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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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吳蕙妤 Unknown Date (has links)


葉俐均 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的,是透過一位幼兒舞蹈教師的專業發展歷程來瞭解其教學內涵。研究問題在探討個案舞蹈教師進行創造性舞蹈教學的教學內涵,以及她專業發展的內涵與歷程,還有影響其發展的因素。本研究採取個案研究,探討一名教學經歷十一年之幼兒舞蹈教師(彩蝶老師),藉由訪談彩蝶老師,輔以觀察看課,和文件檔案的蒐集。其研究結果如下: 一、進行創造性舞蹈教學者必備以下知能: (一)專業知識:清楚教學目標、瞭解舞蹈元素內涵、擁有基本的音樂素養。 (二)專業能力:針對學生年齡層與其發展階段設計課程、以生動活潑之言語舉例來引發學生的想像力、善用教具豐富教學內容、以多元化的方式評量學生的學習成果、教師進行教學自評之後修正教學。 (三)專業精神:重視師生彼此的互動、教師為引導者的角色、教師的教學態度為開放、鼓勵的。 二、彩蝶老師的專業發展歷程共經六個階段 彩蝶老師的專業發展歷程追溯至職前階段,從習舞過程即開始發展專業精神。個 人的成長以及師資培育階段都會對教師的專業發展造成影響。彩蝶老師在每一個階段所扮演的角色以及關注焦點的不同而依序歷經醞釀、學習、成長、挑戰與蟄伏階段,目前正在成熟階段中持續發展。 三、影響彩蝶老師專業發展主要有個人與環境二大因素 (一)個人因素:主要的教學理念為-愛小孩、高度教學熱忱與隨時保持察覺反省能力;擁有心胸開放、包容性強與勇於追夢的人格特質;家人提供民主且溫暖的家庭教育環境使其成長、啟蒙舞蹈教育之舞蹈教師為舞蹈教學之楷模與追隨榜樣、「九二一專案」為關鍵事件讓她人生價值觀有所改變。 (二)環境因素:組織的工作量過大、加上進修制度健全促使她在合宜的時間點出國進修;台灣舞蹈教育環境文獻資料的缺乏,尚有許多發展空間使其想要在舞蹈教育界發揮更大的影響力。 最後根據研究發現與結論,對舞蹈教育工作者、師資培育機構及未來研究提出建議。

學前幼兒媒體素養教學手冊之發展 / Developing the handbook for teaching media literacy in preschool

