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知識經濟下我國職業訓練政策之初探黃玲鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
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正在進行中的革命?-探索知識經濟對台灣企業的影響藍仙匡 Unknown Date (has links)
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知識園區經營策略探討林美東 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 政府所規劃的園區與由民間自行規劃開發的園區優缺點如何。
2. 參考國外成功園區規劃的案例,並歸納出主要成功因素。
3. 探討國內園區的成功因素,並利用四個競技場分析民間開發園區所具
4. 園區的成功與否,一般可分為先天性的驅動力量,與後天的成功因
向。 / Abstract
According to the large amount of manufacture industry have been moved aboard in recent years, the whole commercial and industrial environment is facing to huge threat and challenge. Cause of the conditions of competition is change with the large surroundings of knowledge-based economy; business enterprise has to be changed by according to the changing circumstances. Knowledge-based economy requires high-efficiency and free competition circumstances of industry and business management.
This thesis named, study of “Strategy for management of Knowledge-based Industrial Park”, the purpose is to study the trend of development of Knowledge-based Industrial Park in Taiwan. Use current point, consult and deliberate the experience of advanced countries, discuss the Knowledge-based Industrial Park that got better prospect; besides this, also to consider the transformation of Science-based Industrial Park that has been promoted to construct whether have better direction to transform. In addition, this study has been considering about the objectivity of data source and the limits of investigate period, so by case study of Strategy for management of High-technology Industrial park and their success factor in cities of Europe, United States and China. The next in order, is to think about how government and the private company perform a task by division of labor as well as increase the manage performance.
The main research contents of this study:
1. What is the advantage and weakness between the industrial park that develop by government or by the private companies.
2. Conclude the key-success-factors that refers to successful Industrial Park plan aboard.
3. Discuss the success factor of domestic industrial park, make use of four arena analyze to found out the advantage that the industrial park development by private company that have.
4. A successful Industrial Park, generally separated to existed driving force and future key-success-factors, how to use those criteria to develop more suitable directions to plan Taiwan’s Knowledge-based industrial park.
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知識經濟時代的治理模式:科層、市場與社群模式功能之研究劉哲榮, Liu Che-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
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技術知識商品的交易市場研究∼以SIP(矽智產)產業為例曾瑜玉, Tseng, Yu-Yuh Unknown Date (has links)
而在SIP(semiconductor Intellectual Property)產業中我們也可以觀察到同樣的現象,對於SIP的使用者(也就是買者)而言,他所買到的並不是SIP本身,而只是SIP使用的權力,對於買者而言,他們所要的是使用這個知識,而使用並不一定要擁有,而且行使這兩種不同的權利將要付出的代價(價錢)亦是差距極大的,於是,重複的利用這個SIP,不斷的複製及製造產品,對於SIP本身並不會耗損或消失,它將被重複使用到由於知識的折舊以及技術過時等問題發生之後淘汰。
1. 知識生產者:企業內部必須配合以良好的知識管理流程,以便將知識商品「package」,進入知識市場買賣。
