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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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政府限制股票放空措施對股市之影響-以英國為例 / The impact of the short-selling ban on stock performance: evidence from British stock market

陳怡潔, Chen ,Yi-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文以次貸風暴期間英國金融服務管理局的限制放空政策為研究對象,探討該政策對股票報酬率、股票波動度之影響。本研究將研究期間分為限制放空期間、允許放空期間,並將英國金融服務管理局公布的限制放空名單劃分為銀行業、財務顧問業、壽險業、產險業,利用GJR模型分析限制放空政策對不同產業影響的差異性。 實證結果證明,除少數銀行類股在限制放空期間的股價報酬率顯著低於允許放空期間,大部分限制放空個股的報酬率在兩期間並無顯著差異,然而限制放空期間幾乎所有研究樣本的股票波動度卻顯著提高。顯見政府限制放空政策不一定能有效抑制股價跌幅,卻會加劇股票波動性,加劇市場震盪。 / UK’s Financial Service Authority banned short selling on financial stocks during subprime crisis. This paper investigates the effects of short-selling restrictions on stocks’ return and volatility in the United Kingdom. After dividing the sample period into banned and no-banned period and classifying the samples into banking, financial consulting, life insurance and nonlife insurance industries, we explore the impact of short-selling restrictions using GJR-GARCH models on individual firms in different industries. We find that stock returns of most samples in the short-selling banned period are not significantly different from the ones in the no-banned period except for a few stocks in the banking industry. However, we also find that stock volatility is significantly higher in short-selling banned period for most samples. Our results show that short-selling restrictions imposed by the U.K. government have only limited effects on stock return, but have significantly alleviated stock volatility.


丁凡 Unknown Date (has links)

訊息不對稱、信用擴張與次貸危機之研究 / The Research of Asymmetric Information, Credit Expansion and Subprime Mortgage Crisis

蔣怡菁, Chiang,Yi,Ching Unknown Date (has links)
美國次級房貸市場快速信用擴張,解釋了何以美國次級房貸市場違約率快速上升、房價的泡沫化。而販賣次級房貸相關商品的金融界機構及所產生的道德危機,就是造成此次次級房貸危機的犯罪者。本研究主要目的之ㄧ,就是將對於美國次級房貸市場如何發展起來、次級房貸危機的起因與主因、及其對美國與其他國家的影響進行了詳細的闡述。   而實證部份,採用多元迴歸分析,分別以美國抵押型不動產投資信託基金(REITs)與台灣發行之八檔上市上櫃不動產投資信託基金為研究對象,並利用房屋貸款成長率與GDP成長率之差額作為衡量房屋市場信用擴張程度及房貸違約率兩變數來探討其是否會反應在美國與台灣REITs市場。結果發現不管是美國抵押型REITs或是台灣的權益型REITs的風險溢酬皆沒有充分反應房貸信用擴張及房貸違約率所造成的影響,亦即兩者的風險溢酬皆有被低估的現象。而不管是美國次貸風暴或是實證結果皆可以發現市場上存在訊息不對稱的現象。 / The rapid expansion in the supply of mortgages driven by disintermediation explains a large fraction of recent U.S. house price appreciation and subsequent mortgage defaults. And the moral hazard on behalf of originators selling mortgages is a main culprit for the U.S. mortgage default crisis. The first goal of this study is to explain what is subprime mortgage and investgate the causes of subprime mortgage crsis. And also show how this crsis affect this world. This study uses the U.S. Mortgage Real Estate Investment Trusts and Equity Real Estate Investment Trusts in Taiwan as empirical objects, and intends to understand how the credit expansion in house mortgage market and delinquency rates impact the risk premium of the Real Estate Investment Trusts. The result is both variables are not significantly positive effect on the risk premium of the Real Estate Investment Trusts in U.S. and Taiwan. And no matter the subprime mortgage crsis or the empirical results, we can explain these phenomenons by”Asymmetric information”.

金融危機迴歸模型之建構:論美國次級房貸風暴的衝擊 / Constructing the Regression Model of the Financial Crises : The Impact of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in U.S.