賴慧玲, Lai, Huei-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在研發我國大班幼兒媒體素養教育教師教學手冊,以做為未 來實施媒體素養教育課程之參考方向。藉由實際事件的舉例與可試行的教學活動解說,期望幼教老師在讀完教學手冊後,能瞭解幼兒媒體素養教育的意涵與重要性,並且依照個人教學需求進行幼兒媒體素養相關概念的引導活動。 本手冊發展歷程首先整理台灣、英國、美國、澳洲、加拿大國家幼兒階段的 媒體素養學習內涵、訪談幼稚園教師以瞭解幼兒媒體經驗、教師感知媒體素養之現況,再根據文獻與訪談的分析結果撰寫手冊,初稿完成後分別以問卷與訪談的方式針對手冊內容進行專家評鑑,整體發現手冊初稿的設計,尤其是教學活動範例的部分,皆較適用於已經具備或熟稔媒體素養知能的幼教老師,對一般不具備傳播教育背景與未曾涉獵相關概念的老師來說使用性較低,最後根據修改建議完成修訂版手冊內容,主要以現場問題為導向,來說明與媒體素養可以連結的部分與可參考的活動及提問方式,涵蓋「閱聽人」、「媒體再現」與「媒體文本」三個面向的學習活動,此外更強調的是讓教師明瞭遇到哪些機會點可以進行媒體素養教育與需掌握的要領(詳見第四章第四節)。 在手冊研發歷程中同時探討幼稚園教師感知幼兒使用媒體的情況、師生一同 使用媒體的狀況、幼師對媒體素養理解狀況與態度。結果發現教師即使進行的教學內容有部分會談論到與媒體內容有關的議題,也鮮少涉及媒體素養的核心概念與面向,再則是如果要針對媒體訊息內容討論必是與原先課程主題極為相關,或是此訊息對幼兒產生不當的影響需要進行全班性的解說與勸導。而雖然教師多贊成可以在幼稚園進行媒體素養教學,但是包括教師本身的認知與態度、幼兒的能力與發展,還有家庭的配合都是需詳加考量的部分。 最後根據本研究所探討的內容、研究結論與限制,提出研究建議,以供教育 行政機關、媒體素養推動機構、師資培育機構、幼稚園與教師、家長及未來相關研究之參考。 / This research aims to develop a handbook for teaching media literacy in preschool. By using examples of real events and feasible teaching activities, we hope teachers could realize the importance of media literacy education for children and conduct media literacy activities on their own demands. This handbook was developed through the following process. First of all, we compared the content of media literacy learning in preschool of five countries, including Taiwan, UK, United States, Australia and Canada. Besides, we interviewed several kindergarten teachers to learn media usage of children and the perception of teachers regarding media literacy. Then we used the literature review and result of interviews to compose the handbook. Furthermore, the draft of handbook were evaluated by professionals. According to the evaluation, we found the handbook might be more useful for teachers with some knowledge of media literacy, and not for those without background knowledge of communication or media literacy. Therefore, the handbook was revised and re-designed by questions to explain the link between media literacy and relevant activities. These activities consist of three main parts, audience, media representation and media texts, with the emphasis on some good opportunities for media literacy education and the skills necessary for teaching media literacy. We also explored how children use media alone or with the teachers through the perception of kindergarten teachers, and the understanding of media literacy and attitudes of these teachers. As a result, we found these teachers may mention media related issues in their teaching, but seldom refer to the core concept of media literacy. In addition, only when the media messages are closely related to the original courses subjects or they may have some bad influences on children will these teachers use them. Moreover, although most teachers agree that media literacy could be contained in kindergarten education, there are still some concerns related to the attitudes and cognition of teachers, the ability and development of children and the support of family. Finally, based on the result of this research, we provided some suggestions for further research on media literacy education. We hope this could be useful for education administrations, institutions of media literacy education, teacher training institutions,kindergarten teachers, and parents.

臺北市公立幼兒園班級共同領導及其相關因素之研究 / A correlational study between classroom co-leadership and public pre-school education in taipei.

李文, Li, Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究方向在探究臺北市公立幼兒園班級共同領導相關因素之研究。本研究方法為文獻分析法、問卷調查法及訪談法,問卷調查樣本以臺北市公立幼兒園教師為研究對象,共441人,樣本回收353份,回收率達80.05%;樣本可用332份,可用率75.28%。研究工具採用自編之「臺北市公立幼兒園班級共同領導調查問卷」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析等方法進行深入分析探討。最後,依研究結果進行討論與結論建議。研究主要發現如下: 一、班級共同領導與班級共同教學內涵及其現況: 班級共同領導包括形塑目標、實施協作及班級共同教學;依序為實施協作88.3分、形塑目標87.9分、班級共同教學86分,其中以實施協作獲得分最高。 二、不同背景變項在班級共同領導之差異情形: 研究發現在性別、服務年資、園所所在地區有顯著差異,年齡、最高學歷、園所班級數沒有顯著差異。 三、班級共同領導之相關情形: 班級共同領導與班級共同教學間,呈顯著的高度正相關,班級共同教學各分向度中,以共同討論幼兒的事情,與班級共同領導之相關程度最高。 四、班級共同領導的預測情形: 達成班級共同領導四個預測變項,對整體班級共同教學,具有顯著的預測力。 / The main purpose of this research is to study in the classroom co-leadership relevant factors of public kindergarten in Taipei. The research methods used was literature review, questionnaires investigation, and interview. The research instrument was distributed to 441 kindergarten teachers in Taipei City and 332 valid samples were used in this study.The data obtained was interpreted by using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and Multiple Regression.This study finds reaches the following results: A. In the aspect of classroom co-leadership: 1. The teacher classroom co-leadership include : (1)Shape classes of common goal. (2)Implementation of the collaborative. (3)Classroom co-teaching. The perception of teachers were above average agreement of the three parts. For teachers, the best dimension is “Implementation of the collaborative” 2. Teachers’ sexual, years of service and location of school have significant influences on the teacher’s class co-leadership. But teachers’ age、highest educational degree and class number not have any significant influences. B.In the aspect of relationships among class co-leadership and classroom co-teaching: 1. There was positive correlation and regression existed among class co-leadership behavior and Reach classroom co-leadership. In the last part, the researcher, based on the findings, proposes some suggestions for the education authorities and the kindergarten teachers, and the future researchers, hoping to benefit the development of kindergarten education in the future.

