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美國次級房貸風暴與金融商品財務報導價值攸關性之研究-以我國金融業為例王筱君 Unknown Date (has links)
美國次級房貸風暴自2007年7月爆發以來,除重創金融市場外,亦導致相關會計準則之修訂。本研究以我國金融業為對象,探討:(1)以公平價值認列之金融商品及相關金融資產負債之損益,其財務報導是否具有價值攸關性;(2)金融資產減損損失對投資人之影響是否重大;(3)可能產生減損損失之金融資產其財務報導是否具有價值攸關性;以及(4)財務會計準則第34號公報第二次修訂對投資人之影響為何。 / 本研究之主要發現如下:(1)以公平價值認列之金融商品具有價值攸關性,亦即其對投資人具有參考價值;(2)金融資產減損損失及無活絡市場之債券投資具有價值攸關性,金融資產減損損失增加時,會降低公司之價值,而影響投資人決策;以及(3)第34號公報第二次修訂之內容,對股價具有負向之解釋能力,亦即投資人並不認為金融商品重分類規定之放寬,有助於降低金融風暴對於金融業可能帶來的衝擊。 / Since the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis broke out in July, 2007, it not only inflicted heavy losses to global financial markets, but also caused changes in accounting standards. Using the financial industry in Taiwan as research sample, this study examines: (1) whether financial instruments measured at fair value and their reported gains and losses in the financial statements have value-relevance; (2) the influence of impairment losses of financial assets; (3) whether the financial instruments related to impairment losses of financial assets are value-relevant; and (3) the influence to investors before and after the Statements of Financial Account Standard (SFAS) No. 34 second revised. / This study’s major findings are as follows. The financial instruments measured at fair value are value-relevant and can provide incremental information to investors. Impairment losses on financial assets and non-active market investments also have value-relevance. If a company has more impairment losses on its financial assets, it may negatively affect the firm’s value and change investors’ decisions. As for the second revision of SFAS No. 34, it did not reverse investors’ expectations of the negative effect of the aforementioned financial crisis on the financial industry in Taiwan.
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我國財務會計準則第34號及第36號公報對企業操作衍生性金融商品之影響賴怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
第二部份之實證結果顯示,公司規模愈大、長期負債比率愈高、股利發放率愈高以及外銷比率愈高的公司,其衍生性金融商品使用程度愈大。此外,第34號及第36號公報實施後,樣本公司使用衍生性金融商品之程度低於公報實施前,故推論此兩號公報之實施,的確影響公司對於衍生性金融商品之操作,使其態度趨於保守。 / This study focuses on the following issues. First, this study examines the relationship between corporate characteristics and its use of derivatives. Second, I further investigate the relationship between corporate characteristics and its degree of use of derivatives. In addition, the impact of SFAS No.34 and No.36 on corporate use of derivatives is also examined. The main conclusions are as follows.
On the first issue, the empirical results show that for the firms with greater size, greater long-term liability ratio, greater dividend payout ratio, lower current ratio, greater R&D ratio and greater export ratio, they are more likely to use derivatives. These characteristics are important determinants for corporate use of derivatives.
In the second issue, the empirical results indicate that for the firms with greater size, greater long-term liability ratio, greater dividend payout ratio and greater export ratio, their degrees of using derivatives are greater. In addition, the degree of corporate use of derivatives decreases after SFAS No. 34 and No. 36 became applicable. The corporate use of derivatives became more conservative after the application of these two pronouncements.
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備供出售金融資產未實現損益之價值攸關性-以我國上市櫃銀行及金融控股公司為例 / Value relevance of unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities: example of listed bank and financial holding companies in Taiwan羅雅馨 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用Sloan(1996)架構,以Mishkin(1983)測試市場效率性,欲探討備供出售金融資產未實現損益(以下簡稱未實現損益)之價值攸關性,研究結果如下:盈餘預測模式(earning forecasting model)顯示,從未實現損益之變化觀察出金融控股公司似乎有Shefrin and Statman(1985)處分效果(即當期備供出售金融資產未實現利益會於下一期實現,增加下期備供出售金融資產已實現利益),因此當期未實現利益能預測下一期盈餘,而銀行業則無處分效果,其未實現損益不具預測性;合理定價模型(rational pricing model)顯示,只有金控公司未實現損益對異常報酬率達到邊際(10%)顯著,且異常報酬率為隔年六月至後年五月的累積異常報酬率(CAR)與購買並持有報酬率(BHAR)才存在此現象,而不管是銀行業或是整體樣本來看,未實現損益並未被合理定價;結合二個模型測試市場效率性,發現備供出售金融資產未實現損益不具市場效率性,而金融工具評價損益則具有市場效率性。 / This study investigates the value relevance of unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities(hereinafter “UAFS”) by adopting the framework of Sloan(1996) and using Mishkin Test(1983) to examine the market efficiency. The reults are as follows: The earnings forecasting model shows that financial holding companies’ UAFS is predictive of one-year-ahead earnings. It seems that the change of UAFS of financial holdings consists with the theory of disposition effect of Shefrin and Statman(1985) which suggests that investors tend to realize the gains of securities in the next period while hold loss securities. Therefore, it is likely that UFAS could forecast next period earnings of financial holding companies. The rational pricing model shows that only UAFS of financial holdings are rationally priced with marginal significance through abnormal returns (CAR and BHAR) for the period beginning five months after the firm’s fiscal year-end through the fifth month after the next fiscal year-end, whereas the coefficients of banks or all sample are insignificant. Combinig with the two models to test market efficiency, this study finds that unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities are inefficient while the valuation gains and losses on financial instruments are efficient.
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