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WEEE(廢電器及電子設備指令)對歐盟手機產業售後服務之影響 / The Influence of the European Union’s WEEE Directive on the Mobile Phone Industry’s After-sales Services魏汝倩, Wei, Ju Chien Unknown Date (has links)
WEEE(廢電器及電子設備指令)對歐盟手機產業售後服務之影響 / Given the rising consciousness for environmental protection, the majority of countries in the European Union (EU) have adopted the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive. The Directive tackles a fast increasing waste-stream of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and reduce the amount of this waste going to landfills by improving reuse, recovery and recycling rates under the principle that the "polluter should pay".
The main conclusions of this research are as follows:
1. If the mobile phone industry follows its traditional after-sales service model, WEEE had a significant impact on the cost of after-sales services, dropped gross margins, added uncertainty to the collection period, changed the cost basis, and raised the percentage of overall costs for after-sales services, and cost percentage of transfer price would also increased.
2. The MDRS (Mobile Device Recovery Solution) model for dealing with such problems provides a feasible solution for the mobile phone industry, but need to be refined to improve results.
3. The mobile phone industry is now driven to a large extent by fashion and design, but this creates a conflict in designing mobile phones between easy assembly and disassembly of tailored items with the needs for environmental protection and after-sales service needs. Research on this conflict can offer the mobile phone industry valuable insights for developments of newer models.
4. Although this research proposes MDRS model, it can only be put into practice based on the combined values of the price of the platform and the charges of Operators. The final calculation of the price of mobile phones and the generation of rental rates for consumers, as well as the revenue allocation between Operator and Brand can only be worked out by the two working together in concert for mutual benefit.
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「九一一」事件後歐盟反恐政策之研究呂光耀 Unknown Date (has links)
「九一一」事件後歐盟採取多項反恐措施,包括加強制定反恐法令、強化各項安全維護工作、打擊恐怖組織的財源與連絡管道,以及加強國際反恐合作等,另方面亦開始檢討伊斯蘭社群在當地社會的適應與融入問題,期能多管齊下,減低恐怖活動對歐洲地區的安全危害。本篇論文研究發現,「九一一」事件後歐洲地區的恐怖活動受到激進伊斯蘭思想之滲透影響,與傳統上歐洲地區以分離主義為主的恐怖活動在本質上已有所不同,因此歐盟的反恐作為也必須隨之調整,以因應新型態的恐怖威脅;惟歐盟在多年努力下雖已取得初步反恐成果,但過程中亦面臨部份措施引發爭議及各歐盟成員國之間的協調問題,在與美國等西方國家的國際反恐合作上亦非完全一致,以致未來仍需持續調整其反恐政策作為,俾更有效消弭其面臨之恐怖主義安全威脅。 / EU has adopted several counter-terrorism measures since the 911 terrorist attacks in 2001, with the aim to reduce the terrorist threats in Europe. In this thesis, the author argues that the nature of terrorist activities in Europe has changed from mainly ‘separatism’ before the 911 to ‘Islamic radicalism’ after that. In order to better cope with the new type of terrorist threats, EU has to adjust its counter-terrorism strategies and policies accordingly. However, although EU has garnered some fruits after years of sweat, it is still facing challenges of public criticism and disagreements among EU members as well as the allies across the Atlantic Ocean. In other words, more efforts are needed if the ultimate security and peace is to be acquired in Europe.
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後冷戰時期波蘭「歐洲化」之進程 / Poland's europeanization in the post-cold war era林祈佑, Lin, Qi You Unknown Date (has links)
中、東歐國家在1989年民主化之後進行「歐洲化」,強化國內民主結構,採用市場經濟,並申請加入歐盟。在與歐盟互動的過程中,國家會因為利益及信仰價值的考量,而與歐盟規範之注入產生拉扯,形成一種「接受 vs. 拒絕」動態關係。其中,波蘭在民主化並獨立後,基於國家歷史發展因素,以及經濟發展等考量,接受歐盟哥本哈根入盟標準,並於加入歐盟後,持續接受有利國家發展的歐盟規範;另一方面,波蘭也因本身在倫理、道德等特定議題上依循天主教思想,傾向保有傳統實踐,而出現拒絕接受歐盟規範的現象。為求了解波蘭在共黨政權瓦解、民主化展開並獨立後,「歐洲化」如何與波蘭的政經等發展產生互動,本文首先將匯整「歐洲化」研究在定義與進程等面向之多元意涵,找出適合論文研究範圍之波蘭「歐洲化」概念。接著,藉波蘭民主化及加入歐盟之過程,分析波蘭加入歐盟之誘因。最後,以波蘭的主權角度切入,採用波蘭主觀的認知做議題分析的架構,將採用歐元、經濟發展等議題,以及墮胎、同性戀、安樂死等道德人權議題,檢視波蘭「歐洲化」過程中與歐盟存在之「接受 vs. 拒絕」動態。