盧孟吟, Lu,Meng Yin Unknown Date (has links)
過去三、四十年來世界各地發生金融危機的頻率較從前高出許多,探究原因後可以發現,與各國陸續開放金融自由化以及國際金融市場快速成長有極大的關係。除此之外,在各國中,金融危機的發生通常具備一些共同特徵,諸如危機發生時會導致資金外流、匯率大幅貶值、股市重挫、產出減少、進出口減少…等影響。因此,面對這一波次級房貸風暴,本研究也即將檢視美國在總體經濟數據上各方面的表現,希望能利用1970年以來已開發國家和開發中國家歷年來所發生的貨幣、銀行危機下所代表的各種總體經濟數據,經過轉化整理後,透過Logistic迴歸模型建立一個迴歸方程式,以了解金融危機的發生與實質匯率、進出口…等其他解釋變數之間的關聯,並利用此模型探測現階段次級房貸風暴對美國可能引發金融危機的機率值,以探討其合理性。 / We find that the frequencies of the financial crises are higher for the past forty years in the world. It is due to the financial liberalization and international financial markets which grow rapidly. Besides, financial crises usually company with some common characteristics such as capital outflow, the depreciation of the foreign exchange, the shock of the stock market, the decreasing of the production and so on. Therefore, in order to understand this financial crisis of the subprime mortgage, this thesis surveys the economic data of developed countries and developing countries from 1970s and figures out the performances of these countries under balance-of -payments crises or banking crisis. We use the logistic regression model and transform the data to construct a regression model. After understanding the relationship between the explaining variables, we use this model to predict the probability of possible financial crisis in U.S. under the subprime mortgage crisis and then discuss the rationality of those predicted values.


周煜焜 Unknown Date (has links)
本國銀行隨著政府金融政策的開放,金融機構家數大幅增加,於2002年加入WTO後,銀行經營面臨極大的競爭壓力,尤其授信業務更趨於白熱化。然而在市場過度競爭下,普遍缺乏整體完善的風險控管機制,對於消費者過度授信以及消費者欠缺理智的消費態度,造成部分消費者信用過度擴張,終於在2005年第4季爆發雙卡危機。而2007年美國次級房貸(Subprime Mortgage)風暴,起因於全世界寬鬆的貨幣政策導致信用擴張、金融全球化;金融創新過程中,過度槓桿化;卻又缺乏防火牆,風險無法有效控制;加上投資人過度樂觀、不顧風險,一味追逐高報酬率,終致演變成全球金融危機,重創全球金融市場,導致全球經濟大幅衰退,使得銀行產業的經營更是雪上加霜。 銀行業者面對此次美國次級房貸風暴引發經濟情勢的轉變,如何在消費者貸款業務及中小企業授信業務領域中,突顯銀行特色與建立優勢地位,在競爭環境中發展出屬於銀行本身最適合的經營策略為各銀行主要的議題。 本研究屬於定性(qualitative)之敘述性個案研究,透過國內外相關文獻探討、次級資料蒐集,以詳實的銀行產業資料作為基礎,為個案銀行作整體之競爭策略分析。 依據文獻之探討,及參考實務經驗所得之結論,發現影響銀行產業發展的因素有:一、大規模整併機會不大,銀行業仍過於飽和。二、2008年美國次級房貸風暴,嚴重衝擊銀行獲利。三、資金過剩、存放款持續利差縮小、獲利率下降。四、來自外商銀行之競爭壓力提高。 因此,本研究對金融同業提出數點建議:(一)積極拓展海外市場(二)加強風險控管(三)建立服務文化觀念,為財富管理業務核心(四)客戶導向策略,為銀行經營致勝關鍵(五)銀行應透過擅長的領域追求成長。以發展其核心能力,維持競爭優勢,達到永續經營目標。


