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平衡計分卡在組織之整合與綜效研究 -以某會計師事務所為例盧繼剛, Lu, Chi Kang Unknown Date (has links)
對後續可進行研究建議除個案繼續推展平衡計分卡外,可對導入過程加強整合性綜效評估、探討主管領導文化的影響、執行平衡計分卡與人力資源相關探討及與其他管理制度的結合等進行研究。 / CPA firm will meet a significant challenge while approaching the new economic era under the bombing on knowledge and global economy development. Moreover, the increasing on operation risk of CPA firm is a result of rapid shift to business environment and regulation as well as raising the requirement of professional ethic. With the peer competition by cutting price and outsourcing to book keepers, the way of development the CPA firm at the medium size with limited resources is becoming important.
The study is based on the particular CPA firm to implement the balanced scorecard and strategy maps for both business and business support departments. In addition to the cause-effect analysis, also keep on the focus on the way of being conjunct with strategy and the balanced scorecard for the business department as well as the way of evaluating the deliberation for the business support department. Much of the study is for integration on organization along with overall effect analysis, including the synergy of organization and management.
The study by utilizing the balanced scorecard has been led to the synergy of establishing the business strategy, setting up the control process and aiding at client value. The communication among the departments of CPA firm become smoothly. The behavior of the staffs in the CPA firm has been changed although they are unable to recognize the value of the balanced scorecard. For example, Human resource department will pay more attention on the emotion response and professional training for auditors. The balanced scorecard aims at the other than for different management systems for making the adjustment of management system.
Such study will contribute alignment and connection the advance study for the implement of the balanced scorecard, the synergy on integration of execution, the impact on leadership as well as combination of human resource and other management system.
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中華郵政股份有限公司績效評估之研究-兼論民營化之可行性分析 / A Study on the Efficiency Evaluation and Privatization Feasibility of Chung Hwa Post Co.,Ltd.陳秀珍, Chen, Hsiu-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
評估是鑑往知來的控制與考核機制,績效評估指標之良窳,對組織之評估結果影響深遠,故本研究試以平衡計分卡為重要工具,為中華郵政量身訂做一份以顧客面為重心的顧客關係管理的策略地圖,希望能提供高層長官與主管機關評估機制之參考。本文將透過研究結果作成建議,以作為未來郵政營運或進一步改革之參考。 / With the trend and impact of globalization, diversification, and various customizations in low quantity, Chung Hwa Post (CHP) has adjusted its management strategies to make shift in the hope that it can keep on sustainable business. Since CHP was established, it not only has positioned itself as a government agency responsible for completing policy assignments but also has run its business with the principle of customer orientation and the perception of sustainable management. And its overall goals are to pursue reasonable profits and to expand prosperous business. Therefore, it is a corporation combining service, commerce and supporter of nation’s finance. After CHP makes reforms, it aims to make the best use of manpower to intensify nationwide policy services extending to the outlying islands for making sure of service popularity through the ways of economies of scope and resource sharing. Now, CHP is making efforts to complete this vision. Besides, the study also concerns how to make state-owned-firm have distinguishing features with gaining profits and offering services under the pressure of competitive market. Consequently, a performance evaluation not only reviews profits, but also assets organization learning, customer service etc. To establish a completed managerial module of sustainable development, all the above factors should be taken into consideration when making evaluations.
With the methods of document research and deep interview, this study focuses on the business operation by CHP. It starts with setting a vision and goals for CHP, considering the exterior conditions, investigating the present management condition, checking the challenges and difficulties, confirming all the resources inside and outside the company and its competitive advantages. Then, it further adapts the approach of quality systematization and analysis, and finally makes a simultaneous comparison of difference among postal delivery, savings, and insurance services etc. As to the time period researched in this study, the writer compares the differences of the management conditions between pre-corporatization and post-corporationization stages from New Year’s Day in 1993. Due to the ever-changing markets and increasing difficulties in running businesses, CHP adapts the balanced scorecard instead of the former management style focusing on the financial direction. Hence, the implementation results of five new strategies such as enterprise-style management, business diversification, capital-operation effectiveness, diversified services, and reasonable manpower distribution will be examined and discussed. Meanwhile the comparison between the two stages can help CHP develop more prosperous vision. Furthermore, the possibility of privatization-of state-owned-firm is evaluated from deeper and broader aspects.
