第五章探討Steiner在幼兒教育方面的構想,幼稚園中需提供幼兒遊戲、美育、生命體驗的活動,以喚醒幼兒的生命活力,培養其成為均衡發展的全人。第六章闡述對Steiner幼兒教育思想的評論,並提出對我國現今幼兒教育的啟示,以及對個人的啟發。 從Steiner的教育理念言之,教育是為了培養人成為具有堅強的意志力、豐富敏銳的情感,以及能清晰思考的全人,在幼兒教育時期,主要透過模仿的方式進行教育,並發展幼兒的個體性,著重身體、精神、心靈的均衡諧調。 第一章 緒論 一、研究動機、問題與目的………………………………1 二、名詞界定………………………………………………7 三、研究方法與流程………………………………………8 四、研究範圍與限制………………………………………10 第二章 Steiner之生平與思想淵源 第一節 生平………………………………………………13 第二節 思想淵源…………………………………………18 一、歌德…………………………………………18 二、尼采…………………………………………26 三、基督學說……………………………………33 四、輪迴思想……………………………………37 第三節 對教育的影響與貢獻……………………………41 第三章 兒童圖像 第一節 完整人……………………………………………47 一、人類構成的四部份…………………………49 二、人類發展的三階段…………………………53 第二節 自由人……………………………………………57 一、自由與教育…………………………………57 二、自由人的發展………………………………60 第三節 自主者……………………………………………65 一、自主與模仿…………………………………65 二、自主者的啟發………………………………67 第四節 氣質調和者………………………………………70 一、兒童的氣質…………………………………71 二、氣質的教育…………………………………79 第四章 全人教育理想 第一節 教育的危機………………………………………89 一、人性異化的危機……………………………90 二、學習窄化的危機……………………………92 第二節 教育的開展………………………………………96 一、教育的目的…………………………………96 二、教育的原則…………………………………103 第三節 教師的任務………………………………………110 一、掌握自身與學生的氣質……………………111 二、成為主動的世界建構者……………………113 三、作一位心靈藝術家…………………………114 第五章 幼兒教育的構想 第一節 遊戲的驅力………………………………………121 一、遊戲即教育…………………………………122 二、遊戲與創造…………………………………126 三、幼稚園的遊戲………………………………126 第二節 藝術的感動………………………………………130 一、生活中的美感經驗…………………………130 二、美育活動的作用……………………………131 三、美育課程……………………………………133 第三節 生命的體驗………………………………………142 一、人與大自然、世界…………………………142 二、人與他人……………………………………143 三、體驗的活動…………………………………144 第六章 結論 第一節 回顧與評論………………………………………149 第二節 對現今幼兒教育的啟示…………………………156 第三節 對個人的啟發……………………………………167 參考書目…………………………………………………170 附錄………………………………………………………176

台灣5歲幼兒教育政策議題之研究: 政策工具觀 / A study of 5-year-old childhood education policy issues in taiwan: the view of policy tool