2. 同時可能是生產者及使用者的廠商:這一類廠商如IC設計公司、IDM公司、EDA公司等,其內部除了必須有良好的知識管理流程之外,還需搭配完善的資訊流通系統及內容完整的資料庫,以便不同的部門之間能夠方便的進行SIP的重複使用;企業文化也應大力提倡SIP的重複使用,鼓勵設計工程師多多使用SIP進行設計工作,讓企業內部真正落實SIP的重複使用。
3. 買賣過程:目前市場中買方雙方最大的問題即是「雙方無法對知識的價值產生共識」以及「資訊揭露」與「經驗財」這三個項目。由於「知識」無法試用,因此,在買賣的過程中會產生對價值的質疑,而買賣進行之後,由於賣者要將知識重複販賣,因此,不能夠讓第一位買者有機會將知識洩漏,或是將知識「偷走」的情形發生,因此,「知識的保護」在交易過程中扮演重要的角色。
4. 對買者而言,因為希望在買賣進行之前能夠先確定知識的價值,因此會希望賣方能夠透露部分的資訊給買方試用,雖然賣方不願,但是會透露少許的知識,不過即使如此,對於產品價值及功能的判定幫助仍是有限,因此,對於那些已經被使用過經過價值認證的SIP元件,自然使用起來才會比較安心,但相對而言,這些SIP的價格也會比較高。
5. 資訊揭露:利用中立的第三者,在交易中扮演防止資訊揭露過度的角色,是SIP市場中一個比較特別的情形,由於不希望買方得知所有的核心知識,藉由將知識分散的方式進行交易,來確保在交易能夠順利進行的前提之下,賣方仍能保有其SIP的技術知識不被剽竊。
6. 交易模式:本研究提出三種交易的模式,其背後的含意代表著希望藉由不同的交易方式來保護有價知識的適當揭露,以及不同的廠商類型也影響到交易模式的選擇。
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論促進我國研發服務業發展之商業機制與法律制度侯慶辰, Hou, Ching-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
從第四章開始,本論文開始試著提出一些發展我國研發服務業的方法。第四章是站在產業面的角度,指出目前台灣發展研發服務業所面臨的瓶頸。而針對當前的處境,本章試著回答一個問題: 如果要發展研發服務業政府到底應該做些什麼?本章對此,提出了五個方向:第一,產業發展需要方向,且台灣長期經濟發展都是政府引領而民間參與的方式下進行,則本文以為政府應針對個別產業部門而致力於提出一套符合個別產業需求的國際化科技政策。本文並指出我國未來科技產業重點應放在基礎科學研究的植根。第二,「成事在人」,政府應積極協助培育產業界需要的國際化人力。第三,「巧婦難為無米之炊」,政府應致力於協助企業吸引國際化的資金,使台灣成為亞太籌資中心。第四,要重新塑造大學的角色,使大學與產業界緊密合作。第五,本文以為資訊科技業屬於研發服務業中的重點產業,政府應該大力推展,本文並提出其原因與可能的發展方向。
第六章則是結論,本文以表列的方式,把本文的初步看法整理出來,以為台灣未來發展研發服務業的策略建議。 / This is a thesis discuss how to strengthen the R&D ability by the support of R&D service industry.
Since the late 20th century, Broadband technologies had developed rapidly, which led human economic society to a whole new world. Today, factors of production can be purchased and matched anywhere around the world. It is called the GLOBALIZATION. In the global competitive environment, only the knowledge which is hidden in the brains of people or the memories of organizations cannot be replaced, so only can the knowledge make the differentiation. Therefore, all industries consider knowledge as the most important factor of production in the 21st century. It is what we call the KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY.
I am trying to answer a question---how to enhance Taiwan’s competitiveness in the era of knowledge-based economy? Moreover, we know that the creation as well as accumulation of knowledge for the industries depends on R&D. Then, I want to further realize how the industries can strengthen their R&D abilities. Of course, there are many approaches to state the issues, but this I will only focus on the idea of maximization of efficiency by the division of labor. I believe if there are many well-developed Industrial Technology Oriented Service to support the R&D for the manufacturing industries, it will be have effect of synergy that will make Taiwan’s R&D environment better. However, I have to remind my readers that I will illustrate the issues by the macroeconomic approach, so I will discuss how to develop and promote whole industrial technology oriented service from the standpoint of Taiwan’s government. I will rarely discuss how an industrial technology oriented service company competes, only necessary. Finally, let me induce my thesis’ structures below:
Chapter 1: I discuss my research approaches and how I organize my thesis. In addition, I do a brief review about the early research on this issue.