蒙特梭利幼兒教育的幼兒就學準備度之研究 / The school readiness of montessori early childhood education

莊佳樺, Chuang, Chia Hua Unknown Date (has links)
蒙特梭利教育推行逾百年,至今屹立不搖,主要有賴蒙特梭利以科學方法發現了幼兒成長的原理和法則,其以幼兒為中心,將教學法劃分為三個要素: (1)預備的環境,(2)教師,(3)教具,透過三者相輔相成,引導幼兒學習。不過,蒙特梭利教育目前仍被視為另類教學,人們擔心蒙氏幼兒教育缺乏情感、創造力與人際互動的學習,並對蒙氏幼兒教育是否能與小學教育接軌感到疑慮。對此,中華民國蒙特梭利教師協會在2007年慶祝蒙特梭利教育100周年紀念特刊中指出許多追蹤研究顯示,蒙特梭利孩子除了在課業成績表現優異外,在主動學習、人際關係、情緒管理上也優於一般小孩。由於近十餘年來,「幼兒就學準備度」的觀念日趨重視,教育部正積極編訂的「幼兒園教保活動及課程大綱」也特別重視幼小銜接,因此,研究者將從幼兒就學準備的觀點,探討蒙特梭利教育。本研究首先採用文獻分析法探討蒙特梭利教育與就學準備度的共同脈絡,並依據探討之結果,建構「蒙特梭利教育與五歲幼兒就學準備度評量對照表」,進而運用問卷調查進行專家效度之檢視,以做對照表的修訂。接續研究者使用調查研究的方式,評量接受蒙特梭利教育之幼兒的就學準備度,將蒐集的資料進行統計及分析。本研究所使用的統計方法包含描述性統計分析、交叉表(Crosstabs)與卡方檢定(Chi-square test)、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson’s product -moment correlation)、斯皮爾曼等級相關(Spearman's rank correlation)、t考驗(t- test)與單因子變異數分析(one way ANOVA)。研究結論如下: 壹、蒙特梭利教育與五歲幼兒就學準備度評量對照表的對應度高,顯示五歲幼兒就學準備度評量表中所關心的幼兒行為能力,與蒙特梭利幼兒教育的教學內容高度相符。初步反映蒙特梭利教育的內容符合我國幼兒教育對幼兒基本能力之要求與發展,有利我國幼兒發展入小學前的就學準備。 貳、本研究所取樣就讀蒙特梭利幼兒園之幼兒,具有良好的就學準備度。 參、就學準備度差異存在於幼兒就讀/非就讀蒙特梭利幼兒園之間,其中以幼兒就讀蒙特梭利幼兒園之就學準備度較高。 肆、蒙特梭利兒童背景變項中,蒙特梭利幼稚園與托兒所在「健康與身體領域」、「認知數理邏輯與科學領域」的就學準備度達顯著差異;幼兒就讀蒙特梭利幼兒園年數與就學準備度無顯著相關;不同性別的蒙特梭利幼兒就學準備度無顯著差異。 伍、蒙特梭利教師背景變項中,蒙特梭利教師大班(含混齡)教學年資與「健康與身體領域」、「語言與溝通領域」、「認知數理邏輯與科學領域」、「認知文化藝術領域」、及「整體」的就學準備度有顯著正相關;蒙特梭利教師最高學歷與幼兒就學準備度有顯著正相關;不同蒙特梭利教師證照別之幼兒就學準備度無顯著差異。 最後,根據上述研究結論針對實務面以及未來研究提出建議。 / Montessori education has developed for over a century, mainly due to Montessori found the early childhood development principles and rules by the scientific method. She advocates child-centered,and there are three elements of Montessori education:(1)prepared environment, (2) teachers, (3) teaching aids, through the three to guide children's learning. However, in Taiwan, people worried about that Montessori education is lack of emotional, creativity , interpersonal learning, and the transition with primary education, therefore Montessori education is still being considered as an alternative education. In this regard, Montessori Teachers Association of the R.O.C pointed many longitudinal study shows that Montessori children perform better than the traditional-education children in many ways of academic achievements, active learning, interpersonal relationships, and emotional management. Nowadays, the concept of " school readiness " becomes more important, and the Ministry of Education is actively compiling the "Guidelines of Nursery Education Activities and Security Curriculum " which is particularly imply the importance of transition program. Thus, this study proposes to investigate Montessori education from the perspective of school readiness. First , researcher explored the common context of Montessori education and school readiness by document analysis, then based on the results to construct "The corresponding table of Montessori education and five-year-old children school readiness assessment “, and corrected the table by expert validity. Finally, assess the Montessori children's school readiness in actually. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, Crosstabs, Chi-square test, Pearson’s product -moment correlation, Spearman's rank correlation, t- test, and one way ANOVA. The results were summarized as follow: A."The corresponding table of Montessori education and five-year-old children school readiness assessment “ is highly corresponded, show they concerned the same capacity of children. Initially reflected Montessori education conform the basic development requirements of Taiwan early child education, and could help children get ready into primary school. B. Montessori children in this study sample get good school readiness. C. There is significant difference towards the school readiness between children study /non-study Montessori kindergarten. D. There is significant difference towards school readiness of “physical health and development domain”、”mathematical logic and cognitive science domain” between Montessori kindergartens and Montessori child care;there is no significant correlation between children’s school year in Montessori kindergarten and children’s school readiness;there is no significant difference towards the school readiness between boys and girls. E. There is significant correlation in “physical health and development domain”、”language and communicate domain”、” mathematical logic and cognitive science domain”、” cultural and artistic domain” and ” overall average” between school readiness and the years of teaching five-year classes (ambiguous age);there is significant correlation between school readiness and the highest degree of Montessori teachers;there is no significant difference towards the school readiness between the teachers with different Montessori teacher license.