吳念霖 Unknown Date (has links)
因應台灣少子化所帶來的社會衝擊,學者提出減緩少子化應從強化幼兒教育開始,馬英九總統遂於2008年大選期間的教育政見提出了具體主張:「5歲免費入學,促進幼托合一」。此項看似利多或回應民意的措施,卻引起社會各界的反彈與質疑,並針對少子化下的幼兒教育政策提出了不同政策替選方案。 而政策工具的研究大致上可分為二個大類,其中之一為對於政策工具本身的關注,也就是說政策工具本身的特徵,包含類型、優缺點、適用情境等等;另外一部分則是關注於政策工具如何與為何被選擇出來,亦即外在於政策工具本身之環境因素,如何影響政策工具選擇的過程。由此,本研究目的在於從相關文獻與相關政策行動者的深度訪談中,瞭解台灣5歲幼兒教育政策所使用之政策工具,各個主要的政策工具在強制性、直接性、自動性、透明度、可接受性等五個重要政策工具分析面向所呈現之特徵;接著,具體的分析、探討98學年度5歲幼兒教育政策之內涵、政策發展的背景脈絡與政策行動者對此政策的觀感與建議;再者,由於政策工具最終的選擇往往不只是理性分析的結果,反而受到許多非客觀因素的影響,使得政府很難提供「最佳的」政策工具來解決問題,因此本研究從與關鍵政策行動者進行之前測訪談與初步資料蒐集過程當中,歸納出本研究個案主要影響政策工具選擇之可能因素,包含理念、行動者與環境脈絡;最後,對台灣相關政策的制定過程提出改革建議。然而,在本研究付梓之際,教育部公佈99學年度「5歲幼兒免學費教育計畫」,筆者在時間緊迫之際,亦將此計畫之實施內容概要的介紹說明。 研究結果發現主要歸納為三個部分:第一,政策工具理論可以提供每一個所使用之工具一個概略之框架,然而實際分析的過程中發現,真實世界中的政策並非如同工具分類那樣單純,因此若欲針對實務上的政策,提供具體建議,必須超越抽象的工具理論,就實際情形深入研究,俾得到解答。 第二,針對目前5歲幼兒教育政策,相關行動者提供了幾項主要建議,包含以改善幼教品質為優先;釐清此政策之定位,為一福利政策或教育體制的一環;欲減緩少子化應重新規劃國家之育兒環境而非單一政策可以達到之目標;政策制定過程缺乏整體一致規劃,人事異動頻繁使得理念無法貫徹,不利於台灣社會之永續發展。 最後,在影響政策工具選擇的因素最重要的即為「理念」,針對此5歲幼兒教育政策相關行動者之理念主要有兩大分歧,其中之一為以學者為首支持幼兒教育公共化、非營利化,另一則為以私立幼教業者為首主張維持現狀、並由政府加以補貼;而行動者的手段與策略亦為一項重要影響政策制定過程之因素,學者由於其專家的身分使其意見具有代表性,私立幼教業者因其所面臨之生存危機,傾向採用激烈方式表達其訴求,如動員遊行、政治教換等,而各重要決策者的偏好,如總統、行政院、教育部、財政部、主計處等,亦對政策之決定有相當影響力。台灣特殊的環境脈絡,包含以私立為主要幼兒教育供給者之歷史背景、日趨嚴重的少子化情形、激烈選戰所衍生選舉支票文化與目前台灣的財政困境,這些因素皆影響著5歲幼兒教育政策的制定過程。

兩岸民辦幼教發展及其相關法規之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of the Development and Relevant Law About Minban Sector of Early Childhood Education Between Taiwan and Mainland China

徐千惠, Hsu, Chien-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在比較兩岸民辦幼教發展及其相關法規,透過比較法、文件分析法及實地訪談法,以增進對兩岸幼教環境之瞭解與認識。本研究之目的包括:壹、探究台灣地區與大陸民辦幼教之發展歷程及現況。貳、了解台灣地區與大陸民辦幼教相關法規之歷史源流與規範。參、綜合研究結果增進對兩岸幼教環境之瞭解與認識,並提出建議。 本研究之結論有如下三點:壹、幼兒教育之定位受政治型態影響而有所不同。貳、國家對民辦教育的開放與管理態度影響幼稚園經營方式。參、幼兒教育之工作本質來自於人們就業後之需求,仰賴經濟環境支撐發展。 同時根據研究發現,本研究對於台灣民辦(私立)幼教發展提出建議如下:壹、法規頒佈前可先以試行方式前測,視適應情形再正式頒佈;貳、幼兒教育應設置教育行政專責單位,以促進幼教發展之整體規劃;參、教育與社福機關權責需劃分清楚,幼教相關事務應由教育部主管;肆、對民辦(私立)學校不得營利之限制需酌情調整,提供合理回報及辦學誘因;伍、審思私幼設置財團法人意義,避免因法人資格造成法規適用限制;陸、對幼教相關法規內涵之重新思考> / This study intends to compare the development and relevant law about the minban(i.e. private sector)system in early childhood education through documentary analysis, comparative and interview methodologies in order to comprehend the early childhood education environments between Taiwan and Mainland China. Furthermore, the purpose of the study is to explore the minban system’s progress and current situation, and to understand the origin and regulation of the relevant law for both. It concludes the research results and then to provide the policy recommendations. Based on the findings, the results of the study are as follows. First, the public’s perception of the importance of early childhood education was affected by the political situation of the country. Second, the openness and managerial attitude of the authorities affected the operating mode of the kindergartens. Third, the existence of early childhood education depends on parental demands based on their career needs; it depends on the economic environment to support its development. The study offers some suggestions to Taiwan’s minban system of early childhood educators: (1)Before the enactment of a law, a pretest of its effects should be conducted; (2) Government should provide a responsible and regular regimen for Kindergartens in order to promote their development.; (3) Government should separate the duties of education and social welfare clearly according to their abilities and functions; early childhood education should be managed by the Ministry of Education; (4) Government should offer reasonable opportunities for the minban school investor rather than limit them in school generated profits; (5)Government should redefine the role of consortia in the kindergarten, and avoid the resulting limitations of the relevant law; (6) Generally, we need to re-evaluate the intent of relevant laws about early childhood education.