Chapter 2: I explain my basic ideas by the definition of some keywords in the thesis. My basic ideas are that Taiwan should develop highly value-added industries, such as industrial technology oriented service to respond the challenge of knowledge-based economy, because it will make whole industry upgrade and improve Taiwan’s competitiveness. In summary, I believe that industrial technology oriented service will grow because of division of labor, and the economic reason is to cost down.
Chapter 3: I do a brief industrial analysis of Taiwan’s industrial technology oriented service in this chapter. I collect some tables and figures, and I point out the problems that now hinder the development of Taiwan’s industrial technology oriented service. On the other hands, I introduce how other countries to promote industrial technology oriented service. Firstly, I discuss the situations of USA, the country best at R&D in this world, and I find that American universities have tight relations with industries. Secondly, I analyze the situations of South Korea, the Taiwan’s main competitor, and I find that Korean government mainly relies on the tax subsidies to promote their industries.
Chapter 4: I point out the bottlenecks for the promotion of Taiwan’s industrial technology oriented service from the perspective of business in this chapter. Then I try to bring up some ideas on how to promote Taiwan’s industrial technology oriented service, and I think there are five business mechanisms that are of crucial importance to achieve that goal. Firstly, in general, Taiwan’s industrial developments are by the way that government directs private sectors. Therefore, industries have used to depend upon government in Taiwan. In the future, I think government should design different global competitive policies for each industrial sector. In addition, Government should endeavor to promote fundamental science research. Secondly, I think government should foster international human resources. Thirdly, capital is still an important factor of production, especially for high-tech industries, so I believe that government should help industries raise funds easily in Taiwan by building up Taiwan to be the Asian fund-raising center. Fourthly, the role of university should evolve. University is part of National Systems of Innovation. University should not only do teaching and research, but also have responsibility to promote economic development. Finally, I believe we have entered into the age of information. Consequently, I think information technology industry will be the key industry of Taiwan’s industrial technology oriented service, and government should especially focus on this industry to promote.
Chapter 5: In this chapter, I change the angle from business to legal system to discuss how to promote Taiwan’s industrial technology oriented service by law. Firstly, it is my advice that government should abandon the ideology that she is the guardian of her people. Then government should recognize that people can do anything which is not forbidden by law without prior approval, and government should release the restriction and provoke the social vitality by deregulation. More specifically speaking, I think there are some things worth government’s effort, such as the balance of fair tax system and the subsidy, relaxing the restrictions on corporate organization, especially on law firm, the innovation of accounting code to make intellectual capital in the account book, the reform for civilian systems as well as legal procedures that are suitable for business dispute resolution. Secondly, I feel that Taiwan’s government should continue the reform of patent system. My suggestions are that government should improve the quality of patent examination, build up a strong searching engine for patent information, and try to learn something from USA’s ITC 337 rule. Finally, manufacturing industries moving out is a big issue for Taiwan. I believe it’s an inevitable trend. However, Taiwan’s legal service lacks ability to support Taiwan’s company globally. My opinion is that government should approve lawyers to found corporations that will make law firms grow and eventually can increase the competitiveness and competence of Taiwan’s law firms.
Chapter 6: This chapter is the conclusions. I tabulate my opinions, and I think that those opinions may be helpful for Taiwan’s government to choose the strategies to promote Taiwan’s industrial technology oriented service.