魏浩威 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究動機始於2007 年次級房貸危機的爆發,其為繼1929 年經濟大 蕭條(Great Depression)後最嚴重的全球性金融危機。由於造成2007 年金融風暴的因素錯綜複雜,探究其背後原因可了解到信評機構在促成金融風暴這完美風暴扮演相當重要的一環。信評機構作為資本市場的「守門員」,貴在提供全球投資者企業資訊以作為金融風險管理,但信用評價機構內外部存在許多問題:在內部方面,信評機構與接受評價企業之間的利益衝突、其評等模型對於新型金融衍生商品建立的歷史模型不足;外部也面臨了許多挑戰,例如三大信評公司自1975 年被美國證券交易委員會認可為「國家認可統計評等機構」後,寡佔信評市場並且缺乏政府管制。但是自1990 年代以降,金融危機屢次發生,規模深度與廣度越來越強,使得國際上注意到信評機構存在的缺陷有危及金融體系之虞。職是之故,國家與國際行為者如國際證券管理組織、美國的證券交易委員會與歐洲聯盟開始透過管制來規範,以重新調整信評機構在金融世界中所扮演的角色,使其成為穩定金融體系的一環。 本論文研究問題將探討造成信評機構影響力增加的國際金融環境背景為何、 信評機構在金融自由化之下有什麼樣的發展與演變、以及在次級房貸風暴前後 信評機構又面臨到哪些修正與治理。由於1970 年代以來布列頓森林體制瓦解,主要國家採取新自由主義,並在經濟、金融方面廣泛解除管制,致使資本在全球範圍進行大規模流動,形成Susan Strange 所稱之「賭場資本主義」。投機性金融活動盛行,加上1990 年代已開發國家鼓吹的「華盛頓共識」之下,使得全球金融市場更進一步的整合,信評機構的角色也在此上升。但在金融危機屢次爆發後,市場開始出現失靈,國家也重新審思自由放任所帶來的負面效應,並在每場金融危機發生後逐漸介入並加強管制混亂且非理性的金融市場。在現今全球化的市場加上科技與金融創新技術日新月異的環境下,國家無法以單方面控制跨國界流動的資金,全球金融已緊密結合在一起,因此對於信評機構的管制角色必須要透過國家間進一步的合作才能共同治理,已收金融市場穩定之效。

用極值理論分析次級房貸風暴的衝擊-以全球市場為例 / Using extreme value theory to analyze the US sub-prime mortgage crisis on the global stock market

彭富忠, Peng, Fu Chung Unknown Date (has links)
The US sub-prime mortgage crisis greatly affected not only the US economy but also other countries in the world. This thesis employs the extreme value theory and Value at Risk (VaR) analysis to assess the impact of the US sub-prime mortgage crisis on various stock markets of the MSCI indexes, including 10 countries and 7 areas. It is reasonable to guess that VaR value should increase after the crisis. The empirical analyses on these indexes conclude that (1) the American market indexes not only do not agree with the guess after the crisis but four American indexes are identical; (2) not all the Asia market indexes consist with the guess; (3) the European market indexes agree with the guess; (4) MSCI AC PACIFIC, NEW ZEALAND, and AUSTRALIA consist with the guess; (5) the behavior for the positive log returns is different from that for the negative returns in some MSCI indexes. Over speaking, the impacts of US sub-prime mortgage crisis on those countries are not the same.

美國次級房貸風暴對全球股價走勢的衝擊與影響-以DCC模型分析 / Using DCC Model to Analyze the Impact of the Subprime Mortage Crisis on the Global Stock Market

賴彥君, Lai Yen-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 2007年初美國發生次級房貸大量違約, 陸續有銀行倒閉, 進而撼 動整個美國與歐洲股市。一向與美國有密切貿易關係的台灣,在此事 件中到底受到多大的影響? 本文利用DCC模型探討次貸風暴前後,台 美股價間的關係是否有發生顯著的變化? 實證結果發現: 台灣與美國 的動態相關係數在次級房貸之後, 反而變小, 可見台灣的股市並未受 到很大的衝擊, 而亞洲地區的大多數國家也都與台灣相似,與美國的 動態相關係數變小,可見亞洲地區在次貸風暴中扮演著避風港的角色。

以次級房貸風暴為對象之股市關聯應用研究 / The Study and application of connections between stock markets during subprime mortgage crisis