台灣40-70年代幼兒教育拓荒者:高淮生女士的專業實踐圖像 / The pioneer of Taiwanese early childhood education in 1950-1980:the professional practice map of mrs. Gao, Huai Sheng.

邱意婷, Chiu, I Ting Unknown Date (has links)
關於台灣40-70年代幼兒教育史的研究至今仍以鉅觀探究為主,然而此時期幼兒教育的發展,主要由少數學者推動、開拓而成,其「為何而為」、「如何實踐」尚待探究。 本研究以生命史研究取向,探究一位走過台灣40-70年代的幼兒教育工作者,透過其職業史,探究其職業生涯歷程與社會文化脈絡的關連性,作為瞭解台灣幼教在開拓時期的一個生命性路徑。另外,從生命史觀點,探求個體何以成為幼師,並在其時代背景做出與大多數人相悖的決定,從事幼教工作40年。 通過詮釋歷程,描繪其幼教專業實踐圖像「幼教專業的開拓與轉化」: 一、變動環境中的機緣,作為生命主體開拓的動力 二、幼教專業認同與拋光實踐 三、生命實踐的轉化與傳承 最後,給予未來在「幼師專業」、「幼教師培」及「課程與教學」研究議題上的一些建議。 關鍵字:幼兒教育史、生命史、教師專業實踐 / The researches about the history of early childhood education during 1950-1980 in Taiwan were mostly focus on macro-scope. While during the time, the development in early childhood education was opened up and promoted by a few scholars. It is needed to take more micro-scope view on “Why” and “How” they did it. This research applies life history method approach to study the pioneer of Taiwanese early childhood education in 1950-1980. By analyzing the material of her professional history, the connection of her vocation and social-cultural context is revealed, which is regarded as a life-roadmap for understanding the pioneering era of Taiwanese early childhood education. Moreover, life history method approach is also applied when discussed why individual became an early childhood educator and made decisions against mainstream—devoted oneself into early childhood education for more than 40 years. Through the interpretation, the profession practice map, “the pioneering and transformation of professional early childhood education,” of Mrs. Gao, Huai Sheng is depicted: 1.The opportunities in changing environment as the motivation of a subject. 2.The identity of early childhood education profession and its profession practice. 3.The transformation and passing down of the life practice. Finally, the paper gives some advises on the future research about “the early education profession “, “ teacher education” and “curriculum and teaching.” Key words: history of early childhood education、life history method、 teacher’s profession practice

學前教育機構主管轉型領導、專業發展與幼兒教育品質關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationships among Preschool Educational Institution Managers’ Transformational Leadership, Professional Development and Quality of Child Education