幼兒閱讀成效與閱讀環境間之相關研究 / The Relationship Between Reading Environment and Reading Effectiveness in Early Childhood

田雅晴 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於探討家庭閱讀環境、教室閱讀環境與幼兒閱讀成效之關係,以及不同家庭社經地位之幼兒其幼兒閱讀成效之差異情形。幼兒閱讀成效在本研究為一整體的概念,包括幼兒閱讀態度、幼兒閱讀行為與幼兒閱讀能力(聲韻覺識、識字、閱讀理解)。 本研究以130位就讀台北市公立幼兒園大班五足歲幼兒及其父母與教師作為研究對象。事先發放家庭閱讀環境問卷、教室閱讀環境問卷請家長與教師填,學前兒童閱讀行為檢核表亦請家長與教師協助完成。最後為130位幼兒進行一對一個別施測(幼兒閱讀態度、幼兒閱讀能力─聲韻覺識、識字、閱讀理解)。 研究結果顯示,家庭社經地位高者,其幼兒的閱讀行為、聲韻覺識達顯著差異,但無論來自何種家庭社經地位,幼兒閱讀態度、識字與閱讀理解方面則無顯著差異。此外,家庭閱讀環境與幼兒閱讀成效間無顯著的相關性;教室閱讀環境其構面僅「教師對閱讀的支持」與幼兒閱讀行為達顯著相關,其他構面「閱讀空間及資源」、「閱讀課程與活動」、「同儕互動」與幼兒閱讀成效無顯著的相關性。 本研究針對統計結果進行分析與討論,並對家長、幼兒園教師及未來相關研究提供建議,期待能對幼兒閱讀成效在家庭閱讀環境、教室閱讀環境中的培養有所助益。 / The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship among home reading environment, kindergarten classroom reading environment and Child’s effects for reading, regardless of socio-economic status(SES).Their Child’s effects for reading includes young children reading attitudes, young children reading behavior and young children reading ability. Their literacy includes phonological awareness, word recognition, and reading comprehension. A total of 130 five-year-old young children and their teachers from public kindergartens participating in this study in Taipei, were given the Questionnaire of home reading environment and kindergarten classroom reading environment for their parents and teachers, and checklist of young children reading behavior for their parents and teachers. At last, individual test Child’s effects for reading one by one had been conducted (including young children reading attitudes, young children reading ability─phonological awareness, word recognition, and reading comprehension.). The results showed that the higher the socio-economic status, the better their young children reading behavior, and phonological awareness, but there is no differences in young children reading attitudes, word recognition, and reading comprehension. In addition, the home reading environment and child’s effects for reading have no significant correlation. The kindergarten classroom reading environments and child’s effects for reading have no statistically significantly relationship, only 「Support-to-read teaches」and young children reading behavior have statistically significant relationship. In this study, statistical analysis of the results and discussion for parents, kindergarten teachers and future research recommendations, is looking forward to helping Child’s effects for reading in the home reading environment and kindergarten classroom reading environment.