As requested, all the interview outlines, including different fields such as customers, organization learning, interior business processes, finance, vision, privatization, remote districts service, are designed in terms of different class of people ranging from government, the Post decision-making, the Post business performance, relevant institution, and customer level. Through complete and exact organization and analysis for all the data from the interviewees, the writer will offer useful evidence to help determine whether or not privatization is effective for use in CHP.
Evaluation is a useful and effective measurement to know the past and the future. Whether the performance evaluation index is valid relation to the influence over a corporation. This study uses the tools of balanced scorecard to make strategy maps focusing on the relation to customers, which can be for the authorities and top director’s references. Finally, the research results will offer some suggestions to further postal reforms.
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社會企業經營風險暨管理架構之探討黃照元 Unknown Date (has links)
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平衡計分卡之研究 / AStrategic Management Tool: Research of Balanced Scorecard洪靜嫻 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟與網際網路的迅速發展,全球經濟、政治、社會、教育、科技、文化等環境均產生重大改變,面對以知識為本,以「創新、速度、價值」為核心的新經濟型態,國際間各企業、政府機構及非營利組織,受到此知識經濟的衝擊,及競爭的壓力,必須調整傳統的角色,以策略性的管理思考邏輯,應用新的策略及執行策略創造新的市場機會與價值,以增加競爭力。在知識經濟時代的企業,不能再以傳統的財務性指標來衡量其營運績效,員工知識、顧客與供應商的關係與企業創新文化等無形資產是現代企業創造價值的關鍵因素,企業目標亦由過去的追求利潤提升為價值的創造活動,因此需要一個完善的策略管理制度。由哈佛大學教授羅伯.柯普朗(Robert Kaplan)與諾朗諾頓研究所(Norton Institute)最高執行長(CEO)大衛.諾頓(David Norton)所共同發展出來的「平衡計分卡」即是對於知識經濟中的組織,所提出的一種多面向策略管理的工具,且不同於以往單一面向的績效評估方式,平衡計分卡是用多面向的評估標準,使組織對於各面向能夠均衡的掌握,成為各企業推崇的策略管理工具。
關鍵字:策略管理(Strategy Management)
平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard)
策略核心組織(Strategy Focused Organization)
策略地圖(Strategy maps)
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航空警察局出境安全檢查導入平衡計分卡之探討 / The study of Balanced Scorecard be introduced to the outbound screening by the Aviation Police Office黃藻鐃, Huang, Tzao-Nau Unknown Date (has links)
平衡計分卡在1992年首先由Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton提出後,即受到各界矚目。它具有:策略管理、溝通告知、學習回饋和績效衡量等特性,可以協助組織彌合策略規劃與策略實施之間的斷層,使策略的執行更為成功,為組織創造綜效。
關於值得後續研究的內容,包括:機場安檢相關的工作、機場安檢執行權責歸屬、和機場安檢有關的因素、檢查時機的界定、安檢工作和其他檢查項目的釐清、出境安檢平衡計分卡其他構成要件等。 / International Civil Aviation Organization has been overtly modified the standard of the airport screening several times since the wake of the 11 September 2001 Tragedy (also known as 911 accident). Ever since almost all airports’ authorities take more harsh measures to tighten up their security check. At the trend of antiterrorism, the Aviation Police Office currently faces not only tough challenges from outside but also some inner dilemmas such as budget deficit, organization renovation and understaffed, promotion, to name just a few. Under such difficult situation, how to utilize the finite sources to obtain the maximum performance of screening should be the top priority concern for the Aviation Police Office.
It has been the cynosure in all circles of world since Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton introduced the Balanced Scorecard in 1992. The contains of the Balanced Scorecard is composed of strategy management, notice of communication, feedback of learning, and evaluation of performance, etc. It is able to help us to narrow the gap between the strategy planning and the strategy enforcement, and makes the strategy work be easy done. Finally, it is going to create the best synergy for organization.
This dissertation mainly applied the “in-depth interview” method and adopted the Balanced Scorecard simultaneously in order to reach the follow results. Such as: to realize what’s the expectation of the chiefs those who are charged with security check, to interpret the strategy’s goal of the airport screening, and to draw a Strategy Map for the future outbound screening. By using the tool of the strategy management of the Balanced Scorecard is able to integrate organization’s resources, then focuses on critical functions to expand the executive enforcement and create the best synergy of screening.
This study has found two facts which that most chiefs of the Aviation police Office don’t have the faintest idea about the Balanced Scorecard, even through academic fields seem like to be some misunderstanding over it.