蔡明輝 Unknown Date (has links)
不同股市的報酬關聯隨時間動態改變,本研究欲了解近期美國、台灣與亞太地區的中國大陸、香港、日本及韓國的報酬連動關係,並進一步觀察次級房貸風暴期間美股對這些地區的關聯改變趨勢。本論文採用灰色理論與時間序列兩種方法,實證發現次級房貸風暴發生期間,台股及亞太地區主要指數不論在報酬率或是報酬率波動性受美股影響的程度大多增強。 實證結果顯示,在風暴期間的報酬率傳導關係,亞太以韓國影響台股最顯著,美股則全面影響亞太指數;在報酬率波動性溢傳上,亞太以日本、美股以道瓊工業影響台股最強,台股則是電子類股被美股影響最重,但營建類股在與美股或是亞太指數的關聯趨勢變化卻最明顯。另外,灰關聯分析對時間序列檢定的關聯組合可以提供互補的關聯強弱關係說明,且具有相當的正確性。 / Connections between stock markets are dynamically changing, and it affects investor's transnational investment portfolio. We focus on the relationships of stock markets among the United States, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, China and Hong Kong, and eager to understand the connection tendency between Untied States and Asian-Pacific area during the subprime mortgage crisis period. The identified research methods are time series and grey theory, including Granger causality test, GARCH model and grey relational analysis. We find out the returns and volatility in Asian-Pacific stock markets were all affected increasly by U.S. market during the subprime mortgage crisis. The main empirical results are as follows: In the relationships of returns, Korea affects Taiwan mostly in the Asian-Pacific area, and U.S. market affects all the others entirely during the subprime crisis. In the relationships of volatility, Japan and Dow Jones index affects Taiwan deeply during the period; within all the Taiwan indexs, Electronic Sector Index was affected by the U.S. market mostly than others during the same period, but the connection tendency in the Construction Sector Index with other markets changes more obviously. Otherwise, grey relational analysis can provide complementary explainations as compared to time sereies in the strength of relationships, and the explainations are with plenty credibility.


王筱君 Unknown Date (has links)
美國次級房貸風暴自2007年7月爆發以來,除重創金融市場外,亦導致相關會計準則之修訂。本研究以我國金融業為對象,探討:(1)以公平價值認列之金融商品及相關金融資產負債之損益,其財務報導是否具有價值攸關性;(2)金融資產減損損失對投資人之影響是否重大;(3)可能產生減損損失之金融資產其財務報導是否具有價值攸關性;以及(4)財務會計準則第34號公報第二次修訂對投資人之影響為何。 / 本研究之主要發現如下:(1)以公平價值認列之金融商品具有價值攸關性,亦即其對投資人具有參考價值;(2)金融資產減損損失及無活絡市場之債券投資具有價值攸關性,金融資產減損損失增加時,會降低公司之價值,而影響投資人決策;以及(3)第34號公報第二次修訂之內容,對股價具有負向之解釋能力,亦即投資人並不認為金融商品重分類規定之放寬,有助於降低金融風暴對於金融業可能帶來的衝擊。 / Since the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis broke out in July, 2007, it not only inflicted heavy losses to global financial markets, but also caused changes in accounting standards. Using the financial industry in Taiwan as research sample, this study examines: (1) whether financial instruments measured at fair value and their reported gains and losses in the financial statements have value-relevance; (2) the influence of impairment losses of financial assets; (3) whether the financial instruments related to impairment losses of financial assets are value-relevant; and (3) the influence to investors before and after the Statements of Financial Account Standard (SFAS) No. 34 second revised. / This study’s major findings are as follows. The financial instruments measured at fair value are value-relevant and can provide incremental information to investors. Impairment losses on financial assets and non-active market investments also have value-relevance. If a company has more impairment losses on its financial assets, it may negatively affect the firm’s value and change investors’ decisions. As for the second revision of SFAS No. 34, it did not reverse investors’ expectations of the negative effect of the aforementioned financial crisis on the financial industry in Taiwan.

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