幼兒園教師協力工作塑造之研究 / A Study of Collaborative Job Crafting of Preschool Teachers

陳易君, Chen, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
自《幼稚教育法》推動以來,我國幼兒園開始採用每班安置教師二人,由兩位教師共同經營一個班級的做法。過去不少研究發現,合班關係有其效能及其必要性。因此,合班的教師如何建立有效的合班關係,並從中得益自我實踐成為重要的研究課題。   因為幼兒園工作環境充滿變化性、不確定性與壓力,加上教師們皆具有專業的背景以及在工作執行上擁有許多的彈性與自主權,學者們認為幼兒園合班關係,可以採用協力工作塑造的概念,進一步昇華幼兒園合班關係。Leana,Appelbaum,& Shevchuk (2009)就提出,幼兒園教師的協力工作塑造,有助於確保幼教現場的教學品質,除了對生手教師來說,有助於提升其工作成效,對熟手教師來說,也能夠協助提升其工作附加價值。   因此,本研究以質性研究方法,立意取樣三對獲得「教學卓越獎」的合班教師搭檔進行半結構式訪談,了解幼兒教師在合班關係中協力工作塑造的樣貌,包含幼兒園面臨問題時的解決與創新、工作職責與人際溝通之間的協調,以及自我認同等實務及歷程;待回收研究相關資料後,運用質化資料分析軟體MAXQDA進行訪談資料的分析,並進行編碼、整理與分析,以了解並探究本研究之待答問題。最後,透由訪談內容以質性研究方式歸納剖析其協力工作塑造之歷程與實務內涵。   研究結果發現,在協力工作塑造的歷程,可以分為四階段,分別為第一階段關係塑造、第二階段團隊建立、第三階段職責塑造與創新階段、第四階段為認同塑造。各個階段皆有其關鍵要件,在關係塑造的關鍵有四(含歷程性),為相互尊重、了解、欣賞、互信與學習;團隊建立階段為從個人至協力合作;職責塑造與創新階段為一動態歷程,視幼兒、雙方與班級學習情況而萌發;認同塑造的關鍵為自我認同的再強化、從自我認同到團隊認同。進而討論,協力工作塑造之概念於組織、團隊及個人之關係。

獨輪車在幼兒園內的教育意涵 -奎山幼兒園幼童搬運牛奶日常活動的影像分析 / Educational Meaning of Wheelbarrow in Kindergarten - Documentary Analysis to Children’s Daily Activity of Delivering the Milk in Kui-Shan Preschool