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知識經濟時代高階領導核心能力建構之研究張國慶 Unknown Date (has links)
「沒有成功的組織,面臨的問題無法解決;缺乏有力的領導,組織則無法成功」若沒有稱職的領導人,實在難以想像這個國家或世界如何能塑造一個更令人嚮往的未來。惟當代的管理學者逐漸認識到,作為一位領導者,不僅應具有某種專業知識技能,也應具有「認知的複雜」(Cognitive complexity),能從多面向詮釋問題的意義,協調多重的努力和發展組織的願景(vision)等,因此,領導者的價值、態度、思維傾向要比他本身所具備的專業知識更為重要。
一 、策略管理能力 二 、變革管理能力 三、創新管理能力 四、危機管理能力等四種核心能力。
Content of Strategy Management =(Strategy Map)+ (Balanced Scorecard)(Strategy Focused Organization)
基本上一套完整的策略管理程序,可以歸納如下五項:1.界定組織使命與目標、2. 策略的規劃、3.形成策略、4.執行策略、5.評估成效。
現在企業創造價值的方式,已由過去「管理有形資產(Tangible assets)」轉變為「管理無形資產(Intangible assets)」。所謂無形資產,例如顧客關係、創新的產品和服務、高效率高品質的作業流程、前瞻的資訊技術,以及高素質的員工等。有形資產可用財務報表、資產負債表和損益表來描述其成效,然而無形資產則要以策略核心組織來整體評估。
一、 知識經濟的體認
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知識經濟對我國勞動法制之衝擊 / The Impact of the Knowledge Economy on the Labour Law in Taiwan蘇志明, SU, CHIH-MING Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:知識經濟、勞動關係、知識工作者、非典型勞動者 / Abstract
Because of industrial structure transformation, it causes to change that the laborer image which the labour protection law originally expected to, and then the protection design gradually does not tally. Knowledge economy has its influence regarding industrial labour relations on the impacts of the occupation classification standard, labour standards law applying to all, the subservience of labour relations, and so on; the issues of the working time flexibly, working pressure and work satisfies, the impact of the trade union development, the causing problems of moving freely, etc. Nowadays, there are still different definitions to the knowledge workers, the author inquires into the labour laws how to built in about the knowledge workers that belong to the non-typical labours from the present duty field, however, for the point to be centralized, I focus on the individual labor relations, collective individual labor relations, and working environment rights, etc.
Under the knowledge economy and a great diversity of social development, the legislators designing the labour laws in the future have to carefully examine the legislation object about the individual situation. On the knowledge economy,for the knowledge workers of non- typical workers, their working patterns have been differently than ever, as a result of their work investment source from to intelligence, the time about completing the work, it is not suitable for computing by traditional mode. Regarding this kind of knowledge workers, superintendents take flexible working time, pick the responsibility system guidance to their work achievement, etc. So to the code of conduct about time standard, it suitably voluntarily consults by labor both sides. To labour professional safety aspect, the knowledge workers possibly have the spiritual pressure and creating the psychological disease, the International organization and the government in Taiwan for this kind of emerging disease in the future, should understand its the reason of forming, also have to perform effectively and adopt ways of the solution, and seek for psychologically healthy of the workers.
The question about the cohesive force of association consciousness for the knowledge workers how to strengthen , perhaps we should first inquire into the main essence about the labours why they set up the trade union, namely they must have the association benefit guidance. Therefore, the organization of various knowledge workers forms the association benefit consciousness under some event, then the labor union can display its function, continues the association which refers to consult, the dispute power enable significance. But regarding the enterprise that has no trade union founded, it should emphasize the sound human resources development, because of doing so, it relatively can set up the perfect internal appeal pipeline for the staff, and perhaps be possible to solve staff puzzle , extinguishes the question to incite spreads out. Regarding the moving freedom of knowledge workers, no matter what the human rights, the association right to labour, All the knowledge workers could be suitable the safeguard standards, however, when they involve in the foreign affairs about the essential factor of the civil event, thus causing the question of the international umpire jurisdiction. But according to the legal act which touches on foreign affairs, concerned independent principle of litigant, this should determine it is “The meaning independent principle of Litigant at the international private law”, or “In substantive law, the meaning independent principle of litigant”, for it is helpful to distinguish them at the right moment for these knowledge workers’rights.
Keywords:Knowledge economy, Labour Relations, Knowledge worker, Non- typical worker
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知識管理與公務人力資源發展關係之研究--兩個個案之運作分析張榮發, Chang, Jung-Fa Unknown Date (has links)
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知識經濟時代的品質管理 / Quality management of knowledge-based economy era陳東賢, Chen, Tung Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
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