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歐盟反傾銷稅之規範與WTO規範之一致性—從WTO相關案例分析出發 / EU anti-dumping duty and its compliance with WTO Rules:An analysis of relevant WTO cases沈慧婕 Unknown Date (has links)
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韓國自由貿易協定政策之研究:以韓國-歐盟自由貿易協定為例 / Korea's FTA Policy: The Korea-EU FTA as an example吳高睿, Wu, Gao Rui Unknown Date (has links)
受到1997年亞洲金融危機以及區域經濟整合的趨勢之影響,重視對外貿易的韓國在1990年代後期開始尋求透過自由貿易協定(Free Trade Agreement, FTA)拓展海外市場,而隨著世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)回合談判的停滯,韓國更強調利用FTA增加韓國出口的競爭力。本文主旨在於探討韓國FTA策略的發展,本文首先將檢視韓國在金大中、盧武鉉、李明博三個總統在任期內的FTA政策,並剖析這些期間內影響韓國FTA政策的各種國內外因素。接著,本文將以韓國-歐盟FTA作為個案探討,分析韓國與歐盟簽訂此FTA的主要動機以目的,以及兩方在FTA中所各自重視的進出口部門。最後,透過韓國與歐盟在FTA生效前後的進出口貿易狀況,本文將分析韓國-歐盟FTA對於兩方所帶來的利弊得失,檢視其成效是否符合韓國在該FTA簽訂前之評估,並討論FTA為韓國所可以實際帶來的經濟效益。
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數位落差與建構歐盟資訊社會鄭凱岳, Cheng,Kai Yue Unknown Date (has links)
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俄羅斯與歐盟政經關係研究 A Study of the Political and Economic Relations between Russia and the EU張德輝 Unknown Date (has links)
1990 年代俄羅斯與歐盟的關係並不是很熱絡,雙方皆因專注於內部的改革而對彼此興趣缺缺。葉爾欽政府對於歐盟充滿了無知與誤解,而布魯塞爾對於中、東歐國家的關注也遠超過俄羅斯。不過,90年代末期之後,隨著歐盟東擴的進行與雙方經貿互賴程度越來越深,莫斯科再也無法承擔誤解歐盟的後果。同時,歐盟亦為了穩定東擴後的東部邊境,不得不與俄羅斯進一步的加強合作。然而,俄羅斯與歐盟的政經關係日益密切,彼此間隱含的問題也一一浮現。
俄羅斯與歐盟無論是在安全、反恐、車臣、民主、人權、內政與司法事務、加里寧格勒、經貿與能源、世貿組織、京都議定書以及環境保護等議題上都存在著巨大的認知差異與分歧,使得雙方很難有真誠的合作。不過,若要因此強調俄羅斯與歐盟的衝突面似乎太過於悲觀。因為,與歐洲整合並非不符合俄羅斯的國家利益,而歐盟遇到困難便會再協商或擱置爭議的特殊運作模式也讓它在與俄羅斯的交往過程中不至於陷入危機。俄羅斯與歐盟還是能夠透過不斷的對話、談判與妥協來解決紛爭,雙方的夥伴關係仍然有相當大的發展潛力。 / In the 1990s, the relationship between Russia and the EU was not very enthusiastic. Both parties concentrated mainly on their own internal reforms, and therefore they had no interest in each other. Yeltsin’s regime was full of ignorance and misunderstanding about the EU, and Brussels also paid much more attention on the Central and Eastern European states than on Russia. However, since the late 1990s, the EU’s enlargement has been underway, and the level of interdependence between the EU and Russia has become higher and higher, Moscow can no longer afford the consequences of misunderstanding about the EU. Meanwhile, in order to stabilize the EU’s eastern border after enlargement, the EU has no choice but to enhance cooperation with Russia. Nevertheless, the closer political and economic relationship between Russia and the EU becomes, the more underlying problems emerge.
There is a wide cognitive gap and many disputes between Russia and the EU over various issues, such as security, anti-terrorism, Chechnya, democracy, human rights, justice and home affairs, Kaliningrad, economic and trade, energy, WTO, Kyoto Protocol and environmental protection, etc. Therefore, it is unlikely for them to engage in any serious cooperation. However, it would be too pessimistic to highlight the aspects of conflicts for the above reason, because integration with Europe is also corresponding to Russia’s national interests. Besides, the EU’s particular working model of consulting with each other again and again or leaving aside the disagreements when encountering problems prevents the disputes between the EU and Russia from escalating to crisis. Russia and the EU can solve problems through talks, negotiations and compromises. It still has great potential for the further development of partnership between Russia and the EU.
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歐盟政治整合之研究龐宇珍 Unknown Date (has links)
今日的歐盟共有27個會員國、人口近5億,正是源自1957年3月25日,由比利時、法國、義大利、盧森堡、荷蘭與西德組成的歐洲經濟共同體(European Economic Community),在二戰殘留的煙硝與廢墟中,六國政府希望藉由建立歐盟,在法國與德國之間建立緊密的經濟聯繫,避免兩國再啟戰端。過去50年來,法德亦為歐盟發展的主要動力,盡力消弭各國的貿易壁壘,共組龐大的單一市場,讓貨物、金錢、服務,甚至是人員都能自由流通,2007年歐元正式發行即為重大突破,13個歐盟成員國同意以歐元代替本國貨幣。
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歐美因應2007年美國金融危機策略之比較與研析丁凡 Unknown Date (has links)
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江澤民時期中共大國外交與歐盟關係之研究 / The research of China's "Great-power diplomacy" and EU in Jiang, Ze-Ming time王怡偉 Unknown Date (has links)
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