Actually, both the security demands and the facilitation demands are well compatible. Under this premise, the Aviation Police Office should make efforts to let those demands be met from now. There some ways are feasible to be adopted such as: to allocate more budgets and allow to consume flexibly, to procure more sophisticated screening equipment and set standard of procedure to follow, to widen the promotion channel and enhance professional capability, etc. The Balanced Scorecard could be adopted not only to integrate the administration sectors but also to be the bridge between the govern ment department and the representative department.
There still left a lot of issues behind which are worthy of us doing further research, just name a few as below: What job is interrelated with airport screening? Which authority should take the responsibility and accountability of airport screening? Which factors are related to airport screening? When is the timing of screening and how to define it? What’s the difference between scr- eening and security check? Whether the Balanced Scorecard has other functions could be applied over the outbound screening?
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永續發展策略之探討-以拜耳為例 / A Study on Strategy of Sustainable Development - A Case on Bayer葉雅婷, Yeh, Ya Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究參採Baumgartner and Ebner(2010)所提出之永續策略發展成熟度分析架構,嘗試將平衡計分卡及策略地圖之策略管理概念,應用於分析永續策略。本研究透過對個案企業之永續策略定位與管理、利害關係人參與流程及對企業經營策略具關鍵影響力的永續策略議題的分析,探討企業經營策略與永續策略之關聯,並進一步歸納發展企業導入永續策略的架構與步驟。本研究以拜耳作為個案分析對象,獲得以下主要發現:
二、企業導入永續策略時,必須辨識與企業攸關之永續發展驅策力,並以企業之核心營運項目為思考起點,進行永續策略的定位與發展。其中,利害關係人的管理,以及有效辨識對企業經營策略具關鍵影響力的永續策略議題,係導入永續策略的重要步驟。 / Businesses nowadays pay more and more attention to sustainable development related issues, especially the impact from sustainability megaforces. Many benchmark enterprises have integrated sustainable development issues into their business development strategies in response to those risks raised from sustainability megaforces. Not only to aggressively take advantages of business opportunities come from sustainable development issues but to increase enterprise value and create higher stakeholder returns. Under the impact of sustainability megaforces, how enterprises develop sustainable strategies in response to the risks and meanwhile hold the opportunities are non-neglectable and critical management topics.
This paper refers to the maturity levels of sustainability strategy defined from Baumgartner and Ebner (2010), and tries to apply the strategic management concepts of Balance Scorecard and Strategy Map to analyze sustainability strategy. The primary aim of this paper is to eveluate the relationship between business strategy and sustainability strategy and further identify the framework and steps to implement sustainability strategies by analyzing the case’s positioning and management of sustainability strategy, stakeholder engagement process, and material sustainability strategy issues which have critical impacts to business strategy. This paper takes Bayer Group as the case study and has the below main findings:
1.Sustainability strategy is critical and indispensable to business strategy. Sustainability strategy can not only help business increase the performance of operating strategy but also create long-term value.
2.Enterprises have to identify the key sustainability megaforces relevant to business when developing sustainability strategy, and base on their core business to position and develop sustainability strategy. Important steps of implementing sustainability strategy include stakeholder management and the effectiveness of identifying material sustainability strategy issues which have critical impacts to business strategy.
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平衡計分卡之推行及平台的建立-以某被動元件公司為例 / The implementation of the BSC and establishment of the platform:A case study of a passive components designer and manufacturer羅文豪, Lo, Wen Hao Unknown Date (has links)
管理會計是依照現行現象產生數據來做管理依據.其中以平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard, BSC)為公認最具效力之管理工具,近年來在國內亦開始受到企業界之注意。但管理會計推廣及執行到位並成功運用者更為少數。本研究將以國內一被動元件製造商做為研究對象,利用個案研究之方式,探討平衡計分卡制度導入初期及策略地圖的產出過程。
本研究將導入過程分為「導入前評估」、「實施計畫及進度規劃」、「策略形成」、「策略圖架構」、「衡量指標設計」、「行動方案規劃」等六大部分,依照過程來顯現策略地圖的產出,部門溝同平台的建立,勾畫出公司體系的共同語言,建立共同的目標,已達到事業推廣的策略行為. / Lots of management tools on the market , they are also the key element to affect the Enterprise competitiveness . Management tools ( Regulations , Goal Management , Performance Assessment , Career Management , ISO9000 quality management system , and so on ) enhance the efficiency in the stability and standard of organization management and also has obvious promotion .