曾舒萍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過解析與詮釋奎山幼兒園幼童使用獨輪車來搬運牛奶的日常活動影片,來理解「獨輪車」存在於幼兒園的教育意涵。具體而言,即是以幼童透過使用獨輪車搬運牛奶的日常活動經驗為研究對象,探討該經驗如何在幼童的身體知覺、社會互動關係、勞動的身體經驗等面向上帶來學習。研究方法採「影像解讀分析」及「個人經驗訪談」兩個部分進行,前者主要從拍攝的12部幼童使用獨輪車搬運牛奶活動影片中選取其中具代表性的3部影片進行影像微觀解析;後者則訪談從奎山幼兒園直升至小學部三年級、六年級的學生各3名,共計6名,回觀其個人使用「獨輪車」之主觀經驗整。透過爬梳奎山學校歷史及創辦人熊慧英的「社會化統整性活動課程」教育理念,以及「獨輪車」在人類生活歷史演化圖像作為本研究之參照背景,以理解奎山幼兒園每日由3名幼童協同用獨輪車,在長達近400公尺的路途中為全班將「牛奶」搬回活動室的複雜任務,對幼童學習與發展的教育意涵。在資料解析與詮釋後,研究結果讓我們認識孩童共同協力推動「獨輪車」中,過程中的「衝突」將可帶來孩童間群性關係的拓展(合作、協商、解決問題)及養成觀點取替的能力;而為了能推動笨重難行的獨輪車,用力的同時孩童的身體自然會產生需要達成平衡的知覺;而象徵人類身體勞動經驗的「獨輪車」也在服務他者的搬運中,讓孩童完成以「勞動身體」作為認識自我的途徑,此也是熊慧英推動「社會化統整性活動課程」以建構幼童健全人格之教育目標所強調的一環。 / By analyzing and interpreting the documentaries of Kuei-shan Kindergarten which let children use wheelbarrow to transport milk, this thesis illustrates the educational meaning of wheelbarrow’s existence. Generally speaking, by using the daily practice of transporting milk by wheelbarrow, the study try to examine the learning process in different aspects, such as children’s perception, children’s social interaction and laboring’s body experience. First of all, from the perspective of wheelbarrow’s cultural history to clarify the symbolization of human laboring. In the second place, by introducing Kuei-shan Kindergarten’s 51 years history and the founder (Miss Xiong Hui-Ying)’s background, to demonstrate how she established “Socialize Integrated Curriculum ” through experiments. “Socialize Integrated Curriculum” use transporting milk as an example, to accomplish such difficult work, the three children cooperate with each other to transport the milk back to their classroom daily by nearly 400 meters way. In other words, by making 12 documentaries of how children transport milk by wheelbarrow, I observed the educational meaning of this daily practice. Then I picked 3 documentaries to analyze and interpret my observation. Furthermore, through the interview with 6 Kuei-shan elementary school students (3 from the third grade, 3 from the sixth grade) who graduated from Kuei-shan Kindergarten, I review the educational meaning of the practice. To sum up, the study suggests that Kindergartens should help children construct personality through “Socialize Integrated Curriculum ”,including perception, challenge, labor and sociability, in order to fulfill modern children’s needs. Key words: Child, Body of labor, Social Interaction,Sociability,Socialize Integrated Curriculum , wheelbarrow

臺北市幼兒園家長對男性幼教師在幼兒園任職角色接受度之調查研究 / The study of investigation of the acceptance of male teachers’ occupational roles in kindergarten. A case study of parents of kids in kindergarten.