曹俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討學前教育機構園所長轉型領導、專業發展與幼兒教育品質之現況及其關係,並據以提出結論與建議,期能提供教育行政機關和學前教育機構園所長運用轉型領導以獲得專業成長與提升幼兒教育品質。本研究採取文獻分析、問卷調查法進行研究。首先,蒐集相關文獻作為研究主題的理論基礎,據以擬定研究架構,進而編製「園所長轉型領導、專業發展與幼兒教育品質」問卷作為研究工具。 本研究之問卷調查對象為台灣地區幼托園所主管(包括:公立幼稚園、私立幼稚園、公立托兒所、私立托兒所),抽樣調查直轄市、省轄市、縣轄市及鄉鎮地區園所長1000 位,取得有效樣本630 份,調查結果以平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、階層迴歸分析及路徑關係模式等統計方法,進行資料處理分析,獲得以下結論: 一、學前教育機構園所長轉型領導各層面中,以「尊重信任」表現較佳,其餘依序為「建立願景」、「魅力影響」、「個別關懷」、「智識啟發」、「激發鼓舞」。 二、學前教育機構園所長專業發展各層面中,以「具備幼教專業知能」表現較佳,其餘依序為「滿足個人專業動機」、「永續生涯成長」。 三、學前教育機構幼兒教育品質各層面中,以「課程與教學」表現較佳,其餘依序為「設施與安全」、「園務與行政」。 四、學前教育機構主管因不同的人口及環境變項在園所長「轉型領導」上有差異。 五、學前教育機構主管因不同的人口及環境變項在園所長「專業發展」上有差異。 六、學前教育機構主管因不同的人口及環境變項在「幼兒教育品質」上有差異。 七、學前教育機構主管轉型領導能有效預測園所長的「專業發展」。 八、學前教育機構主管轉型領導能有效預測園所的「幼兒教育品質」。 九、學前教育機構主管運用轉型領導與提升園所「幼兒教育品質」之行為,可以促進園所長本身之「專業發展」;而提升園所的「幼兒教育品質」則有賴於園所長「轉型領導」行為之建立。 根據結論,提出以下建議,提供台灣主管幼兒教育行政機關和學前教育機構,在園所長轉型領導、專業發展以及提升幼兒教育品質之參考: 一、園所長應運用轉型領導以促進專業成長。 二、持續的進修以提昇擔任園長的領導能力。 三、永續生涯規劃並建立良好的人際關係。 四、建立專業組織以推動自我及外部的認同。 五、學前教育機構應重視幼兒教育品質。 六、教育行政機關需要適度的介入。 七、建構實施幼兒教育品質的整體配套措施。 八、建立迅速、正確與客觀的品質資訊回饋機制。 九、擴大幼兒教育研究的領域。 十、城、鄉園所和公私立園所幼兒教育資源應力求均等。 根據研究過程,本研究結果提出以下對未來後續研究之建議: 一、加強質性研究方法進行研究。 二、修訂研究量表。 三、進行長期縱貫性的研究。 / The purpose of this study is to explore on the current condition and its correlation with preschool institution principal’s transformational leadership, professional development and quality of child education. The correlations are explored and concluded to propose sound recommendations to education and administrative institutions and preschool educational institution principals as the guiding tools for institution transformation that could further enhance professionalism and quality of child education. This study conducts explorations via the adoption of scientific literature analysis and questionnaire surveys. The study firstly collects related literatures and uses it as the theoretical basis of the study subject. Accordingly to this theoretical basis, structure of the study is drafted to produce questionnaire, topic with ‘Principal’s Transformational Leadership, Professional Development and Quality of Child Education,’ as instruments of the study. Targets of the questionnaire are preschool kindergarten managers (public or private kindergarten and public or private childcare center) in Taiwan. 1000 samples of kindergarten or childcare center principals are randomly selected from municipality, provincially managed cities, counties and townships. 630 samples are found valid. Result of the evaluations, after being statistically analyzed by mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, hierarchical regression analysis and path relationship model, yields following conclusions: A. In the aspects of preschool educational institution principals’ transformational leadership, ‘respect and trust’ outranks the rest and is followed by the order of ‘aspiration establishment’, ‘charisma impact’, ‘thoughtfulness’, ‘intelligent enlightenment’ and ‘inspirational encouragement.’ B. In the aspects of preschool educational institution principals’ professional developments, ‘possession of professional knowledge about child education’ outranks the rest and is followed by the order of ‘personal professional motive satisfaction’ and ‘persistent lifetime growth.’ C. In the aspects of preschool educational institution’s quality of child education, ‘program and education’ outranks the rest and is followed by the order of ‘facility and security’ and ‘routine affairs and administration.’ D. As population and environment may vary, preschool educational institution managers’ transformational leadership may differ accordingly. E. As population and environment may vary, preschool educational institution managers’ professional development may differ accordingly. F. As population and environment may vary, preschool educational institution managers’ quality of child education may differ accordingly. G. Preschool educational institution managers’ transformational leadership can efficiently predict school principal’s professional development. H. Preschool educational institution managers’ transformational leadership can efficiently predict a school’s quality of child education. I. Preschool educational institution managers’ exercise of transformational leadership skill and efforts of enhancing quality of child education can promote school principal’s personal professional development. On a similar note, the enhancement of a schools’ quality of child education relies on the building of the principal’s transformational leadership. Accordingly to the statements concluded, following recommendations are provided to Taiwanese Child Education Administrative and Supervision Institution and Preschool Educational Institution as the references for kindergarten principals’ transformational leadership, professional development and enhancement of child education quality: A. Kindergarten principal should apply transformational leadership to enhance one’s professional growth. B. Persistent educational pursuits to build up kindergarten principals’ leadership skills. C. Perpetual lifetime plan and establish sound interpersonal relationship. D. Establish professional organization to promote oneself and acquire external recognition. E. preschool educational institution should highly value the quality of child education. F. Education and Administrative Institution must intervene when needed. G. Build up and implement a complete integral measure to ensure quality of child education. H. Establish rapid, accurate and objective quality and it compliment return mechanism. I. Expand the territory of child education studies. J. child education resources should be equality allocated among municipal or township kindergarten and public or private childcare centers. According to course of the study, result proposes following recommendations to future study pursuits: A. Strengthen methods of qualitative research. B. Modify measurement scale of the study. C. Conduct long-term longitudinal study.

幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質關係之研究 / A Study Of The Relations Between ECE Program Quqlity Beliefs And ECE Program Quality

劉蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
高品質的幼兒園對幼兒發展具有重大影響,且幼兒園品質的意義隨著時代思潮的演進,其所指涉的範圍愈來愈寬廣,並有由內部導向的幼教歷程,擴展至外部導向的全面品質之趨勢。因此,幼兒園品質衡量之探討,便成為一個理論和實務兼具的重要課題。 本研究發展幼稚園品質問卷,為台北市347所幼稚園的園長與教師進行問卷調查,並利用SPSS13.0套裝軟體進行統計分析,旨在探究幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質之構面、園長與教師幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質之關係,及其相關因素之影響,並比較園長與教師在內、外部導向幼兒園品質信念差異情形。 本研究之結論如下: 一、本研究發展出幼稚園品質問卷,包含幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質兩量表。 二、台北市幼稚園幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質之現況佳。 三、教師與園長在幼兒園品質信念的差異,係受到個人特徵的「教育程度和幼教服務年資」之交互影響。 四、「幼稚園屬性」是形成教師的幼兒園品質信念差異之主要的幼兒園特徵;而「生師比」是形成園長的幼兒園品質信念差異之主要的幼兒園特徵。 五、教師、園長的幼兒園品質信念與幼兒園品質之相關均不高。 六、教師與園長在內、外部導向幼兒園品質信念之差異,僅表現在外部導向幼兒園品質信念之差異上。 七、教師與園長的內、外部導向幼兒園品質信念之一致性,與幼兒園品質無關。 八、幼兒園品質的差異,係受到「幼稚園屬性與幼稚園規模」之交互影響,以及「幼稚園規模與生師比」之交互影響。 最後研究者根據結論,就幼兒園品質之實務面與後續研究方向提出具體的建議,以期對未來幼教的發展有所助益。 / Research has shown that high ECE program quality has great effect on children’s developmental outcomes, and the concept of ECE program quality evolving over time has extended its contents from internal-oriented to external-oriented. As a result, defining and measuring ECE program quality has become an important issue, both in theory and practice. The purpose of this study is fourfold: (a) to identify the dimensions of both ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality, (b) to examine the relations between directors’ and teachers’ ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality in their own kindergarten programs, (c) to ascertain the influence of related factors, and (d) to compare the difference between directors and teachers’ ECE program quality belief, both in internal-oriented and external-oriented ECE program quality belief. For achieving this purpose, this study developed the ECE program quality questionnaire to conduct mailed surveys in a sample of 347 kindergartens in Taipei city, and the data was analyzed with SPSS 13.0 to find possible significances. The conclusions are as follows: 1.This study developed the ECE program quality questionnaire which included both ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality scale. 2.This study revealed that both ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality in Taipei kindergarten programs were good. 3.This study showed that when it came to staff characteristics, the interaction of education level and staffing experience had effects on the difference in both directors’ and teachers’ ECE program quality beliefs. 4.This study indicated that the program attribute was the main program characteristics in the difference between teachers’ ECE program quality beliefs; but to directors, the child: teacher ratio mattered in the difference between directors’ ECE program quality beliefs. 5.This study demonstrated modest relations between both directors’ and teachers’ ECE program quality belief and ECE program quality in their own kindergarten programs. 6.This study showed that teachers and directors had differences in external-oriented ECE program quality beliefs, but not in internal-oriented beliefs. 7.This study showed that the consistency of both directors’ and teachers’ internal and external-oriented ECE program quality belief had no relations with ECE program quality. 8.This study showed that both the interaction of program size and program attribute, and the interaction of program size and child: teacher ratio had effects on the differences in ECE program quality. Overall, findings from this study pointed to several relevant implications for the early childhood education practice and follow-up ECE program quality research.

幼兒氣質、親子關係與家長及教師眼中的幼兒情緒調節能力之關係研究 / Correlational study of children's temperament, parent-child relationship and children's emotion regulation;"幼兒氣質親子關係與家長及教師眼中的幼兒情緒調節能力之關係研究"

楊月明 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

幼兒年齡、家庭因素、課外活動與社會行為之相關研究 / 幼兒年齡家庭因素課外活動與社會行為之相關研究;"Correlational study of age, family factors, extra-curricular activities and children's social behavior"

李煒珊 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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