Management tools ex: Enterprise strategy tool , Leadership tools , Human resource tool , Sales and marketing tool , Operating tool , Financial tool, Carrier Management tool .
Management accounting is based on the data occurred by the current condition . The balanced scorecard ( BSC ) is acknowledged to be the most powerful management tool and also starts to be noticed by the enterprises in recent years . But only few people can promote and implement it successfully .
This thesis conducts a case study of an EMI components manufacturer implementing the balanced scorecard and forming the strategy map .
The steps of implementing the balance scorecard include analyzing demand , planning project, forming strategy , instituting strategy map , designing KPI and scheduling actions. Following these steps to institute the strategy map , establish the communication platform between departments , form the common language , set the same goal to achieve the strategy of the business extension .
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平衡計分卡應用於就業安定基金運作及管理之探討 / A study on the application of Balanced Scorecard in the Employment Stabilization fund溫秀琴, Win, Shu-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
一、 就安基金之經費執行與成果和上級之使命、願景及施政目標的關聯性有待強化。
二、 就安基金管理會屬任務編組,組織層級低且欠缺專責經營團隊。
三、 就安基金經費運用符合法定設置目的,惟較欠缺中、長程之規劃,資源分配模式有待調整。
四、 就安基金之績效評核機制與績效衡量指標,欠缺考量非財務性之領先指標及顧客回饋指標,無法有效指引成員朝向使命達成的方向前進。
就前述研究結果,本研究嘗試引用平衡計分卡之觀念與精神,對於附設於政府組織下之就安基金管理會,提出建議性之績效評估及管理架構與策略地圖,以作為協助就安基金管理會建構「以策略為核心」運作機制與績效管理之參考。 / The Employment Stabilization Fund (the Fund) is a special fund under the category of governmental funds. The Fund has been an importance resource for the Council of Labor Affairs in promoting domestic employment. The economic downturn and financial tsunami in recent years has severe impacts on Taiwan’s economy. Th shutdown of companies has resulted in the decrease in sources for funding from taxation for government and an increase in domestic unemployment. The Management Council Employment Stabilization Fund (the Management Council), formed as a task force under the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, the Council of Labor Affairs (the Bureau), is responsible for the performance of the Fund. As an important resource for promotion of domestic employment, the effective and efficient use of the Fund is essential.
Using a case study approach, this thesis analyzes the operation and performance related issues with respect to the Fund. Literature review, the collection of secondary data and in-depth interview has contributed to findings in this study. The major findings of the current operation and management of the Fund are as follows.
1. The linkage between the allocation of funding and mission and policy of the Bureau needs to be enhanced.
2. Operation team should be formed with a higher hierarchy for the Management Council.
3. The allocation of funding is in compliance with the designated uses of the Fund. However, the mid-range and long-range planning is also required to enhance a more effective and efficient use of the Fund.
4. There appears room for improvement of performance management system. Non-financial leading measures such as feedback indicators from service recipients of the agency is not included in the current evaluation system.
Based on the findings above and the concepts of the balanced scorecard, this thesis provides a performance management framework for the Fund. The suggestions include a better link between the use of the Fund and the mission of the Bureau, the operation and management action strategy of the Management Council, and the strategy map for the Fund.
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平衡計分卡管理制度之設計及應用—以IC設計業為研究對象黃俊程, Harry Huang Unknown Date (has links)
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企業整體資訊流程能力之評估模式劉家佑, Liu, Chia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在.com泡沫化之前,企業均對資訊科技做巨幅的投資,以為投資在資訊科技或是企業資訊系統就會帶給企業龐大的利潤。但在最近幾年的一些研究(Carr, 2003)顯示,企業大量投資於資訊科技以及資訊系統,卻未必對應企業就能因此而獲利,企業高階管理者必須瞭解資訊科技與競爭優勢之間的成本效益關係,這些問題值得企業主管們審慎的去思考。
Step 1:先以企業整體資訊流程作為評估的基礎,分析企業整體資訊流程。Step 2:分辨企業的識別流程、優先流程、背景流程以及強制流程,瞭解企
Step 3:利用企業顧客價值主張以及企業內部流程構面來評估企業識別、流程和優先流程目標。
Step 4:繪製企業的策略地圖,判斷企業的流程能力是否和企業策略相符合。
Step 5:分析企業目前使用的資訊系統所能提升的流程能力,瞭解資訊系統對企業策略的影響。
Step 6:根據企業的策略地圖制定企業的績效衡量指標。
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