周麗珍, Chou, Li Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市幼兒園家長對男性幼教師專業素養的認同度及在幼兒園任職角色的接受度。本研究採問卷調查法,問卷調查樣本以臺北市十二行政區共十五所幼兒園,含國小附設幼兒園、市立幼兒園、公辦民營幼兒園及私立幼兒園。共計抽取450位幼兒園家長,樣本回收418份,回收率為92.88%;樣本可用405份,可用率90%。研究工具包含自編之「臺北市幼兒園家長對男性幼教師專業素養與任職角色之調查研究」。本研究統計方法包含描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析。研究結果顯示家長教育程度與子女就讀幼兒園所在行政區及園所類型在家長對男性幼教師專業素養認同度、任職角色接受度及在自己子女就讀之幼兒園任職角色接受度等構面有顯著影響;子女就讀之幼兒園內是否有男性幼教師任職,會影響家長對男性幼教師在幼兒園任職的接受度。由研究結果得知,男性幼教師的專業能力是得到肯定的,但仍必須仰賴實際的接觸經驗與相關資訊的透明化,因此男性幼教師需要政府的相關協助包括獎助學金與保障就業等,方能有投入幼教環境的動機,幼兒園主管機關則必須藉由教學分享平台、教學觀摩與親師溝通平台等方式讓男性幼教師能與女性幼教師及家長密切交流,減低家長對男性幼教師的疑慮並增進對男性幼教師的肯定。本研究係以台北市為研究範圍,且僅以問卷調查評估男性幼教師的專業接受度,建議未來研究可將範圍擴大,及可採取質性訪談方式,以訪談或者開放性問卷等方式取得資料,並將研究對象擴及幼兒園管理階層與女性幼教師等層次。 / The study aims to explore the identity of male kindergartens teachers professionalism and their occupational roles in respect to their acceptance by the parents of kids. This study conducts questionnaire solicitation from fifteen kindergartens in twelve districts in Taipei City. 418 sampling questionnaires were collected from a total of selective 450 parents of kindergarten kids. Among those samples 405 are used for this research study. The feedback rate is 92.88% and the available rate is 90%. The fundamental research tools include "The Survey of Professionalism and Occupational Role on Male Kindergarten Teachers by Parents of Preschool Kids in Taipei", which was originated by author. The adopted statistic methods are descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlations and multi-step regressions. The conclusion of study can be summarized as follows. The education degree of parents, the districts where kids studied and the pattern of kindergarten affect significantly in recognition of professionalism on male kindergarten teachers, acceptance of occupational role and acceptance of occupational role in the kindergartens kids studied. Besides, the male teachers are in kindergarten or not affected the acceptance of occupational role in kindergarten kids studied in. According to the results, the abilities of male teachers is approved. But the acceptance is still restricted by the experiences of parents and the information they received. Thus, the government can offer guarantee, awards and subsidy to promote male teachers; institutions of preschool teacher education and kindergartens management can create teaching platform and communication platforms, host teaching observation to promote the interaction between parents, male and female teachers. Due to the sample region restricted in Taipei, the researchers can increase the regions and choose Stratified random sampling. Besides, because other professional domains in male kindergarten teachers and the view of male teachers in female teachers are not the content in the research, they can be added in the framework in the future. The future researcher can adopt qualitative research method and increase open questionnaires for parents, and collect dynamic data. Finally, the management in kindergartens, female teachers and male teachers can be added to the object of study.


許惠欣, Xu, Hui-Xin Unknown Date (has links)
本文僅一冊,約八萬字,共分五章: 第一章 緒論。共分四節:第一節為「研究動機」;第二節為「研究目的」;第三節  為「研究範圍」;第四節為「研究方法」。由於蒙氏對幼兒教育有獨特的原理與方法 ,它解決筆者心中的疑難,如同我的知音、良友與內在的導師,故筆者選擇蒙特梭利 來奠定自己的幼教理論基礎。更希望藉闡揚其學說作為我國實施幼教上的一點指南。 讓幼教人士與父母了解幼年的特徵,工作對幼兒發展的重要性,如何實施幼兒教育等 。 第二章 生平與著作。由於蒙氏是位科學家(醫生),具有獨特的見解,與無窮的創 造力,故筆者以創造思維之四歷程來描繪蒙氏的一生。第一節為「預備階段」,敘述 蒙氏自幼時至得到醫學博士學位間的經歷與其獨特的人格特質;第二節為「醞釀階段 」,敘述蒙氏在羅馬大學附設之精神病診療所與國立特殊學校之工作體驗與心得;第 三節為「啟明階段」,敘述蒙氏在兒童之家之實驗研究與發現;第四節為「驗證階段 」,敘述蒙氏如何到各地宣傳自己的學說與其自己不斷的研究著作的結晶;第五節則 簡介蒙氏著作。 第三章 教育學說。第一節為「思想淵源」,主要以法國醫生伊塔與塞根二人之理論 、研究來論述。第二節為「教育原理」,以工作哲學思想來論述,將蒙氏之工作思想 與幼兒工作之自然法則加以詳盡的闡述。第三節為「蒙特梭利教學法」,說明蒙氏如 何以兒童為中心,將其預備環境、教具與指導員三者如何妥善安排,致使幼兒之身心 得以健全發展。 第四章 蒙氏教育學說在現代幼兒心理與教育研究上之地位。筆者循四方面來探討。 第一節為「蒙氏學說何以在美國復甦」;第二節為「蒙氏學說在現代幼兒心理學研究 上之角色」;第三節為「蒙氏學說在現代幼兒教育研究上之角色」;第四節為「美國 蒙特梭利學校之實施研究」。 第五章 結論。筆者以二節(第一節為:蒙氏教育學說之優劣;第二節為蒙氏學說應 用於我國幼教上可能遭遇的困難)來探討蒙氏教育學說在我國幼教上之可行性。

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